Alyssa B - K B - Nick B - Rick B. Baber I'm a freelance photographer/writer, and part-time insurance adjuster, residing in beautiful northwest Arka... Babe too trusting... I Love You Baby - C Bacchus - Devin Backman Devin Backman works are like lights at the end of long dark tunnels. The stories begin light and go through... Walter Bulmer Backtracker Please review my lyrics. It would help me out greatly, both the good and the bad. If you don't ... Mark E Badams Always wanted to write a full actual song. Mark Badams 16 year old who enjoys writing songs and poetry. Rob Badger 16 years old. Charity B Baez I have been writing since I was nine years old...this is the first time anyone has read my work....all fee... Valerie A Bagayas - Bagsby Black guy who likes his chicken. Joe Bagtas - Debbie Bailey I have been writing for 25 years and have won numerous writing awards. I have been published in various ma... Gabrielle D Bailey - Liezl V Baje Baje PLAIN Rob Baked I play the drums and practice marketing with Arcadia Beverage Co. My interests in my twenty-fourth year of lif... Colin Baker - David Baker - M F J Baker - Tim Baker My name is Tim Baker and I'am 21 years old. I live in Adelaide Australia, but soon I leave for Europe. I have b... Travis Baker Struggling musician/entertainer some college, from New York. C Baldwin - Jak G J G Balshaw I am a 16 year old amateur song writer. - add me on msn. J Balshaw I am a song writer and singer. My main inspiration is my girlfriend Lucie. I am 14 years of age, but I am alot ... Ben-Ibn Balzac I enjoy writing short stories, science-fiction, and poetry. I enjoy reading the same, but my main interest... Anna Banasiak I'm a poet and literary critic Christie Bane The author is originally from California. She currently resides in New York, where she trains guide dogs, h... Arnab Banerjee - Philip Banik - Serene Banks - The F-Sixteens (Banzai Bitches) The F-Sixteens have 4 people. Tomas Sancio B Baquiano Tomas Sancio is a Mechanical Engineer located in Caracas, Venezuela whos day job is software prog Izabela Baranowska - Michael G Barbieri Michael Barbieri is a recent Computer Engineering graduate of the University of Central Florida. Dylan Barbour - Jared Barcelos I am an English student, and when I'm not doing homework I like to write. I tend to dabble in creative no... Randall Barfield -US citizen living and working in the capital of Colombia, South America. Teaches EFL and IELTS, and TOE... Jessica Barker - M B Barlow Eighteen but filled with imagination. Donovan Barner 12 year old Jamal has devoted his life to the arts and has loved musci almost all of his life. Colleen Barnes- Jones - Shane Barnes Shane B just like to write to releive... Steve Barney Writing poetry should come from the heart. The words should just flow out without hesitation, and without a ... Katie Barnhill - John Barnovsky I am a Christian who loves to read the Bible and science fiction stories. Kellie Barqs The girl you wish you had in highschool. :-) Aleisha Barr none John Thomas Barragan I am a 22 year old film major at UCSC, I enjoy all forums of entertaining, poetry, hip-hop, music, a... Matthew Barrenger - Alexander Barrett 27 years old and lives in Washington state. Spent 4 years in the Navy. Mark Barrett - Paula Barta-Schielke The author, a single mother and divorcee, offers suggestions to men on how they can strengthen their... Jessica Barth - Jessica Barth - Catherine Bartnik - Emma Barton I am 17 and love to write. Please Please review so I know if I should keep on writtin and putting my work on Hayley Barton I wrote this myself. I am a junior high girl who dreams of becoming a hollywood star. I love to sing, play ... Bass - Wanderer Bass - Wanderer Bass - Bastiani - Amanda Bates - Charlie Bates My name is Charlie Bates and I am a freshman at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania. I am going to be a psy... Dawn Bates I'm new to this and it was written as a sort of therapy... Any feedback and guidance appreciated. Scott Patrick Bates I'm a soon-approaching middle aged white male short story and poem writer. Have had nothing published... Chloe L Batey I love reading my old stuff. It shows me how bad I really was. So I culled a little, getting rid of the tru... Jasmine P Batey Hi! My name is Jasmine Batey, I was born in '94, so at the moment I'm 16, I enjoy writing poetry, lyrics ... Jasmine P Batey Hi! My name is Jasmine Batey, I was born in '94, so at the moment I'm 16, I enjoy writing poetry, lyrics ... Saira M Bathory Bio .. I am ¢Óhe 1 & ¥Õn¨¨y.....SAIRA B.♫♫♫(SINGER, S¢¾NGWRI¢ÓER ,P¥ÕE¢Ó,AR¢ÓIS¢Ó,Ph¥Õ¢... Aurelia Bauer I am a budding young author and wrote this story between classes! This is my first, though hopefully not... Russ Bauer I like writing about numerous topics. This was a story I thought up from some current events. Bethaney Dawn Larock Bdl I'm Native American/French descent. I follow, and try to live like my American Indian ancestors... Jack Beads - Hannah L Beal - Coco Bean - Henry L. Bean Someone who likes to write on occasion. A typical, thoughtful person. That's me. Katie M Beard - Shane J Beard - Tommi Beard - Richard Dean Bearskin - David Beattie Beats - Hefley Beau - Paul Dory Beaubrun Paul Beaubrun is a singer/songwriter in New York city. He has travel the world with his band Zing Expe... Beverly Beauchamp Thirty-nine year old mother, who is going for her R.N. Art Becaud A mad wife, insane kids, stupid dogs and hedonistic cats, ducks and gargoyles all share my life. What chance ... BeckN - Stephen Beck - Eugene Beckett - Eugene Beckett - Timothy Beecroft - Lloyd George Been Been YUSUF ALI ONE OF THE TOP WRITERS OF THE 18 ,19,& 20 century Trivikrak Belagod - Rebecca Beldam I am a student studying music. Emily Jane Bell - Jasmine A Bell I've been writing songs for 4 months and I love to sing. Jim E Bell 42 yr old writer / father / romantic Meghan L Bell I'm a 15 year old girl and my name is Meghan. I've been writing for about 3 years now, and I love it! I als... Amanda L Bellamy Amanda has written a number of one act plays and radio plays since 1995. Several have been performed and Stephen Bellamy Stephen Bellamy has been involved in the performing arts for many years, acting directing and latterly wr... Shell Belle - Mary Belletatto - M P B Bellingham Mandy Bryson A Belloir - Ruby Alexandra Beloz My Name is Ruby Alexandra Beloz. I was born in Los Angeles, Ca in 1953. I am a Quality Engineer and ... Ghost Ben David - Big Evolence Benevolence age 16, in uk Santo Benincasa Just a older man trying to do something Chloe Bennett My 10 year old brain wanted to write a song in bed on my own my mum in bed my dad downstairs watching the f... E. L. Bennett - L Clayton Bennett I'm a computer consultant and ex-Air Force pilot. My interests are flying, programming, writing novels,... Shawna Benson - Joan Bentley A 22 year old college senior, I finally started writing a little over a year ago, just because I suddenly fo... Robert Benton - Tj Benz - Ben - Sarah Beresh I am just me Elicia Marie Berg A college student, studying English. Bernadette - Maria Camila Bernal - Sara Bernal Born in Brazil, sometimes I use my time to translate my poems. Michelle Bernard - James C Bernthal Fifteen year-old writer and actor from Norfolk, England. You can follow my exploits here: www.jamescber Lauren Berr I am 14, and I enjoy writing songs from the heart! =) Antony Berrios ...[B]eneath US the earth is trembling. Where can we place our fulcrum, even assuming that we possess the ... Christina Berry - David C Berry - Katelyn Berry - Leigh Berry I live on Cape Cod, MA and this is my first attempt at a short story. Danielle Bertram - Peggy J Bertrand - Russell Berwick I am 51 and live in Austin Texas. I enjoy writing and playing music. James Best I own a tattoo shop in pickering ontario and have these lyrics for songs with the tunes in my head I don't pla... M Betette - T.C. Beto - Ashtin Beus - Jacson A Bevens I am a 20 year old from Bellingham, WA with a passion for writing and intimate expression. Matthew Mark Gill Beverly Hills A girl that has everything, and you will never get your wish as the dream has just begun. Amarjit Bhambra - Amarjit Bhambra Narinder Bhambra I have been writing poetry for the past 20 years. I wrote my first poem in school. That same poem got ... Saranjit Bhambra I am on my interest about writing about my childhood memories with regards to my Nan Amarjit Bhambraaa - Bhambra - Brahamrishi Bhargava - Srija Bhattacharjee NONE BhattacharyyaS - T Bianafka - Gabrielle R Bicker - Rachel Biddlecome - David Bidge - David William Bielefeld - David William Bielefeld We spent my childhood chasing sports. My father, brother and cousins were also athletes. David William Bielefeld Talks about high school years and relationships with friends, and girls.. Marydon Bigora - Nicole Bills I'm 19 and live in Detroit, Michigan. I work as a nurse aide and go to college to become an RN. I like to wr... Rachael E Bills I'm creative, funny, but also can be serious. I'm intelligent (so I'm told) and like to show my perspect... Bilo - David Aoloch Bion South Sudanese poet Maggie Birchwire The Birdman I am understood to be very optimistic and compassionate. I love to think deeply about life and the aspects i... E Birdsong I live in Dallas, TX. I write about real people in real situations. The darker the room, the brighter the fl Daniel Birnbaum First, let me say the most important thing. I would love to hear your comments. Now, a piece about me. ... Ciaran Bissett Im the lead singer ,lyricist and Rythm guitarist on new band,Whifflefit Matthew Bissonnette - Rubin Biswas I am poetry lover. God is beloved love is sweet truth ... Bk Kinsel - F Black 19 years old uneployed Nick Black - Stephanie Black A 16 year old female. Goes to Hartford Union High school and enjoys writing. Talia-Marie Black my name is talia and i used to write song lyrics alot but then i gave up until i came up with "this is ... Gs Blackshaw Enthusiastic about writing fiction and achieving publication. Writing several novels at this time. Salisha R Blackwell - Matthew Mark Gill Blah What no life I thought so.. Byron Blake BB - say it with a smile. The illustrious Byron Blake once again glimpses our pages with delight. His websi... Karissa Blanchard I write a lot of poems, mainly about heartbreak. But really depends in what I'm feeling. Derzhi Bleek - Louise Akiko Blencowe I am 16 yrs old I began songwriting from the age of 8 I have been singing since I was three I lov Diana Blizzard I am a 24 year old wife, mother and Education major at Indiana University. I write poetry and short stori... B J Bloch The Author of: "Confronted with Death" "No Team to Root for" "Another Senseless Killing" Dr Benton Bloch i... Babie Blue - Ray Blue I surf. I like surfing the net. Coffee? Blue Wolf i am singer song wiriter ~Blythe~ 18 year old female from Australia, who badly needs to stop writing about relationships! Eyelish Bob - Tripp Bobay I am just a guy that sometimes has lyrics pop into his head. I write about my life experience and how I view ... Bob - Nevine Boccara Nevine Boccara went to a girls school in