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The Legendary Graduate Success by Joseph D Smith How I became a successful author with my book, "The Legendary Graduate" by Josep... [343 words]
The End Of Bullying by Jordan Lee Wellnitz This work was written as an anti-bullying essay. [509 words]
She Likes Trains: The Book Of Engineers by Shelley J Alongi Memories, a new engineer, community, and the book of engineers. [4,114 words]
She Likes Trains Adventures With The Super Hero Bag by Shelley J Alongi Adventures with a railroad grip. [3,881 words]
It's For The Best by John Garlinghouse This is an essay on the positive effects of a lockout. [725 words]
Global Warming By Miles Eyre by Miles Eyre - [486 words]
Conversations With Glen Sweet Engineer Dreams And Metrolink Nightmares by Shelley J Alongi A dream come true; life, money, marriage... [5,852 words]
Oh You Angelic Devil by Dream Rinsed (Gospel Funk!) [99 words]
The Split At Tahrir Square by Alexander Gachikus The demands of “secular” opposition are limited to partial reforms within the framew... [1,512 words]
Conversations With Glenn: A Good Day Up Here by Shelley J Alongi Fatalities and Mickey Mouse. And a man admitting his flaws. What a... [3,566 words]
She Likes Trains: The Railroad Sweet Spot by Shelley J Alongi A question, freights, the railroad sweet spot. [3,015 words]
She Likes Trains: The Locomotive Stairway To Heaven by Shelley J Alongi So many things led to this moment, the moment I took my fir... [993 words]
She Likes Trains: Tales From The Rails by Shelley J Alongi Hit or miss, amazing ladies, the bath. sometimes the train station isn't... [2,395 words]
She Likes Trains: Not Looking For Trouble by Shelley J Alongi The man from the orange trains, two engineers by the stairs, an uncon... [2,064 words]
She Likes Trains: Barely Getting By by Shelley J Alongi Rules, paint jobs, diet Pepsi, kids, pictures, passion. It's all here. [2,142 words]
Violence Can't Stop Itself by Randy Hooper about violence and how we can maybe stop it [603 words]
She Likes Trains: The Stairway To Locomotive Heaven by Shelley J Alongi The metal staircase of Alco 98 curves upward, today is the ... [1,969 words]
She Likes Trains: The South Side Of Paradise by Shelley J Alongi Engineers, food, warm weather, and train chasing. [6,629 words]
She Likes Trains: Steel Tangled by Shelley J Alongi A new restaurant, a systems operation guide, lovely trains, don't get her mad, ... [3,497 words]
Conversations With Glenn: Sweet Engineer Confusion by Shelley J Alongi Short, sweet, confusing, lovely, always worth the wait. Numb... [2,343 words]
She Likes Trains: Sweet Train Dreams by Shelley J Alongi The opening of track 4, more engineers and sweet train dreams. [2,457 words]
She Likes Trains: One Hand Somewhere Else by Shelley J Alongi One hand waving, a bridge to paradise, helpful passengers who take th... [3,838 words]
She Likes Trains: Between Engineers by Shelley J Alongi what takes my time between meeting all my engineers? Happy Easter all my en... [2,742 words]
She Likes Trains: Chatsworth Ephiphany by Shelley J Alongi stories, the missing link, the harvey girls, fatalities, and the Chatswo... [2,768 words]
She Likes Trains: Post Fatality Syndrome by Shelley J Alongi Two years, four switch keys, one lock, one lantern, and three engineer... [2,887 words]
Revolution In The Middle East by Alexander Gachikus What are the prospects of the revolution in Arab world? What sort of a revolution... [2,447 words]
The Human Part Of The Railroad by Shelley J Alongi Trespasser on the tracks. The intimate kiss of the engineer. It's all the human ... [2,519 words]
She Likes Trains: Taking The Engineers Heart by Shelley J Alongi Keys, dogs, stories, and the engineer's hearts. [3,992 words]
She Likes Trains: Journeys To Friday by Shelley J Alongi On our way to Friday, we experience the death of a mascott. The married en... [2,415 words]
She Likes Trains: Missing The Train Meet by Shelley J Alongi Birthday wishes are never too late, heart-stealers, more dogs, and mis... [5,044 words]
She Likes Trains: Flirting With The Locomotives by Shelley J Alongi The switch key attachment, love struck by the locomotives; love... [2,844 words]
