Sarah (( S A R A L A R A L )) - Bhavna S life's a poetry and writing it's soul,the more i write the more it flows.Reading n writing are my passions . Emily S - Sal Morano Sal Morano, other titles Pearl S I'm a teenager; I like to write, play music, and read old English manuscripts. S Ward - Shelby Ann Sa Witts i am a 14 year old 8th grader i love sports, music, and poetry Saaz - Moonstar Saber I'm sixteen and not enjoying it so far. I was hoping to be published by my seventeenth birthday but it doe... Sabriel I am 12 years old, and have been on the swim team since the fourth grade. That is also when I started writing po... Prateek Sachdeva - Phil Safkow Just a regular guy. B C S Sagula its me barbara hi! Amit Shankar Saha Amit Shankar Saha was born in Calcutta. He did his schooling from St. Anthony's High School. He receive... Sarah Levine Sahara 15 year old who attends a highschool in South Louisiana. I really like to write when I have time, but... Thuheed Sahir i am the one who fall in love Susan Sahiti Aspiring singer. Finally ready to try. ( H H Munro) Saki HECTOR HUGH MUNRO 1870-1916 USED THE PSEUDONYM SAKI TAKEN FROM THE CUP BEARER FROM THE RUBAIYAT OF OMAR... Sara Salari 13 year old songwriter/guitarist. Starting up a band in Rancho Cucamonga, California. Anybody want to join co... Salazar - Sasha Salcido - Alexander Ray Saldana Im a young writer at 17 years old, I have been told I write good songs and good stories, so I think... Deane Sales I have been writing songs since i was 17, all based on life and things that I have gone through, i am in the ... Devin Salinger A vaguely silly person...and travelling gypsy, Devin Salinger creates his own reality and actually believe Seema M Salman - Salman - Lara Salmon - Grace Salvaggio Grace is a 10 year old girl with a lot of dreams..she enjoys writing, singing, dancing, and making a diff Teresa Ann Salyer I enjoy writing poetry and have poems published in several anthologies. I am interested in writing sc... Alex M Sam I am a 13 year old boy in drama, forensics, newspaper staff, and student council. I love to write! Samantha Carter Samantha Carter, other titles Samantha Jane - Samara The wounds are hidden so you cannot feel the pain For I have chosen the path of misery and sorrow And my skin wil... Trevor Sammon I am an 18 year old uni student. I have a few great friends who I would not trade for the world, I have had... Ryan John Samson - Nigel N Samtin - Gbolamiga Samuel Lekan Samuel Kind,cool,Lyrically Ukonu Binyerem Samuel Jr - Cameron Seth Samuels Samuels - Valentina Samuels - Irishguy Samurai just someone who has to get lyrics out of my head Tomas B Sancio Tomas Sancio is an Engineer located in Caracas, Venezuela G Sandberg - Deon C Sanders Deno Sandz As an example of "New Face of Horror Writing," Deno Sandz (formally Deon C. Sanders), never cea... Raychil Wl Sandoval - Debra Sands Directtv1! Sandhya G Sandy 5 1/2 year old smart kindergartner with imagination and an infectious enthusiasm Deno Sandz Deno Sandz, a husband and father of six, was born in Alabama and raised in Chicago. He is the prolific autho... Cristina Sanidad Graduate of Notre Dame Highschool now attending Santa Clara University. Jason Sannar Jason Sannar grew up in rural Northern California. He enjoys sculpting, photography and exploring the outdoo Cesar Santana - Sandra Santhosh - Joseph A Santiago I am 26 Male from Pawcatuck Ct Ryan Bam A Santistevan - Saba Saradaoui Born 1977,like poetry and art Sarah I am a student at St Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. Saranekha Saravanan - Sarin Sarin is a Programmer by profession and an Adventurer on weekends. He is into Adventure sports like rock climbing, ... Saikat Sarkar - Abhijit Sarma Barua An short story and fiction writer. Already about three hundred short stories, three novels, thirty no... Sarrabisco - Vinod Sasidharan Born : India , 13:35 pm Death : ------------ ------- > yet to be filled. Sassy Writer - Sasu - Ettina Satot I am a 20 year old psychology student. Since I was very young, I have had stories in my head, and after awhi... Pepijn Sauer Short Biography: Pepijn Sauer Born midnight between the 3rd and 4th of February 1970 in Arnhem, The Netherla... Olef Ransom Saulles - Emmett O Saunders Iii Author of numerous screenplays and four books, currently working on two more. Won placement recentl... Mary Ann Savage I am a California based writer. I'm interested in the internal processes of people and tend to write abou... Tam Sayer Sayer - Tony James Sayers My name is Tony James Sayers, my stories range from action to adventure, comedy to romance. I am only 1... Tom Scanlon I write fiction and non-fiction, though (hopefully) not at the same time. Matthew Mark Gill Scary see anything ya like make an offer. Tim Scaserini Just a chap living in a strange town. Mario-Max Prince Schaumburg-Lippe Dr. Mario-Max Prince Schaumburg-Lippe was interviews by Syndicated wired news and is th... Jamesen Am Schell I'm a 14 year old girl that loves to write songs and sing her heart out, this is one of a lot songs I h M Schied - Colette Schiller - Mike Schilller The author is a member of Citizens For Legitimate Government, and the author of the book "Sentences I Free... Addison C Schindler I'm in high school and I love to write Michael Schmitt - Cj Schmowling - Chelsea Schneider - Kerry L. Schofield I am alive and well and living in central England, disguised as a student who periodically undermines ... Rochelle Lynn Schriner-Stowell - Billy Wayne Schrock I'm a middle aged construction worker that lives in the country. I try to keep the songs I write simp Drew Schroder I enjoy long walks in the graveyard, burning things, kirk forever! Timothy Schulta 18 year old high school senior, soon to be a freshmen at UW-Oshkosh. Christine E Schulze Christine E. Schulze has been