Should You Go To College? by Randall Barfield Decisions confront us at every step in life. [503 words] Making Moves: Another Look At Victims And Choices In Ann Rule's True Crime Stories by Randall Barfield Ann Rule gives the murderers... [9,916 words] The Godless Home(Life) by Randall Barfield Basically, this is written from experience. [661 words] What I Like About You by E Daugherty What Im looking for in a partner... [371 words] On Health Matters Including Diets by Higgins A fourteen point plan is offered which may lead to. health improvement. [727 words] What Happens All The Time by Lucy Midnight This is kind of a teens point of view. [530 words] To My Dad's Many Fans. Doc by Jason Taylor The Bloodman A tribute to my late Father, one of the best writers Storymania has read in years. [93 words] My Dad's Top Five by Jason Taylor The Bloodman A compilation of my Dad's five best stories. [244 words] A Passionate Recipe For Communication by Shelley J Alongi Read a story about how one deaf man and one blind woman got together with... [1,847 words] Those Presentation Jitters by Shelley J Alongi The next time you think you're nervous about a speech, read this account of a presen... [2,325 words] Puppets In Hands... by Men Walkalone Slow groove of interesting reality show described nowadays. [61 words] From Kenya, With Love by Skyler Drevan True story. [1,644 words] Things To Know About Girls by J P Weathers An article telling a little about the mind of the common high school girl. [720 words] The Angel Of Death by Robert Guskind This is creative non-fiction relating to my travels in Europe. It is part of a much larger b... [1,290 words] Flight Number 4: The Human Quality by Shelley J Alongi January 13, 2004, the date for Shelley's flight number 4. This flight will ... [2,663 words] To All My Favorite Writers; You Know Who You Are by David B Doc Byron Update on my college placement tests. [412 words] One Pilot's Magic: A Review Of Fate Is The Hunter by Shelley J Alongi In 1961, Ernest K. Gann wrote a book about flying: one of man... [383 words] An Unhappy New Year by Dulcy Obrochta Non-fiction story of a couple torn between doing what's right and what's in their hearts. [237 words] To ''C'' From Doc by David B Doc Byron A personal rebuttal to a nasty review. [434 words] Toastmasters Speech Number 9: Our Most Important Document by Shelley J Alongi In October, 2003, I gave speech number 9. It was abo... [889 words] Toastmaster Speech 10: You Never Know by Shelley J Alongi This was the last speech required for completion of the certification pro... [1,280 words] The Story Of Dan by Skyler Drevan - [2,036 words] North Star Notes by Shelley J Alongi As a result of flight number three, I picked up a book that the pilot recommended to me. It's... [1,194 words] Shame Or Protection by Skyler Drevan You be the judge. [985 words] Coming Home: Flight Three by Shelley J Alongi This is the third instalment of Shelley's adventures in flight! Improving communicati... [2,354 words] Christianity by Skyler Drevan - [113 words] What Are We There For by Zorg - [841 words] The Boneyard by David B Doc Byron - [476 words] Quotable Quotes by David B Doc Byron - [76 words] Coming To America In The 21st Century by Destiny When I 1st left my 3rd worldd island home I had to start a new life in Am... [1,339 words] Six Speeches To Success by Shelley J Alongi In January, 2003 I joined toastmasters and will complete my first certification by Nove... [4,162 words] Nick by GutierrezJ A short story about young first love written in a young girls perspective. [1,063 words] Music In My Pink Room by GutierrezJ A personal reflection about a girl and how muic and her mother affected her young life. [1,443 words] I've Been Having These Dreams About You... by Skyler Drevan Something I wrote about a former boyfriend of mine. I really don't k... [243 words] Getting High On Nature... Up In The Kumaons by Ananya Rohini I have been to Nainital and some places around it a number of times... [1,824 words] From Tears To Hope by GrahamCP A story about my struggle with depression and anorexia after my husband of 20 years left me ... [30,242 words] An Enlightening Journey Through Time by Ananya Rohini I have the privilege of sharing my experience (after the last one being of... [1,944 words] Life's A Ditch by Emily S This was a narrative assignment I wrote for my composition class this year... Unfortunately, it'... [2,061 words] Kids Are Not Meant To Be Adults by Veronica R Ewing I actually wasn't sure which category to put this under, since it is non-fictio... [2,191 