On Proletarian Dictatorship And Islamism by Alexander Gachikus Early Islam, which revival at modern level is advocated by revolutiona... [1,309 words]
Conversations With Glenn: Sweet, Lucky Engineer by Shelley J Alongi Train 221's fatality. I am the happiest love sick, star struck ... [3,301 words]
City Miles by Dan Smith City Miles is an essay on an argument between Karl Marx and Uncle Sam that has spilled into a new ce... [1,414 words]
The Letter To Maoist Internationalist Movement by Alexander Gachikus Mentioning only the USA as the super-power and hushing up about ... [521 words]
She Likes Trains: Silent, Train Night by Shelley J Alongi A Christmas carol, a messy, rainy week, Christmas presents for cats, love... [3,183 words]
She Likes Trains: Knowing About The Railroad by Shelley J Alongi Engineers, daring passengers, dogs, signals, and love. [4,635 words]
She Likes Trains: Dog Days And Coming In Out Of The Rain by Shelley J Alongi Rain, accidents, dogs and the crazy Fullerton engineer... [3,642 words]
She Likes Trains: Crossing The Railroad Tracks by Shelley J Alongi Happy new year all my engineers! This year has been very eventfu... [3,783 words]
Afghan Revolution And Russian Imperialism by Alexander Gachikus Odious regime of police batons and lying clerical sermons, which rule... [2,070 words]
Advice To Women by Paula Barta-Schielke A single mother who has overcome childhood trauma and an abusive husband, offers insights into ... [630 words]
Advice To Men On Their Women by Paula Barta-Schielke The female author offers suggestions to men on ways they can strengthen their rela... [665 words]
A Man's Perspective by Paula Barta-Schielke The female author lends her views on a man's perspective on relationships gathered by inter... [560 words]
Conversations With Glenn: Sweet Train Engineer by Shelley J Alongi Signals, Chatsworth, hanging in there, and the mad dash on a rai... [3,058 words]
“Communist” Tyulkin Criticizes Bourgeois Authority For Insufficiency Of Nationalism by Alexander Gachikus Today official "communists"... [305 words]
She Likes Trains: The Engineer's Right To Know by Shelley J Alongi What persistence led to. [2,234 words]
She Likes Trains: Hogger Stocker by Shelley J Alongi All my engineers. All my fun, surprised, sweet engineers, and always my best! [2,153 words]
The Blank Analysis 101 by Mike Piotrowski A simple essay that uses abstraction to follow the parabolic pathway of life [289 words]
Sexnlove by Dream Rinsed the basic erotic instinct. [131 words]
Events In Georgia And Communists’ Response by Alexander Gachikus It is no reason for us, proletarians of the rich nations, to lose he... [2,598 words]
She Likes Trains: My Familiar Places by Shelley J Alongi Engineer teasing, returning to my beloved trains, or is it engineers? And ... [1,446 words]
Major Breakthrough In African Literature
Chechen Revolution And Russian Imperialism by Alexander Gachikus - [1,922 words]
Metrolink708: Train Orders For The Court by Shelley J Alongi My engineers get a break, and yet life is still eventful at the fuller... [2,272 words]
Metrolink708: Engineer Hunter by Shelley J Alongi the engineer and the switch key. Of cool summer nights and engineer hunting. [3,117 words]
Conversations With Glenn: Engineer Responsibility by Shelley J Alongi He says deal with it. Engineers have to be responsible. he wa... [3,336 words]
Conversations With Glen: Engineer Of My Dreams by Shelley J Alongi It has been six months since I've talked to him, and it is, afte... [2,596 words]
Metrolink708: Railroad Birthday by Shelley J Alongi My very own train party Shelley style. Trains, conductors, engineers, food, fri... [4,633 words]
Metrolink708: Prince Charming by Shelley J Alongi All of Shelley's Prince charmings. [1,829 words]
Metrolink708: The Commuter Train To Paradise by Shelley J Alongi Tales from the Fullerton station. [3,172 words]
Metrolink708: Metrolink Tales by Shelley J Alongi Metrolink tales. [2,576 words]
Youssef Girard. Tan Malakka : Nationalism, Marxism And Islam by Alexander Gachikus Soviet-Russian opportunism kept silence about Tan ... [1,248 words]
The War On Weed. by Dream Rinsed Pt.1 "How The High Became A Low." [129 words]