creating books since she was too young to even write them in words. Blo... Matt D Schumacker eighth grader Scott A Schutte - Fred Schwartz Maybe later. G David Schwartz G. David Schwartz – the former president of Seedhouse, the online interfaith committee. Schwartz is the ... Emily Schwingel - Bobby Scott - Jay Scott - Muhsin Scott Phoenix,Arizona. Song writer Scott Turnit Red Scottturnitred A Story Teller. Matthew Mark Gill Scrooge gain a dream.. Gerald Scruggs 44/m/va Sean Scully - Avias Seay Avias Seay Avias Seay Avias Seay Sebastian - Daniel Sedgwick Passionate music fan, has a first attempt at writing a song. William Seebring - Seereal - Seereal - Becka Segroves ready for reviews. Duke Sekhon - Mr Sel And Dr Lemuria - Tony Seljuk I reside in Northern California. I wouldn't classify anything I've written as anything more than scraps of em... Matthew Mark Gill Sell Out Signing on the dotted line and becoming famous! Ashley A Selsing - Jeremiah Semien BIOGRAPHY OF JEREMIAH SEMIEN: Since I was 6 years old, I started writing lyrics to songs. Then at the age... Jeremiah Semien Semien - Jeremiah Semien The author, has written 2 books, a cd that came out and a journal company, that took, him on. The Poet's ... Jessica May Sendall - Shiladitya Sengupta Age:18yrs I.I.T Kharagpur student Common Sense - Outlaw's Serenade I blog, I write, I sing, I postwhored at messageboards. And to top it all, I actually live. Or lived, r Serepx outta nowhere in particular. Cyndi Serna I am a 30 something mother of 4. Julia Christina Serpico 8 year old girl from Arizona Deepa Seshadri Hey! I'm a songwriter and looking to promote my work. I have only published a few of my work on this platf... Lisa M Setser woo im awesome Zach Sevelle Hi im zach and im 13 years old. Chris K Sexton Mountain View High School Senior/ ASU Freshman Verlena Sexton-Walker Poet Yolanda Sfetsos I live in Sydney, Australia with my husband and baby daughter. Writing fiction has been a hobby of mine ... Sf - Jeremy Shackleford I worked in a comic store where I met many a strange person.Some of those people inspired characters f... Paula M Shackleford I am 21 years old and have just graduated from Glasgow Caledonian University with an honours degree i... Autumn Shackleton - John Shade Author of fiction. Martin Shady I'M A SELF MADE MEN AND NOBODY SONG STAND IN MY WAY-------SHADY Siddharth Shah - Sadaf Shahab Shahram Shahidi Shahram is an originally young Persian/English songwriter whose journey has already began by Pat Pattison... Ghulam Mujtaba, Muji Shaikh I am studying in class 8. I love someone which comes in my dreams. My all poems are for my lo Shaiyna I am a 21 year old Liberal Arts major living in Michigan. This is my first time being published on the internet. Ammara Shakil Ahmed Shakil I am an Eng. teacher teaching A-Levels.I am in love with classical poetry in special and poet Joseph Shapiro I am sixteen years old, and I very much enjoy creative writing. This is my first attempt at a screenplay, ... Shrinivas Sharangpani I am a published Indian author. My novel "Manipulations" is published by Zumaya Publications, Canad... Viktor Shark Wholesale VoIP carrier proper termination and mobile termination for all A-Z destinations Pranav Sharma Song writer Sudeep Sharma - C M S Sharpe I am Stretch aka Kitty Jr. XD I write alot... or I used to. But now, I'm currently working on this novel of ... J Shartzer - St Jean Shaun someone who's crzy in love with stacie Gerald E Sheagren I'm a fifty-five-year-old, balding, white-bearded, slightly pudgy factory worker from Torrington, Conne... Jonathan Shearer Jonathan Shearer was born and raised in the West of Scotland. After attending Edinburgh, Kent and Cambri... Thomasina B Shearer - Sime Sheef I'm a published teenage writer that has been writing short stories since the fall of 2005. I also write poetry... John Sheirer - Katie L Sheldrick - Hannah E Shellenger I've been writing poems for about 10 years and writing is one the thing I love to do. When I'm not wr... Robert Lil Rob Shemwell 15 year old - hurting for what I have lost with my dad.... and my mom, I love her with all I have Britney Sheppard Uh, Enjoy? Jacqueline Anel Sheppard 18/f/California... I like to keep it short and simple. Jasmine Sheppard - Virginia A. Sheppard I am a 29 year old female. My career lies within the hearts of others. I desire to replace or fulfil... John Sherack John Sherack I am a songwriter/musician, who is looking to have one of my songs published and performed by s Richard C Sherman A writer who loves to entertain children Fiona Shine I'm 16 living in Dublin, Ireland. Currently writing a book exploring the meaning of life in a philosophical s... Michael Shine I am going to be a high school senior and I really enjoy writing. I don't have very much credit to my name ... Dianna M Shiro - A Shockley I am a 16 year old female who loves dancing, reading, and writing. Victoria Shockley - John Shooter - Jerry Short Just an old guitar / fiddle player / songwriter who has learned that the only way to get stuff out of your he... Jenny Short college student Katie D Short - Sierra M L Short Hi My name is sierra Short everyone calls me shorty. i live in Illinois and i'm 15. Megan Shortest Girl In America im megan...shortest girl in america...I'm 14 and I am only 5"0'. funny isnt Silva Shosti - Dimitry Shreders Cashing in on 20 years of steady digestion of everything there is to read that is worth reading and seei... Cindy Shreve - Travis M Shreve a nice man. 9197407436# Vaishali Shroff - Jake Shrul I am 16 years old, I attend North Campus High School in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I have only written two songs ... Shreya Shukla i m 19 .. a bachelor of i.t student an indian.. i love music i write on d situation i m.. Arianna Shuler Hey, my name is Arianna Shuler