

The Authors

Alyssa B -
K B -
Nick B -
Rick B. Baber I'm a freelance photographer/writer, and part-time insurance adjuster, residing in beautiful northwest Arka...
Babe too trusting...
I Love You Baby -
C Bacchus -
Devin Backman Devin Backman works are like lights at the end of long dark tunnels. The stories begin light and go through...
Walter Bulmer Backtracker Please review my lyrics. It would help me out greatly, both the good and the bad. If you don't ...
Mark E Badams Always wanted to write a full actual song.
Mark Badams 16 year old who enjoys writing songs and poetry.
Rob Badger 16 years old.
Charity B Baez I have been writing since I was nine years old...this is the first time anyone has read my work....all fee...
Valerie A Bagayas -
Bagsby Black guy who likes his chicken.
Joe Bagtas -
Debbie Bailey I have been writing for 25 years and have won numerous writing awards. I have been published in various ma...
Gabrielle D Bailey -
Liezl V Baje Baje PLAIN
Rob Baked I play the drums and practice marketing with Arcadia Beverage Co. My interests in my twenty-fourth year of lif...
Colin Baker -
David Baker -
M F J Baker -
Tim Baker My name is Tim Baker and I'am 21 years old. I live in Adelaide Australia, but soon I leave for Europe. I have b...
Travis Baker Struggling musician/entertainer some college, from New York.
C Baldwin -
Jak G J G Balshaw I am a 16 year old amateur song writer. hunterofthehunters@hotmail.co.uk - add me on msn.
J Balshaw I am a song writer and singer. My main inspiration is my girlfriend Lucie. I am 14 years of age, but I am alot ...
Ben-Ibn Balzac I enjoy writing short stories, science-fiction, and poetry. I enjoy reading the same, but my main interest...
Anna Banasiak I'm a poet and literary critic
Christie Bane The author is originally from California. She currently resides in New York, where she trains guide dogs, h...
Arnab Banerjee -
Philip Banik -
Serene Banks -
The F-Sixteens (Banzai Bitches) The F-Sixteens have 4 people.
Tomas Sancio B Baquiano Tomas Sancio is a Mechanical Engineer located in Caracas, Venezuela whos day job is software prog
Izabela Baranowska -
Michael G Barbieri Michael Barbieri is a recent Computer Engineering graduate of the University of Central Florida.
Dylan Barbour -
Jared Barcelos I am an English student, and when I'm not doing homework I like to write. I tend to dabble in creative no...
Randall Barfield
Jessica Barker -
M B Barlow Eighteen but filled with imagination.
Donovan Barner 12 year old Jamal has devoted his life to the arts and has loved musci almost all of his life.
Colleen Barnes- Jones -
Shane Barnes Shane B just like to write to releive...
Steve Barney Writing poetry should come from the heart. The words should just flow out without hesitation, and without a ...
Katie Barnhill -
John Barnovsky I am a Christian who loves to read the Bible and science fiction stories.
Kellie Barqs The girl you wish you had in highschool. :-)
Aleisha Barr none
John Thomas Barragan I am a 22 year old film major at UCSC, I enjoy all forums of entertaining, poetry, hip-hop, music, a...
Matthew Barrenger -
Alexander Barrett 27 years old and lives in Washington state. Spent 4 years in the Navy.
Mark Barrett -
Paula Barta-Schielke The author, a single mother and divorcee, offers suggestions to men on how they can strengthen their...
Jessica Barth -
Jessica Barth -
Catherine Bartnik -
Emma Barton I am 17 and love to write. Please Please review so I know if I should keep on writtin and putting my work on
Hayley Barton I wrote this myself. I am a junior high girl who dreams of becoming a hollywood star. I love to sing, play ...
Bass -
Wanderer Bass -
Wanderer Bass -
Bastiani -
Amanda Bates -
Charlie Bates My name is Charlie Bates and I am a freshman at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania. I am going to be a psy...
Dawn Bates I'm new to this and it was written as a sort of therapy... Any feedback and guidance appreciated.
Scott Patrick Bates I'm a soon-approaching middle aged white male short story and poem writer. Have had nothing published...
Chloe L Batey I love reading my old stuff. It shows me how bad I really was. So I culled a little, getting rid of the tru...
Jasmine P Batey Hi! My name is Jasmine Batey, I was born in '94, so at the moment I'm 16, I enjoy writing poetry, lyrics ...
Jasmine P Batey Hi! My name is Jasmine Batey, I was born in '94, so at the moment I'm 16, I enjoy writing poetry, lyrics ...
Saira M Bathory Bio .. I am ¢Óhe 1 & ¥Õn¨¨y.....SAIRA B.♫♫♫(SINGER, S¢¾NGWRI¢ÓER ,P¥ÕE¢Ó,AR¢ÓIS¢Ó,Ph¥Õ¢...
Aurelia Bauer I am a budding young author and wrote this story between classes! This is my first, though hopefully not...
Russ Bauer I like writing about numerous topics. This was a story I thought up from some current events.
Bethaney Dawn Larock Bdl I'm Native American/French descent. I follow, and try to live like my American Indian ancestors...
Jack Beads -
Hannah L Beal -
Coco Bean -
Henry L. Bean Someone who likes to write on occasion. A typical, thoughtful person. That's me.
Katie M Beard -
Shane J Beard -
Tommi Beard -
Richard Dean Bearskin -
David Beattie Beats -
Hefley Beau -
Paul Dory Beaubrun Paul Beaubrun is a singer/songwriter in New York city. He has travel the world with his band Zing Expe...
Beverly Beauchamp Thirty-nine year old mother, who is going for her R.N.
Art Becaud A mad wife, insane kids, stupid dogs and hedonistic cats, ducks and gargoyles all share my life. What chance ...
BeckN -
Stephen Beck -
Eugene Beckett -
Eugene Beckett -
Timothy Beecroft -
Lloyd George Been Been YUSUF ALI ONE OF THE TOP WRITERS OF THE 18 ,19,& 20 century
Trivikrak Belagod -
Rebecca Beldam I am a student studying music.
Emily Jane Bell -
Jasmine A Bell I've been writing songs for 4 months and I love to sing.
Jim E Bell 42 yr old writer / father / romantic
Meghan L Bell I'm a 15 year old girl and my name is Meghan. I've been writing for about 3 years now, and I love it! I als...
Amanda L Bellamy Amanda has written a number of one act plays and radio plays since 1995. Several have been performed and
Stephen Bellamy Stephen Bellamy has been involved in the performing arts for many years, acting directing and latterly wr...
Shell Belle -
Mary Belletatto -
M P B Bellingham Mandy
Bryson A Belloir -
Ruby Alexandra Beloz My Name is Ruby Alexandra Beloz. I was born in Los Angeles, Ca in 1953. I am a Quality Engineer and ...
Ghost Ben David -
Big Evolence Benevolence age 16, in uk
Santo Benincasa Just a older man trying to do something
Chloe Bennett My 10 year old brain wanted to write a song in bed on my own my mum in bed my dad downstairs watching the f...
E. L. Bennett -
L Clayton Bennett I'm a computer consultant and ex-Air Force pilot. My interests are flying, programming, writing novels,...
Shawna Benson -
Joan Bentley A 22 year old college senior, I finally started writing a little over a year ago, just because I suddenly fo...
Robert Benton -
Tj Benz -
Ben -
Sarah Beresh I am just me
Elicia Marie Berg A college student, studying English.
Bernadette -
Maria Camila Bernal -
Sara Bernal Born in Brazil, sometimes I use my time to translate my poems.
Michelle Bernard -
James C Bernthal Fifteen year-old writer and actor from Norfolk, England. You can follow my exploits here: www.jamescber
Lauren Berr I am 14, and I enjoy writing songs from the heart! =)
Antony Berrios ...[B]eneath US the earth is trembling. Where can we place our fulcrum, even assuming that we possess the ...
Christina Berry -
David C Berry -
Katelyn Berry -
Leigh Berry I live on Cape Cod, MA and this is my first attempt at a short story.
Danielle Bertram -
Peggy J Bertrand -
Russell Berwick I am 51 and live in Austin Texas. I enjoy writing and playing music.
James Best I own a tattoo shop in pickering ontario and have these lyrics for songs with the tunes in my head I don't pla...
M Betette -
T.C. Beto -
Ashtin Beus -
Jacson A Bevens I am a 20 year old from Bellingham, WA with a passion for writing and intimate expression.
Matthew Mark Gill Beverly Hills A girl that has everything, and you will never get your wish as the dream has just begun.
Amarjit Bhambra -
Amarjit Bhambra -
Narinder Bhambra I have been writing poetry for the past 20 years. I wrote my first poem in school. That same poem got ...