Northern Ireland, a public school in Canada, and an international... Nicole M Bohnsack All I can really say is I love to write, listen to music (AC/DC especially) and play my guitar(inspired... Amber Bolin i am 16 and am a sophmore in high school Gary Bolstridge Interested in human interactions and the damage/euphoria they can create. Love is one of the strongest of... Jerry Pat Bolton On April 2, 1939 on a cold, rainy night near Burton's Mill in the southwestern part of Arkansas I drew ... Lil Bonafide I'm a 15 year old lyricist. Kristin Renee Bond My name is Kristin, I write to express the things that go on in my head. I am a cheerleader and I play... August Bondi I'm not a writer, I'm a business major, so go easy on me! But let me know what's going on. This is my firs James Bondjamesbond - Wynn Bonner Shidatoi Bonnywhitney all we do is ckurve em dere aint nuttiin else 2 it hit us upp on dat aim flow miszbrooklyn13 nd mzp... Danae Bonomini - Boonze - Evan C Boornazian I am currently a 15 year old male who attends school. I am an athlete and enjoy participating in events... Visut Bootsripoom - Dorothy Borden - Louis Borgo - Gene Boris - Boris Merner fac tot posibilul ca, pe masura puterilor mele, limba romana sa-mi daruiasca tot ce are mai frumos si mai e... Elide Bors Elide Bors lives in Romania, in a little house in a mountain town. As she used to be a dancer in her youth, sh... Gerald L Bosacker I am author, Gerald Bosacker, a prolific poet and short story writer who is woefully undiscovered by t... Sandeepan Sb Bose Angelwithfirewing - Abdelilah Bouasria My name is Abdelilah Bouasria, and I am a native of the beloved land of Morocco. After primary and sec... Jasmine Boucher - Jazzy Boucher I'm a regular person who is trying to let my voice be heard! Jasmine Boucher I am a normal girl who loves to do various things. Just trying to find my way through this world. Who kno... Glenn Boudreau - Manley Bowen - Mark Bowen I'am 15 and I Lve myfooty and to pout on sonny billz!!!! Charice L Boyd I'm a junior in high school and I love to write. I am currently thinking about majoring in journalism. W... John Mark Boyd I am married with two children. I am 33 years old. We live in a small town in Tennessee. I like to play sp... Noah Boyd - Terence Boydon - Brian Boyer Doc - David Boyer - Lilli Brachman - Matthew Braciszewski My name is Matthew Braciszewski and growing up for me was never easy. Growing up in my family was on... Darby M Bracken - Oliver Thomas Coles Brackenbury Truly one of the world sexiest aspiring 17 year old writers from Britain who now lives in... Adam Bradley A mid twenties male writer who lives in Chicago Aurora Braganza I enjoy writing song lyrics, poetry, essays, short stories and have completed one book. I'm Involved with... Shaneka Bragg - Caster V Brainwynn - Kinsler Brandon - Caitlin N Brandt - Brandt - Lee Branham - Christian C Braniff I am 14, and love writing, i write mostly love songs, and personal/inspirational quotes Jonathon Brannon Jonathon Brannon was born in Las Vegas,NV and resides in beautiful Southern California. I love writing... Brannon - BransonA - Christina Breck 5th grade student Adam Brelsford - Morgan A Brennan - Georgette Q Breslin - Greg J Brey - Roxi Bri I'm Romanian, I grew up reading science-fiction, and so I became an addict. Rita Brian - Eric Bridges A wannabe writer who is young and in hopes that somebody will like his stories. Brie And Brittney these authors are the best writers ever!!!!! Chelsea P Briggs - Kc Briggs - Bri Q Brisee - Chris Britt- New Mark Brittan Mark G. Brittan. PT English tutor at a local community college; PT Sports Stringer at a local newspaper; 27... Rod L Bro Katie Brock It is not what u write or how u write, it is that you write. Carole Brogden Hey, I am a 17 year old freshman at Texas State University. I am majoring in Interior design but im not a ... Rrebecca S Brookman Rebecca Brookman Cecil Brooks - Davin Brooks The story told by me, The way I see it. Davin Brooks - Ryan W Brooks - Brotherman - Andrea Diane Brown My name is Andrea Brown and I'm an 18 year old high school senior from Albuquerque, New Mexico. I'm g... Ashley E Brown Ashley Brown is 16 and is currently a sophomore in high school. She doesn't know what she wants to do when... Alex S Brown A lover of just about anything living in Gary, Indiana. Alex Brown Alex Brown was born in England. Before becoming a writer, he was a financial executive. Earning a Ph.D. and Do... Daniel Brown Hey I'm 17, and I live in Champaign, Illinois. I've been thinking about writing a story like this for a whil... David W Brown - Darren W Brown - Emilee Brown - Giselle Brown - Jack M Brown 19, studying Mathematics at Southampton University. Jessica M Brown A college student with graduation in site. Has lived around the country. Likes people and doing new thi Jodie Brown Just cos... K Brown - Mhairi R Brown I'm a young girl, who seems to be unlucky in love. I have an upbeat personality and write songs and poems ... Matt Brown - Sue Brown Sue lives in Oregon and writes both short stories and poetry. Tiffany Brown - Katrina Browne - Sylvia Browne Love it? Hate it? Review it. I don't get offended easy, so don't sweat it. Browserman - Jonathan Brucato As a high school senior, this has been my first bit of work. Ever. Ed Bruce - Brueske - Hannah Brumfield - Chauncey Brummell - Shannon Bruyette - Lizzy Bryan What's to like about me? Reid Bryansmith - Gabby Bryant I'm an avid writer and artist. I love photography. Laura Bryant I am me, and that is all I will say. Mickey Bryant I am a thirty