and I thank you for taking the time to read my song. I love writing songs a... D Shultz Fourteen-year-old who has nothing better to do, D. Shultz writes stories after surfing the Internet becomes old.... George L Shultz I spend my days living on a ranch in Montana. Where I work as a scholar in higher education and write my ... Shuu I'm called Abu Hasan, but my other name is Shubo, and Shuu is short for Shubo. I'm 15 and writing lyrics is somethin... SidS - G Siddharth I am an eighth class student in ST. Wilfried's Comprehensive School, Newcastle upon Tyne, England. Video game... Nadia Siddiqui ah my description...I just want to spread a message of peace, love, tolerance everywhere starting from my ... Zohaib Siddiqui Hi my name is Zohaib Ahsan and I'm from Pakistan I love to write poetry on love. I hope you will review m... Stephanie Siegfred - Sigurd - Tiffany Tee-Tee L Sikes I am a 16 year old girl and I live in an apartment with my boyfriend. I enjoy writing and spendi... Silent Gaze - Silents - Katie Silius - Jennifer Shelby And Brittany Sillinger And McCormick - Luis Carlos Silva/Lyn - Angel Silver - Silver Fox - Elise Simmonds - David Simmons Country music Songwriter / Lyricist (BMI)Nss Lucky 7 David Allen Simmons Forney Texas Email camomypit@yaho... C Simnitt - Duane Simolke Duane Simolke's books are available to order at most local or online bookstores. Read the reviews at Amazon... Grace Simons Ninth Grader at The Potter's School - English 9 Simple Man I like to read and write poetry, sing, play basketball and the piano, enjoy the innocence and pains of life, a Sue (Sooz) Simpson I'm thirty nine, recently single again. I have two boys Cli' (pronounced clee) Real name Christopher... Emmie Sinclair I'm almost seventeen and doing my exams. I really want to be a writer, hey, we all gotta have a dream! Sinfonia - Abhijeet Singh RESEARCHED and WRITTEN BY Durlabh Singh I am a poet resident in London, England and have been widely published. I also have four books of solo vers... Purdeep Singh I go to university. I am a computing student and sometimes feel the urge of doing something out of the ordi... Surbhi Singhal the author is from india (asia).loves writing lyrics of songs.she is 14 years old i.e. a student Maheshwar Sinha I am a graduate in English Literature, honors degree - in history from St. Xavier's College Ranchi, Indi... Anthony Sinkel Jr - Oduntan Stephen Sir Sir steve, A Gospel Rapper releases a very new song titled “Hope” Featuring Danny Popularly Known as ... Sir Oliver A mature gentleman who is an aspiring writer and poet. I have many poems and short stories on my website-anoth... Milan Siraj - Nik Siromah - Natalia N Sisti Natalia is an athletic, determined high school senior who looks to get her work published. She is extrem... Govindaraju Sita Devi She is one of the senior writers of Andhra pradesh, India. She has written 21 novels and about 300 ... Lisa R Six - Lisa Six I wrote this after spending time and money on a man that left me without saying goodbye or even mentioning that ... Sjl - Erik Sjoen - Ouazan G Skilad none B. P. Skinner The author is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ and currently works in an inner city chur... Kevin John Skinner Lost, but trying to find the way. Skinny Joey Scotch - Michael Skurnik Writer, producer, director, etc.... Julia Sky A story about a poverished young girl who chases her ultimate dream. MacKenzie Sky I'm 14 years old and I live in the USA. Mackenzie Sky is not my real name. =) Peter Slack I'm a new aspiring poet/song writer. I would like to put a few of my poems to music. Any feedback would be ... Steve Sleet - Dee Sleng Why would you care? Slibbey - Ben Stahl Slivering Slivering Singer/guitarist of the band SLIVER. Heather A Sloane - Georgia Smailes Enjoy... xx Sman - Ashlee Jae Smith Red hair, skinny, 102 pounds 16 years old, loves to sing. Ashley M Smith okay so , im 14 and in 8th grade. im not ur average prep. uhm theres alot thats going on and most people d Andy Smith Andy Smith is a published writer of books, plays, articles, columns, songs and various freelance assignments. ... Dexter Smith A journalist/author trapped in an IT manager's vocation. Dan Smith Published three books (The Stigma, Circles, The Cycles Building) under the pen name J. Floyd King. Maintain a ... Gina Smith - Jessica And Lianne Smith - John C Smith - Joseph D Smith A high-functioning autistic author, Joseph is fighting for the right to be a District Leaders by making hi... Joseph D Smith Joseph D. Smith is The Legendary Graduate! J W Smith J W Smith is a singer songwriter located on the east coast. His music explores a variety of topics and strays f... Krystal G Smith - Kalyn Smith blonde hair blue eyes Katherine Smith - Larissa Marie Smith Larissa Marie is a pen name used by a teenage writer living in the United States of America. She writ... Logan Smith - Melissa Smith beginning poet Rachel E Smith I have been writing most of my life, and I now take my interest to the next degree by means of sharing it ... Rev Joseph D Smith Rev. Joseph D. Smith is a researcher, whose focus is on ending stigmas against mental illnesses, as he... Ryon Smith - Simon P Smith A Computer Systems Analyst for British Telecom, single, aged 38, now living and working in Wales. Stephanie Smith - Tim Smith lyricist Tiffany Smith I am a devoted writer who is looking towards being noticed for my originality. Vickie L Smith - Wayne F. Smith Was born in northern Indiana on a farm and lots of hard work. Lived there for fifteen years and moved to ... W I B R Smith - Katy Amber Smithwilson we're nuts for squirrels Ashley M Smoger High School Student. Smuckers - Jill Snider 16 years old, resides in Somerset Ohio, USA. Writes short stories and poems. Faith Snipes - Snowflakesoft - James Snyder James L. Snyder is an award