Saranjit Bhambra I am on my interest about writing about my childhood memories with regards to my Nan
Amarjit Bhambraaa -
Bhambra -
Brahamrishi Bhargava -
Srija Bhattacharjee NONE
BhattacharyyaS -
T Bianafka -
Gabrielle R Bicker -
Rachel Biddlecome -
David Bidge -
David William Bielefeld -
David William Bielefeld We spent my childhood chasing sports. My father, brother and cousins were also athletes.
David William Bielefeld Talks about high school years and relationships with friends, and girls..
Marydon Bigora -
Nicole Bills I'm 19 and live in Detroit, Michigan. I work as a nurse aide and go to college to become an RN. I like to wr...
Rachael E Bills I'm creative, funny, but also can be serious. I'm intelligent (so I'm told) and like to show my perspect...
Bilo -
David Aoloch Bion South Sudanese poet
Maggie Birchwire
The Birdman I am understood to be very optimistic and compassionate. I love to think deeply about life and the aspects i...
E Birdsong I live in Dallas, TX. I write about real people in real situations. The darker the room, the brighter the fl
Daniel Birnbaum First, let me say the most important thing. I would love to hear your comments. Now, a piece about me. ...
Ciaran Bissett Im the lead singer ,lyricist and Rythm guitarist on new band,Whifflefit
Matthew Bissonnette -
Rubin Biswas I am poetry lover. God is beloved love is sweet truth ...
Bk Kinsel -
F Black 19 years old uneployed
Nick Black -
Stephanie Black A 16 year old female. Goes to Hartford Union High school and enjoys writing.
Talia-Marie Black my name is talia and i used to write song lyrics alot but then i gave up until i came up with "this is ...
Gs Blackshaw Enthusiastic about writing fiction and achieving publication. Writing several novels at this time.
Salisha R Blackwell -
Matthew Mark Gill Blah What no life I thought so..
Byron Blake BB - say it with a smile. The illustrious Byron Blake once again glimpses our pages with delight. His websi...
Karissa Blanchard I write a lot of poems, mainly about heartbreak. But really depends in what I'm feeling.
Derzhi Bleek -
Louise Akiko Blencowe I am 16 yrs old I began songwriting from the age of 8 I have been singing since I was three I lov
Diana Blizzard I am a 24 year old wife, mother and Education major at Indiana University. I write poetry and short stori...
B J Bloch The Author of: "Confronted with Death" "No Team to Root for" "Another Senseless Killing" Dr Benton Bloch i...
Babie Blue -
Ray Blue I surf. I like surfing the net. Coffee?
Blue Wolf i am singer song wiriter
~Blythe~ 18 year old female from Australia, who badly needs to stop writing about relationships!
Eyelish Bob -
Tripp Bobay I am just a guy that sometimes has lyrics pop into his head. I write about my life experience and how I view ...
Bob -
Nevine Boccara Nevine Boccara went to a girls school in Northern Ireland, a public school in Canada, and an international...
Nicole M Bohnsack All I can really say is I love to write, listen to music (AC/DC especially) and play my guitar(inspired...
Amber Bolin i am 16 and am a sophmore in high school
Gary Bolstridge Interested in human interactions and the damage/euphoria they can create. Love is one of the strongest of...
Jerry Pat Bolton On April 2, 1939 on a cold, rainy night near Burton's Mill in the southwestern part of Arkansas I drew ...
Lil Bonafide I'm a 15 year old lyricist.
Kristin Renee Bond My name is Kristin, I write to express the things that go on in my head. I am a cheerleader and I play...
August Bondi I'm not a writer, I'm a business major, so go easy on me! But let me know what's going on. This is my firs
James Bondjamesbond -
Wynn Bonner
Shidatoi Bonnywhitney all we do is ckurve em dere aint nuttiin else 2 it hit us upp on dat aim flow miszbrooklyn13 nd mzp...
Danae Bonomini -
Boonze -
Evan C Boornazian I am currently a 15 year old male who attends school. I am an athlete and enjoy participating in events...
Visut Bootsripoom -
Dorothy Borden -
Louis Borgo -
Gene Boris -
Boris Merner fac tot posibilul ca, pe masura puterilor mele, limba romana sa-mi daruiasca tot ce are mai frumos si mai e...
Elide Bors Elide Bors lives in Romania, in a little house in a mountain town. As she used to be a dancer in her youth, sh...
Gerald L Bosacker I am author, Gerald Bosacker, a prolific poet and short story writer who is woefully undiscovered by t...
Sandeepan Sb Bose Angelwithfirewing -
Abdelilah Bouasria My name is Abdelilah Bouasria, and I am a native of the beloved land of Morocco. After primary and sec...
Jasmine Boucher -
Jazzy Boucher I'm a regular person who is trying to let my voice be heard!
Jasmine Boucher I am a normal girl who loves to do various things. Just trying to find my way through this world. Who kno...
Glenn Boudreau -
Manley Bowen -
Mark Bowen I'am 15 and I Lve myfooty and to pout on sonny billz!!!!
Charice L Boyd I'm a junior in high school and I love to write. I am currently thinking about majoring in journalism. W...
John Mark Boyd I am married with two children. I am 33 years old. We live in a small town in Tennessee. I like to play sp...
Noah Boyd -
Terence Boydon -
Brian Boyer Doc -
David Boyer -
Lilli Brachman -
Matthew Braciszewski My name is Matthew Braciszewski and growing up for me was never easy. Growing up in my family was on...
Darby M Bracken -
Oliver Thomas Coles Brackenbury Truly one of the world sexiest aspiring 17 year old writers from Britain who now lives in...
Adam Bradley A mid twenties male writer who lives in Chicago
Aurora Braganza I enjoy writing song lyrics, poetry, essays, short stories and have completed one book. I'm Involved with...
Shaneka Bragg -
Caster V Brainwynn -
Kinsler Brandon -
Caitlin N Brandt -
Brandt -
Lee Branham -
Christian C Braniff I am 14, and love writing, i write mostly love songs, and personal/inspirational quotes
Jonathon Brannon Jonathon Brannon was born in Las Vegas,NV and resides in beautiful Southern California. I love writing...
Brannon -
BransonA -
Christina Breck 5th grade student
Adam Brelsford -
Morgan A Brennan -
Georgette Q Breslin -
Greg J Brey -
Roxi Bri I'm Romanian, I grew up reading science-fiction, and so I became an addict.
Rita Brian -
Eric Bridges A wannabe writer who is young and in hopes that somebody will like his stories.
Brie And Brittney these authors are the best writers ever!!!!!
Chelsea P Briggs -
Kc Briggs -
Bri Q Brisee -
Chris Britt- New
Mark Brittan Mark G. Brittan. PT English tutor at a local community college; PT Sports Stringer at a local newspaper; 27...
Rod L Bro
Katie Brock It is not what u write or how u write, it is that you write.
Carole Brogden Hey, I am a 17 year old freshman at Texas State University. I am majoring in Interior design but im not a ...
Rrebecca S Brookman Rebecca Brookman
Cecil Brooks -
Davin Brooks The story told by me, The way I see it.
Davin Brooks -
Ryan W Brooks -
Brotherman -
Andrea Diane Brown My name is Andrea Brown and I'm an 18 year old high school senior from Albuquerque, New Mexico. I'm g...
Ashley E Brown Ashley Brown is 16 and is currently a sophomore in high school. She doesn't know what she wants to do when...
Alex S Brown A lover of just about anything living in Gary, Indiana.
Alex Brown Alex Brown was born in England. Before becoming a writer, he was a financial executive. Earning a Ph.D. and Do...
Daniel Brown Hey I'm 17, and I live in Champaign, Illinois. I've been thinking about writing a story like this for a whil...
David W Brown -
Darren W Brown -
Emilee Brown -
Giselle Brown -
Jack M Brown 19, studying Mathematics at Southampton University.
Jessica M Brown A college student with graduation in site. Has lived around the country. Likes people and doing new thi
Jodie Brown Just cos...
K Brown -
Mhairi R Brown I'm a young girl, who seems to be unlucky in love. I have an upbeat personality and write songs and poems ...
Matt Brown -
Sue Brown Sue lives in Oregon and writes both short stories and poetry.
Tiffany Brown -
Katrina Browne -
Sylvia Browne Love it? Hate it? Review it. I don't get offended easy, so don't sweat it.
Browserman -
Jonathan Brucato As a high school senior, this has been my first bit of work. Ever.
Ed Bruce -
Brueske -
Hannah Brumfield -
Chauncey Brummell -
Shannon Bruyette -
Lizzy Bryan What's to like about me?
Reid Bryansmith -
Gabby Bryant I'm an avid writer and artist. I love photography.