six year old optimistic, mental health counselor. I also have my own web based web site publi... Jess Bubbles Hey im Jess, im a pretty outgoing person and i love to be silly and have fun, but when the time calls for it... David L Buchanan David Buchanan currently resides in the northwest Suburbs of Illinois. He serves as a church organist in... James Buchannon British, spent most of my life living in Plymouth. the rest of it living in Spain. Sarah Buck F Buck - Thomas Buck - Richard Buckner My name is posted allready, So I'm from Mississippi, I love life, children, In general most people. I wou... Budha - Ovidiu Bufnila One of the prominent Romanian contemporary writers, Ovidiu Bufnila is a fine and quite prolific stylist, w... Vivian Bui name is vivian . love to write ! Brad D Bullard - 16 years old trying to get a start Preston K Bullard 1. Who are you? Me? Who? Little old me? Why... I'm Preston Kendall Bullard... And, what, pray tell, do... Brynn Bullington I'm only 13 and I wrote this song from experience. sorry if there is miss spelled words because im not t... China Rose Marie Bullock Punk-pop song writer/In band, Void Unless Sealed with Jessica. Dwight Bullock BIOGRAPHICAL DATA NAME: KVillekidd PEN NAME: KVillekidd BORN: August 31, 1959 PLACE: Kirbyvill... Walter Bulmer Singer songwriter Matthew Mark Gill Bum Kalli Bunch - Christopher Ryan Bur - Dennis Burayidi Adventurous songs Ashley Burdett I'm 19 and I currently a student at a local college. I'm pursuing a degree in biology. Despite my affinity... Hayley Burdett I'm a sixteen year old student. I live in a suburb outside Philadelphia. My hobbies consist of writing, re... G Burke - Heather Burke I'm a single parent that enjoys writing in my spare time. I currently live in FL. Zack L Burke - Delmar Burkett Delmar Burkett born and raised in Flint, MI. Have been writing since his teenage years. Also, he is an act... Gregory W Burkett Student of enlightenment since the age of sixteen. Graduate of Loyola University of Chicago. Born in Wa... S Burkhead Amateur writer currently enrolled in Advanced Composition course in community college. Kaye Burland 15 year old girl from england. bit of a day dreamer!! Jeff Burleson - Sara Burling High school student in Louisiana. Elizabeth Burnett - David Burnside - Ali Nicole Burton I had to do this essay in English 11 for a "test" and I was reading some of the others and thought I'd ... Ellie M Burton - Ellie Burton - John Burton A troubled mind with a purpose in life to find out the answers to questions. Burton - Christopher Ryan Burzachiello I love God! Jennifer Marie Busby My name is Jennifer. I live in Beasley, Texas. Its a small town that doesn't even have a highschool.... Harry Buschman I am an octogenarian, a veteran of WW II with a very good memory. Ari Bush - Edward Bush Jr I have a lot of ideas, just have problem getting them out because I'm just plain broke! Melissa Bushman - Guitar Butcher - Mandi Butkovich - Charles Butler - Lala Butler ~Name Lex ~Nickname Lala ~Age 16 ~Hometown Miami FL ~Race mutt (a lot of things) Tamsin Butler - Buxtonlove - Buxton - Krista Lee Buynak My name is Krista Buynak and I am 17 years old. There isn't much about me that is very different from t... Marie Buzzy I am a teenager who loves to write. Give me something creative to write about, I'll blow your mind. Give me... David B Doc Byron Just a wild and crazy guy!! David Doc Byron - Doc Byron - Reginald F Byron - Kennth Bryant - Baran Bulkat Phil Bowman Reuben Gregg Brewer Kyle Mae Burtts Sandi Elizabeth Brock Victor Burke Linda Marie Brainard Wily Boy Jenine Boisits Kyle Bridges Anthony Beckman Janet Buckley Maggie Birchwire Trevor Balena
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Amarjit Bhambra |
- [June 2007] |
A Different Kind Of Love (Poetry) - [95 words] [Nature] [March 2007] (HITS 3068, REVS. 3)
A Dj Song (Songs) - [130 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2298, REVS. 0)
A Few Asian Girls In Britain 1969 (Poetry) Incident that we had to face in School from English girls with hump against the Asian girls. [163 words] [Biography] [March 2007] (HITS 2810, REVS. 1)
A Letter To Shilpa (Poetry) A thought on racism.... [181 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2159, REVS. 0)
A Lost Soul (Poetry) A poem based on what drinking can do. [79 words] [Mind] [March 2007] (HITS 2701, REVS. 0)
A Message For Christmas....... (Poetry) A Little song that l always remember from my childhood which l learned in Sunday School, I think that there should be more Sunday School for our children to be preaching on the right path - so that there would be less crimes ect........... [80 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2282, REVS. 0)
A Mother In Law From India (Plays) This poem is written with an open mind and does not relate to my own Mother in Law in anyway.It is something that is made up and l hope you enjoy it, as It is my first peice using both English and Indian - Translated to make it easier to read ....... [225 words] [Humor] [March 2007] (HITS 3058 3080 3080, REVS. 3)
A Peice Of Spain (Poetry) I have not been back to Spain since 27 years! [65 words] [November 2006] (HITS 2218, REVS. 0)
A Taste Of Snow (Poetry) A contrast between two lands Africa and Britain. [212 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2724, REVS. 10)
A Thing Of A Bat? (Short Stories) When this actually happened, it was very hilarious. I hope you imagine it well to enjoy that particular day with us. [349 words] [Humor] [March 2007] (HITS 3039, REVS. 2)
