For those wishing to have a closer relationship with Jesus Christ, LORD and Savior, and to learn how to become Born Again through Him. [805 words]
THE REVEREND DR. LANCE is an Ordained Minister and a Christian. His ministry is Light of Christ Internet Ministries. The practice of laying-on of hands (to include Reiki) is part of his religious ministry and spirituality. He is a world-renowned Spiritual Coach, Author, and Teacher. He is a Certified Reiki Instructor holding all three Reiki Degrees in The Usui System (Usui Shiki Ryoho), and while remaining an independent Instructor, he prefers to teach in a more Traditional manner. *Graduated from American College OMT with a Ph.D. in RELIGIOUS EDUCATION, signed by the Chancellor of this nonsectarian religious Non-Profit educational institution after having studied, completed coursework and submitted his doctoral thesis to the college. *Awarded a Doctorate in Divinity by a church also has a Doctorate in Metaphysics and the titles Healing Minister; Christian Clerical Teacher. *A.A.P. Certificate and Diploma in Parapsychology after studies and examination. *Earned the designation of IAPLT Certified Psychic Counselor after studies and examination. *Research work in areas of interest to include the Afterlife; Author of many articles on Reiki and Spiritual/Religious subjects. He is sought after by world-wide enquirers on Spirituality. *Received Certificate in Feng Shui after studying for two and a half years and submitting examinations with each lesson. *Received the title Certified Holistic Life Coach after studying and taking his exams. Dr. Lance honors God for the wonderful gifts He has bestowed upon us and is ever-thankful to be of humble service. [September 2013]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (7) A Daily Reflector And Self-Motivator (Genres) How does one start their typical day? Is it with less than normal enthusiasm or with the vibrancy of a dynamic attitude designed for a winning day. [953 words] [Motivational] For Those Who Feel Alone Right Now (Genres) Are you by yourself and feeling lonely? Do you feel that the world has come down upon you hard? Feel comforted in knowing that many Do CARE about you! [1,267 words] [Spiritual] God Is Not The Enemy! (Genres) How many times do people place the blame on God for their own shortcomings? Taking responsibility for oneself is hard and some people try to find a quicker way around it even if its wrong. [924 words] [Spiritual] Reiki Questions And Answers (Reference) Reiki Questions and Answers provides information about a Spiritual energy that comes from God thus considered sacred and theonomous. [1,961 words] [Spiritual] Soul Healing (Genres) Dr. Lance presents information designed to be food-for-thought to a hungry mind eager to learn more about the soul and its inner workings. [1,038 words] [Spiritual] Spiritual Message To The World (Genres) There are many causes for the world's problems. Dr. Lance presents his perspective and observation on this matter. [1,107 words] [Spiritual] Usui Reiki - A Spiritual Energy In Motion (Reference) Provides information about a Spiritual energy that comes from God thus, considered sacred and theonomous. Reiki was rediscovered in the late 1800's by a Japanese Christian Scholar, Dr. Mikao Usui. Rei... [673 words] [Spiritual]
The Power Of Jesus Christ Reverend Dr Lance
JOHN 3:3 (KJV) "Jesus Answered and Said Unto Him, Verily, Verily, I Say Unto Thee, Except A Man Be Born Again, He Cannot See The Kingdom Of God.".
For over 2,000 years, people from all over the world have been in awe over the incredible power and words of The Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and the miracles that He performed. Many would like to know more about Jesus and you certainly can! You can start with a sincere desire to align with Him and then accept Him as your Lord and Savior and surrender your life to Him.
To be with Jesus Christ is to be with salvation everlasting! For sure as Divine Jesus died for us on the cross, He resurrected to give us eternal life and to be with us forevermore. We are His children and He is our God eternal. He left His Last Covenant so that ALL could follow it. He told us to "Love One Another!". For in Loving one another, we find Life. We find Peace. We find Tranquility. All that we are All most deserving of! For if there was Love, there would be no hate. And without hate, there would be no wars or destruction. And without wars or destruction human lives would be saved! This is a most simple formula, yet in its profound message, many miss the point and continue to a point of near annihilation. This is sad for mankind for with a greater understanding of Jesus Christ's message, we would understand how to survive! Think about that.
Jesus Christ, The Son of God and One In The Holy Trinity, gives us Life itself. He also gave us our Free Will and with Free Will mankind has an open invitation to follow the Golden Rule and God's Ten Commandments or we may go on our own wayward path towards another destination. The choice is entirely ours! By accepting Jesus into our life we are partaking in the fruits of His blessings.
Personally, I could not bear knowing of the strong possibility of following a wayward path that could end up in an area of the void. Rather, since being given the chance, I would follow in Jesus Christ's steps and truly know that my steps Are in rhythm with His! For in this knowing, comes True Inner Peace. Jesus was known to Cast Out Devils Simply With His Command (Matthew 8:16 (KJV); Matthew 8:31 (KJV)!
At the hour of our return to Our Source, God, we will have the satisfaction of knowing that our conscience is absolutely clear and free of doubt about *who* we truly are and what is to become of us and in becoming Born Again, we are forgiven!
In reciting the following and giving our life to Jesus Christ we are Born Again, shedding our "old self" and becoming anew! For those who hear the call to join the ranks of the Living, those who are *Born Again*, they can personalize the following thoughts and recite them:
THE STEPS TO TAKE TO BE "BORN AGAIN" (Say the following Out Loud)
* My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I come to Confess and Accept the fact that I am a sinner!
* I also know that the seed of sin becomes the fruit of death, therefore, right at this moment, Father, I am most sorry for all of my sins!
* I confess that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God.
* I firmly believe that Jesus Christ paid the price on the cross so that I can live eternally!
* I confess Jesus Christ to be my savior and believe that He was raised from death by God!
* I will become baptized by water in the Name of Jesus Christ and believe that the Spirit of Jesus Christ will reside in me forevermore!
* I humbly ask for salvation in your name Jesus Christ! I vow to follow you, Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior from this day forward until eternity and believe in my heart with all of my soul that you Have saved me!
Now, with contrite heart, acknowledge the fact that you have sinned but that Jesus Christ, by His resurrection, gives you Life. And believe in the forgiveness of your sins. Invite Jesus Christ to enter your New Life and bring salvation unto you. Feel and accept these words as true and vow to follow Him always and forevermore!
I acknowledge and accept these words in the Name of Jesus Christ, God forever and ever. Amen and Amen! Praise Be His Holy Name!
Lord Jesus Christ, I Praise Thee and Thank Thee!
Lord Jesus Christ, I Praise Thee and Thank Thee!
Lord Jesus Christ, I Praise Thee and Thank Thee! I LOVE YOU JESUS! YOU *ARE* MY FATHER, MY LORD And MY SAVIOR!
(c)1998-2013 Reverend Dr. Lance
All rights reserved.
"I am happy to say that I hv been baptised a Catholic. I hope your message reaches all people in this world who have not yet encountered Jesus. Thank you. May God bless u in your ministry" -- avis, Mumbai, India.
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