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Tired Of You by August Nyghts - [157 words]
There… by August Nyghts - [46 words]
Somethings by August Nyghts - [76 words]
Racing by August Nyghts - [185 words]
In Soulitude by August Nyghts - [205 words]
In My Garden by August Nyghts - [183 words]
Random Acts by Peter Rivendell Written by writing lines at random and then organising them into a more "organic" kind of flow - an... [204 words]
Your Gonna Miss Me by Ralph R Martinez - [136 words]
Without Her Pretty Face by Ralph R Martinez - [93 words]
Who Is My Mom? by L A Winterburn A soppy poem I wrote for my mom on her birthday. [65 words]
White Washed Walls, A Collection by Pearl S Acollection of verse: White Washed Walls: Something that came to me while I w... [707 words]
Whispers On The Wind by Judith Goff Something ghostly this way comes... [92 words]
Weep by Kendra Johnson A poem that personifys emotions. [115 words]
Unconciously Wanting by Alberto Pupo Wanting unconciously to reveal.. [108 words]
To My Muse by Alberto Pupo An ode to her. [118 words]
To Enlighten by Alberto Pupo A most noble quest to stroke the ego. [95 words]
Time For Goodnight by David W Ledger A poem I wrote as a lullabye for my children. [122 words]
This Man Of Mine by Judith Goff - [95 words]
The Two Evils by Stuart Eric Longridge There is something wrong with the law,criminals protecting criminals. [119 words]
The Flood by Stuart Eric Longridge A bit wet. [220 words]
Tardy by Flipanmc About being late in high school. Boy, can you tell I was a good student? Actually this is about my friend... [79 words]
Super Bowl High by Judith Goff I've been a Bucs fan from the first inauspicious fumbling in the dark to tonight's awesome Supe... [109 words]
Summer Squeeze by August Nyghts Title says it all. [90 words]
Standing On The Edge Of Depression by R Bennett Okerstrom Self-worth, self-pity and self-confidence. [137 words]
Spoon by Tessa This poem is for Jonathan- as requested (demanded?! J/K). My promise has been kept. This came out of a co... [45 words]
Speaking Of Which by Alberto Pupo To speak. [96 words]
Sleep Wars by Flipanmc I am and always will be a night owl. This is about (not) getting up for school. I wrote it back in h... [92 words]
Slave by Rae You decide who/what it's about... [58 words]
Scarecrow by David B Doc Byron A poem about a scarecrow. What else can I say? [80 words]
Soon by L A Winterburn A love poem. [61 words]
Primal by Judith Goff - [26 words]
Opening Up by Peter Rivendell Am I no longer enjoying my job...? [198 words]
Mind Trap by Stuart Eric Longridge - [93 words]
Millineums Later by David B Doc Byron A scorned lover reflects on the past. [76 words]
Memories Of Her by Alberto Pupo Only a memory. [102 words]
Makes No Difference by Pearl S Not the Sum 41 song. [120 words]
Love Drug by Stuart Eric Longridge Transforming times. [115 words]
Jailed In Her Heart by Ralph R Martinez A poem about seeing a girl in a room. [81 words]
Iraq Attack Part 2 by Stuart Eric Longridge A better explanation of events. [346 words]
Imaginary Lover by Judith Goff - [74 words]
He Whispers by Tessa I couldn't get this Devil (a poet, no less!) out of my thoughts any other way but to write him out.... [87 words]
Games by Judith Goff - [103 words]
Frightbaby by David B Doc Byron A young ghoul's nursery rhyme. [94 words]
Emergence Of The Optimist by Alberto Pupo Emerging from the ashes of the Pessimist. [160 words]
Dreamscape: The Thirst by R Bennett Okerstrom It even happens in your dreams. [77 words]
Dream State by Stuart Eric Longridge Reflection. [258 words]
Detroit Begging by Tessa Ok - I was pretty annoyed this morning that I was asked for some change by this panhandler who ... [269 words]
Destiny Of Fools by Alberto Pupo Are we fools destined for something, or is destiny for fools. [90 words]
Deliberate Intentions In The 4th Dimension by Stuart Eric Longridge Create your own reality. [244 words]
Deathchant by David B Doc Byron A goodbye song for the dearly departed. [37 words]
Craving by Tessa I wrote this in about 5 minutes and it probably shows- but I was craving and had to write it out of my ... [34 words]
Cosmic Chemotheraphy by Stuart Eric Longridge A follow up to Astrogenetics. [159 words]
Cheer Up by Stuart Eric Longridge It's happening now. [345 words]
Caress by Rae Took excerpts from In Watermelon Sugar by Richard Brautigan and The Knife by Richard Selzer and made the... [76 words]
Best Friend by Peter Rivendell Sometimes you can`t even choose your friends. [62 words]
Astrogenetics by Stuart Eric Longridge Our star signs should really be taken from conception. I think. [50 words]
Ambiguous Art by Alberto Pupo Delve deeper to find meaning perhaps... [83 words]