The Break-Up Of Ussr: Collapse Of Socialism Or Collapse Of The Old Colonialism? by Alexander Gachikus Soviet Union was not Socialist ... [1,989 words]
Teens And Drugs by Michael Finch it is about the real facts of the effects drugs can have on kids [408 words]
Space For The Future. by Spencer A Morin An amazing idea [220 words]
Metrolink708: On The Trail Of Gold by Shelley J Alongi Gold, engineers, it's all good, it's all gold. [3,498 words]
Manifesto Of The Russian Party Of Bolsheviks by Alexander Gachikus Opportunism of official communist parties compelled us, Russian Bo... [4,151 words]
Letters To Molly Norris by Wael El-Manzalawy - [152 words]
L.B. Some Preliminary Thoughts About Modern Class Structure by Alexander Gachikus The main advantages of the article of L.B.: 1) Rath... [2,307 words]
God's Love: A New Perspective On The Unified Field Theory by Ellen Rosser An essay describing the effect of God's love on the e... [853 words]
From What Is To Begin? by Alexander Gachikus Let us recollect Lenin’s idea of the formation of the party. The essence of this idea is... [1,323 words]
About The Slander Of Proletarian Dictatorship by Alexander Gachikus At imperialist stage the states of 2 types are possible – bourgeo... [459 words]
Metrolink708: Replacing The Engineer by Shelley J Alongi So many engineers, so many stories, so much potential, so little time, and... [4,401 words]
Metrolink708 Making Connections by Shelley J Alongi There's no place like home, I guess. New engineers, connecting with trains, it'... [3,225 words]
Metrolink708: Engineer Day by Shelley J Alongi freight baby, social butterfly, drama, fun, and the gold standard. [5,147 words]
Metrolink708: Being There Tomorrow by Shelley J Alongi Not a good day, but such a great day. Already it has been eventful and we're... [2,200 words]
What It’S Like For Me To Be An Interpreter And Translator by Kclb The satisfaction of being bilingual explained. [383 words]
Metrolink708: Getting The Right One by Shelley J Alongi the FP59, the engineer, it's definitely the right one. And even if he is le... [5,635 words]
Answering Atheism I by Wael El-Manzalawy - [196 words]
Answering Atheism 2 by Wael El-Manzalawy - [119 words]
Metrolink708: Remembering My Name by Shelley J Alongi Do the engineers remember me? Seems so. This week they all either know, use, ... [2,015 words]
The Waterboarding Of Americans. by Dream Rinsed or The Trickle-Down Theory.(as it was called.) [130 words]
Metrolink708 Engineer Magic by Shelley J Alongi One can't stand the MPI, one wants to know where I've been, one wants to know if I'... [5,802 words]
Metrolink708: Engineer Drama by Shelley J Alongi Oh goodness! If you don't like drama, even if it's all in my own head, and you don... [6,420 words]
Metrolink608 The Railroad Facts Of Life by Shelley J Alongi Oh the drama! Showing the engineer the switch key, changing the route, ... [9,681 words]
Metrolink608: Meeting Locomotive 800 by Shelley J Alongi Teasing, loco 800, wary Glen, the two woman fan club, it's all Glen. [2,844 words]
Metrolink608: Making It Through Tuesday by Shelley J Alongi Love, a hard taskmaster; tortured by the bell; two engineers, and stand... [5,677 words]
Conversations With Glen: Engineer Gold by Shelley J Alongi There's gold in that there engineer and I didn't have to dig for it. Oh ... [3,419 words]
She Likes Trains: The Human Gold by Shelley J Alongi Gold digging at the fullerton station. Everything about everything, the gad ab... [2,945 words]
Muslim Versus Atheist by Wael El-Manzalawy - [217 words]
Muslim In The Western World by Wael El-Manzalawy - [309 words]
Metrolink608 Learning The Story by Shelley J Alongi Learning the story, following advice. [3,760 words]
Wisdom - Lost With Tradition by Richard Koss An essay which compares the concept of traditional wisdom with the minds of today'... [500 words]
Metrolink608: Playing Hooky by Shelley J Alongi The first week after New Year's day, quiet, the same question over and over, and my... [2,426 words]
Metrolink608: Making The Engineer Happy by Shelley J Alongi Big trouble, morning blessing, and no sympathy even if I have a cold. h... [4,549 words]

