

The Authors

V D P Levon V. D. P. Levon is a rather obvious pen name, if you look at the surname backwards, although I have yet to wri...
Leonardo V -
Hector Vaca I write in my spare time. Nothing special, I feel, but people tell me otherwise. So, after much convincing, I...
Don F Vaccarino -
Lawrence Vaduva Lawrence Vaduva, other titles
Sam Vaknin Sam Vaknin has a combined doctorate in Physics and Philosophy. He is an economic and political columnist in m...
Nubia Valdivieso -
David Valencia -
Eduardo Valerio I'm A Songwritter from Texas
Stoyan Valev I am a writer from Bulgaria (Europe, the Balkan Peninsula). I am the author of four books – ‘When God was on...
Isabell M Vallejo -
Tracy N Van Brocklin -
Annie Van Dalsem I enjoy writing for fun, and had always been intrigued with how people manage to survive on the streets....
Kristofer Van Der Meulen -
Joeb Van Der Ryn Life is full of torments - then I get home to a second helping.
Lauren Van Der Vyver -
Andre V Van Hees i breath and blink. I laugh at farts. I ride the bus.
Joseph R Van Matre I'm just a normal guy thats all
Krige Van Rensburg T'is but a while ago that a fair red haired lady has captured my heart. So fair, in fact, that I am at...
Ron L Van -
Eric P Vana Eric P Vana, other titles I’m seventeen years old, I’ve written a few scripts, and I plan to at least make on...
A J Vance 17 year old highschooler
Jade Vanna -
Vanna-Rama -
Lonnie Vannatter 24 MALE
Christine Varela Christine Varela began her career as a technical writer for fifteen years and then moved on to short sto...
Maritza Vargas Hey,(I'm 14 years old)Shadow's the (nick)name and fames my game!....lol that rhymes! ^_^ Anyway, I love to...
VargheseJ -
Brian Varitek I'm a 17 year old boy/man, who wishes to be a writer of some sort. Don't dreams suck?
Ritu Varna Hello a very simple author here.
Rebecca Vaughan -
I A Vdm Tiny mom with huge heart!! Nothing is more satisfying than telling stories to my children, who listen to each an...
En Vee (white kid) should could and would be somethin. former deans list college student/athlete. started drugs and watc...
Veekay -
Kar Velasco a hopeless romantic girl who loves writing poems as a therapeutic act.
Alfredo Velazquez Rodriguez Velazquez -
Jerry Velazquez -
William John Velek I am both a City Court Judge and a City Attorney (separate cities), husband, and the father of eight c...
Golda Velez programmer & mom
Diana Venditti -
Dario Vergaridario-V- who am I ? Let me tell you. MUSIC. That's the magic word. Music used to mean everything to me throu...
Sabri Veritas -
Tyler Brandon Vetzel The guy looking to find out who Peter Grisham is!!!
Emily A Vicious u cn find out wut im about through my work, im nuthin special =]
Vera Vicious ____regurgitate sighs; this is me & this is how I'm falling off the face of the earth. I was born at exactl...
Don Victoria Don Victoria Writer composer artist Philippines mobile: +639179926457
Jerry Vilhotti I (Jerry Vilhotti) live with my very understanding wife, living with a writer you know, in a simpler place...
Marisa Villano -
Barbara Villarreal Married 13 years. Stay home mom of four living in the south. Homeschool my children during the morning...
Michael Vincent -
Ruthie Jane Vital I am Ruthie. I write songs. I play the piano and the guitar. Music (and running) is my LIFE.
Vnkumar I have a passion for writting songs. End off.
Vodka Ryuki Mint
Christina L. Voigt Just a lowly writer, whose mind is constantly jammed with too many words.
Anna Von Female 21 yr old songwriter started since 2013 5 yrs ago stage name Mini Mnna English name Anna Von full name An...
Tammy Von Payens -
Lyss Von Puttkammer -
Ivonne León Vonchyta -
Alyssa Vonputtputt -
Stan Vose Stan is a retired Air Force master sergeant and a veteran turfgrass manager.
D Daniel Vujic I am a freelance photojournalist, a three language interpreter, and have worked as a marketing strategist....
Salvatore Vulcano -
Lawrence Vaduva
Eric P Vana

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Vodka Ryuki Mint
[April 2007]
A Rose, Dove And Friend (Poetry) A poem I did during one of my boring classes, i'll appreciate your input, thank you. [55 words] [April 2005] (HITS 2069, REVS. 4)
Counterfeit Mask (Poetry) The title tells a lot of stuff... [89 words] [April 2005] (HITS 2074, REVS. 2)
Fade Away (Short Stories) About a father and a son. [650 words] [April 2005] (HITS 2374, REVS. 8)
Her (Poetry) Another poem I did during my boring lessons~ don't know whether it's good. nah, I dun think it's any good. T_T. [55 words] [April 2005] (HITS 2152, REVS. 2)
His Wings (Short Stories) I've always dreamed of this scene, don't know why, somehow it gives me an indescribable feeling. not sure if it's any good, please R&R. [553 words] [April 2005] (HITS 2309, REVS. 11)
If You Are... (Poetry) A poem dedicated to someone I love. (: [174 words] [Relationships] [January 2006] (HITS 1995, REVS. 1)
Melanchony (Short Stories) The title says it all. [620 words] [April 2005] (HITS 2345, REVS. 4)
Sapphire Moon (Poetry) A love poem~ :3 [94 words] [April 2005] (HITS 2096, REVS. 4)
Taboo (Poetry) The night is long. The stars are gone. what’s left are just traces of memories, both yours and mine--- A poem of a very sweet sin :P [214 words] [Romance] [April 2007] (HITS 2018, REVS. 2)
Times (Poetry) A poem dedicated to those I treasure. [106 words] [April 2005] (HITS 2087, REVS. 10)


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