winning author and popular columnist living with his wife, Martha, in Ocala, Flo... Karen L Snyder I'm a middle-aged American lady who became interested in Prohibition and started writing a year ago. Curre... Christina Soderberg I am an education major, who enjoys writing. William L Sokolowski I've been writing stories, poems and songs for a decade now. I'm working on a site to bring all writ... Soldiers From The South It be in stores dis December so look fa it. We's pimpin people! Flying Solo-Now bored to death at this moment Solo - Its' not the writing i'm afraid of, it's the words that usually follow. An aspiring writer who would appreciate r... French Soma - Bernadette (Some Call Me I am currently writing quite a few stories, keep reading and I'll keep writing! I love reading ... Jess Somebody - Sarah Somebody - Justin Blake Song Writer Person I produce magic with the help of unicorns Sean Songslibbey - Mariyam Songz - Madison Sonnier Aspiring writer. Lyricist. Blogger. R Soon - Sooz Sooz Sooz, Pseudonym: Kat Black: Katherine Black: Jane doe: Sue Simpson. Lizards Leap: Kat Black Keepers of the Qu... Sooz Sooz, Pseudonym: Kat Black: Katherine Black: Jane doe: Sue Simpson. Lizards Leap: Kat Black Keepers of the Quantum... Christopher W Sorenson I am a young man of 20yrs. I currently live in North Dakota, and am enrolled at the University of... David Soriano A chemistry professor who enjoys reading and writing poetry. Jaycob Soriano I'm currently an accountancy student of Saint Paul University Philippines. I just love to write whatever p... Jonathan Christian Soriano - Jonathan Soriano - Soron - Matthew Mark Gill Sorry Join my friend list and get entertainment news and castings Sort Of Anomomus - Sosa - Ana Soto - Daniel A. Souers Born August 27, 1982. Discovered a yearning for writing and found encouragement from his grandmother wh... Tom Soukup I've been writing for about ten years and have just completed my second novel. Soul Masubi I am an music writer that just started out a couple weeks ago when i was going through some serious depressio Soulfiend - Elizabeth South Elizabeth South is an Inspirational Singer/Songwriter Nadine Southam - Neil Southern - M Southwell - Matthew Mark Gill Sox A new beginning to a yet lo life that can't seem to succeed. Anne Spackman My name is Anne Spackman, and I am a writer. I predominantly write fiction: novels and short stories in ma Irma Spaho - Matthew Spanky - Spark - Colby Spearangelo The only way I could describe myself, is eccentric. Then again, to an eccentric, I'd seem quite normal.... S Spearman - Marc Spector - Robert J Speers Robert Speers Deg I Cank Records WWW.DEGICANK.COM Click on DEGICANK.DEG to access more... Jessica C Spence - Cara B Spencer I have been writing sense I was 7, so I was kind of experienced. R G Spencer - S Spencer I am a college senior studying to be a elementary school teacher. I enjoy dancing and socializing with friends.... Michael Spiegel - Mitzy Spilman I am a mother of two children with a passion for landscsape design, urban planning,and writing. I prefer ... Danny I. Spitler -I am a successful business executive who is finally returning to writing after giving it up in College... Iain Spittles You may have heard the theory that an infinite amount of monkeys, given an infinite amount of time, and an ... William Spongberg I'm a guy who writes. I live in Northern California. Monica L Sprague 46 year old wife and mother who is trying to put her past behind her. Chad Spreadbury lets see im 13 years old. I've been thinking and writing music since I was about 8. I do not play any ins... Martha Spring - Dave Springer - Heather Springer - Naren Sundas Sri Ganesh Infotech 10 REAL secrets for quickly growing your AdSense earnings to $100, $300, even $500 A DAY Vankipuram Rajagopal Sridharan The author is a lawyer by profession but has a special interest in poetry both in english Neeshant Srivastava My name is Neeshant Srivastava, a Mechanical Engineer by profession, I love writing be it short stori... Sukesh Srivastava - Nathifa A St Louis New Caylpso and scoa artist based in New York but bringing to the forefront Grenadian and Caribbean mu Brian Stamile Brian Stamile is a college student from Long Island New York, studying to be an accountant. Stamper - Stephannie S Stancil - American Standards Arizona Chaotic Hardcore, Mathcore, Noise Punk Band Standow A person who loves to write songs. Ismail Ali Staples - Ismail Staples - Ava Star Im a person who loves to make music Seventh Star - Melody Starbeck She's a Girl 15 years of age. And Lives in Nottinghamshire in England. Kristopher K Starliper - Kari L Starnes - Crystalrae States -I am a student at Cedarville University. I am majoring in multi-age physical education. I enjoying wri... Noel States - Adele Staufer I'm 18 years old and wrote this story for my Creative Writing class in my senior year. Allen Steble - Abby Steed I wrote this while at college studying an English A-level. C A Steen - Aidan Steer Aidan Steer works as a freelance writer in London, England. He has had several plays performed at the Edinbur... Anna M Steiner - Matt S Stemerman I'm entering my sophomore year at Florida State and I like to write. The short stories I wrote in Spring... Greg Stephens - Ian Stephens 16 years old long red hair likes punk music and girls. Andrew J. Stephenson I'm a nineteen year old mad fool from England. That's all you need to know. Oh, I'm single at the mi... Mishayla M Stephenson Senior at Eaton High School- involved in six music classes and hoping for a music scholarship. Stephisme - Lindsay M Stetor "Back and Forth to uneasyness, from bricks to floating countless pictures all woven together to confuse ... Adria Steuer Proud member of the Warren Central State Champion speech team. J Steven An aspiring writer. Richard Stevens