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Major Breakthrough In African Literature
It's really very simple...I'd like the relevant authorities to prove me wrong...
[581 words]
Kennedy O Obohwemu
Medical Doctor, Publisher, Editor, Novelist, Playwright, Poet

Dr. Ken’s books {Book 1: Frozen, Book 2: Nightfall, and the Omnibus Edition (paperback)} are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Apple:

Amazon: http://amazon.com/author/doctorken
Barnes & Noble: http://ow.ly/zQm9I
Apple: http://goo.gl/QYpqH4
[August 2014]
A Fool At Fifty Three (Essays) A faulty federal system from the beginning... [1,020 words] [Mind]
A Season Of Grace (Poetry) It's for the lenten season...composed 24-30/03/03 [124 words] [Spiritual]
Be My Queen (Poetry) Pictures the earnest desire of a love-bird... [114 words] [Relationships]
Beyond The Sky (Poetry) If you really want to hit it big,don't let the sky be your limit;let it be your beginning! [126 words] [Motivational]
Born A Unique Being (Poetry) To the birth of Our LORD... [121 words] [Spiritual]
Breathe Again (Poetry) It's hard living without someone precious to you...you'd long to breathe again...composed 22/05/03. [117 words] [Relationships]
Can No Longer Fly (Poetry) This captures the thoughts of a heart-broken love-bird...composed 23/05/03. [110 words] [Relationships]
Cheers To Love! (Poetry) Happy cheers to the greatest of all... [105 words] [Relationships]
Come The Way You Are (Poetry) Come to HIM who loves us all,just the way you are...composed 19/02/04. [121 words] [Spiritual]
Enkindle The Fire (Poetry) It's not enough to have a dream...live it up! [117 words] [Motivational]
Every Step I Take (Poetry) Missing you every step of the way...composed 30/06/03 [122 words] [Relationships]
Found The Missing Link (Poetry) Should people cry when you're around?Something's not right...there's a missing link...composed 17/02/04 [121 words] [Mind]
Frozen (Twisted, Book 1) (Novels) An engrossing tale guaranteed to make your spine tingle and your pulse pound! [168 words] [Literary Fiction]
Gave You My All (Poetry) This love-bird's heart bleeds...has suffered disappointment from an unlikely source...composed 30/06/03 [118 words] [Relationships]
I Like Your Smile (Poetry) It's friendship all the way as this poetic piece gives insight on the lovely communication ensuing between two love-birds whose heartbeats rhyme... Dedicated to Nneka [125 words] [Relationships]
I Remember The Day (Poetry) This piece pictures how couples often settle - or should settle - their disputes...composd 24/05/03. [114 words] [Relationships]
I Was Wrong (Poetry) I'm really sorry for past wrongs...do give me another chance...composed 19/02/04 [118 words] [Relationships]
I Woke Up One Morning (Poetry) Ever woken up one morning to find a shocking surprise?This one pierced the heart of this love-bird...composed 24/05/03. [111 words] [Relationships]
If God Had No Time (Poetry) What would happen...if...if...if...HE had no time? Co-authored by Esther Ejovi. [136 words] [Spiritual]
It's Come Again (Poetry) It's a brand new year...expectations are high...composed 01/01/04,New Year's Day. [107 words] [Psychology]
It's Gone Again (Poetry) Last year was one of ups and downs,joy and laughter...it's gone,never coming back...composed 31/12/03 [122 words] [Psychology]
Lights Remain Aglow (Poetry) I wrote this poem 5th May,2003.It's one of my favorites.Sometimes we just feel down and there seems to be no one around to cheer us up.We need not be consumed by gloom.LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE.There's... [120 words] [Motivational]
Love Deserves All (Poetry) Love is so potent a virtue that it deserves all there is ...composed 23/04/03 [107 words] [Relationships]
Love Never Freezes (Poetry) I in the substance of love,the real thing.It does't just begin and end.True live never freezes,and this poem,dated 23rd-24th,2003,pin-points this fact. [115 words] [Relationships]
More Than A Smile (Poetry) There's something more to your smile,I just know it...composed 22/05/03 [126 words] [Relationships]
Must Move On (Poetry) Composed May 22nd,2003,this poem gives insight on how to cope with grief.[It's one of my best.]There's none that hasn't been affected one way or the other.Grief becomes over-powering when we let it pe... [164 words] [Motivational]