Aaron (Poetry) A small Hiku poem - My first Grandson [17 words] [Relationships] [March 2007] (HITS 2176, REVS. 0)
An Unbalanced World (Poetry) - [168 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2153, REVS. 0)
Angry Waves (Poetry) The waves of 2005 [97 words] [Nature] [January 2005] (HITS 2954, REVS. 4)
Another Bilingual Indian Song (Songs) Having bought up in England, Its nice to try and write songs or peotry in Indian, tranlated in English So other people can understand us too. And as u can see in the Music stream, youngesters of Britian are making it and singing songs Bilingual and has done a good job doing so. and as a lot of Eng... [171 words] [October 2006] (HITS 2551 2560, REVS. 0)
Be Kind (Poetry) - [61 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2041, REVS. 0)
Birth (Poetry) And it was the birth of my Grand son! [33 words] [Biography] [March 2007] (HITS 2460, REVS. 0)
Brown Owl (Poetry) Was an Middle aged Lady living down our street, who ran the Local Girl Guide. She encouraged me to go to Brownies with her each week at the age of 7. I am an Asian girl and she welcomed our family with open arms - at a time when our family was new to Britain. Our childhood began on British soil. [152 words] [Biography] [March 2007] (HITS 2343, REVS. 0)
By The Sea (Poetry) Its were we all like to be. [82 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2185, REVS. 0)
Charlie The Squirral (Short Stories) When my son was born,I alway remember a Squirral in the Hospital grounds that the Nurses used to feed -chips, so this story is for children to enjoy dedicated to Charlie the Squirral.(Oh my son is over 20 now!) But l still remember Charlie and his chips...... [341 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2393, REVS. 0)
Circle Of Life (Poetry) Haiku About life... [10 words] [Mystery] [March 2007] (HITS 2222, REVS. 0)
Corridors Of Love? (Poetry) Knocking on the right door....I remember my creator.... [79 words] [Mystical] [November 2007] (HITS 1821, REVS. 0)
Cries Eoch In The Mountains, (Poetry) Can you not almost hear the real eoch of crying in the cold Mountains after the Earthquake? [75 words] [Nature] [March 2007] (HITS 2334, REVS. 0)
Dare If You Care (Poetry) - [67 words] [Relationships] [March 2007] (HITS 2869, REVS. 2)
Dear Brother (Poetry) Life is full of meanings, but sometimes we wished we had said things not realizing it when it is too late. [101 words] [Relationships] [October 2004] (HITS 2636, REVS. 2)
Deep Rooted Love (Poetry) - [75 words] [Mystery] [October 2004] (HITS 2490, REVS. 0)
Diana (Poetry) A POEM ABOUT Diana. [55 words] [April 2004] (HITS 2525, REVS. 0)
Do Yea Remember Those Eyebrows Gil? (Poetry) Some of the funny things that happen to us in life.... [131 words] [November 2006] (HITS 2359, REVS. 1)
Don't Judge Me Via A Book By It's Cover (Poetry) I say don't judge anyone even a ........ [207 words] [Humor] [March 2007] (HITS 2558, REVS. 2)
Eat You Lunch Children (Short Stories) A story for Halloween for young children,especially the ones that don't finish their lunch.... [450 words] [Literary Fiction] [March 2007] (HITS 2755, REVS. 3)
Emotion Hurts (Poetry) - [102 words] [Mystical] [March 2007] (HITS 2817, REVS. 2)
Emotions Hurt (Songs) It made me cry as I wrote this sad song, of the day my mother died - did it make anybody else cry? - I think that death is a mystery. [104 words] [Mystery] [February 2004] (HITS 2433, REVS. 0)
Estimated Love (Poetry) Love has its values in measures, amounts and cost... [74 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2222, REVS. 0)
Eve's Birthday Surprise (Plays) A funny little play. [204 words] [Humor] [March 2007] (HITS 4667, REVS. 3)
Face To Face With Daylight Robbers (Short Stories) A tricky situation... [288 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2185, REVS. 0)
From The Earth To The Moon (Poetry) - [75 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2708, REVS. 2)
Full Steam Ahead (Poetry) A Child's first Train..... [31 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2286, REVS. 0)
Funny Funny (Poetry) Have a laugh, its good for you. cheers [469 words] [Comedy] [September 2006] (HITS 2179, REVS. 0)
God Is Working On Another Mircle (Poetry) Please continue praying for Payam for today l have read that after 5 weeks he has started to talk! He is a 15 year old boy who was Knocked down by a car,,, Please keep praying [44 words] [November 2006] (HITS 1993, REVS. 0)
He Gave It All Away (Short Stories) I have my own African Grey and this story was written in 1999, hope you like it.... [1,959 words] [March 2007] (HITS 507, REVS. 0)
Help Me Back To The Ground (Songs) Imagine singing this one on top of a mountain. [111 words] [Self-Help] [March 2007] (HITS 2357, REVS. 0)
Henna And The Coloured Pencils (Children) Delightful short story about a small girl who threw her coloured pencils away but.... [586 words] [Fantasy] [March 2007] (HITS 3654, REVS. 1)
Hidden Looks (Poetry) Mysteries of Love. [158 words] [January 2005] (HITS 2905, REVS. 2)
Hip Hop, Bangra's Hot (Songs) Comments on this one which includes HIP HOP, Bangra and Boy, girl (SCENE IN DISCO CLUB) and...... a Parrot! RAPPING IT IN! pretty smart.... what do you think? [251 words] [September 2006] (HITS 2516 2528, REVS. 2)
How A Teenager Advoided A Pervert (Short Stories) A lot of teenager girls are not aware of dangers that they would face when confronted with a pervert.... thinking clever sometimes work. [819 words] [Literary Fiction] [March 2007] (HITS 2656, REVS. 4)
I Remember Joe (Poetry) About our cockatoo whom we had for 11 years. [147 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2378, REVS. 0)
