God's Love: A New Perspective On The Unified Field Theory Ellen Rosser
What is the real cause of the strong force of the atom, the weak force of the atom, electro-magnetism, gravity, and any other forces not yet known that hold together the universe? They are all the same basic force in different manifestations, that is, the force of attraction. And what is the cause of that attraction of matter for matter down to the smallest units yet identified by men? The pattern extends through all matter; iindeed without attraction there would be no matter; all would dissolve to nothingness or pure energy again. What then is the cause of the continuously manifesting attraction in the universe? Is it chance? Common sense tells us otherwise. If the force of attraction suddenly ceased and everything around you suddenly dissolved back into nothingness, would you say, "Oops. Chance is at work." Or would you say, "Somebody did something." Most reasonable people would give the latter interpretation. Therefore, the obverse is also true: the force of attraction did not come into existence by chance. Then it must have come into existence by intention. If it is then intentional, who or what willed it? Can an entity without consciousness will anything? If not, then the entity that willed the force of attraction into existence is conscious. And what is the usual name for the conscious entity who wills matter, that is, the universe, into existence? God.
God is therefore the conscious being who wills the force of attraction into existence and thus brings the universe into being. And if God ceased to will the force of attraction into existence, would the force continue? No, for then there would be no generator to cause the force to exist, just as light does not exist unless there is something to generate it. A lightbulb with the electricity turned off does not generate light. Similarly, without God generating the force of attraction, the universe would cease to be. Therefore, we must conclude that it is God's continuous willing the force of attraction into existence that holds the universe in existence. Not only did God create the force of attraction some eighteen billion years or so ago when the universe came into existence; God also holds it in existence moment by moment. Without God's continuous willing of the force of attraction, everything and everyone would cease to exist, for there would be nothing to hold the atoms together to form the molecules that form matter..
And when matter is raised to its conscious form in living beings, the force of attraction takes other forms as well. Then the force of attraction draws male and female together to procreate, and in the mammals, the force of attraction holds the parents to the young to care for them. The same pattern exists, of course, in humans, where, as in the mammals, the force of attraction hold the body and the consciousness together as well as holding the family unit together. And when we reach the human level of consciousness, what do we call the force of attraction that holds together the family unit? Love. It is love that binds together husband and wife, and binds them to their children. And humans have a more general kind of love or "gregariousness," as the anthropologists call it, that holds groups and societies together and now in the age of global technology, holds all humankind together in benevolent institutions such as the United Nations Love is then the primary human manifestation of existence, without which humankind would soon cease to exist. If there were no families and no children, the human species would become extinct, and without the general love holding societies and humankind together, humans would sink into anarchic war and probable extinction. Indeed, the general love is built into the human breast: 99.8% of humankind has never killed. Yet the violation of that .2% also threatens us with extinction since the weapons have become so powerfully destructive. However, the innate love in humans is seeking solutions and may yet prevail.
Since the force of attraction called love is the elementary nature of the highest consciousness we are familiar with on earth, that is, the human consciousness, we therefore use that same name to describe the force of attraction willed by the highest consciousness in and preceding the universe, that is, God. It is God's love or benevolent will that brought the universe into existence some eighteen billion or so years ago and that holds it in existence moment by moment. Messiah Jesus said "God is love." And without God's love, the active force holding the universe in existence, nothing would exist. Isn't it time to return love for love and finally to seek to do God's will, which is love, on earth? God , teaching humans through all the major religions, has given us instructions for living in harmony with one another, showing only love to one another: "Love the other as yourself." Isn't it time, finally, to learn to live in love and restore the beauty of the world that God in his benevolence created for us? Isn't it time to return to Eden?
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