American writer/translator/traveler. Lived more than a decade in the Middle East, teaching and writing. Alexander Steen Stewart I am a young man of 16 years. My express wish is that you will laugh when you read my work for th... Anne Stewart I am a twenty year old writer interested in writing a novel about an internet relationship. I would like to... Chuck Stewart A down to earth person who loves God with all my heart. Katlyn Stewart A Native of the West Coast Florida area, Ms. Stewart has written in one form or another since the age of 9... Majen Stewart Teenager in high school who writes for school and for recreation. Patrick W Stewart - Seana K Stewart i am someone who loves to write poetry books and songs when i grow up i want to be a fashion desinger an ... Sky X Stewart Sky X. Stewart – Author 35 year old male. Lives in Portland, Oregon. Has a Dog. Stickysweet - Stills I like soup! and some other stuff. J D Stiltner I'm a 16 year old male from Hurley Virginia. I wrote this story one morning when I was feeling low because t... Lip Stixx - Damon Stockfourth Translator, writer, music fan and lover. Patience R Stojic-Somers Patience Rebecca Stojic-Somers 16 years old. Dont really know what i am suppose to write in this... Bradley Stoke I am an English Literature graduate who has worked in broadcasting, journalism, teaching and now computers.... Anna M Stone Writing's just how I expressed my feelings. I started really writing after my first break-up, and when I sho... Eddie Stone - Shaun Stone - Stoneheart Stone is your usual wannabe writer: almost no talent, but more than willing to foist his attempts on the unsus E A Stonehouse - Stork Heres just a few of the songs I've me with any Branson Storm 37 year old TEXAN. Desert recluse. Lover of vast space with no people to fuck it up, certain tobacco produc... Stormy - C Susann Story - Firsttime Story -- Shannon H Stotz I am a young girl. I go to Rombout Middle School and I am 12 years old. Ive been intrested in song writin... Matthew Robert Stovell - William 'joe' Stover - John A Stowell - Coreyr Strahan Humble creator of poetry Ryan H Strand I have rugged good looks and brown curly hair. I love long walks on the beach and dinner by candlelight. Ruzele Strauss-Hayden - StrawT - Draco Streaver A very misunderstood highschool student that found that writing stories is a great way to end a horrible d... Buchanan Street I'm only sixteen and have just done my standard grades. Writing is just a hobby at the moment but I'd rea... Jennifer Street - C Stretch - Striderhunter Evil doers beware. Alyson Strong-Miller I am a vocal artist. Singing is my bliss. I'm currently going into songwriting and learning to play Matthew T. Strouse 28 y/o, Married, Two boys w/ another one on the way. I love to write poetry, and can write it on deman... Katelyn Katiee Strout - Mike Strozier I have a writing problem, what else can I say? I have had this problem all my life and it does not seem to... Ben Stuart - Christina D Stuart 5"4, blue eyes blond hair sweet smile Gordon Stuart Gordon Stuart P1 white about my family Mark A Stuart 43 year old former Naval officer and professional manager that grew up in Southwest Georgia and believes th... Clint Stutts - Casey Stutzman i am Casey Stutzman the writer of SHOW YOURSELF and i love it when people are themselves and when they don... Dan Styles im a young man with a story to tell Silma Subah Hey i am SIlma!..15, studying in 10th grade!..I love writing and reading and hate people who are pretentous a... Matthew Mark Gill Success Being all you can be and helping others find their way in Life! Boris Sudarushkin Boris Sudarushkin is a Russian author, born in 1962 ( St.Petersburg, Russia). In 1984 graduated from th... Amy Sue Full time contributor and editor of an online website focusing on online research and education design. David Ward Sullins Seeking...the search goes onward. Daily... is my life, To wrap my arms around her, To hold... my preci... Alison Sullivan - Kelley Sullivan I am 20 years old currently at Suny Cortland. I am an elementary education major with a minor in English... Sam Sullivan Young, novice songwriter. Tom Sullivan - Zachary Young Sullivan I am 16 and i need daily encouragement to get threw the trials that i face. I hope each of us can... S A E A A B N Sumayah Ben-Nakhi - Annabelle Elizabeth Rae Summers Firey, romantic and passionate :) J Rhiana Summerville My name is Jillian Rhiana Summerville I love writing, and especially songwriting I am only 11, but I... Randy Sumner Randy is a 15-year-old Park City, Utah writer. Sylvia Sun Sol Lover of life and people. Sunny Just another human being, or maybe an alien, i'm not sure, why dont u bend over and find out. Shemekia T Sunshine Jackson SHE IS A ADVENTURES WOMAN WHO LOVES TO LOVE SIMPLE WITH A COMPLEX MIND YET LIVING LIFE AS IT De Zoysa I C Superman C A lonely singlton boy who loves to laugh. Suneej Surendran Nair I love poetry and live in South Africa. I love science, maths and philosophy. Matthew Mark Gill Surf Thanks all and live your dream! Intestensents Surgercly Removed A crazy but warped mind song. Surge Enjoy Xbox, T.V., writing, drawing Jaseyboi Sutters - Erika Sutton Seventeen year old Student from Indiana. Hank Sutton - Anastasia Svoyatsky Hey! I'm 15 years old and i like to write. These are just some poems that i have written in my free t Swae - Brett M Swainston im 15 and I love writing poetry and songs all I need is a subject and mood Kathy R Swartz A mother in her thrities, that enjoyed writing short stories in high school. This is the first story I've... Danny Swearengen - Savannah Sweat heart broken Julia Sweeney - Megan Swope I am 16 years old. I enjoy cheerleading and hanging out with my friends. I also love to write. Desmond Swords Male 35. Irish. Project Syd - Christopher Syrett - Christian Szabo My name is Christian Szabó, a singer, songwriter and the founder of Christone. Ever since I was a child ... Noah Smithy Rebecca Silva Rob Shelley Matthew Strouse