Laura Bryant I am me, and that is all I will say.
Mickey Bryant I am a thirty six year old optimistic, mental health counselor. I also have my own web based web site publi...
Jess Bubbles Hey im Jess, im a pretty outgoing person and i love to be silly and have fun, but when the time calls for it...
David L Buchanan David Buchanan currently resides in the northwest Suburbs of Illinois. He serves as a church organist in...
James Buchannon British, spent most of my life living in Plymouth. the rest of it living in Spain.
Sarah Buck F Buck -
Thomas Buck -
Richard Buckner My name is posted allready, So I'm from Mississippi, I love life, children, In general most people. I wou...
Budha -
Ovidiu Bufnila One of the prominent Romanian contemporary writers, Ovidiu Bufnila is a fine and quite prolific stylist, w...
Vivian Bui name is vivian . love to write !
Brad D Bullard - 16 years old trying to get a start
Preston K Bullard 1. Who are you? Me? Who? Little old me? Why... I'm Preston Kendall Bullard... And, what, pray tell, do...
Brynn Bullington I'm only 13 and I wrote this song from experience. sorry if there is miss spelled words because im not t...
China Rose Marie Bullock Punk-pop song writer/In band, Void Unless Sealed with Jessica.
Dwight Bullock BIOGRAPHICAL DATA NAME: KVillekidd PEN NAME: KVillekidd BORN: August 31, 1959 PLACE: Kirbyvill...
Walter Bulmer Singer songwriter
Matthew Mark Gill Bum http://myspace.com/matthewmarktalent
Kalli Bunch -
Christopher Ryan Bur -
Dennis Burayidi Adventurous songs
Ashley Burdett I'm 19 and I currently a student at a local college. I'm pursuing a degree in biology. Despite my affinity...
Hayley Burdett I'm a sixteen year old student. I live in a suburb outside Philadelphia. My hobbies consist of writing, re...
G Burke -
Heather Burke I'm a single parent that enjoys writing in my spare time. I currently live in FL.
Zack L Burke -
Delmar Burkett Delmar Burkett born and raised in Flint, MI. Have been writing since his teenage years. Also, he is an act...
Gregory W Burkett Student of enlightenment since the age of sixteen. Graduate of Loyola University of Chicago. Born in Wa...
S Burkhead Amateur writer currently enrolled in Advanced Composition course in community college.
Kaye Burland 15 year old girl from england. bit of a day dreamer!!
Jeff Burleson -
Sara Burling High school student in Louisiana.
Elizabeth Burnett -
David Burnside -
Ali Nicole Burton I had to do this essay in English 11 for a "test" and I was reading some of the others and thought I'd ...
Ellie M Burton -
Ellie Burton -
John Burton A troubled mind with a purpose in life to find out the answers to questions.
Burton -
Christopher Ryan Burzachiello I love God!
Jennifer Marie Busby My name is Jennifer. I live in Beasley, Texas. Its a small town that doesn't even have a highschool....
Harry Buschman I am an octogenarian, a veteran of WW II with a very good memory.
Ari Bush -
Edward Bush Jr I have a lot of ideas, just have problem getting them out because I'm just plain broke!
Melissa Bushman -
Guitar Butcher -
Mandi Butkovich -
Charles Butler -
Lala Butler ~Name Lex ~Nickname Lala ~Age 16 ~Hometown Miami FL ~Race mutt (a lot of things)
Tamsin Butler -
Buxtonlove -
Buxton -
Krista Lee Buynak My name is Krista Buynak and I am 17 years old. There isn't much about me that is very different from t...
Marie Buzzy I am a teenager who loves to write. Give me something creative to write about, I'll blow your mind. Give me...
David B Doc Byron Just a wild and crazy guy!!
David Doc Byron -
Doc Byron -
Reginald F Byron -
Kennth Bryant -
Baran Bulkat
Phil Bowman
Reuben Gregg Brewer
Kyle Mae Burtts
Sandi Elizabeth Brock
Victor Burke
Linda Marie Brainard
Wily Boy
Jenine Boisits
Kyle Bridges
Anthony Beckman
Janet Buckley
Maggie Birchwire
Trevor Balena

Go to page: A [B] C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Randall Barfield
-US citizen living and working in the capital of Colombia, South America. Teaches EFL and IELTS, and TOEFL (any test prep). Proofreads English essays, theses, and books, etc. Private classes accepted. Also writes at abctales.com; microhorror.com; postcardshorts.com; authorsden.com. Contact: www.officeteachr.com
[May 2010]
2nd Interview With The President (Plays) It's Barb again and President Branch. I'll try. Hope somebody likes it. [1,300 words] [Humor] [September 2005] (HITS 4172, REVS. 3)
A Colombia Hatred-Free (Poetry) Of course, it isn't just Colombia, is it? [52 words] [Writing Resource] [July 2003] (HITS 3002, REVS. 2)
A Dream Comes True (Non-Fiction) This is nostalgia and reflection. It's a short piece of writing dedicated to young Rodger Wesley Beaver of Georgia who was killed by a "sheriff's deputy"(God protect us from those like him.) on Valentine's Day of this year, 2005. [951 words] [Biography] [July 2005] (HITS 3057, REVS. 0)
A Flower Today In Words (Poetry) - [40 words] [November 2005] (HITS 3047, REVS. 2)
A Georgia Crossroads (Non-Fiction) Where does it lie? [325 words] [Writing Resource] [January 2002] (HITS 2749, REVS. 0)
A Little Poem My Child (Children) - [79 words] [Humor] [March 2008] (HITS 2446, REVS. 0)
A Matter Of Timing, Frankly (Short Stories) - [736 words] [Literary Fiction] [January 2007] (HITS 2537, REVS. 0)
A Million Times Plus One (Poetry) I have never stopped loving the tune "A Whiter Shade of Pale." I heard it the first time at age 16 or 17. Here is a little piece I completed recently while listening to the song over and over. So, why not get the song out(dust it off?) and play it as you read this piece aloud. Tell me what happe... [234 words] [Relationships] [September 2006] (HITS 2493, REVS. 0)
A Monster Of Monsters (Non-Fiction) Why did we ever let him get this far? [208 words] [Horror] [April 2003] (HITS 2834, REVS. 0)
A Parent's Lament (Genres) Some say it's never too late. [260 words] [Teenage] [September 2008] (HITS 3190, REVS. 0)
A Perfected Perpetuation Plan For Today's Young Yahoos (Poetry) No one has the right to rob a bank, but each has the right to draw up her/his floor plans for life. [219 words] [Writing Resource] [January 2002] (HITS 2850, REVS. 0)
A Purple Jacket (Short Stories) - [494 words] [Motivational] [April 2008] (HITS 2578, REVS. 1)
A Quiet House (Short Stories) - [257 words] [Teenage] [September 2008] (HITS 2284, REVS. 0)
A Red May Rose For Thee (Poetry) - [45 words] [Motivational] [May 2007] (HITS 2232, REVS. 0)
A Royal Ring Up (Plays) Is this anger on my part? What should I care? But anyway, here it is... [808 words] [Drama] [September 2005] (HITS 3334, REVS. 2)
A Soldier's Letter (Poetry) Far from the familiar our words are often sweeter, are they not? [109 words] [Romance] [January 2002] (HITS 3060, REVS. 1)
A Songbird's Intellect (Poetry) - [4 words] [Spiritual] [July 2006] (HITS 2278, REVS. 0)
A Troubled Nation In Need Of Prayer And Soul-Searching: How To Repair It (Non-Fiction) Send you suggestions/contributions in 40 words or less to booksdavis@yahoo.com Thank you. [89 words] [History] [March 2003] (HITS 2721, REVS. 0)
A Visit (Short Stories) - [245 words] [Teenage] [April 2009] (HITS 2087, REVS. 0)
About Daddy (1) (Non-Fiction) Daddy had his own emotional problems... [359 words] [Biography] [May 2007] (HITS 2610, REVS. 0)
About Daddy Series (Non-Fiction) - [4,424 words] [Biography] [April 2008] (HITS 652, REVS. 0)
About Respect And Prestige (Non-Fiction) - [352 words] [Psychology] [April 2008] (HITS 3257, REVS. 0)
Abrakadeebra: A Celebration Of Children's Verse No. 1 (Children) More fun little poems/verses for those special readers of mine. I hope you enjoy them. Let me know which ones need a bit of modification. Cheers. [2,799 words] [Humor] [November 2006] (HITS 524, REVS. 0)
