The Fallen Angels (1)
Shmuel Yacobi


Kata Luke writer-player started his fallen angelic gospel account as following:

Forasmuch as many modern NT theologicians have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things, which are most surely believed among the world religions especially the NT religions, even as the un-canonical, pseudepigraphal and agraphal writers of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Gnostic writings delivered them to the religions, which from the beginning were eyewitnesses, translators, theologians, homilists, hermeneutists, poets and research scholars of the archaeological findings, it seemed good to me also having had some understanding of all such literary things from the very first, to write unto you in order, most excellent polymonistic triune god-lover! That thou mightest know the certainty of those beliefs about the fallen-risen angels wherein thou hast been instructed in the NT texts. Dear polymonistic triune god-lover! In the days of the Greeks, Romans and the Anglo-Saxons these Nephilim the fallen ones had culturally translated the Hebrew literature and began to play saviors, Christs and gods with a determination to replace the house of Israel and the one living God of Israel and the Hebrew literature by their aryanized Qumran Essene New Israel and with their polymonistic triune godhead and with their quilla koine Greek NT literary source.

This is the genealogy of the aryanized Greco-Roman Qumran Essene-Gnostic gods of the NT child play. The fallen angels of the Greek areas played the father gods, and the fallen angels of the Roman areas played the son gods and the fallen angels of the British Islands had played the holy spirit gods in the NT child play. Their ultimate aim was to replace the house of Israel and her one living God with their quilla source and with their polymonistic triune godhead. These three societies of fallen angels came into an agreement and ruled over the world and tried to make the humans believe that there are many gods in the universe and the humans can become like gods and live forever like them. They manifested themselves to the humans and posed as sons of gods, son gods and eventually gods according to the process cited in Deuteronomy 13th chapter. They prophesied and did miracles, signs and wonders to make the humans believe in them. These fallen angels played the key roles in the NT drama to lead the house of Israel astray from the everlasting covenant of the one living God of Israel, from his Torah and finally from the promised land by all means. They did their best performances using all their talented mimicries, counterfeits and fakes and posing as the saviors, Christs and gods but failed to reach their ultimate goal. Yet they continued in their trials to the last minute until they saw themselves with no further alternatives.

In the Aryan Sanskrit language Avatar [Incarnate] means the ‘fallen one’. In the Hebrew tongue they were known as Nephilim the fallen ones. In spite of the stories of Noah’s flood stories in Babylonian and Hebrew accounts the relatives of the Nephilim were still existing in the days of Yehoshua Ben Nun as Anakim or giants as cited in Numbers 13: 33. There are all kinds of beliefs in the existence of angels, saviors, Christs, gods, fallen angels, demons, devils and spirits in the classic aryanized inter-testamental Essene-Gnostic NT literature from 400 B.C.E. to 1600 C.E. The canonical NT hegemonically continued the Qumran Greco-Roman Essene-Gnostic beliefs in a slightly different way for the west following the stretched ascriptive theologies. These theologies may be known as the upside down theologies. The one living God of Israel had allowed these fallen angels according to their wishes and tastes. And they themselves turned upside down and fulfilling their own NT prophecies as prophesied in II Peter 3: 15-17 for their own destruction.

The Psalmist praised the God of Israel and said, ‘Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help whose hope is in the Lord his God which made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that therein is: which keepeth truth forever: which executeth judgment for the oppressed: which giveth food to the hungry. The Lord openeth the eyes of the blind: the Lord ariseth them that are fallen [bowed down KJV]: the Lord loveth the righteous: the Lord preserveth the strangers: he relieveth fatherless and widow: but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down [Psalms 146: 5-9].

Having been syncretistically influenced by all the aryanized Inter-Testamental classic literature the spiritually inspired NT writers faithfully discussed about the active role of the fallen angels, Avatars, saviors, Christs, Satans, demons, devils and evil spirits whose ways had been turned upside down in their universal salvage drama and canonically recorded their performances. Acts 8: 16 description used the word ‘fallen’ [epipeptokos] for the Holy Spirit god falling upon the NT believers. The NT literature had maintained all sorts of anointings including spittle anointing besides feet, body, head, eyes and facial anointings with oil, ointment, spirit and power anointings by gods, goddesses, physicians and exorcists.

One of the Jesuses prophesied in Kata Luke 10: 18 and said, ‘I watched Satan fall [pesonta] from heaven like flash of lightening’. The coming of the son of man was also compared to the lightening as prophesied in Kata Luke 17: 24 – for as the lightening when it lighteneth out of the one part under the heaven shineth unto the other part under heaven so shall the son of man be in his day. Both Satan and the son of man played equally important roles in the NT drama. In Milton’s Paradise Lost the fallen-risen avatar Nephilim had gathered in the pandemonium after their upside down fall from heaven and discussed about their future rising plans. And in the similar lines these fallen angels gave their NT performance again.

The inspired NT writers used their spiritual quilla source and wrote many gospels as prophesied in Kata Luke 1: 1-4, Revelation 1: 13-18 and 22: 8-13 about these fallen-risen angels. Those were mainly Alexandrian gospels, Antioch gospels, Romish gospels, Anglo-Saxon Island gospels and the Syrian Essene gospels. These were further divided into hundreds of other divisions, regions and orders. Those are called gnostic gospels philosophically, evangelical gospels romantically and missionary gospels angelically. The Greek father gods had produced the gnostic gospels and the Romish gods had produced the evangelical gospels and the Anglo-Saxon Island gods had produced the missionary gospels. All these societies were merged into one umbrella body of Christ and tried the ‘replacement theological drama’ with all understanding of their minds as prophesied in their New Israel Shema in Kata Mark 12: 29.

