Are you by yourself and feeling lonely? Do you feel that the world has come down upon you hard? Feel comforted in knowing that many Do CARE about you! [1,267 words]
THE REVEREND DR. LANCE is an Ordained Minister and a Christian. His ministry is Light of Christ Internet Ministries. The practice of laying-on of hands (to include Reiki) is part of his religious ministry and spirituality. He is a world-renowned Spiritual Coach, Author, and Teacher. He is a Certified Reiki Instructor holding all three Reiki Degrees in The Usui System (Usui Shiki Ryoho), and while remaining an independent Instructor, he prefers to teach in a more Traditional manner. *Graduated from American College OMT with a Ph.D. in RELIGIOUS EDUCATION, signed by the Chancellor of this nonsectarian religious Non-Profit educational institution after having studied, completed coursework and submitted his doctoral thesis to the college. *Awarded a Doctorate in Divinity by a church also has a Doctorate in Metaphysics and the titles Healing Minister; Christian Clerical Teacher. *A.A.P. Certificate and Diploma in Parapsychology after studies and examination. *Earned the designation of IAPLT Certified Psychic Counselor after studies and examination. *Research work in areas of interest to include the Afterlife; Author of many articles on Reiki and Spiritual/Religious subjects. He is sought after by world-wide enquirers on Spirituality. *Received Certificate in Feng Shui after studying for two and a half years and submitting examinations with each lesson. *Received the title Certified Holistic Life Coach after studying and taking his exams. Dr. Lance honors God for the wonderful gifts He has bestowed upon us and is ever-thankful to be of humble service. [September 2013]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (7) A Daily Reflector And Self-Motivator (Genres) How does one start their typical day? Is it with less than normal enthusiasm or with the vibrancy of a dynamic attitude designed for a winning day. [953 words] [Motivational] God Is Not The Enemy! (Genres) How many times do people place the blame on God for their own shortcomings? Taking responsibility for oneself is hard and some people try to find a quicker way around it even if its wrong. [924 words] [Spiritual] Reiki Questions And Answers (Reference) Reiki Questions and Answers provides information about a Spiritual energy that comes from God thus considered sacred and theonomous. [1,961 words] [Spiritual] Soul Healing (Genres) Dr. Lance presents information designed to be food-for-thought to a hungry mind eager to learn more about the soul and its inner workings. [1,038 words] [Spiritual] Spiritual Message To The World (Genres) There are many causes for the world's problems. Dr. Lance presents his perspective and observation on this matter. [1,107 words] [Spiritual] The Power Of Jesus Christ (Genres) For those wishing to have a closer relationship with Jesus Christ, LORD and Savior, and to learn how to become Born Again through Him. [805 words] [Spiritual] Usui Reiki - A Spiritual Energy In Motion (Reference) Provides information about a Spiritual energy that comes from God thus, considered sacred and theonomous. Reiki was rediscovered in the late 1800's by a Japanese Christian Scholar, Dr. Mikao Usui. Rei... [673 words] [Spiritual]
For Those Who Feel Alone Right Now Reverend Dr Lance
This is dedicated to those who may be experiencing loneliness. Also to those who perhaps have lost a loved one and are trying to cope with this difficult experience, JEREMIAH 31:13 (KJV) "....for I will turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them,and make them rejoice from their sorrow.", and to those who may have financial difficulties or are experiencing some negative condition in their life.
It has been my lifelong goal to be a friend to those who are truly alone, to those who feel abandoned, to those who have almost lost Hope. I am here to tell you to never lose Hope! One truly does not stand alone unless one really wants to. God is everywhere and He is with You right now! Jesus Christ would never leave you! He also would not send you more than you can possibly bear regardless of how you feel. Remember JOSHUA 1:5 (KJV) " I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee."
We wonder why we are so unfortunate as to be facing the terrible things that seem to constantly plague us and may be plaguing us right now. But know that in life and as a part of life, we are here to have different experiences and to Learn, and to Serve and to Love. In having different experiences (both positive and negative), we learn the lessons in life and in learning those lessons we develop a sense that we are here to serve, not to be served, for it is in serving that we truly learn to Love - and *Love* is the key!