Abrakadomebra: A 2nd Celebration Of Children's Verse (Children) More exciting(some are, anyway) little poems/verses about Frosty, Benny the Blackbird, Jack and Jill, etc. for children's laughter. Cheers. [2,349 words] [Humor] [November 2006] (HITS 485, REVS. 0)
Abrakadoobra: 100 Short Poems For Children (Children) Sometimes I enjoy writing or trying to write poems for children moreso than for adults. Would that be bad or good? Maybe neither. Please let me know which ones you or your kid likes or dislikes. I'm certainly open to improving any particular one. Thanks. [3,527 words] [Fantasy] [April 2006] (HITS 869, REVS. 0)
Abrakadyebra: A Third Collection Of Children's Poems (Children) See, read and hear new poems about Frosty and Jack and Jill and others now! Cheers! [1,464 words] [Humor] [November 2006] (HITS 4253, REVS. 0)
Abstinence (Poetry) - [18 words] [Psychology] [August 2006] (HITS 2525, REVS. 0)
Adestes: Little Christmas Poems For Children (Children) Father Christmas/please be so kind/bring me a toy/one doesn't wind. [392 words] [Humor] [November 2006] (HITS 3398, REVS. 0)
Advertising The Devil (Non-Fiction) "Serve the Lord with gladness..." not sadness, you dummy! [491 words] [Spiritual] [December 2006] (HITS 4740, REVS. 2)
Aletha (Short Stories) . [330 words] [Teenage] [March 2008] (HITS 2901, REVS. 1)
Ann Dunham: Busy Serving Others And Educating Her Kids (Children) If only she could see him now. [506 words] [Biography] [November 2008] (HITS 2209, REVS. 0)
Ann Rule: The Lady Who Writes About Killers (Children) Talk about a busy life! Here's an example. [360 words] [Biography] [November 2008] (HITS 2427, REVS. 0)
Another Prince Charles (Children) - [391 words] [Biography] [November 2008] (HITS 2284, REVS. 0)
At Clarence's (Short Stories) - [290 words] [Teenage] [May 2009] (HITS 2042, REVS. 0)
Back Through The Trees (Poetry) This evil took place both day and night. [50 words] [Motivational] [October 2006] (HITS 2506, REVS. 0)
Bad Señorita (Songs) Am I a "real" songwriter? (Looking at this one, I hope not!) [103 words] [Humor] [September 2005] (HITS 1020, REVS. 0)
Because His Skin Is Dark (Poetry) - [19 words] [Mind] [August 2006] (HITS 2423, REVS. 0)
Bill Gaither: True Follower (Non-Fiction) - [641 words] [Biography] [March 2008] (HITS 3270, REVS. 0)
Billy Graham: Man After God's Heart (Children) Who can count all his awards? [375 words] [Biography] [October 2008] (HITS 2207, REVS. 0)
Billy Graham's Death (Non-Fiction) . [633 words] [Spiritual] [June 2007] (HITS 2705, REVS. 1)
Blood (Poetry) - [30 words] [Horror] [June 2006] (HITS 2613, REVS. 0)
Blubber, Blubber, Armchair Lubber (Essays) A short essay about the REAL truth behind dieting, etc. [870 words] [Self-Help] [January 2003] (HITS 2858, REVS. 0)
Boy Child (Songs) These lyrics are new and go to the tune of 'Oh Danny Boy' or 'Londonderry Aire'. Something like that. I may do one more stanza. [99 words] [Spiritual] [March 2007] (HITS 2590, REVS. 0)
Buenos Dias, Colombia (Not S Carolina!) (Non-Fiction) First-hand comments/observations of the country today and other days (with sugar, cream, and warts). This was a blog before anyone had ever heard of the term. [18,298 words] [Writing Resource] [October 2006] (HITS 700, REVS. 0)
Cam (Poetry) ...wound up twisted... [20 words] [Humor] [July 2006] (HITS 2373, REVS. 0)
Carlos The Young Coffee Picker (Children) Carlos the young coffee picker Played a serenade Maria had just given birth Nine pounds the wee thing weighed! [564 words] [Humor] [November 2006] (HITS 2851, REVS. 0)
Catch A Rising Star (Short Stories) "It's Luis, Jaime..." the old man stammered. [496 words] [Literary Fiction] [May 2007] (HITS 2727, REVS. 4)
Cemetery Road (Short Stories) "What was that? There's someone out there," she exclaimed. [444 words] [Teenage] [October 2007] (HITS 2613, REVS. 0)
Cindy's Fall (Short Stories) - [526 words] [Horror] [January 2009] (HITS 2347, REVS. 1)
Colombia's On The Map (Poetry) How long is forty years, ma? [77 words] [Writing Resource] [February 2002] (HITS 2742, REVS. 0)
Colombia's President Al Uribe (Children) - [493 words] [Biography] [May 2009] (HITS 2766, REVS. 0)
Create, Create (Poetry) - [16 words] [Art] [August 2006] (HITS 2419, REVS. 0)
Daddy And Me: Making The Rounds (Essays) A little wallow? [428 words] [Writing Resource] [May 2002] (HITS 4356, REVS. 0)
Daddy, Can You Hear Me? (Short Stories) What would you do in this situation? [511 words] [Horror] [January 2007] (HITS 2680, REVS. 1)
Daemons (Non-Fiction) Isn't British spelling more elegant sometimes? This piece of writing is about demons. We all have one or some of them inside us. They are the negative elements we cannot control very easily. The funny thing, though, is that each one has solutions. Why do we delay so much in our search for solut... [2,678 words] [Psychology] [September 2005] (HITS 522, REVS. 0)
Daniel Coronell: Freedom Fighter (Children) He returned to his country determined more than ever. [420 words] [Biography] [November 2008] (HITS 2229, REVS. 0)
Daring To Touch Saeed (Poetry) This piece is supposed to be about Flight 93. It's very hard to write about. If you've seen the movie, you've cried. Murderers, in my opinion, are spiritually or otherwise diseased, so, I think we have to cry for them too or, let's face it, for humanity in general. [166 words] [History] [August 2006] (HITS 2813, REVS. 1)
David's Letter--Bogota, Colombia (Non-Fiction) This is a true incident. It is not fiction. [551 words] [Self-Help] [December 2005] (HITS 2560, REVS. 0)
Dear Detective Lovett (Short Stories) - [646 words] [Crime] [February 2009] (HITS 2114, REVS. 0)
Decider (Poetry) This poem was composed after a slow reading of Green River, Running Red by Ann Rule, the world's foremost crime writer. [169 words] [Crime] [December 2006] (HITS 2570, REVS. 0)
Deleted (Poetry) - [18 words] [Literary Fiction] [May 2006] (HITS 2751, REVS. 1)
Desire Of Flesh (Poetry) ...you're ferried by death. [41 words] [Mind] [July 2006] (HITS 2265, REVS. 0)
Developed And Scary (Non-Fiction) . [400 words] [History] [October 2007] (HITS 2628, REVS. 3)
Doctor's Orders (Poetry) A short poem about family camping. [198 words] [Writing Resource] [January 2007] (HITS 2996, REVS. 0)
Don't Call Her First Lady (Songs) This is sort of a song-poem. It's not about the First Couple in Washington, in case you wonder. The rhythm is along the lines of Ray Charles' "Fool For Love". Have you heard it? [60 words] [Humor] [October 2006] (HITS 2741 2753, REVS. 2)
Don't Tell Anyone (Short Stories) - [258 words] [Horror] [February 2009] (HITS 2541, REVS. 3)
Each A Star (Poetry) Dear Readers: This poem-story, sadly, is based on a true and recent incident near where we live. [40 words] [Spiritual] [August 2006] (HITS 2752, REVS. 1)
Ephraim (Short Stories) - [443 words] [Literary Fiction] [July 2007] (HITS 2592, REVS. 0)
Every Day We Pierce Him (Songs) The tune for this song is a Spanish church song titled "Llaga", which means open sore or wound. In the Spanish hymn book I have, the author is listed as anonymous. Anyway, here are some English lyrics(mine, of course) for that tune. Maybe someone can give them a try. If you're curious about the ... [74 words] [Spiritual] [October 2006] (HITS 2380, REVS. 0)
Everybody Loved Polly (Short Stories) I detest violence and violent people! [1,809 words] [Popular Fiction] [October 2005] (HITS 607, REVS. 0)
Find Myself (Songs) Tune: Largo from Dvorak's "New World Symphony". [57 words] [Romance] [September 2006] (HITS 2725, REVS. 0)