words] Honestly by Emily S It's not what you think. [12 words] Final Farewell When Straight Guys Go Gay by Skyler Drevan This is a real life account of a guy my friends and I met online who had questions ab... [2,810 words] H.P. Lovecraft; True Master Of Horror Fiction by David B Doc Byron My perosnal opinion of H.P. Lovecraft's works. [401 words] Sickness by Men Walkalone Dialogs/monologs of empty people sitting by themselves in front of the mirror of their trapping life. [71 words] The Tinman Syndrome by Kurt Fondriest A story of support for men who are challenged by Fibromyalgia daily. [7,329 words] My Favorite Eisenhower Moments: Reminiscences From Crusade In Europe by Shelley J Alongi In January, 2000, I read Gen. Dwight D. Ei... [1,160 words] A Monster Of Monsters by Randall Barfield Why did we ever let him get this far? [208 words] Stepmothers by Hanan Al Kindi About my stepmother. [1,144 words] Islamic Metalwork by Norman A Rubin The History and background to metalwork in the Muslim world. [2,193 words] Mr Randy Sez by Randall Barfield Expressed thoughts, musings, comments, etc. on whatever I please. [5,598 words] On A Dad's Turning 80 by Randall Barfield Some want to get there, others couldn't care less. How much is choice? [390 words] Ancient Egypt by Christina Aspears About Ancient Egypt and Egypt as it is today. [1,901 words] A Troubled Nation In Need Of Prayer And Soul-Searching: How To Repair It by Randall Barfield Send you suggestions/contributions in ... [89 words] The Word Is In The Law by Norman A Rubin The law is the word even our sexual life. [1,365 words] No More Stalling: Shellbell's Flight Adventure Number 2 by Shelley J Alongi Six months after my first flight in a C172 Skyhawk, I a... [2,049 words] No More Stalling: Part II by Shelley J Alongi In the passion of recounting my Cessna adventure, I left out some ideas you might fin... [1,829 words] Death The Intruder by Norman A Rubin The rule of Father Death in the time of the Great famine in the Renaissance period. [1,688 words] Hi Mr Willis, Can You Explain What Wrong I Did? by Randall Barfield Teaching school is always give and take. Will it ever be diffe... [462 words] Growing Up Among Racists by Randall Barfield A look at some of us in retrospect. [635 words] Shellbell's Flight Adventure by Shelley J Alongi I've been publishing stories here with an aviation theme so I thought you might en... [1,797 words] Greetings From... Asbury Park? by Don Everett Pearce A non-fiction short story about a trip to Asbury Park. [2,025 words] Boston Or Bust by Joseph Patrick McGrath McGrath This details a trip home from college where everything went wrong. The trip was from Buffalo to... [5,115 words] Leonardo Da Vinci, Science And Engineer by Norman A Rubin Leonardo da Vinci was known as a 'Renaissance Man' - a man who sought t... [2,112 words] Go to page: 1 2 3 [4 ] 5
Final Farewell
I wrote this on my very last day of school, for my final theme assignment in composition. I was graduating, and the school was annexing, so it was a sad day :( This is basically just me remembering all of my school teachers. [2,051 words]
Emily S
- [July 2003]
Adoration (Poetry) Another short poem... I'm unsure about the title though. [28 words] Give Me Your All (Poetry) The process of writing this poem was quick and painless... Hopefully that's not too obvious :P [70 words] Honestly (Non-Fiction) It's not what you think. [12 words] Let Me (Poetry) Just a little poem... short & sweet. [91 words] Life's A Ditch (Non-Fiction) This was a narrative assignment I wrote for my composition class this year... Unfortunately, it's 100% factual. [2,061 words] You Are My Angel (Poetry) Another Poem :) This one took a lot more work, and I think it still needs help. [57 words]
"It's unfornuate some schools aren't good enough to stay around forever. " -- D Donely.
"Well, it's not that the school wasn't good enough... it just wasn't big enough.. I graduated in a class of 6.. There were less than 50 students in the whole school :( " -- Emily S.
"Yeah it's a shame some schools can't meet up to the standards of what is needed for proper education. " -- Sampson.
"Tower Hill School did offer what's needed for a proper education. I can spell AND I have good grammar skills :)" -- Emily S.
"People who hates mongs should be locked up in prision for being abusive snobby thugs who wreck lives. " -- Tony McRush.
"People who hates mongs should be locked up in prision for being abusive snobby thugs who wreck lives. " -- Tony McRush.
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© 2003 Emily S
July 2003