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Short Stories

The House That Bernard Wellingsworth Built by Michael Harris Eli Wellingsworth travels from upstate New York to Manchester, Engla... [5,645 words]
Tales Of The Horror Inducing Kind by Michael Harris Three short stories documented by a horror enthusiast whose attempting to col... [12,838 words]
Evil's Fingers by Michael Harris After a young boy by the name of Timmy Hutchinson falls into a pit and is rescued, circumstances... [7,440 words]
Dragonfly Mile by D G Williford Whimsical flight of fantasy reality as a young woman tries to find her lost... you tell me... [191 words]
The Crown Of Hypocrisy by Collins At my church, me and my classmates were given an asignment to pretend to be a newpaper c... [905 words]
When Oil Wells Will Be Dry….. by Partha Pratim Majumder In the felicitation ceremony of the ace rock climber / mountaineer , a question s... [700 words]
The Stone Of Immortality by Susan Brassfield Cogan Do you want to live forever? [1,145 words]
The Portrait Of A Ukrainian Lady by Abdelilah Bouasria This is a short story about the influence of cultural difference on the unrave... [1,836 words]
The Moral Of The Story by Higgins If your golf game was disappointing, you can always say "It was a nice day in the countr... [1,868 words]
Snakeyes Part Two by David Con The battle begins. [305 words]
Snakeyes - Part One by David Con A futuristic martyr plays games with death for recognition and money. [366 words]
Reunion by Inchara - [2,989 words]
Playing Games by Clint Stutts Jase Riza has been picked up for a crime he did not commit. The detective interrogating him is h... [2,491 words]
Plane Inspection by Shelley J Alongi Aviation series story 6B. A plane, inspection, and dinner put Andrew's decision about Anne int... [1,493 words]
Nth Floor by Jack M Brown Welcome to Tower. Edward's just been employed in an office on the 100th floor, but he finds that the ... [2,614 words]
Leaving Home Twice by Amber A Whitman - [316 words]
Georgie Girl by Amber A Whitman - [329 words]
Flyby Of The Insect-O-Cuter by Jack M Brown For five employees of a restaurant, their shift plays out very differently as stran... [4,552 words]
Dealing With Mother by Amber A Whitman This is a story I have written about the relationship I have with my mother. ... [436 words]
Come Around, Go Around by Carter Z Tachikawa On Mars, another Holocaust is beginning... [1,529 words]
City Of The Lost by Shaun Stone - [259 words]
Christmas Wedding by Jannah Akira Ryan loves Vieann but due to a silly fight they broke up. Then, Ryan found out that Vieann ma... [1,804 words]
Aware by Clint Stutts Carl finds himself on a table, blind, immobile, and unable to talk. He doesn't know how he got there. A... [1,402 words]
A Walk With Terror by Lucy Midnight Dear Reader, This story is based upon a true event that happened to me. Although the names... [1,238 words]
A Likely Story by Higgins Charlie Kelly comes to grips with the police. [846 words]
Why? Why? Why? by Brian C Davis Short and reflective story of a young man broiled in internal conflict and self-doubt. [645 words]
The Passenger by Paul Simon Gregory A short story from the point of view of a spectral being that manipulates strangers into acting o... [778 words]
The Eye by P J Francis - [138 words]
The Dog by P J Francis - [258 words]
The Birds by Wael El-Manzalawy A short story about the dream of freedom. [240 words]
Spears And Swords by Jackolai Craiut The story of three young orphaned cubs, the son of a wolf leader, the son of a leopard king, ... [186 words]
Snow Falling by Ashley Burdett A poem about a young girl whose father is sent to war. it talks about how she feels when he is gon... [580 words]
Saturday by Tweez A couple, a car trip, a new life. [1,160 words]
Not Such A Funny Fool by Aardvark Anteater Lacie comes to a horrifying realisation only to then discover is may not be as horrifying... [1,332 words]
Mommy, Was I A Mistake? by Skyler Drevan Hold me when I'm here and love me when I'm gone. [768 words]
Max's Antics by Higgins A brief tale of a wealthy alcoholic. [553 words]
Make Mine A Boilermaker by Higgins A brief story of a construction worker who goes into business. [559 words]
Life's Essence by P J Francis - [123 words]
Late Night Ranter by Michael Hunter Haven't written here in 4 years. Suddenly felt this urge to write. Maybe cause I have homew... [314 words]
How Joe C. Lost His Finger by A Panos This story just goes to show that sometimes, people only read because there are stil... [648 words]
Henry's Hammer by Bradley Kabbash Short story about a teenager who discovers he's the descendant of John Henry the legendary railr... [8,571 words]
Headboards And Tombstones by Kevin Myrick The fourth story in the Sierra Madre Series/Stories, this one is about the boyfriend ... [2,898 words]
Global Part Two by E Rocco Caldwell One way around the problem of made organs and real organs is a line straight line! [585 words]
Global Part Three by E Rocco Caldwell Clones can bleed and have emotions and what's worst they can have babies..... [792 words]
Global Part One by E Rocco Caldwell It's in the near future and human organs are in great demand...to make money you have to get th... [655 words]
Global Part Four by E Rocco Caldwell Some clones are like bad pennies...they keep turning up even when you don't want them to! [610 words]
Fireworks At Christmas by Kevin Myrick This is the fifth story in the continuing series called the Sierra Madre Stories. [3,274 words]
Dinner Without Glances by Tweez Five friends sit down to eat together with a cloud hanging over them. [320 words]
Conversations With A Hate Monger by Skyler Drevan A tale of the ramblings of a bigot. Make your own judgements. [1,090 words]
Blue Heaven Cubicle by David Lloyd First draft of a short story I'm working on...forgive the obvious mistakes, will edit when ... [8,008 words]
Baby-Sitter's Menace! by C M J Wood About a babysitter fearing attack from a hunted man, after getting a visit from the polic... [4,418 words]
A Ride On The New York City Subway by Skyler Drevan If you live or have traveled on our lovely subway systems here, you would to... [1,115 words]
A Night At The Cineplex by Skyler Drevan Sometimes I feel like watching a flick, sometimes I feel like this. [957 words]
A Battered Woman Looks In The Mirror by Skyler Drevan What does she see? [912 words]
Wedding Bells by Inchara It is a interesting story about the hunt for a suitable groom. [2,176 words]
Way To Go George by Richard Kelly A man dying from cancer discovers a unique way to find meaning in life during the little time ... [5,946 words]
The White Room by P J Francis - [892 words]
The Antichrist Of The Blue Moon by Abbie Angel My name is Abbie and I am a runaway. I think I met the Antichrist and that is m... [1,409 words]
Mole M. Speaks by Higgins An alcoholic who once played minor league baseball speaks to the members of the Royal Palm Room ... [1,147 words]
Manipulated By The Seer by La Longue Carabine More of an extract than a short story. Please review it. [534 words]
Magic Man
Hell's Gate by Abbie Angel A sad story about a fire burning underground since 1962. [681 words]
Eastbound Wanderer by Abbie Angel A runaway's Journey. [543 words]
Beyond A Doubt by J Shartzer He was more interested in that strange girl... [2,339 words]
Atlanta by Daddyslittlegirl - [701 words]