Finding A Poem-Short Story Topic (Non-Fiction) What to write about? Where do I look? Who/What can help me? [552 words] [Writing Resource] [January 2007] (HITS 3144, REVS. 1)
Fishing Obligations (Essays) A short essay about parental responsibilities and kids' obligations. [558 words] [Relationships] [October 2001] (HITS 3311, REVS. 0)
Five Prose Poems (Poetry) Here are five prose poems for the romantic-minded, I hope. The titles are Looking Back, That Celestial Calm--the Moon; City Shadows; Seeking; and We Turned Off. [331 words] [Romance] [November 2001] (HITS 2626, REVS. 0)
Fly Me To The Moon, Baby (Poetry) - [82 words] [Romance] [January 2009] (HITS 1960, REVS. 0)
Four Of Them (Essays) ...nobody has eight kids anymore either. Right? [259 words] [Writing Resource] [January 2002] (HITS 2993, REVS. 0)
Four Poems (Poetry) Titles are: Groundwork in Colombia, Poetry, I Saw My Granny, Carpenter [398 words] [May 2007] (HITS 3081, REVS. 0)
Four Short-Shorts (Poetry) "Lite" fare again. Titles are: Trying to Create Beauty; You First Then I; Appetite; and Opening Night. [113 words] [Mind] [October 2005] (HITS 2764, REVS. 0)
Frances Jane: God's Happy Servant (Children) They had a baby daughter but it died... [368 words] [Biography] [October 2008] (HITS 2155, REVS. 0)
Funny Like (Short Stories) - [610 words] [Teenage] [April 2008] (HITS 2296, REVS. 0)
Generosity (Poetry) - [15 words] [Spiritual] [May 2006] (HITS 2476, REVS. 0)
Gone Is Our Lisa (Poetry) (Feeling Poe-ish today maybe?) [87 words] [Humor] [March 2008] (HITS 2132, REVS. 0)
Goodbye Christmas, Goodbye Santa (Poetry) - [52 words] [Motivational] [December 2006] (HITS 2457, REVS. 0)
Grandstand (Poetry) - [19 words] [Relationships] [June 2006] (HITS 2412, REVS. 0)
Growing Up Among Racists (Non-Fiction) A look at some of us in retrospect. [635 words] [Relationships] [January 2003] (HITS 3290, REVS. 0)
Haikus Erotiques (Poetry) -These represent an exercise that's fun. Steve Mount has some others at saltyrain.com but the best are by the Japanese old masters. Look in Google for them. [113 words] [Erotic] [December 2006] (HITS 2791, REVS. 1)
Haley She Was Called (Children) - [397 words] [Biography] [November 2008] (HITS 2265, REVS. 0)
Hanks (Poetry) The superstar. [67 words] [Movies] [November 2001] (HITS 3033, REVS. 1)
He Keeps Me Humble (Poetry) It's just that sometimes we don't want to be watched! [22 words] [Spiritual] [November 2005] (HITS 2507, REVS. 0)
Heteros, Homos, Celibacy And The Church (Non-Fiction) Are we going back to the time of the Crusades? [590 words] [Writing Resource] [December 2005] (HITS 2498, REVS. 0)
Hi Mr Willis, Can You Explain What Wrong I Did? (Non-Fiction) Teaching school is always give and take. Will it ever be different? [462 words] [Literary Fiction] [January 2003] (HITS 3379, REVS. 0)
His Heart (Non-Fiction) - [556 words] [Motivational] [February 2007] (HITS 2468, REVS. 0)
Homeward (Poetry) Sans arrogance, this poem was written for Senator Byrd of W. Va. [20 words] [Romance] [June 2006] (HITS 2493, REVS. 0)
Hospital Room (Short Stories) Sadly, it's another case of "who needs fiction?" [1,115 words] [Crime] [October 2006] (HITS 2519 2531, REVS. 0)
How In Colombia I Grew In Mind And Soul (And Nowadays Grow In Girth) (Non-Fiction) Where I grew up in Georgia we had practically no access to modern British prose or poetry... [654 words] [Biography] [January 2008] (HITS 2410, REVS. 0)
How To Have Money In Your Life (Non-Fiction) - [423 words] [Self-Help] [April 2009] (HITS 2914, REVS. 1)
I Fell In Love With You (Poetry) - [97 words] [Romance] [August 2006] (HITS 2458, REVS. 0)
I Find My Sanity (Poetry) - [38 words] [Psychology] [December 2005] (HITS 2540, REVS. 0)
If I Could Chat With You Again (Poetry) - [66 words] [Literary Fiction] [February 2007] (HITS 2270, REVS. 0)
If The World Were More Like You (Songs) Isn't this self-reflection? [155 words] [Psychology] [November 2001] (HITS 2710, REVS. 0)
I'm Dreaming Of... (Poetry) It's about a smile. [80 words] [Writing Resource] [December 2001] (HITS 2694, REVS. 0)
I'm From Mars (Short Stories) Historical fiction. [513 words] [Teenage] [February 2008] (HITS 2291, REVS. 0)
In My Mind I Cheat On You (Poetry) Throw the first stone. [74 words] [Relationships] [August 2006] (HITS 2460, REVS. 0)
In Our Minds (Poetry) - [11 words] [Mind] [June 2006] (HITS 2357, REVS. 0)
In The Outside Cold (Short Stories) - [440 words] [Literary Fiction] [January 2007] (HITS 2453, REVS. 0)
Interview Of A South American Gay (Non-Fiction) Meet Miguel Rodriguez: Miguel Rodriguez, a colleague of mine, is one of Colombia’s elite citizens in terms of philosophy, education, cultural level, and societal contributions. In other words, he’s the kind of person to whom you would turn if you needed someone trustworthy to do an important favor... [2,066 words] [Relationships] [December 2006] (HITS 475, REVS. 0)
Interview With The President (Plays) Baraba Falters(Barb)finally interviews President Branch. The President is, like a typical politician, quite difficult to pin down. [1,319 words] [Writing Resource] [May 2003] (HITS 3358, REVS. 0)
Is It Where We Write Or What We Write? (Non-Fiction) Just think--how many of us had heard of Annie Proulx before 2005 or 2006? [681 words] [Publishing] [April 2007] (HITS 2287, REVS. 0)
It Was Raining (Short Stories) "Let's not talk about it right now, Mama..." [368 words] [Literary Fiction] [April 2007] (HITS 2650, REVS. 4)
Its Christmas Joy (Poetry) What is priority this year? [71 words] [Motivational] [December 2001] (HITS 2622, REVS. 0)
James Benedetti's Daughter (Short Stories) A surprise visit. [861 words] [Literary Fiction] [January 2007] (HITS 2515, REVS. 0)
James Herriot: Dearest Vet That Ever Lived (Children) Could you bring a cow into the world? A horse? [430 words] [Biography] [November 2008] (HITS 2134, REVS. 0)
Jesus, You Look So Kansas-Like (Poetry) - [328 words] [Teenage] [March 2008] (HITS 2101, REVS. 0)
Jewish Mother (Short Stories) Trying to make Him and those near Him more alive, more real, and hopefully, with more exposure. [396 words] [Literary Fiction] [April 2008] (HITS 2284, REVS. 0)
John And Juan: Colombia's Facebook Killers (Non-Fiction) - [594 words] [Crime] [May 2010] (HITS 2671, REVS. 0)
Just (Poetry) Heightened sensitivity doesn't mean anything goes. It does, however, mean caring for others. [70 words] [Psychology] [December 2001] (HITS 2769, REVS. 0)
Just Cry, Mama (Poetry) - [267 words] [Teenage] [May 2008] (HITS 2103, REVS. 0)
Just Imagine (Poetry) Dedicated to the One with the scarred hands. [59 words] [Spiritual] [June 2007] (HITS 2213, REVS. 0)
Keepsakes (Poetry) A poem about a special afternoon. [129 words] [October 2001] (HITS 2715, REVS. 0)
Lassie: About A Pal (No Joke) (Children) ...thanks to British-born writer Eric Knight, who wrote the short story... [276 words] [Biography] [November 2008] (HITS 2536, REVS. 0)
Leaving Colombia(On A Jet, Of Course) (Non-Fiction) - [974 words] [Crime] [October 2006] (HITS 2573, REVS. 0)
Letter To Elvis (Non-Fiction) You were human, of course. Perhaps in the end you just couldn't take any more... [642 words] [Biography] [October 2006] (HITS 2761, REVS. 1)
Lid (Short Stories) Beware of half baths. [376 words] [Horror] [August 2008] (HITS 2493, REVS. 1)
Life On The Shelf (Poetry) - [27 words] [Erotic] [August 2006] (HITS 2506, REVS. 0)
Like A Story (Poetry) - [130 words] [Teenage] [April 2008] (HITS 2006, REVS. 0)
Like A Wave (Poetry) - [30 words] [Romance] [May 2008] (HITS 2074, REVS. 0)
Liliana's Decision (Non-Fiction) - [488 words] [Crime] [June 2008] (HITS 3147, REVS. 1)