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Standing on the edge.
[137 words]
M Q Walters
[December 2011]
But One Thorn (Poetry) - [73 words]
Caress The Memory (Poetry) Lost things...held onto... [58 words]
Come Due (Poetry) ...eventually it all comes due [156 words]
Courage (Poetry) -It is difficult to find it...but courage is a must [42 words]
Damn The Memory (Poetry) Damn the memory. I was but a child that day. [124 words]
Diamonds On Morning Dew (Poetry) - [78 words]
Dig (Poetry) Why does it have to be so hard? [65 words]
Doesn't Matter (Poetry) -Written for Darrell...who never once felt the sting of tears that slid down my face. For the one who led me down this road that he hates me for. Who calls me names when he's had the one to many he al... [117 words] [Romance]
Don't Look At Me (Poetry) No need to don the mask...don't look at me. [181 words]
Easy (Poetry) No way to wash away the sin... [125 words]
Encore The Tears (Poetry) - [34 words]
Fading Away (Poetry) - [92 words]
Fairy Dance (Poetry) - [90 words]
Fallen One (Poetry) - [26 words]
Fistful Of Sand (Poetry) - [90 words]
Fools Heart (Poetry) - [38 words]
Frigid Rain (Poetry) For those who have said, I love you, but lied. [93 words]
Hollow Heart (Poetry) And if your life at home Is in a hollow heart It’s wasted on an old mans tears. [77 words] [Relationships]
I Am A Rose (Poetry) - [32 words] [Relationships]
I Am His Butterfly (Poetry) I wish I could trust. [88 words]
I Need To Be A Dream (Poetry) If I were a dream I would not feel... but mostly if I were only that, no one could really see me... or all the the things I hide behind. [116 words]
If I Could Dream You Here (Poetry) - [151 words]
I'm Crawling (Poetry) This title was deleted... not sure why... anyway here it is again...'cause that's how I am. [67 words]
Image In The Glass (Poetry) Because I have been deemed worthy of the heart... [142 words] [Relationships]
It (Poetry) Just something different for me. [35 words] [Erotic]
It Was All Because Of You (Poetry) I struggle to overcome the lost loves in my life… [98 words]
Keep It Fun (Poetry) For you...best I could do...in keeping it real anyhow. [44 words]
Liars Tongue (Poetry) Finally getting it... [66 words]
Masks (Poetry) - [144 words]
Mr. Jacobs (Poetry) I have been a rehab nurse for many years, this a poem about a man I admitted one afternoon, who spoke only of his garden and his desire to go home. When I came to work the next day I found that he had... [110 words]
My Gardener (Poetry) - [51 words]
My Heart Is Free (Poetry) - [83 words]
My Passion (Poetry) - [101 words] [Erotic]
Night (Poetry) - [99 words]
No Tide (Poetry) Just a poem... [88 words] [Romance]
No Whys (Poetry) A love poem...I guess. [103 words] [Romance]
Obliteration (Poetry) I am what I am...and you are smaller than me [61 words]
Ode To A Could've Been Friend (Genres) You know who you are.... [159 words]
Of The Dream (Poetry) - [153 words]
On Broken Wing (Poetry) Finding by accident that one can love again, and learn something about ones self, though it ends painfully. [103 words]
Once Upon A Time The Story Goes (Poetry) - [95 words]
Out Of The Darkness (Poetry) For Mike...because he loves me for what I am...and all I am. [112 words]
Pieces Of My Heart (Poetry) Just a poem... pieces of my heart. [124 words]
Pieces Of Time (Poetry) Ramblings of a heart that cannot go back in time... [110 words]
Secrets (Poetry) Some secrets are truely meant to never be told...I told one once...the price was more than I have learned to bear...shhhhhhhhh. [115 words]
Ship Of Fools (Poetry) - [72 words]
Silenced Heart (Poetry) - [50 words]
Silently Wept (Poetry) Must learn to build walls, without doors that allow others in. [91 words]
Soul Meld (Poetry) - [84 words]
The Bad One (Poetry) - [141 words]
The Color Of My Moon Is Red (Poetry) - [77 words]
The Sound Of A Tear (Poetry) - [76 words]
The Sparrow (Poetry) Perhaps less about the sparrow and more about the caged bird. [69 words]
Time I See (Poetry) - [98 words]
To Touch The Sky (Poetry) - [64 words]
Vengence Driven (Poetry) What it is. [62 words]
Was I Ever Once Worth The Time (Poetry) Still trying to figure out what I'm worth....and why it seems to be easier for others to just think you'll "figure" it out...what is with that anyway? [75 words]
Watched Me Fall (Poetry) Oh well... [75 words]
When All I Want Is (Poetry) - [224 words]
Where I Came From (Poetry) More woe is me stuff.The outside changes all the time...but the inside remembers where I came from. [119 words]
Where I Cannot Hide (Poetry) I can feel it in the air...taste it on my tongue...it comes...just the way it always does. [102 words]
Where My Heart Has Been (Poetry) Better to have some secrets...nice when they don't ask. [126 words] [Romance]
Where You Lie (Poetry) - [142 words]
Whispered Lies Among Soft Sighs (Poetry) Just what it is... [101 words]
Why Dream (Poetry) RBO doesn't believe in dreams...thinking he might be right. [42 words]
Written By His Hand (Poetry) Today I read a song, written back in '44 [66 words]
Wrong (Poetry) I struggle everyday to be what they need...my past full of pain that I can't grip...anger I can't get beyond...in the end have failed the ones that needed or trusted me the most...but if I were gone? [232 words]
Wrong Side Of The Tracks (Poetry) - [163 words]
You Can't Save Me (Poetry) - [263 words]
M Q Walters