Before their fall the Nephilim were great scholarly angels, as we know the traditional stories very well about them in almost all religions of the ancient world especially in the NT ascriptive narratives. They had unanimously decided to further fall up side down to the earth and prove their idiopathic majority among the innocent human beings about certain theological issues according to their ever-renewable prophetic proposals as prophesied in Acts 25: 18-21. To achieve their goals among the humans the fallen ones had prepared their ecstatic and elasticized prophecies and lists to be revealed to the Qumran Essene prophets through their logos Christs and Incarnates so that they can fulfill their preplanned prophetic utterances to claim the authentic identities of the so-called messianic Avatarhoods from heavens. They declared that they were from above and the humans are from below.

The sincere efforts of these Nephilim to counterfeit and replace the house of Israel had brought forth the NT quilla literature in such a way that the readers, critics, scholars and believers could in no way ignore the fallen angels and their fantastic roles in the NT texts. For detailed systematic Qumran Essene-Gnostic faith in these fallen angels, their origin, creation, ministry, powers, capabilities, accountability, horoscopes and their essential roles in the salvage drama one can read the notes prepared by the Conservative Baptist theological seminary of Portland Oregon or any other Dead Sea Scroll books and commentaries in the section of the NT angelology and demonology translated and interpreted by denominational Christian scholars, interpreters and theologicians. There are no NT drama performances without the characters of the devils and demons, angels of light, ministers of righteousness, Satans, Molochs, Mammons and Beelzebubs.

The aryanized NT Qumran Essene-Gnostic seminarians had served as forerunners of the Nephilim Incarnates and prepared the ways of these NT saviors, Christs and the gods. The NT churches, members of the bodies of Christs always maintained their experience with these fallen ones even after the Christ event. Simonian Paulos had many experiences with the fallen ones. He gave room to the fallen ones and to the messengers of Satan in his body and lived with those legions all the days of his life. He as one of the Christs of the NT had several experiences with the Nephilim. He had prophesied in Romans 15: 22, II Corinthians 2: 11 and I Thessalonians 2: 18 about his continued experience with Satan the angel of light. The NT angelology had emerged from 400 B.C.E. when the mithyehadim Hamanites entered the scene and continued until 1600 C.E. finalization of Father Erasmus canon.

[Refer Professor Cook’s Systematic Theology – published by Portland Conservative Baptist Seminary for Angelology, Demonology and Satanology – pages 223 –245].

The sole aim of the fallen angels as portrayed in the NT theological literature is to make the humans, especially the people of the one living God believe that there are many gods in heavens and many Avatar Incarnates on earth and that the humans can believe in the Avatars, become gradually like them and live with eternal hope in the promised salvation. Those human believer followers of the Avatar Incarnates would be treated as virgin born of gods like the Avatar Incarnates. They would be considered as sons of god, son gods and eventually as gods in the NT drama of resurrection as prophesied in Kata John 1: 12-14 and Romans 1: 1-7. To the Jews they are the messiahs anointed with no oil. To the nations they are the saviors of hell. To the common man they are physicians with the pthu, pthu mantra. To the inner circle disciples they are the three-day resurrection yoga drama performers. To the innocent devotees they are the gods. To achieve their goal the fallen angels had seriously practiced and rehearsed the whole performance again and again in the Pandemonium in a dramatic manner as following:
All this fair sight. Thy kingdom, though foretold
By Prophet or by Angel, unless thou
Endeavour, as thy father David did,
Thou never shalt obtain: prediction still
In all things, and all men, supposes means
Without means used, what it predicts revokes.

But say thou wert possessed of David's throne
By free consent of all, none opposite,
Samaritan or Jew; how couldst thou hope
Long to enjoy it quiet and secure
Between two such enclosing enemies,
Roman and Parthian?

Therefore one of these
Thou must make sure thy own: the Parthian first,
By my advice, as nearer, and of late
Found able by invasion to annoy
Thy country, and captive lead away her kings,
Antigonus and old Hyrcanus, bound,
Maugre the Roman. It shall be my task
To render thee the Parthian at dispose,
Choose which thou wilt, by conquest or by league.

By him thou shalt regain, without him not,
That which alone can truly reinstall thee
In David's royal seat, his true successor
Deliverance of thy brethren, those Ten Tribes
Whose offspring in his territory yet serve?
In Habor, and among the Medes dispersed:
The sons of Jacob, two of Joseph, lost
Thus long from Israel, serving, as of old
Their fathers in the land of Egypt served,
This offer sets before thee to deliver.

These if from servitude thou shalt restore
To their inheritance, then, nor till then,
Thou on the throne of David in full glory,
From Egypt to Euphrates and beyond,
Shalt reign, and Rome or Caesar not need fear?

To whom our Saviour answered thus, unmoved:
"Much ostentation vain of fleshly arm
And fragile arms, much instrument of war,
Long in preparing, soon to nothing brought,



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