Lions Young (Poetry) - [16 words] [Erotic] [August 2006] (HITS 2334, REVS. 0)
Little Is Much (Children) - [85 words] [Animal] [September 2008] (HITS 2267, REVS. 0)
Lonely Hunter (Poetry) - [17 words] [Literary Fiction] [June 2006] (HITS 3018, REVS. 3)
Long Live Our Elephants (Children) Would you kill an elephant? A deer? A fly? [284 words] [Animal] [November 2008] (HITS 2229, REVS. 0)
Lord Find A Place (Poetry) (For Luciano Pavarotti: R.I.P.) [70 words] [Spiritual] [September 2007] (HITS 1933, REVS. 0)
Making Moves: Another Look At Victims And Choices In Ann Rule's True Crime Stories (Non-Fiction) Ann Rule gives the murderers a hell of a punch in each story. That's the way it must be. It is the angle from which she writes and no one, no one is going to condone the acts of a murderer, least of all me. However, other realities exist. Wrong moves made by murder victims, albeit unfortunate an... [9,916 words] [Crime] [July 2006] (HITS 9890, REVS. 0)
Marsten (Short Stories) - [408 words] [Horror] [February 2009] (HITS 2239, REVS. 0)
Matchless Love (Songs) - [91 words] [Motivational] [May 2008] (HITS 2007, REVS. 0)
May Mothers And Fathers (Essays) A short essay about those parents who want to push academic responsibility off onto others. [479 words] [October 2001] (HITS 3536, REVS. 1)
Maybe To Pittsburgh This Time (Children) This is about a boy's best friend. Also, I've always loved Girzone's "Joshua". Here is my little attempt to imitate that, somehow. [479 words] [Literary Fiction] [February 2007] (HITS 2564, REVS. 0)
Meet Mary (Poetry) - [39 words] [August 2006] (HITS 2358, REVS. 0)
Michael (Poetry) About someone who left us some years back but who left an indelible impression on those of his generation. [82 words] [Biography] [November 2001] (HITS 3002, REVS. 1)
Mine Eyes Have Seen (Poetry) No glory and no hallelujah. [55 words] [Horror] [June 2006] (HITS 2442, REVS. 0)
Miniviews From Colombia (Non-Fiction) No special description. Basically, getting an idea of what different people think at present. [3,555 words] [July 2002] (HITS 507, REVS. 0)
Miss Sindee And The Candidate (Plays) - [361 words] [Humor] [August 2008] (HITS 3143, REVS. 0)
Moors And Moors: Randall Interviews Portuguese Writer--Poet--Artist Alexandra Onelight (Non-Fiction) - [3,430 words] [Biography] [October 2007] (HITS 1039, REVS. 0)
Morgan: An Actor's Actor (Children) Even though he's still living, here's a little bio. [362 words] [Biography] [November 2008] (HITS 2246, REVS. 0)
Moron (Short Stories) - [374 words] [Teenage] [April 2008] (HITS 2302, REVS. 0)
Mr. Nico's Monday A.M. Surprise (Plays) Thus it was decreed: Woe unto all those ethically challenged! [633 words] [Humor] [March 2006] (HITS 2692, REVS. 0)
Mr Randy Sez (Non-Fiction) Expressed thoughts, musings, comments, etc. on whatever I please. [5,598 words] [Publishing] [April 2003] (HITS 593, REVS. 0)
My Big Toe Nicely (Poetry) - [23 words] [Erotic] [August 2006] (HITS 2576, REVS. 1)
My Fan (Poetry) - [23 words] [Spiritual] [August 2006] (HITS 2790, REVS. 1)
My Kind Of Christian: Barbara Curtis (Non-Fiction) "She lived to shock people, 'to be different and avant-garde'." [514 words] [Motivational] [February 2007] (HITS 2402, REVS. 0)
My Men Are Full Of Vigor (Poetry) This is about crosses, isn´t it? [48 words] [Erotic] [August 2006] (HITS 2418, REVS. 0)
Needed: Diversity In Education (Essays) Including More Studies In Distinct Cultures Needed Urgently: Give-A-Shit Parents Who Actually Monitor Their Kids If we won't listen to Jesus, then... [867 words] [Writing Resource] [May 2002] (HITS 2703, REVS. 0)
No Better Galahad (Songs) About the best Friend in the world. [115 words] [Spiritual] [November 2001] (HITS 2531, REVS. 0)
Normally A Gentle Man (Short Stories) This story was inspired by a story in the "Chicken Soup" series that I never can forget. [334 words] [Teenage] [September 2008] (HITS 2529, REVS. 1)
Not Enough! (Essays) A short talk about trying to prevent more wife/child abuse. [791 words] [Crime] [January 2004] (HITS 2858, REVS. 0)
Number 6 (Short Stories) The "real" meaning of non-stop? [489 words] [Horror] [August 2008] (HITS 2240, REVS. 0)
O Father Hold Us Tightly (Songs) Tune: "O Little Town of Bethlehem", believe it or not. It's such a beautiful melody that it's a pity that we are concerned with it only in December. Non-Christmas lyrics probably have been penned before, but, anyway, here are some new ones in case some singer would like to give them a try. I'm qu... [101 words] [Spiritual] [September 2006] (HITS 2633, REVS. 1)
Oh Milly Said Molly (Poetry) This one came up while writing the kids' stuff 'cept it isn't, is it? [26 words] [Humor] [November 2006] (HITS 3694, REVS. 1)
Old Quake (Poetry) One Halloween he grabbed a knife Then hid behind the door... [119 words] [Humor] [October 2006] (HITS 2330, REVS. 0)
On A Dad's Turning 80 (Non-Fiction) Some want to get there, others couldn't care less. How much is choice? [390 words] [Writing Resource] [March 2003] (HITS 4514, REVS. 2)
On A Limb In The Garden Oak (Poetry) - [17 words] [Motivational] [June 2006] (HITS 2297, REVS. 0)
Once I Thought Hypocrisy (Poetry) I,too, have felt the knife. [50 words] [Mind] [November 2006] (HITS 2282, REVS. 0)
Pablo: A Life Of Crime And Making Money (Children) What is smart in life? What is dumb? [629 words] [Biography] [November 2008] (HITS 2228, REVS. 0)
Pissed--Or, We Did It To Ourselves(Yes, Read Fucked) (Non-Fiction) Periodical rant. [492 words] [Writing Resource] [July 2002] (HITS 3055, REVS. 2)
Plantain (Short Stories) - [627 words] [Horror] [November 2005] (HITS 3205, REVS. 1)
Please Send Me Blessings (Poetry) - [48 words] [Teenage] [April 2008] (HITS 2132, REVS. 0)
Poet--Photographer--Writer Interview (Non-Fiction) Read about Joseph Randell Sherman, Iowa-born poet and photographer par excellence. For additional info, access to writings, etc., 'google' this writer. [1,999 words] [Biography] [July 2007] (HITS 1030, REVS. 0)
Policing-Immigration Lines (Essays) This is a bit about patriotism but not fanaticism. [1,193 words] [Motivational] [November 2006] (HITS 2656, REVS. 0)
Poor Daddy (Short Stories) Carl saw the freshly-dug hole and broke into tears... [438 words] [Literary Fiction] [February 2007] (HITS 2986, REVS. 3)
Precious Lord, Take My Hand (Songs) This is another one of my favorite gospel songs. So, I am arrogant here in trying to pen a second or extra verse(I know of only one.). M. Jackson sings only one on a DVD I have of her. Anyway, if anyone is interested...Also, what has my home state of Georgia done or what does it plan to do to hon... [50 words] [Spiritual] [September 2006] (HITS 2326, REVS. 0)
President Branch 1954 (Plays) Pure innocence, of course, prevailed at that time, did it not? [313 words] [Comedy] [October 2005] (HITS 3342, REVS. 1)
Quite Harmless You See (Short Stories) Then Peter had the oddest feeling. He’d never been afraid of the dark before. To him, danger was posed by humans, not by animals; least of all simple and innocent forest animals. [723 words] [Literary Fiction] [January 2007] (HITS 2432, REVS. 0)
Rainy Christmas Eve (Short Stories) "How bad is it?" he managed to ask with great physical and psychological effort... [755 words] [Crime] [January 2007] (HITS 2586, REVS. 0)
Ralph Carmichael: A Great American Musician (Non-Fiction) - [463 words] [Biography] [June 2008] (HITS 2923, REVS. 0)
Randall Barfield Interviews Sage Sweetwater--Colorado Poet-Novelist Of The Sapphic Literary Genre (Non-Fiction) . [4,890 words] [Relationships] [August 2007] (HITS 502, REVS. 0)