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Magic Man
[1,008 words]
Abbie Angel
[August 2004]
A Message From God (Short Stories) From a runaway girl, inspiration from God? Possibly. [599 words]
Cycle Of Street Life (Poetry) Life on the streets if you are not careful. [111 words]
Dirty City (Short Stories) Abbie Angel is running, hiding in a concrete and glass jungle. [696 words]
Dying For A Memory (Short Stories) When there is nothing left, what can you do? [228 words]
Eastbound Wanderer (Short Stories) A runaway's Journey. [543 words]
Forever Lost (Poetry) Poetry of the street people. [67 words]
He And You (Poetry) Yin and Yang--we all have the good and the evil in life; sometimes it is evil that wins. [103 words]
Hell's Gate (Short Stories) A sad story about a fire burning underground since 1962. [681 words]
Hunger Moon (Poetry) Poem about what it is like to me hungry. [168 words]
Lost Christmas (Short Stories) - [379 words]
Lost Girl (Short Stories) A true story about a girl who ran away from home when she was 15 years old. It's about me. [1,526 words]
Lost Girl 2 (Short Stories) More of my story being lost in a mean world. [619 words]
Lost Girl 3 (Short Stories) Abbie Angel, 15, is still running. This might be my last entry for a while. [884 words]
Night Zombies (Poetry) About the street people. [166 words]
Pale Moon Of Christmas (Poetry) Abbie Angel, Runaway, is back again. [159 words]
The Antichrist Of The Blue Moon (Short Stories) My name is Abbie and I am a runaway. I think I met the Antichrist and that is my story. [1,409 words]
Magic Man
Abbie Angel

This is Abbie Angel again. Today I saw a man die. Nobody cared and he died alone in a dirty back alley; he died in a gray world: broken gray concrete, in the shadows of gray, crumbling buildings that died long ago. Even the day was gray; pewter skies crying a cold drizzle, as if cleansing the man's soul, preparing him for a quiet death. He was homeless and drained of all dignity. Nourished by a bottle, he probably died from the bottle he clutched lovingly in his arms. I heard him take his last breath as life left. It was his destiny, I suppose, to die this way. I said some prayers for him and went on my way. Dying, I guess, isn't an easy thing to do.