My Visible Angel (Poetry) A special piece dedicated to my mother... [127 words] [Mind]
Nightfall (Twisted, Book 2) (Novels) An unbelievable piece of literature that will keep you biting your nails from start to finish! [151 words] [Literary Fiction]
Passionate Appeal To Dstv Concerning Big Brother Africa (Bba) (Non-Fiction) It's all about recognising the need to preserve the little virtues we have left...if at all we've not lost all of them! [389 words] [Mind]
Queen Of My Heart (Poetry) A love piece that pictures the made-up mind of a love-bird...No other captures the radiance of my love the way you do...you're Queen Of My Heart. composed 19/02/04 [113 words] [Relationships]
Running In The Track (Poetry) A great encounter for this love-bird right in the track...composed 19/02/04 [119 words] [Relationships]
Say You'll Be Mine (Poetry) All this love-bird needs is the hand of his soul-mate...he's losing his mind...composed 19/02/04 [114 words] [Relationships]
Softer Than Silk (Poetry) Speaks of a special quality of love...composed 11/05/03. [93 words] [Relationships]
The Biggest Problem Facing Nigeria This Century (Essays) An unending battle with a trouble that seems to have settled comfortably with individual minds... [750 words] [Psychology]
The Challenges Of Road Safety In The 21st Century (Essays) Quite simple...It issues a call for action...reflective upon World Health Day 2004. [1,353 words] [Psychology]
The Extra Mile (Poetry) Only an extra mile is needed to rise higher... Composed 09,20/04/03. [112 words] [Motivational]
The Faith We Need (Poetry) It's a simple principle - faith without works is dead...composed 17/2/4 [119 words] [Motivational]
The Fight Against Aids-Is There A Ray Of Hope? (Essays) All we need is a lasting solution...just how far have we gone?how far can we go? [902 words] [Health]
The Fire Of Love (Poetry) Love's the greatest there is,sure.It was in the light of this tradition-the greatness of love-that this poem was composed,23rd-24th April,2003,to consider this virtue in it's intensity. [107 words] [Relationships]
The Light Of Love (Poetry) It's the great light that love gives... [109 words]
The Living Ark (Poetry) Remember Noah's ark?It was made of gopher wood.The ark I speak of now is a living one...composed 01/07/03. [125 words] [Spiritual]
The Ocean And The Stream (Poetry) Someone once said to me,'The ocean and the stream never mix'.What do you think? composed 19/02/04 [135 words] [Relationships]
They Came From Afar (Poetry) Tries to picture why there's so much trouble on earth...where did they come from? [114 words] [Mind]
Twisted (Blockbuster Novel) (Novels) A compelling, provocative, masterful thriller guaranteed to leave you spell-bound with its suspense-filled intrigue and nail-biting finishes! [257 words] [Literary Fiction]
We'll Get There (Poetry) It's a motivational one,composed 9th-10th May,2003.It's all about remaining focused.It stemmed from my every day experience in the Medical School. [100 words] [Motivational]
What Have We Done? (Poetry) Look what we've done to the world,it's not a good sight...composed 19/02/04. [110 words] [Nature]
What Is It With Fecamds? (Essays) - [472 words] [Health]
When The Bells Began To Ring (Poetry) A reflection on the election of Cardinal Joseph Radzinger as successor to Pope John Paul II at St.Peter's Square,Rome.Composed April 19th,2005. [115 words] [Mind]
Where Did I Go Wrong? (Poetry) It was only a skirmish,do forgive me...this love-bird can't figure out what's wrong...composed 22,23/05/03. [113 words] [Relationships]
Where Love And Sorrow Meet (Poetry) It was Good Friday,April 18th,2003.Moved by the reflection of the Passion of Our LORD,I wrote the poem to picture the intense emotion and physical weakness Our LORD had to go through for our sake to c... [103 words] [Motivational]
You're The One (Poetry) It's the mind of a happy love-bird who found his missing rib...composed 25/05/03 [122 words] [Relationships]
'twisted (Short Stories) Before things went sour, he needed a minor miracle. Now he needs the Red Sea to part. http://wp.me/P3ZErB-F Full story coming soon on Amazon Kindle. #Novel #eBook #Kindle #Mystery #Suspense #Romance #... [334 words] [Fan Fiction]
Major Breakthrough In African Literature
Kennedy O Obohwemu