Randall's Humble Analysis Of The Parable Of The Workers In The Vineyard (Non-Fiction) (Using the NIV version of the Bible) [635 words] [Spiritual] [October 2007] (HITS 3377, REVS. 0)
Randy's Advice To Young Writers (Essays) - [807 words] [Motivational] [October 2001] (HITS 2954, REVS. 0)
Realities (Poetry) - [7 words] [Writing Resource] [June 2006] (HITS 2375, REVS. 0)
Reflective Essay On Classroom Discipline (Essays) This essay was written as part of the requirements for a course in elementary education. The teacher's comments are placed in parentheses and denoted as TC. Some of the problems have worked themselves out during the time since the essay was written. Some of the problems remain. The setting is a ... [2,676 words] [Writing Resource] [June 2002] (HITS 666, REVS. 0)
Religious Poems For Children (Children) - [691 words] [Spiritual] [December 2006] (HITS 3265, REVS. 0)
Remembering Doug (Non-Fiction) I remember thinking at the time that they were such crybabies! [472 words] [Biography] [August 2006] (HITS 2853, REVS. 0)
Sa'ad (Short Stories) Trying to look at history from another perspective. [295 words] [History] [February 2008] (HITS 2300, REVS. 0)
Schoolgirl (Short Stories) - [937 words] [Crime] [September 2006] (HITS 2925 2942, REVS. 1)
Second Nature (Poetry) It's about a concrete finisher. [128 words] [Biography] [October 2005] (HITS 2483, REVS. 0)
See A Rose (Poetry) - [35 words] [Motivational] [April 2008] (HITS 2076, REVS. 0)
She Walked In Beauty (Poetry) - [32 words] [Movies] [November 2005] (HITS 2880, REVS. 2)
Shit (Poetry) This poem is built around a word that is offensive to some, harmless to others. [187 words] [Writing Resource] [January 2002] (HITS 3425, REVS. 1)
Should You Go To College? (Non-Fiction) Decisions confront us at every step in life. [503 words] [Teenage] [January 2007] (HITS 3492, REVS. 1)
Some Caring Country Road (Poetry) Superstars leave indelible impressions on all of us, however, different strokes for different folks, of course. Anyway, I'll always be starstruck and enjoy trying to create tributes for those I love(d) most. [193 words] [Nature] [January 2002] (HITS 2707, REVS. 0)
Something Irresistible (Short Stories) Ten fingers? Who me? [231 words] [Humor] [November 2008] (HITS 2158, REVS. 0)
Somewhere Near The Maricopas: Elizabeth Lucas-Taylor Interview (Non-Fiction) Elizabeth Lucas-Taylor, Arizona writer, poet, seeker, and dreamer, interview by Randall Barfield [4,700 words] [Mind] [December 2008] (HITS 570, REVS. 0)
Spare The Rod (Poetry) There's nothing funny about killing one's parents, I know, but it's only fiction. Right? Did Agatha Christie ever kill anyone despite a life dedicated to murder fiction? [109 words] [Humor] [October 2005] (HITS 2852, REVS. 0)
Stand By Me (Songs) There are 2 songs titled Stand By Me that I know of. The more famous one was recorded by Ben King and John Lennon. The other, less famous but no less beautiful, was recorded by Elvis Presley (and who knows who else) on his gospel album titled "How Great Thou Art." Elvis's Stand By Me is one of my... [74 words] [Spiritual] [September 2006] (HITS 2448, REVS. 0)
Take Her Pompoms (Poetry) What's a mom worth in May? [25 words] [Relationships] [April 2008] (HITS 1959, REVS. 0)
Ten Baby Jesus Poems (Children) The noise of the cock's crow woke them up A brand new day came bursting forth... [272 words] [Spiritual] [December 2006] (HITS 2713, REVS. 0)
Ten More Baby Jesus Poems (And The Last Of Them) (Children) (Wind and rain roared outside The walls of the stable shook...) [237 words] [Biography] [December 2006] (HITS 2796, REVS. 0)
Ten--Hour Weddings (Essays) About South American weddings. [510 words] [Humor] [November 2001] (HITS 2923, REVS. 0)
Terence And Abelardo--Set Four (Plays) - [1,652 words] [Relationships] [June 2006] (HITS 555, REVS. 0)
Terence And Abelardo--Set One (Plays) This is planned as a series of vignettes, each with its own title. Terence is from an English-speaking country but lives and works in a Spanish-speaking one. Abelardo is Spanish-speaking orginally and lives in his native country. Both are single. Terence's nickname is Pecho, which means chest in... [971 words] [Relationships] [October 2005] (HITS 2793, REVS. 0)
Terence And Abelardo--Set Three (Plays) - [1,549 words] [February 2006] (HITS 546, REVS. 0)
Terence And Abelardo--Set Two (Plays) Each set contains 4 shorts. [1,274 words] [Relationships] [November 2005] (HITS 3189, REVS. 0)
That Little Spark (Poetry) - [22 words] [Motivational] [June 2006] (HITS 2412, REVS. 0)
The 2nd Church Sign (Non-Fiction) Thou shalt go and spread... [677 words] [Spiritual] [July 2006] (HITS 3159, REVS. 0)
The Best Christmas (Poetry) The best Christmas means different things to each one of us. [99 words] [Spiritual] [December 2001] (HITS 2937, REVS. 1)
The Big It (Poetry) - [24 words] [Relationships] [June 2006] (HITS 2455, REVS. 0)
The Breakfast Nook (Short Stories) . [246 words] [Spiritual] [December 2007] (HITS 2274, REVS. 0)
The Candy In The Woods (Children) - [467 words] [Adventure] [May 2007] (HITS 3022, REVS. 2)
The Chocolate Bunny Of Stone Mountain (Children) "Somebody has been bad," Susan says, "and..." [522 words] [Popular Fiction] [April 2007] (HITS 2954, REVS. 2)
The Cold March Air (Poetry) - [15 words] [Erotic] [June 2006] (HITS 2431, REVS. 0)
The Color Of My Actions (Poetry) Sometimes we think too much about color and not enough at important things. [73 words] [Motivational] [July 2006] (HITS 3036, REVS. 1)
The Comfort (Poetry) No one can bring him back. No one can forget him either. [250 words] [Biography] [October 2005] (HITS 2581, REVS. 0)
The Cry Baby (Short Stories) - [615 words] [Teenage] [September 2008] (HITS 2155, REVS. 0)
The Death Of My Mom (Essays) A short reflection on a lack of tears for my mom. [565 words] [October 2004] (HITS 3741, REVS. 3)
The Donkey Farm (Children) None of the donkeys wore a watch, of course, so they couldn't be dead sure... [365 words] [Fable] [April 2007] (HITS 2648, REVS. 0)
The Double Cure: A Closer Look (Non-Fiction) - [1,118 words] [Spiritual] [October 2009] (HITS 2657, REVS. 0)
The Evil Of The Visa System (Essays) Looking, looking for that Utopia. As always. [479 words] [History] [February 2003] (HITS 3546, REVS. 1)
The France You Never Got To See (Poetry) How many people wanted to see France and never got a chance to? [67 words] [Motivational] [February 2007] (HITS 2317, REVS. 0)
The Godless Home(Life) (Non-Fiction) Basically, this is written from experience. [661 words] [Self-Help] [March 2006] (HITS 2885, REVS. 0)
The Goodbye (Short Stories) My 2nd attempt at a 'western'. It won a cherry at abctales.com (shoebox) [752 words] [Romance] [February 2009] (HITS 2578, REVS. 0)
The Gravity (Poetry) Former Beatles member George Harrison died in November, 2001. This poem was conceived and written near the musician's death. [81 words] [Psychology] [January 2002] (HITS 3049, REVS. 1)
The Hands (Poetry) - [12 words] [Horror] [August 2006] (HITS 3768, REVS. 1)
The Head Of State's Eyes (Poetry) - [42 words] [History] [September 2006] (HITS 2419, REVS. 0)
The Hour (Poetry) - [10 words] [Spiritual] [June 2006] (HITS 2395, REVS. 0)
The House On No Street (Poetry) Move over, Stephen King! [53 words] [Horror] [January 2002] (HITS 2557, REVS. 0)
The Human Condition(By The Pessimist) (Poetry) - [19 words] [History] [August 2006] (HITS 2295, REVS. 0)
The Jubilee Surprise (Plays) Perhaps daydreaming. (This was written first in 2002, of course.) Today, July 2005, I look back at the word daydreaming and think: Wasn't I ever! Of course, we now know the monarch is trying to break Q Vicki's record of what is it--60 years? [514 words] [History] [May 2006] (HITS 3914, REVS. 0)
