

The Authors

V D P Levon V. D. P. Levon is a rather obvious pen name, if you look at the surname backwards, although I have yet to wri...
Leonardo V -
Hector Vaca I write in my spare time. Nothing special, I feel, but people tell me otherwise. So, after much convincing, I...
Don F Vaccarino -
Lawrence Vaduva Lawrence Vaduva, other titles
Sam Vaknin Sam Vaknin has a combined doctorate in Physics and Philosophy. He is an economic and political columnist in m...
Nubia Valdivieso -
David Valencia -
Eduardo Valerio I'm A Songwritter from Texas
Stoyan Valev I am a writer from Bulgaria (Europe, the Balkan Peninsula). I am the author of four books – ‘When God was on...
Isabell M Vallejo -
Tracy N Van Brocklin -
Annie Van Dalsem I enjoy writing for fun, and had always been intrigued with how people manage to survive on the streets....
Kristofer Van Der Meulen -
Joeb Van Der Ryn Life is full of torments - then I get home to a second helping.
Lauren Van Der Vyver -
Andre V Van Hees i breath and blink. I laugh at farts. I ride the bus.
Joseph R Van Matre I'm just a normal guy thats all
Krige Van Rensburg T'is but a while ago that a fair red haired lady has captured my heart. So fair, in fact, that I am at...
Ron L Van -
Eric P Vana Eric P Vana, other titles I’m seventeen years old, I’ve written a few scripts, and I plan to at least make on...
A J Vance 17 year old highschooler
Jade Vanna -
Vanna-Rama -
Lonnie Vannatter 24 MALE
Christine Varela Christine Varela began her career as a technical writer for fifteen years and then moved on to short sto...
Maritza Vargas Hey,(I'm 14 years old)Shadow's the (nick)name and fames my game!....lol that rhymes! ^_^ Anyway, I love to...
VargheseJ -
Brian Varitek I'm a 17 year old boy/man, who wishes to be a writer of some sort. Don't dreams suck?
Ritu Varna Hello a very simple author here.
Rebecca Vaughan -
I A Vdm Tiny mom with huge heart!! Nothing is more satisfying than telling stories to my children, who listen to each an...
En Vee
Veekay -
Kar Velasco a hopeless romantic girl who loves writing poems as a therapeutic act.
Alfredo Velazquez Rodriguez Velazquez -
Jerry Velazquez -
William John Velek I am both a City Court Judge and a City Attorney (separate cities), husband, and the father of eight c...
Golda Velez programmer & mom
Diana Venditti -
Dario Vergaridario-V- who am I ? Let me tell you. MUSIC. That's the magic word. Music used to mean everything to me throu...
Sabri Veritas -
Tyler Brandon Vetzel The guy looking to find out who Peter Grisham is!!!
Emily A Vicious u cn find out wut im about through my work, im nuthin special =]
Vera Vicious ____regurgitate sighs; this is me & this is how I'm falling off the face of the earth. I was born at exactl...
Don Victoria Don Victoria Writer composer artist Philippines mobile: +639179926457
Jerry Vilhotti I (Jerry Vilhotti) live with my very understanding wife, living with a writer you know, in a simpler place...
Marisa Villano -
Barbara Villarreal Married 13 years. Stay home mom of four living in the south. Homeschool my children during the morning...
Michael Vincent -
Ruthie Jane Vital I am Ruthie. I write songs. I play the piano and the guitar. Music (and running) is my LIFE.
Vnkumar I have a passion for writting songs. End off.
Vodka Ryuki Mint -
Christina L. Voigt Just a lowly writer, whose mind is constantly jammed with too many words.
Anna Von Female 21 yr old songwriter started since 2013 5 yrs ago stage name Mini Mnna English name Anna Von full name An...
Tammy Von Payens -
Lyss Von Puttkammer -
Ivonne León Vonchyta -
Alyssa Vonputtputt -
Stan Vose Stan is a retired Air Force master sergeant and a veteran turfgrass manager.
D Daniel Vujic I am a freelance photojournalist, a three language interpreter, and have worked as a marketing strategist....
Salvatore Vulcano -
Lawrence Vaduva
Eric P Vana

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En Vee
(white kid) should could and would be somethin. former deans list college student/athlete. started drugs and watch my life shit the bed. writing to get it off my chest. no1 to talk to cuz i hide these feelings from my friends. they all think im the shit, successful, happy, little do they know whats really going on. but i gotta keep the front up that i am, cuz i dont want them knowin whatta fuckin loser i feel like i am.
[May 2010]
Why Im Down (Songs) the writers life didnt go as planned and has turned to drugs [525 words] [May 2010] (HITS 1283, REVS. 0)


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