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Extinction Event by Carey Lenehan A novella. A boy discovers something in his local park that extinguishes his entire life. [12,186 words]
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Death, Is Only The Beginning by Matthew Resendez A story of trust, betrayal, war, magic and unforseen events. The want for revenge.... [5,470 words]
Chronicles Of Zefaria: The Realm Of The Ancients by Michael Harris Here follows the first four chapters of the continuation of my... [8,455 words]
Visions Of The Mc Nulty (Part One) by Gregory De Feo - [1 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Twelve--Mom by Desi Williams - [249 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Three--Discovery by Desi Williams - [201 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Thirteen--Song by Desi Williams - [933 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Ten--Mind by Desi Williams - [420 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Sixteen--Kiss by Desi Williams - [180 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Six--Cut by Desi Williams - [329 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Seven--Ritual by Desi Williams - [216 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Nine--Edie by Desi Williams - [527 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Fourteen--Accident by Desi Williams - [340 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Four--Secrets by Desi Williams - [176 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Five--Dyke by Desi Williams - [217 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Fifteen--Grandfather by Desi Williams - [410 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Eleven--Donor by Desi Williams - [652 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Eight--Bus by Desi Williams - [297 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Two--Group by Desi Williams - [465 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter One--Class by Desi Williams - [181 words]
The Prince Of Whales by Shmuel Yacobi 60 Words about the story: Dr. Joan a marine scientist from NY developed a device to trans... [65,248 words]
The Nightcomers: Chapter 2 - Magical Mystery Tour by Robbie Cargill - [766 words]
The Nightcomers: Chapter 1 - The Coming Of The Night by Robbie Cargill Why are people afraid of the dark? What is darkness? Is it... [721 words]
The Garden Of Edenia - Intro by Desi Williams It has bisexuality, self harm, and Wiccan terminology. Be careful! [663 words]
Rockfort Island - Chapter Two by C M S Sharpe Warning: The following novel contains explicit language, homosexuality and violen... [768 words]
Rockfort Island - Chapter Three by C M S Sharpe Warning: The following novel contains explicit language, homosexuality and viol... [804 words]
Rockfort Island - Chapter Ten by C M S Sharpe Same-ole Same-old.. [384 words]
Rockfort Island - Chapter Six by C M S Sharpe Warning: The following novel contains explicit language, homosexuality and violen... [1,426 words]
Rockfort Island - Chapter Seven by C M S Sharpe Warning: The following novel contains explicit language, homosexuality and viol... [1,129 words]
Rockfort Island - Chapter One by C M S Sharpe Warning: The following novel contains explicit language, homosexuality and violen... [899 words]
Rockfort Island - Chapter Nine by C M S Sharpe Same as always...Oh and sorry bout just not adding in the keyword 'Gay and Lesbi... [1,705 words]
Rockfort Island - Chapter Four by C M S Sharpe Warning: The following novel contains explicit language, homosexuality and viole... [288 words]
Rockfort Island - Chapter Five by C M S Sharpe Warning: The following novel contains explicit language, homosexuality and viole... [2,189 words]
Rockfort Island - Chapter Eleven by C M S Sharpe - [1,327 words]
Rockfort Island - Chapter Eight by C M S Sharpe Same warning as always... [857 words]
Recovery. by Megan A Hennessey Set in the aftermath of a terrorist attack on Britain, this story follows the commencing gang wars of... [16,355 words]
Of Montagues And Capulets by Dee Arguera A story that takes place during the wedding of a young woman.her ex-lover is there to... [19,183 words]
Harbour Hell by S M Murray A group of crack soldiers is given the task to destroy an Australian Navy vessel returning from a ... [3,089 words]