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Sadaf Shahab |
Tum nahee to hum sahee koye to hum mein buhat bura ha Aoo mil k feraq talashein k kon kitna kahan bura ha Jo zakhm tm na lagye sub ko Wo zakhm tm bhe to kha chukay ho Bajye isk k zakhm bantein Aoo mil k gulab bantein Burye burye sa kub mite ha Aag shoulun sa kub bujhe ha Jo dost dushman mein dhul chukay hein Jo log hum sa badal chukay hein Chalo sabhee ko galay lagyen Sabhe ghaltyuun ko bhool jyen Ghaltyun ko shumar karkay Aur aik dojhay pa war karkay Hum sub he akhir ko thuk chukay hein Nidamatun k chand aik anso Kuch tum bahao kuch hum bahayein Hisab zakhmun k kya kereingay Shumar derdun k kya kereinga Ye jung werna yunhe chalayge Nahe ruke the ,nahe rukayge To is sa pehlay kay sub he ujray Jo buch sakay wo bachao logo Galay na kato galay lagao
[December 2014] |
A Men's Love (Foreign) First time .. boy said " I LOVE YOU" First time girl smile,feel shy & said "I MISS YOU" Second time girl said " I LOVE YOU " Boy said ..... "SAME To YOU" Third time girl said ...... I LOVe YOU Boy said "Go to hell , I HAVE NO CARE OF YOU" [49 words] [February 2006] (HITS 3752, REVS. 0)
Aay Aroz-E- Watan Hosekay To Hameen Maaf Kerna Kabhee… (Poetry) Aay Aroz-e- watan mang tere sitaroun sa bher na sakay Aay Aroz-e- watan tera anchal baharoun sa bher na seka Aay Aroz-e- watan tera daman wafaoun say bher na seka Aay Aroz-e- watan hoseka to hameen maaf kerna kabhee… Teray peer -o -jawan teray meer –o- kisan Koyee bhee tujh pa dil warta hee nahe... [186 words] [April 2009] (HITS 1810, REVS. 0)
Aesa Dildar Ko , Dost Ko Yaar Ko (Foreign) mein nahee jantee, mein nahee mantee aesa dildar ko, dost ko ,yar ko bekafin ishq ko, berooh piyar ko Ishq-e- naqis, kamil beoupar ko Roz galiyoum ,mauhallon mein muiltein hein jo parkoon, hotelon mein behaltay hein jo kaligoon, resteranon mein paltey hein jo darechoon, chatoon mein rultay phirta... [168 words] [March 2003] (HITS 5371, REVS. 3)
Aik Jesay Lagtay Hein (Foreign) Zindagee ke sare khushiyan Zindagee kay saray ghum Aik muqam per aaker aik jesay lagtay hein Derd kesay berhta hay, derd kesay rukta hay Sochnay samjhnay say aik jesay lagtay hein Samany dheree sachyee aur us mein chupee siyahee Ghour say na dekho to aik jesay lagtay hein Ishq aur adawat kab sath... [73 words] [February 2006] (HITS 4148, REVS. 1)
Ajab Say Din Guzartay Ja Rahe Hein (Foreign) Ajab say din guzertay ja rahey hein Najaney jee rahey hein ka merta ja rahey hein Koye maqsad hay na nishan-e manzil Kis janib ko chaltay ja rahey hein Hamaree baseerat ka na poocho haal Do kishtee mein lataktay ja rahay hein Yay chingaree kahan say authtee hay Yay shoolay kuon bharaktay ja r... [91 words] [February 2003] (HITS 3906, REVS. 0)
Aqal Mehdood, Ishq He Lamehdood (Foreign) Raste mojood, manzileen nabood Sari koshisheen tehri besood Sare jangal pe aman autra he aur shehroon mein fakhta mojood youn to sab he khuda ke bande hein Sab ke apne khuda bhi hein mojood Ishq ko aqal pa nahi sakti Aqal mehdood, Ishq he lamehdood. [38 words] [November 2002] (HITS 4668, REVS. 1)
Aur Mujh Ko Kise Aur Ka Bhee Naheen Honay Deta (Foreign) Sach to yeh hay ke wo mugh se nahee kuch bhee kehta Aur mugh ko kise aur ka bhee nahee hone deta Wo janta hay ke mein kiya hoon auske Aur ye baat muijhko bhee nahee kehnay deta Mein jo hanste hoon sath mera hansta hay Aur apney sath mujhko nahee roney deta Her aik bat pe kehtay hay ke tum pa... [83 words] [February 2003] (HITS 4783, REVS. 4)
Beauty (Poetry) When the breeze blow, the flowers dancing to and fro and the lakes water flow in this beautiful view I see you, I met you, I accept you,I love you because its your beauty which dissolves in this universe. [31 words] [October 2002] (HITS 2869, REVS. 2)
Biphara Howa Panne, Ye Rangeen Qabyeen (Foreign) Hein mera lie ye badal, ghata aur hawyeen Ye phool, ye kalyean, ye khoosh rang fizayeen Ye chand, sitare. ye muatter hawayen Biphra howa panee ye rangeen qabyeen Qudrat ka haseen tuhfa hein jo ghum ko bhuladein Ye sub hee hamara hay so lutf authyeen Wo baat jo achee lagtee naheen hamk... [53 words] [March 2003] (HITS 3682, REVS. 0)
Chahtoun K Saray Bandhan Rabtoun Sa Bantay Ha (Poetry) chahtoun k saray bandhan rabtoun sa bantay ha rabatay na ho payen rishtay roth jatay ha dil be tout jatay ha rabtoun k hona sa khul k sath hansna sa sath sath rona sa dil ko chain ata ha ghum be bhag jata ha isliye haseen logo piyar k yaqeen logo rabtoun ko na chouro rishtoun ko na toro piyar sa na ... [50 words] [November 2011] (HITS 1669, REVS. 0)
Dil Dard Sa Bher Sa Jata (Poetry) Dil dard sa bhar sa jata ha janay kiya yad ata ha sochna jo chaoun to yad kuch nahee ata bhoolna jo chahoun to bhol be nahe patay [19 words] [March 2010] (HITS 1690, REVS. 0)
Every Thing Has Its Significance (Poetry) Every thing has its significance for a time being . This is the nature of human beings In childhood,we love some stagers and sweetrapers. further we love some jewlery and friends letters then we love some beautiful thoughts and songs soon we realize, it is wrong. then we love only honour and wealth.... [82 words] [October 2002] (HITS 2809, REVS. 1)
Galay Na Kato Galay Lagao (Poetry) Tum nahee to hum sahee koye to hum mein buhat bura ha Aoo mil k feraq talashein k kon kitna kahan bura ha Jo zakhm tm na lagye sub ko Wo zakhm tm bhe to kha chukay ho Bajye isk k zakhm bantein Aoo mil k gulab bantein Burye burye sa kub mite ha Aag shoulun sa kub bujhe ha Jo dost dushman mein ... [135 words] [December 2014] (HITS 1349, REVS. 0)
Girls (Poetry) I am a little fish, and world is full of crocodiles. I think all the girls , feels like that. [17 words] [October 2002] (HITS 2925, REVS. 4)