Loneliness, therefore, is bred from lack of Love. Introspectively, examine the areas in your life and ask yourself where you feel you have been failed. Was it in your relationship with a former or present spouse? Was it in a group who swore to help and assist one another and then didn't? Was it in something that happened, drastic, in your life that may have changed the way you now feel about life? Was it in a situation where you felt someone should have Loved you *more* than they did? If it was the latter, do you also realize that you alone cannot dictate the degree of Love another can give to you? A person's Love can never be measured with the measuring stick of expectation. It must truly be in the heart of the giver and it should be genuine! Never expect more because if you do, you will be unhappy with that unreasonable expectation. It is like expecting the sky to give you more rain when there is only so much to give at any one time. In Love, you should see to it that the Love you impart towards another is not qualified by any conditions.
Love should always be Unconditional! No conditions placed upon it! None whatsoever! When conditions are placed upon Love, you are not embracing that genuine part of your soul which dictates only Love, pure and heartfelt, without impositions to suit your tastes and encumber it. When one starts "flavoring" the Love you give or receive, it is no longer genuine or unconditional. It therefore, becomes a flavor that cannot be thoroughly enjoyed, received or given. Therefore, the best flavor in Love is that which is unflavored, natural and unconditional!
I know there must be many who are reading this right now who are very lonely because of a Love affair that went sour; the passing of a Loved one or a new and unexpected challenge in your physical life. This is not uncommon. But God expects us to continue with the strength that He gives unto us that can keep us afloat the tossing and turning sea of worry and profound discontent. Please know and understand that you are not alone in this state of fracas. There are many in the world today who feel as you do with their illness, worry and strife but yet will continue to feel so because they refuse the copious amount of Love that is available to them through knowing the Power of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Jesus left us His Last Covenant when He told us to "Love One Another". He would not have spoken these wonderful and healing words which are filled with beauty, without giving us the ability to Give Love, a genuine part of ourselves! Since He Loves us immeasurably, there is plenty of Love all around us to embrace if only we would know and understand that that Love is NOT limited. It is bountiful, truly plentiful for *everyone* to share! Therefore, take that which has been given unto you (Love and the Ability to SURVIVE -AND- COPE with your problems no matter what the odds)! Take Love in its many forms as long as it is an expression of God's Grace upon you.
One need not feel lonely when they have lost a partner, a parent or a friend, have a worry or are feeling ill. It is in knowing and accepting God's Genuine Love for us that we can truly Know and Feel that We Are Not Alone! So, embrace that Love and partake of it. One thing about the passing of another is that they return to spirit from where they once came. The only difference, friends, is that they left a little before you did, that's all. We will proudly join them when God *remembers* us and calls us home and not a moment before! This is a certainty! Love life to the fullest! Be All that you are truly capable of being! And Love with All of your heart each and every day as our Father in Heaven, Jesus Christ, Loves us! Be Happy Always, no matter what your trials may be and ALWAYS remember to *Keep A Happy Heart* despite all odds! Chin up and shoulders straight!! Now, let's see a smile :-) from you! And whenever you may start to feel low, remember to visit this site and Perk Up! There are many who care for you, despite the fact that you may not know who they all are - remember that!
My blessings to you, My Dear Friend, for *I Care* and Love You and will keep you in my heart in prayers in spirit!
Be At Peace - Be One With Love In Your Heart! And remember that Satan is a liar!! He would like to confuse you into thinking there is no Love nor Hope for you and to simply give up! Do Not Believe him! Know and Be Confident that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, died for *you* and then resurrected so that You would have Everlasting Life and as such, He gives to you each day, each hour and indeed Each Second, Hope and His everlasting Love! Embrace It Now, it's free to those who wish to partake of the feast and it is meant solely for You as an individual!
And Always Remember To Pray! That is another Very Important Key! Jesus Christ speaks to us on this very matter in MARK 11:24 (KJV) "Therefore I say unto you, What things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them.".
And finally, Jesus always says it best as in this example: MARK 4:40 (KJV) "....Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?". Therefore, Faith is the Key! Keep The Faith and God Will Remember and Bless You For It!
(c) 1998-2013 Reverend Dr. Lance
All rights reserved.
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