The Little House In The Woods (Children) Children can enjoy these new little poems. We were in a "wooded" area on vacation recently and the idea came to me to jot these down. [313 words] [Literary Fiction] [January 2007] (HITS 3112, REVS. 1)
The Lyrics For That Macho-Man, He-Man, Tough-Guy Shit (Poetry) . [278 words] [Literary Fiction] [December 2007] (HITS 2699, REVS. 0)
The Moon In That Movie With Cher (Short Stories) - [901 words] [November 2005] (HITS 3090, REVS. 0)
The New House (Short Stories) - [404 words] [Horror] [July 2008] (HITS 2270, REVS. 0)
The New House Near Campus (Short Stories) - [422 words] [Horror] [August 2008] (HITS 2115, REVS. 0)
The People I Prefer (Poetry) - [47 words] [September 2006] (HITS 2501, REVS. 0)
The Power (Short Stories) "I have to get home. I have to get home..." [1,137 words] [Drama] [July 2006] (HITS 2959, REVS. 1)
The Road (Non-Fiction) But he felt happiness. At last. After such... [576 words] [Motivational] [October 2006] (HITS 2571, REVS. 0)
The Rose Tree (Poetry) A poem about the passing of life and nostalgia. [291 words] [October 2001] (HITS 2745, REVS. 0)
The Scent Of Provincial Orchids (Short Stories) - [940 words] [Literary Fiction] [December 2005] (HITS 2562, REVS. 0)
The Turn Of Your Old Key (Poetry) - [55 words] [Romance] [June 2006] (HITS 2375, REVS. 0)
The Very Best Poems (Poetry) - [36 words] [Motivational] [February 2006] (HITS 2834, REVS. 2)
There Is A Love That Is Matchless (Songs) These lyrics have music (by Guess Who) if anyone is interested. [91 words] [Motivational] [April 2008] (HITS 2009, REVS. 0)
There Will Be No Losers (Poetry) - [146 words] [Motivational] [April 2008] (HITS 2115, REVS. 0)
They Started A War (Poetry) -"One is left with the horrible feeling now that war settles nothing; that to win a war is as disastrous as to lose one." Agatha Christie (1977) [70 words] [Spiritual] [January 2007] (HITS 3031, REVS. 0)
Thin Air (Short Stories) ...you'd think it impossible that one man could terrorize an entire nation but,of course,... [874 words] [Crime] [November 2006] (HITS 2706, REVS. 0)
Third Interview With President Branch (Plays) Here go the Pres. and Barabas(Barb) again. Give me a rating 1 to 10 on it. I say 8.0 (If you don't love yourself, who else is gonna?) I also wanna say that I am not a hater of the president. After all, he did not elect himself. (Guess who did, Ma?) This is just intended as a bit of fun. I real... [536 words] [Comedy] [September 2006] (HITS 2915, REVS. 1)
This Thirst (Poetry) - [29 words] [Psychology] [June 2006] (HITS 2691, REVS. 1)
Thomas Andrew (Children) He and Mr. Tindley didn't go away. Their music and words didn't either... [388 words] [Biography] [October 2008] (HITS 2107, REVS. 0)
Thorn And Rose (Poetry) - [66 words] [Teenage] [April 2008] (HITS 2150, REVS. 0)
Those Images (Poetry) - [30 words] [Relationships] [June 2006] (HITS 2303, REVS. 0)
Three Poem Collection (Poetry) No particular description. The reader will judge. Titles are: Poem for Cathy; Ingots; and The Saltless Sea. [252 words] [Relationships] [October 2005] (HITS 3052, REVS. 2)
Three Poem Collection No. 2 (Poetry) These poems are supposed to be "lite". Titles are: bug off; Fat Farm Arrival; and Bleak Anniversary. [66 words] [Humor] [August 2005] (HITS 2709, REVS. 0)
Three-Song Collection (Songs) Two are supposed to be spiritual and one a ballad. The author's music is available for evaluation. Sometimes the strong part of a song is its music, at others the lyrics. [410 words] [Spiritual] [November 2001] (HITS 2564, REVS. 0)
Tight Jeans 1 (Short Stories) - [264 words] [Romance] [April 2009] (HITS 2296, REVS. 0)
Tight Jeans 2 (Short Stories) - [246 words] [Romance] [September 2008] (HITS 2203, REVS. 0)
Tight Jeans 3 (Short Stories) ... but she was no rose... That's a joke... [228 words] [Romance] [December 2008] (HITS 2461, REVS. 0)
Tight Jeans (4) (Novels) - [187 words] [Romance] [February 2009] (HITS 2770, REVS. 1)
Tiny Poem (Poetry) - [10 words] [Romance] [April 2008] (HITS 3447, REVS. 0)
To An Old Widower (Poetry) - [109 words] [Literary Fiction] [January 2007] (HITS 2498, REVS. 1)
Treeeees (Children) - [69 words] [Nature] [August 2008] (HITS 2578, REVS. 1)
Tropical Baby (Songs) Nothing like sand and palm trees occasionally. [125 words] [Romance] [November 2001] (HITS 2762, REVS. 0)
Trying To Cross (Poetry) . [42 words] [Humor] [October 2007] (HITS 2179, REVS. 0)
Turning To Him (Essays) No description. [354 words] [Motivational] [July 2005] (HITS 2952, REVS. 0)
Two Great North Americans (Non-Fiction) -This is a short piece about a work of love and persistence. When these two elements are present, results are inevitable and these results have been outstanding. LEGACY She left him no money She left him no spread What she left was those hymns-- ... [653 words] [Motivational] [October 2006] (HITS 2478, REVS. 0)
Uncle Reggie's Study Room (Short Stories) - [268 words] [Literary Fiction] [May 2007] (HITS 2493, REVS. 0)
Under The Sun (Essays) What happens in real life is that we humans are vicious one to the other... [839 words] [Relationships] [November 2006] (HITS 2579, REVS. 0)
Unemployment: Cum Laude And The Greatest Terrorist (Essays) 2-cents' worth about employment? [563 words] [Writing Resource] [April 2002] (HITS 2760, REVS. 0)
Unlucky Strike (Poetry) - [41 words] [Humor] [November 2005] (HITS 2531, REVS. 0)
Urban Frat. (Short Stories) - [216 words] [Teenage] [September 2008] (HITS 2055, REVS. 0)
Walter Disney: Changing The World And Making People Laugh (Children) Hard work? Genius? Combo? Combo! [579 words] [Biography] [November 2008] (HITS 2370, REVS. 0)
Warm Night (Short Stories) - [303 words] [Horror] [July 2008] (HITS 2571, REVS. 1)
Wee Thanks Giving 2005 (Poetry) Once a year isn't too often, is it? [169 words] [Motivational] [November 2005] (HITS 2712, REVS. 1)
Wesley Beaver Commemorative Poems (Children) - [772 words] [Fable] [June 2006] (HITS 3052, REVS. 0)
What Did Jose Say? (Poetry) - [149 words] [Comedy] [May 2006] (HITS 2917, REVS. 0)
What Would He Think? (Essays) An attempt to look at ourselves constructively. [559 words] [November 2001] (HITS 2948, REVS. 0)
Where's Our Tommy Lee? (Poetry) - [52 words] [Comedy] [May 2006] (HITS 2544, REVS. 0)
Why Is He Calling? Or (Pass Me Not) (Non-Fiction) She's dead (Frances Jane or Fanny) but she isn't. Right? [706 words] [Spiritual] [October 2008] (HITS 2753, REVS. 0)
Wide Flowers (Poetry) - [189 words] [Teenage] [June 2008] (HITS 1983, REVS. 0)
Wine Of A Different House And Colour (Poetry) - [74 words] [Literary Fiction] [August 2006] (HITS 2424, REVS. 0)
Workers In The Vineyard (Non-Fiction) . [635 words] [Spiritual] [October 2007] (HITS 2395, REVS. 0)
World Cubanization--Afghanization (Essays) A brief essay about some things we cannot change in this world and the dreariness of a totally-poor world structure. [775 words] [March 2003] (HITS 2947, REVS. 0)
X Great Reasons For Not Being Rich Or Famous (Non-Fiction) Any suggestions for No. 15? [284 words] [Self-Help] [May 2007] (HITS 2345, REVS. 0)
You Can Keep Your Fking Jesus-God (Non-Fiction) . [480 words] [Spiritual] [September 2007] (HITS 2637, REVS. 2)
Your Red, Red Heart (Poetry) ...You might with flair and a bit of art... [73 words] [Motivational] [December 2006] (HITS 2854, REVS. 1)
Zinnias And Tea (Poetry) A poem for Miss Helen Keller, 1880-1968. NOTE: Fifty-percent of the income from the sale of this poem will be turned over to the Carter Center. [95 words] [November 2005] (HITS 2742, REVS. 1)


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