Hum Kahan Kay Sachay Hein (Poetry) ham kahan kay sachay hein kub jahan mein achay hein phir bhe najanay kuon jhoot seh nahee saktay,jhoot keh nahe saktay [19 words] [March 2012] (HITS 1558, REVS. 0)
I Am The Most Loved Peson (Poetry) I often asked about your love, about your care. You always told me it is special, it is rare. Truly speaking , I never believe, Often I think, you may deceive. But , today when you told me, I am the most hatred person by you If, I ever leave you Now I realize Now I believe , I am the most loved... [60 words] [November 2002] (HITS 2812, REVS. 2)
I Have Lost My Trust (Poetry) I have lost my trust there, I don't know how and where. May be I shout, but No One care, Is No One here? I have lost my trust, May be when a child die, May be when a judje lie, May be when a bomb fly, May be when flowers cry, May be when lovers says" bye" Is there any Supplier, Quotation or Bid?... [67 words] [November 2002] (HITS 2582, REVS. 0)
I Know You Never Read This Poem (Poetry) I wrote this poem only for you I know, you never read this poem Even ,if you read you never think This is me, who wrote this poem only for you I know these things but not depressed Listen me again,I wrote this poem only for you I know, you never read this poem Even, if you read, you never believe... [133 words] [November 2002] (HITS 2564, REVS. 0)
I Love Hate (Poetry) I love HATE, Yes I love hate. When some one says, I hate you, He is pure, He is true. But when he says, I love you, He might bePure, He might be True. [26 words] [November 2002] (HITS 2537, REVS. 0)
If I Were Princess I Would Leave My Crown For You (Poetry) If I were princess I would leave my crown for you If I were fish I would leave water for you If I were star I would leave sky for you If I were flower I would leave garden for you If I were earth I would leave motion for you If I were water I would leave ocean for you Buit I am just an ordianry g... [85 words] [November 2005] (HITS 2391, REVS. 0)
Inner Songs (Poetry) Man moves in a circle, waiting for a miracle. his dream and wish look like a slippy fish. he is mad and crazy, he is fool and selfish. if he just follow his inner songs, he could understand,right and wrong . [35 words] [October 2002] (HITS 2626, REVS. 1)
Ishq Kernay Walon Ko Kuch Sila Naheen Milta (Foreign) Piyyar kese hota he , silsila nahi milta Ishq kerne walo ko kuch sila nahi milta Roz hum se milte ho, roz hum se kehte ho Hum to roz milte hein , Dil mager nahi milta Aus ki ankhoon mein dekha bhool se gaae khood ko Aus ko apni ankhoon mein phir bhi kuch nahi milta Aus se milne ki khatir Sub ko c... [84 words] [February 2003] (HITS 4501, REVS. 1)
Ishq Kerne Walo Ko Kuch Sila Nahi Milta (Foreign) Piyyar kese hota he , silsila nahi milta Ishq kerne walo ko kuch sila nahi milta Roz hum se milte ho, roz hum se kehte ho Hum to roz milte hein , Dil mager nahi milta Aus ki ankhoon mein dekha bhool se gaae khood ko Aus ko apni ankhoon mein phir bhi kuch nahi milta Aus se milne ki khatir Sub ko c... [84 words] [November 2002] (HITS 4693, REVS. 0)
Justice (Poetry) (when)Men are cruel, and women are oppressed. How could their union, gives birth "Justice" [11 words] [October 2002] (HITS 2746, REVS. 1)
Khud Ko Bhula Ka Bhee Usko Bhulya Na Jaseka (Foreign) Hum sa koyee bhee ghum chupaya na jaseka uskay khyal ko bhee bhulya na jaseka Jo sochtay rahay to usay sochtay rahay uskee kise ada ko bhulay na jaseka Zinda rahay to uskee faqat arzoo rahee mernay ka baad bhe usko bhulyaa na jaseka Ik uskay bhoolnay ko kiya kiya jatan kiyaa uskay situme- ... [68 words] [October 2005] (HITS 3474, REVS. 0)
Kul Akhtiyar He Tera Ye Mojza Ker De (Foreign) Meri sadaye sehrra ko Naghma shajer ker de. Kul aktiyar he tera, ye mojza ker de. Bohat taweel raat ki seyahi he. Khudaya ab to yahan seher ker de. Bohat hi saqhat safer he is ko Muktaser ker de Jahan pe chawoon nahi he wahan abar ker de. Bohat se ansoo chamakte hein nigahoon mein. mera Khuda to... [56 words] [November 2002] (HITS 4815, REVS. 1)
Love Is Different (Poetry) In all walks of life As you will sow, so you will reap. but in love, more you will sow, less you will keep. [22 words] [October 2002] (HITS 2708, REVS. 3)
Love Is Like A Rainbow. (Poetry) Love is like a rainbow, and has many shades. Hate is black in color,or it may as fades. you love in many ways, as sun sent its rays. Hate is ONE WAY DESTRUCTION,as every one says. [35 words] [November 2002] (HITS 2718, REVS. 0)
Lovers Never Die (Poetry) A man is died He is born to die It never counts Why he died Who is died When he died If any things matter How he died Love never die So lovers never die Thus one who love Never dies because love is immortal [37 words] [February 2003] (HITS 2424, REVS. 0)
Mager Ye Dil K Hameha Bhanwer May Rehta Ha (Poetry) kise bhe ankh sa tapkay,laho ban k dil pa girta ha ye chushm-e-nam ka sitara safer may rehta ha Mein khench khanch k sahil pa isko late ho mager ye dil k hamesha bhanwer ma rehta ha jis arzoo ko kaheen bhe jegha na mil pye wo khusk mouj k sorat mere chashm-e tar ma rehta ha khateeb to hay,bohat k... [95 words] [March 2010] (HITS 1659, REVS. 0)
Matum Hasnain Ka Hay Aao Logo (Foreign) Matum hasnain ka hay aaoo logo Ankh purnum kero ashk bahaoo logo kerbala aj bhee ham sa mukhatib youn hay Kuch tum bhee apna zerf berhao logo kerbala daastan nahee ik sabuq haay logo kuch tum bhee tosamjho aur samjhaoo logo YEh bhee kiya k faqut ankh sa ansoo tapkay Haq ka alumn ab tum bhee u... [53 words] [October 2005] (HITS 4461, REVS. 3)
Mohabat Kerne Walo Ko Pashtawa Nahi Hota (Foreign) Mohabat rabte-Khas he diloon ke darmian aisa Ke dil barbad hojaen to pashtawa nahi hota mohabat aisa darya he ke jis mein doob bhi jaen, sithe aab per ayien , pashtawa nahi hota Mohabbat aisa sehra he ke rasta bhool bhi jaein, Khas-o- khashak ho jaein to pastawa nahi hota Mohabat aisa tilsim he ke... [206 words] [November 2002] (HITS 6092, REVS. 4)