If I Was To Walk Back In Time (Poetry) - [63 words] [January 2005] (HITS 2566, REVS. 0)
Impecunious (Poetry) A poem about work without money! [128 words] [April 2004] (HITS 2640, REVS. 2)
In Out (Poetry) Figure it out A Hiku - meaning a small four line verse poem. [24 words] [October 2006] (HITS 2410 2422, REVS. 2)
Is What L Hate, Is What L ................. (Poetry) Do you know the feeling? [356 words] [November 2006] (HITS 2445, REVS. 15)
It Was One Day Before Christmas....... (Poetry) - [88 words] [December 2006] (HITS 2074, REVS. 0)
Its Rock (Songs) - [87 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2220, REVS. 0)
Just Like Your Dad (Poetry) - [61 words] [November 2006] (HITS 2135, REVS. 0)
Knocky Knocky Nnocks! (Children) When the world cries, you cry with it, and when the world laugh, you laugh with it. [92 words] [Humor] [September 2006] (HITS 2737, REVS. 0)
Life Can Take You Up And Down (Poetry) - [103 words] [November 2006] (HITS 2139, REVS. 0)
Like A Bottle (Songs) Something knew to me - A Bilingal song, written and translated - in English and Indian. So it's a 2 way writting method. ....A bit on the unfinished side perhap you can help finish it? [64 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2168 2179, REVS. 0)
Like Sugar And Cream (Songs) A little love song. [96 words] [Fantasy] [February 2005] (HITS 2782, REVS. 2)
Like Troubled Water (Short Stories) One way of explaining life... [1,261 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2783, REVS. 9)
Lilic Dreams (Poetry) I aways loved the colour Lilic - lilics are full of dreams. [99 words] [Fantasy] [March 2007] (HITS 2333, REVS. 0)
Living In Dreams (Poetry) How far can l remember, for our lives gone by are dreams now, that we can never forget and never thought we would dream off, Yet we live our dreams and yet we never deamt we would come this far.(A lot of Sikhs have settled over the World - I am one among the Millions everyone remembers their childh... [95 words] [Biography] [March 2007] (HITS 2316, REVS. 0)
Love Is A Connection (Poetry) Haiku On Love... [12 words] [January 2007] (HITS 2178, REVS. 0)
Love On The Other Side (Songs) A song about a woman who died young and her husband is kind of forgotton her and married someone else. [161 words] [Fantasy] [November 2006] (HITS 2052, REVS. 0)
Love With Respect (Poetry) - [76 words] [Mind] [December 2004] (HITS 2703, REVS. 4)
Making A Promise (Poetry) How do you keep a Promise? [75 words] [February 2007] (HITS 2041, REVS. 0)
Me And My Pyjamas (Songs) How doe it feel song have a laugh and have an opinion? I don't mind if you think it is silly.... [162 words] [Comedy] [March 2007] (HITS 2657 2669, REVS. 6)
Mental Art (Poetry) Picture painted via da Mood. [100 words] [November 2006] (HITS 2007, REVS. 0)
Modonna Crying Statue - Why? (Foreign) Words that express poetry and words that express meaning of the above. [146 words] [Mystical] [November 2005] (HITS 3775, REVS. 0)
Mother Earth's Brains For The Future (Poetry) See for yourselves, What is happening around the world - (Globle Warming) Richard Braston is also now offering award to solve the problem to scientist. PS This poem was written in 2005. [154 words] [Nature] [February 2007] (HITS 2574, REVS. 0)
Mother India Our Root Man (Songs) I Love reading on how other Silks like myself have settled in England and other parts of the World BUT at the end of the day, one should not forget our Roots - We all were at one time the seeds of Mother India. I enjoy Bangra music and tried to write a simple song _ Bangra is a Harvest song. I have ... [168 words] [August 2006] (HITS 2697, REVS. 2)
Mr. Me,Me,Do (Songs) A little jolly son, for babys and toddlors. [69 words] [April 2004] (HITS 2919, REVS. 1)
Mrs. Bilkhu And Her Two Little Finches (Short Stories) A very sad little story - very diffcult to write through my tears. They flew into her heart and ....... [926 words] [February 2007] (HITS 2224, REVS. 0)
Mrsa - The Deadly Bug (Poetry) - [215 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2138, REVS. 0)
My Africa (Poetry) Bits and peices of what l can remember in Africa from the age of about 5 to 6 [71 words] [Biography] [August 2006] (HITS 2137, REVS. 0)
My Bodyguard, Carol (Poetry) A school friend that used to protect an Asian Girl in Multy racial British School in the 70's. [128 words] [Biography] [August 2006] (HITS 2219, REVS. 0)
My Favourate Flower.....An Orchid. (Poetry) They are beautiful and smell nice,,,,, [48 words] [November 2006] (HITS 2260, REVS. 0)
My New Gran-Ma And My New Gran-Dad (Poetry) When we arrived in Britain in the cold winters of the 60's, At the age of 6, how did we know that we were going to leave behind our Grand-dad and our Lovely Gran-ma back in Africa. After living rough in rented accommations we bought our own house after a few years. Next door to us lived a very old ... [259 words] [Biography] [August 2006] (HITS 2212, REVS. 0)
My Own Thought On The New Airport T5 (Poetry) My own thoughts about the New Runaway, Terminal 5 [133 words] [June 2007] (HITS 3333, REVS. 14)
My Teeth Are Clean! (Children) One way to teach children to eat carrots! This one is for under 5's I hope you enjoy it, it was written for my Gran-son Aaron. [65 words] [Animal] [October 2006] (HITS 2597 2617, REVS. 0)
My Treat (Short Stories) - [631 words] [November 2006] (HITS 2399, REVS. 0)
My Well Respected Brother On Lakri Day (Poetry) Lakri Day,is a very special day for Brother and Sister. The Sister's tie a string on their brother wrist to show their love and respect for each other. My brother died a few years ago, so l wrote this special poem especially on "Lakri Day". [73 words] [Biography] [August 2006] (HITS 2185, REVS. 0)