I couldn't find any food in the dumpsters last night and I couldn't find any stores that were giving things away as samples. I couldn't sleep because I was so hungry. I tried walking, but the world is a bad place at night; at least the cities are. People make the world a dangerous place to live. I clung to the shadows and once, when a police car went by, I hid behind some trash cans. There was a 7-Eleven store open but I didn't go near it because another police car was in the parking lot. I have nobody to turn to in this world. My grandparents are too old to take me in; besides, they live in nursing homes somewhere in the Midwest. I am an only child and I don't even have any aunts or uncles; at least, none that I know of.

School is starting up already, and I wonder if my classmates will miss me. I doubt it. When Steve moved in and started doing things to me and mom, I just sort of became a loner, you know? I felt like avoiding people because I was afraid that somehow they could look into my eyes and see how he was beating my mom and sometimes me. I shunned my friends and mostly just hung out in parks by myself. Sometimes I went on long walks. I thought about a lot of things last night. I even thought about dying; about just finding a quiet place to lie down and let the hunger take over. I wondered who would find my body, just like I wondered who would find that homeless guy's body. Today with DNA and things, they would know who I was and could call my mom to tell her. I didn't like that, so I decided not to give up. Why is it so hard to live? It’s hard to live and it’s hard to die. At least with living, you still have choices. When you’re dead, you have no options left. Alive, I can change my life, however hopeless it may seem to be. People have the power to change it.

I walk into the depth of the night, thinking, and my stomach hurts from not eating. Before first light, in that magic time between dark and dawn, traffic starts to pick up as the city awakens. The sun is a pale orange smudge to the East and I keep walking. Eventually, the downtown streets are bustling with people. I get this crazy thought: I stand on a corner, across the street from where a black guy is selling pearl necklaces, and I start singing.

Cold, late night so long ago
when I was not so strong you know
A pretty man came to me
I never seen eyes so blue
You know, I could not run away it seemed
we'd seen each other in a dream
Seemed like he knew me....he looked right through me....yeah

Get this—a guy walks by and hands me $5! He gave me money for my singing. I keep singing the same song because it was one of my favorites. My dad liked the song and he had the CD. I sing some more of it.

"Come on home, girl" he said with a smile
"you don't have to love me yet, let's get high awhile
But try to understand...try to understand
Try, try, try to understand.....I'm a magic man"

Winter nights we sang in tune
Played inside the months of moon
"Never think of never..let this spell last forever"
Well, summer lover passed to fall
tried to realize it all
Mama says she's worried..growing up in a hurry

"Come on home, girl" Mama cried on the phone
"Too soon to lose my baby yet, my girl should be at home"
But try to understand....try to understand
Try, try, try to understand..he's a magic man, Mama...ah...he's a magic man

More people walk by and give me money! Even the guy across the street hawking those necklaces claps as I add a little dance to my singing.

"Come on home, girl" he said with a smile
"I cast my spell of love on you, a woman from a child"
But try to understand...try to understand..
Oh...oh....try, try, try to understand....
He's a magic man....oh....he's got the magic hands

(solos) OoooOooo's over top

"Come on home, girl" he said with a smile
"You don't have to love me yet, let's get high awhile"
But try to understand....try to understand
Try, try, try to understand...he's a magic man.....yeah...oh......

I collected $59.66 from singing! I sang three songs and made enough money so that I won’t starve! The black guy comes across the street to tell me that I have a beautiful voice and I can really dance. He wants to know if I want to team up with him. He sells necklaces while I sing and dance. I told him that I am just passing through but I buy a necklace from him for $5 and he’s happy over that.

I had a big breakfast—eggs, toast and fried ham, with lots and lots of coffee. Then I slept most of the day and found a place to wash up, then a library to write out this journal.

Well, I better be on my way. Maybe I can find a mall or something to sing there. Maybe there’s hope after all. If you believe in yourself and never give up.



"nice turn of events angel, look forward to more of your quest, you do a nice job of describing things you run into along the way. hope you're getting close to nyc, the cold comes early up north." -- just a guy.
"Thanks for the readings. I don't know what will happen, but the reason I'm going to NYC is because there is an underground world there that the homeless go to when winter sets in. That song, by the way, is one of my favorites--Magic Man." -- abbie.


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© 2004 Abbie Angel
August 2004

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