Muhabbat Kis Ko Milte Ha? Muhabat Kis Ko Mil Payege (Poetry) muhabbat kis ko milte ha? muhabat kis ko mil payege zindage jehd e musalsal ma guzer jye ge phir kabhee ankh mein jageinga khawihshoun k gulab phir kabhe zerd peroun k qismat sanwer jyega ye to sach ha k tabiyat sanbhal jyegee jo dil pay guzre ha kiya wo bhe biser pye ge Rat k hath lagein arzoo k... [78 words] [March 2010] (HITS 1811, REVS. 0)
Muhabbat Mein Bandishaien Achee Nahee Lagteen (Foreign) Muhabbat mein bandishaien achee nahee lagteien Jo mujh sa muhabbat hay to phir khul ker kaho jana Muhabbat mein rasmein, reteien, rukawaten achee nahee lagteen Muhaabt ho to behad ho Muhabbat mein kabhee bhee serhadein achee nahee lagteien Youn der der ker kehna ,Kay tum sa muhabbat hay Kabhee c... [85 words] [February 2006] (HITS 3406, REVS. 0)
Mujhay Ishq Apnay Watan Sa Hay (Poetry) Mujhay ishq sar-o-saman sa hay Mujhay ishq koho daman sa hay Mujhay ishq sawat -o -chaman sa hay Mujhay ishq apnay watan sa hay Mujhay ishq taza fiker sa hay Muhay ishq rasm-e- kuhan sa ha Mujha ishq phir bhee watan sa ha Mujhay ishq apnay watan sa hay Abhee koyee taza lagan nahee Haan , kaheen wa... [185 words] [April 2009] (HITS 1784, REVS. 0)
My Doll Gives Me A Lesson (Poetry) When I was a toddler, I have a dolly My doll is lovely, her hairs is curly, She has blue eyes, like skies, Her golden hairs, looks fair She talk to me and no one hear. She plays with me, with out fear. She loves me, and takes my care. I know this is very rare. For me, my doll is a whole universe... [136 words] [October 2002] (HITS 2423, REVS. 0)
My Mother (Poetry) when I was too young, I never use my tongue, but my mother always understand what could I really mean. Now I am quite young, to use my tongue. but now my mother never under under stand, what could I really mean [37 words] [December 2004] (HITS 2976, REVS. 3)
Na Meray Dil Mein Malal Koye (Poetry) Na umeed -e rang- e wisal koyee Na mera dil mein malal koyee Mein jee rahee houn ajab he dhun mein Na mazee koye , na haal koyee Mein sab sawaloun sa bakhaber houn Mager na lub per sawal koyee Na saltanat mein kashish ha baqe Na shahoun mein ha jalal koyee [47 words] [May 2005] (HITS 2925, REVS. 3)
Piyar Kerna Waloun Ke Saza Nahee Khatem Hoge (Foreign) Qatiloun ke bakhshish hay Dakoun ke bakhshish hay Lekin.... Piyar kerna waloun ke Kal bhee saza nahee kam thee Ab bhee .... Nahee kahtem hoge [21 words] [February 2006] (HITS 3825, REVS. 1)
Ranjha Nahee Houn Mein (Foreign) Us na yeh kehdiya k "ranjha nahee houn mein" uskee her ik soch ka mehwar nahee houn mein Her lamha mera piyar kee khawish nahee usay fursat ka shoq houn, zarorat nahee houn mein kiya tum ko chahta rahoun, aur na kuch keroun Hasil houn zeest ka mager duniya nahee houn Mera ilawa bhee uska kuch aur... [60 words] [October 2005] (HITS 3974, REVS. 1)
Teray Kun Say Ha Alam Ka Wajood (Foreign) Teray kun sa hay alam ka wajood Mein nahee jantee Khuda kiya ha Juz teray kuch bhee nahee ha mera mein nahee jantee wafa kiya ha Dil sa qareeb hokay bhee nazroun sa dour ho mein nahee jantee saza kiya ha Tujhko chaha tere hee khawish kee mein nahee jantee khata kiya ha [47 words] [October 2005] (HITS 3606, REVS. 0)
Tum Kuch Bhee Meray Farhad Na Kerna (Foreign) Mujh se bichar ker bain na kerna , rona mat faryad na karna Rona se kiya hogayega, ankhoon ko barbad na kerna Mein heer naheen sohne bhee naheen sach poocho to shireen bheee nahee Ger man sako to man he lo tum kuch bhee meray farhad na kerna Tum rafta rafta sanbhlogay aur dheeray dheray bhelogay ... [111 words] [February 2003] (HITS 3824, REVS. 0)
Tumhein Zindage Ke Naye Ik Kitab Perhne Hay (Poetry) Parinday gher ko na laotein to ankh bher aaye Shafaq falak pa na phelay to ankh bhera aaye Saba guloun sa na khelay to ankh bher aaye Jo rang hans ka an dekhain to ankh bher aaye Sitary bdlyoun ma chupjyen to ankh bher aaye Jo phool shakh sa girjaye to ankh bher aaye Jo surkh rang he dekhoun to a... [346 words] [March 2011] (HITS 1640, REVS. 0)
Werna Duniya Mein Kiya Hamara Ha (Foreign) In ghamoun ka bera sahara ha Werna duniya mein kiya hamara ha Log mertay hein mout aney sa Tera janey na ham ko mara ha Kuch bhee insaan ker nahee sekta Ham na jewan younhee guzara ha Ham kuch bhee sanwaar sektay nahee apnay hathoun sa sab bighara ha Yeh bhee sach , tera hath kuch bheee nahee a... [56 words] [February 2004] (HITS 4463, REVS. 2)
Why You Torture Me (Poetry) why you torture me because I don't torture you because I apologise for others mistakes because I said its my duty to save you all because I follow rationalism not extremism This poetry is written After watching live violation of law and insult of SSP Islamabad Asmatullah [43 words] [September 2014] (HITS 1366, REVS. 0)
Wo Ehad Bhee Ham Na Nibhayee Hein (Foreign) Is dil ka dagh chupanay ko Daman mein dagh lagyee hein JO ghaltee sa kerbethay wo wo ehad bhee ham na nibhayee hein jin zakhmoun ka merham hee nahee wo zakhum bhee ham na khyee hein jo derd mila kuon dil ko mila? kuon dil na derd uthyee hein? [44 words] [October 2005] (HITS 3465, REVS. 0)
Yahan Sub Fix Hota Hay (Poetry) Khail ho, siyasat ho Muhabbat ho,Adawat ho Hakomat ho,Baghawat ho Shrafat ho,Zalalat ho Yahan sub fix hota ha yahan kab kon ayega yahan kab kon jyega yahan kab kis ke bare ha kahan kis ke zarorat ha yahan sub fix hota ha yahan Munsif nahe biktay yahan insaf bikta ha kisay insaf milna ha kahan aur... [111 words] [August 2014] (HITS 1418, REVS. 0)
Zindage Kay Hathoun Maein Mout Ke Talab Dekhee (Poetry) zindagee ke hathoun ma mout k talab dekhee dostoun na pocho kuch khawish-e-ajab dekhee hadsay to hotay hein,sanahye bhe dekhay hein Sanahye ke bantee kahanee baysabab dekhee ik haseen chehray pa dasht ke gerd dekhee subh-e-rang k anchal mein tareek shab dekhee majboore kay hathoun mein bahal-e-gh... [64 words] [March 2012] (HITS 1560, REVS. 0)