My Wonderful Gran-Son Arron (Poetry) My first Gran-son....Ahhh. [23 words] [Relationships] [June 2005] (HITS 2408, REVS. 0)
Now That You Have Gone.... (Poetry) - [119 words] [September 2006] (HITS 2141, REVS. 0)
One Day And Than What? (Poetry) Think about it. [123 words] [Nature] [January 2005] (HITS 2519, REVS. 0)
One Foot Here, One Foot There (Poetry) Haiku about the soul [10 words] [June 2007] (HITS 2139, REVS. 0)
Our First Pet (Poetry) About a cocktel which we had for 11 years and one of our first pet. [128 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2244, REVS. 0)
Our Parrot Scared The Burglar (Short Stories) I can imagine at it happened and find it quite funny as to how he must have ran off without taking any goods from our house.... [454 words] [Animal] [February 2014] (HITS 1733, REVS. 0)
Pardise In Neasden (Poetry) - [75 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2186, REVS. 0)
Pleasant Dreams (Poetry) A small poem about my brother who passed away a few years ago. [45 words] [Mind] [January 2005] (HITS 2707, REVS. 1)
Pray To Be Connected (Poetry) Feel the Power of Beinging connected. [103 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2410, REVS. 2)
Prayers (Poetry) Prayers can... [40 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2207, REVS. 0)
Praying For A Mircle.... (Poetry) Please have heart and join in pray for a mircle for a very sick boy who was involved in an accident in October. If our prays work, maybe we will hear of that Mircle. This is one way of doing good and helping people. God bless everyone who joins in..... [96 words] [Mind] [March 2007] (HITS 2574, REVS. 1)
Put It Together (Songs) - [94 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2152, REVS. 0)
Revealing Secrets (Songs) How difficult could it be to get into ones heart. to know ones feelings..... [111 words] [Horror] [March 2007] (HITS 2441, REVS. 0)
Shine Your Light (Poetry) - [62 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2512, REVS. 2)
Sindy's Eyebrows (Screenplays) When this happened, it was very hillious and funny. I hope you enjoy it too. [213 words] [Humor] [March 2007] (HITS 3025, REVS. 2)
Singapore Excution Of Mr. Nguyen (Poetry) Since last week, l came across the excution news on the Australian Mr. Nguyen. l am shocked at the way this young mans life is going to end because of a mistake he made. We all make mistakes, we all get blamed for something or another But l think the Singapore Government should grant Mr. Nguyen,life... [149 words] [Humor] [March 2007] (HITS 2902, REVS. 8)
Sisterly Love? (Poetry) Some of the things that happen in our teens... [106 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2144, REVS. 0)
Thank You Britain (Poetry) This poem is about from there to here, when we first left Africa and landed in Britain. [118 words] [Adventure] [March 2007] (HITS 2445, REVS. 0)
Thanks A Lot (Songs) Bangra is well know Indian beat now often used in Even rap songs, I make this one up last night. I hope some one would comment on it. [101 words] [Fantasy] [March 2007] (HITS 3143, REVS. 2)
The Beautiful Sky Blue Budgie (Poetry) Saw him stand out again the green surroundings. [194 words] [Animal] [March 2007] (HITS 2337, REVS. 0)
The Burglar, My Husband And I (Non-Fiction) This actually happened, Its also good to have a laugh about it. [243 words] [Humor] [February 2006] (HITS 3873, REVS. 1)
The Ceramic Dog (Poetry) Which was so important to my mother before she died. [61 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2323, REVS. 0)
The Day Joe Died (Poetry) When our family lost our feathered friend whom we had for 11 years [91 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2227, REVS. 0)
The Destroyer Of Love (Poetry) What destroys Love.... [57 words] [June 2007] (HITS 2066, REVS. 0)
The Different Colours Of Love (Poetry) Love moods comes in different packages [130 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2440, REVS. 0)
The First Cry (Poetry) And l wonder why [45 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2270, REVS. 0)
The Flower Of Life (Poetry) - [34 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2185, REVS. 0)
The Good Against The Evil (Short Stories) - [628 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2846, REVS. 1)
The Healing Hand Of The Lord (Short Stories) I was in a Foreign Country, with my son who fell ill in the middle of the night. I have to share my love from God and his wonderful healing power which comes from faith and love.... [259 words] [Mystical] [March 2007] (HITS 2437, REVS. 0)
The Love Of God Within You (Poetry) - [80 words] [Mind] [June 2007] (HITS 1944, REVS. 0)
The Mencing Of The Mobils (Poetry) I personally hate them, with the changes l have seen in my children using them 24 hours on ends. BUT l may just like them a little bit, when knowing my children are safe thats all. [118 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2542, REVS. 2)
The Pharoah's Daughter (Short Stories) A little tale one mightlike.... [246 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2471, REVS. 0)
The Power Of Love (Poetry) .....The Taj Mahal. [65 words] [February 2006] (HITS 2527, REVS. 2)
The Power Within (Short Stories) - [90 words] [Biography] [March 2007] (HITS 2415, REVS. 0)