Drowning this hateful fire flame,
With endless useless pleading tears.
For this life of hell I lay claim,
Realizing only now my ugliest fears.

Disgust oozing from all he speaks,
Should have already been gone.
This foul stench of anger reeks,
As the battle forever rages on.

Standing on the edge of this wall,
That I tried so desperately to build.
Now only wishing to take the fall,
Let this blood on the ground be spilled.

Alas to have finally had enough,
To wish with passion the end of ends.
Weak of trying to be tough,
And the liar messages it sends.

But I think this is what he waited for,
To drag me down below even down.
Perhaps to even some unknown score,
Or to see my blood upon the thirsty ground.

Hate is such an ugly demon to know,
A foul and disgusting heartless thing.
I stand at the edge you know,
For freedom my heart sweetly sings.



"Mattie, I sincerly hope this piece is more on a statement about suicide than something you really think about! No one owns anyone in this world, if God does not mess with a man's free will who is anyone to keep you from yours! Your Freedom is within your grasp all you need to do is reach out and take it! God Bless & Keep you safe and whole!" -- Monte.
"Thank-you Monte..only a statement about standing on the edge." -- mattie.
"Why would anyone stay in such an ugly place...freedom is in walking away, why do you live with those demons, by doing so you create your own hell...I love you mattie" -- mandi.
"And what of your demons Mandi, are you not creating a hell of your own? Something to think about." -- mattie.
"I dance with my demons..." -- mandi.
"life is a gift, dear! As irrational as it can be, always a gift. As desperate as we may be, always a gift! There are things in life that should not even been said,or written unless you do it as a "letting go" process! Sometimes we do have to throw up our inner demons, I fully agree on that! And writing is an art, sometimes a mistery! We write about feelings, about lives! Glad it was only a statement. Don't go any further!" -- dri cook.
"Dri...Writing about it is my own way of somehow being able to cope with lifes hardships...feelings and actions are not the same...I often stand on the edge" -- mattie.
"Hi Mattie,I just wanted to review one of your older poems.I thought this piece was very powerful and emotional.I truly believe that the majority of us stand on the edge of suicide at one point in our lives.I know I've stood on that edge many times myself.But I truly hope that because this piece is written in the past you now stand in the sunshine with a big smile on your face instead of on the edge with a frown. " -- David D.
"David...I always stand on the edge...of something! I am not always so glum. I do smile and laugh. I think somewhere I have said, I write more often when I am down. It helps me to cope and to put my feelings into words. Words on paper, often words no-one wants to hear, or certainaly do not listen to. As always, Thank you David, and I have have also enjoyed reading your posts very much. :) " -- mattie.


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© 2003 M Q Walters
January 2003

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