I am a 5th year medical student of Delta State University, Abraka. I would like to draw the attention of the
international community to the publication of the first full-length futuristic romantic suspense novel by a
writer of African origin.

'Every Time We Meet' is a 320-page novel based on the findings of an international research conducted eleven
years ago. The scientific survey was carried out in 65 nations in 1999-2001. In 2003 Nigerians were reported
to be the happiest people in the world following the results of that survey. The research was reported by one
of the world's top science magazines, New Scientist, and was picked up by a number of news outlets. The report
considered that the country's family life and culture were more important than its problems and material wealth
in determining happiness.

Over the years, Nigeria has recorded steady tremendous success in the international scene. Education, entertainment
(beauty pageantry, music, movies, etc), tourism and sports are some of the sectors making headlines. Nigeria also
has a rich literary history, and Nigerians have authored many influential works of post-colonial literature in the
English language.

'Every Time We Meet' appreciates the exploits recorded in recent years. It presents Nigeria to the international
community as a nation capable of far more than is projected. It delves into the ever fascinating world of modeling
and beauty pageants, and with a touch of class draws attention to Nollywood and the tourism potentials of the country.

To many outsiders Africa remains a complex conundrum, and a good number of our citizens out there are unwilling to
return home. This is largely due to reports often received from the media—civil wars, dictatorships, poverty, and all
the other favourite stereotypes of Africa in the press.

'Every Time We Meet' has its premise centered on a character that lived all his life abroad. Everything about him was
foreign: his ideas, his ideals, his fantasies! He believed in the American dream and he lived out that dream. America
made him who he was and he would always be grateful to America. The young man made exploits overseas, and he hardly
visited his own country.

This novel is a compelling story that captures the intensity of living, loving and creating a family in today’s world.
A richly textured material that astounds the imagination, 'Every Time We Meet' leaves you spell-bound and ultimately
makes your heart pound faster with each page.

The title and theme for this novel came from a song entitled Puzzle of my heart, written by the famous Irish pop group,
Westlife. The relevant lines are:

Every time we meet
The picture is complete;
Every time we touch
The feeling is too much…

The story captures the very essence of human relationship, the ability to sow a seed in the life of the person next to you.
It brings that bond to the center stage in a real life situation, and admits how incredibly complex and how conflicting the
images could be.

'Every Time We Meet' is authored by my humble self. Never in the history of the African continent has a novel of this
magnitude been authored by an undergraduate! It is arguably the first full-length futuristic romantic suspense
novel by a writer of African origin!

You can prove me wrong!

This is a major milestone, one that not only enters national reckoning but promises international renown. It is my sincerest
wish that the relevant authorities would recognise this and proudly associate with it.

Thank you.

Kennedy O. Obohwemu
Founder/National President, Association of Nigerian Student Authors (ANSA)
+234 806 547 7715



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© 2010 Kennedy O Obohwemu
September 2010

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