The Prince And The African Grey (Chapter 1) (Novels) The Story is full of adventure and is about s Young Prince who falls in love with an Asian Girl. The main true character in the story is an African Grey who helps the Prince through his adventure in trying to get to his true love, but will he reach her in time........Chapter l is introduction to th... [3,551 words] [Adventure] [March 2007] (HITS 598, REVS. 5)
The Rude And The Polite (Poetry) - [35 words] [November 2006] (HITS 2424, REVS. 7)
The Sikh Way Of Life (Poetry) - [82 words] [Spiritual] [March 2007] (HITS 2717, REVS. 0)
The Things That I Thought He Could Not Do (Poetry) My African Grey [148 words] [Animal] [November 2006] (HITS 2186, REVS. 0)
The Tsunami (Poetry) A time to express our feelings of how we feel. [120 words] [January 2005] (HITS 2398, REVS. 0)
The Victims. (Poetry) A helping hand from the loving World. [105 words] [Mind] [January 2005] (HITS 2461, REVS. 0)
The Vine (Poetry) Haiku About the Vine.. [14 words] [January 2007] (HITS 2044, REVS. 0)
The Warrior Of Love And Passion (Songs) - [139 words] [Health] [February 2005] (HITS 2393, REVS. 0)
The Waves They Tell Me (Poetry) - [1,250 words] [November 2006] (HITS 2070, REVS. 0)
The Yun And The Yin (Poetry) So you know what it means? [59 words] [November 2006] (HITS 2449, REVS. 2)
Things That Really Happen In Life - The Sense The Feeling Before It Really Happens. (Short Stories) This really happened to me in School and l made it into a short story... [356 words] [Mystery] [October 2006] (HITS 2431 2445, REVS. 0)
To Be With You On Valentines Day (Poetry) - [88 words] [Fantasy] [February 2005] (HITS 2850, REVS. 2)
Trish (Poetry) - [50 words] [March 2004] (HITS 3298, REVS. 12)
True Dreams (Poetry) A poem on a dream that really came true, I don't know the meaning can anyone help? [83 words] [Mystery] [October 2004] (HITS 3046, REVS. 2)
Twaddle (Poetry) The title speaks for its self. Twaddle(senseless, talk or writing nonsense) I like it - I hope you like it too. [26 words] [Fantasy] [April 2004] (HITS 2564, REVS. 0)
Twisted (Songs) - [66 words] [November 2006] (HITS 2235, REVS. 0)
Ufo? - Are They Our Enemies Or Are They Our Friends? (Short Stories) The best time to experience these unusal flying saucers are at the early hours from about 1 am to 2 am in the mornings - you might think you are looking at the stars but if you are lucky you might spot something unusal.(In the UK). I for one did not believe in them - but now l think differently afte... [747 words] [Mystery] [November 2006] (HITS 2363, REVS. 0)
Wanna Man A Lot (Songs) Might sound nice if there is music to it. I hope somebody would like it. [79 words] [April 2004] (HITS 2442, REVS. 0)
What An Experience (Poetry) An experience in India. [118 words] [Adventure] [April 2004] (HITS 2365, REVS. 0)
What Is Justice Of Mr. Nguyen And The Prince Of Arabia? (Poetry) What is the Justice in the World compared with Mr. Nguyen and the recent drug smugglar - The Prince of Arabia? [119 words] [December 2005] (HITS 2277, REVS. 0)
What Is This Thing Called Love? (Poetry) It hurts to see love that is blind? [176 words] [Horror] [November 2006] (HITS 2493, REVS. 2)
When You Hear The Dolk Beat, You Can Hip Hop To The Beat (Songs) This song is about the rythm of the beat of the Dolk......(A "Dolk" is an Indian drum...boy the beat is one fine beat). Actually it is played Britain since the 60's and it can be played whatever tune is in fashion over the years!...It is fantastic musical instrument! [141 words] [March 2007] (HITS 2190, REVS. 0)
Why Is Statue Of Modonna Crying? (Poetry) i feel l get the answers from an unusal reading. l call it the Dictionarie reading. I find that some of the readings that i have done in the past were about 80 per accurate. So l asked "Why is Modonna crying". here are the words that come up in a randam mannor. and l feel are the answers to my ques... [247 words] [Nature] [November 2005] (HITS 2363, REVS. 0)
Wishing For (Poetry) Just nice wishing. [39 words] [April 2006] (HITS 2219, REVS. 0)
Wonderful, Wonderful Works Of God, The Lord God Is My Healer, My Protector (Short Stories) I think that sharing is very important, I want the readers to share some of the mircles that God had proformed in my Life. [197 words] [November 2006] (HITS 2730, REVS. 13)
Yestoday Is Gone (Poetry) A poem about the tsunimi. [111 words] [Mind] [January 2005] (HITS 3161, REVS. 6)
Your First Kiss For Me (Poetry) My one and only......... [43 words] [December 2006] (HITS 2155, REVS. 0)
Your Want To Look At My Machine Girl (Songs) A song for all guys and girls, regarding their well respected machines - cars. [132 words] [Fantasy] [February 2004] (HITS 2466, REVS. 0)
You’Re My Baby, L Love You So Much (Songs) A little Valentines Song [115 words] [February 2007] (HITS 2163, REVS. 0)
Zaloo-Loo Ruled Her Tribe (Short Stories) Some Tribe secrets remain a mystery to the Moden world. I made up a story based on tribe life of a young tribe girl who fought to become a Leader in hunting a Mostodon. The creature are extinct now for we can now only dream and imagine about them. The story is set in times gone by and we live to ... [1,857 words] [Literary Fiction] [February 2007] (HITS 526, REVS. 0)
Zoffany(The Master Of Stage Coaches) (Songs) - [89 words] [Fantasy] [April 2004] (HITS 2662, REVS. 1)
(Cont.. Part 2) The Prince And The African Grey (Short Stories) This Chapter is continued to my story "The Prince and the African Grey (Part 2). It is about a young girl and her Unique special talking African Grey (the only true character in my story).....He is introduced in this with all the clever things that he can do (which will be used to make my story ver... [1,552 words] [February 2007] (HITS 449, REVS. 0)