Eleanor's Journey, Chapter 1 by E P Thirteen year-old Eleanor struggles to fit in and make sense of the world around h... [1,229 words]
Daughter Of The Moon by Amaranth Knight The memoirs of the forgotten daughter of the last queen of Egypt. [893 words]
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Conversations From The Fetus Jar: by Vera Vicious Part one: an unfortunate accident involving a dispute over the selling of rem... [2,707 words]
The Million Dollar Detective by T C Lambert Bart Manning is not the greatest detective in the world, just the most expensive. ... [46,880 words]
The Happy House by Jack M Brown A tale of friends, love and the greatest social lubricants. The Ruffled Fox is throwing parties... [21,519 words]
Legends Of Dacot ( Rise Of A Forgotten Myth) by Katherine E Krahl Hard to put into words... please read and tell me what you think..... [8,993 words]
From The Bottom Of My Heart: Please Don't Let Me Fall Off The Stage by Ashleigh E Rolen Trinity Macneill starts high school an a ne... [742 words]
Chapter 3 Of Shadow In The Corner by Krista Taylor - [1,037 words]
A Step Backwards by Wajiha Kk This is a true story and it is all about wat has happened in my life..i really hope it gets pu... [1,241 words]
Laams (Love Apon A Moon Sky) by Matthew Robert Stovell - [9,312 words]
Ze Zen Ta Continue by E Rocco Caldwell - [545 words]
Shadow In The Corner Chapter 2 by Krista Taylor Chapter 2 of Shadow in the Corner... [1,413 words]
Invisible Universe by Gregory J Christiano Suppose our science was able to shrink a man into a sub-atomic level. What would he find th... [2,651 words]
Invisible Universe - Chapter Ii - First Contact by Gregory J Christiano The sub-atomic traveller, attacked by a microscopic life-form f... [2,184 words]
Invisible Universe - Chapter Iii - Myth! by Gregory J Christiano The lonely traveler continues his journey, ever downward, into vast an... [2,315 words]
Chapter 1 Of Shadow In The Corner by Krista Taylor - [927 words]
Box Office Bust Chapter 3 by Steven T The group rebels as Ashley tries to seize control over the productiom of the group's ... [3,150 words]
The Dad: Prologue by Melonie M Brooks Hpf - [306 words]
First Love by Mark A Stuart Story of a young boy's first foray into the world of the opposite sex. [4,987 words]
Doctor Who: Old Timer by Jack M Brown The penultimate and last incarnations of the Doctor face very different battles with old ... [10,317 words]
Box Office Bust Chapter 2 by Steven T The group's movie production gets underway and it doesn't take long for things to tak... [1,145 words]
Box Office Bust Chapter 1 by Steven T Andy is forced to do a group project for his cinematography class. Now all his group ... [1,602 words]
The Symbolic Cycles Of Zep-Tepi.Part 1.Mother Earth by Stuart Eric Longridge - [4,170 words]
The Symbolic Cycles Of Zep-Tepi-The Introduction.
Siege by Jack M Brown An army of thousands is sat on the doorstep of Castle Utter. A gung-ho lord, a rubbish wizard, a blacksmi... [22,839 words]
The Daemonae-The First by P J Francis This is a part of a dark fantasy/horror that I am writing. [4,721 words]
Smith & Ronalds-Origins & Conclusions by Patrick Collins The fourth volume in my sereis, and the last one to go by 'Smith & Ronald... [10,812 words]
Bpd: Danger Rising-Part 1 by Patrick Collins This is the fifth book in the series that used to go by the name of "Smith & Ronalds"... [6,876 words]
Slain Vs. T-Rex by Tony James Sayers A bloodbath special of a horror festival, Slain goes on on a million dinosaurs, eventually work... [18,326 words]
Pieces Of The Pie by E Rocco Caldwell This is the first three pages of a novel I am just about finished with...it is 189 pages in l... [650 words]
The Adventures Of Roco Clay by E Rocco Caldwell A man hunts the takers of his wife in the Sudan. [1,128 words]
Behind Calvert Cliffs by P D Addio - [18,734 words]

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The Symbolic Cycles Of Zep-Tepi-The Introduction.
This is my finished book which I have put together from all my songs ,poems and rhyming rants that I have posted on story mania.This should make my work a lot more understandable,(or maybe not) and finally put to rest the question of where I am really coming from.As all the information can be looked up on a search engine if your not familiar with it.So enjoy
[3,527 words]
Stuart Eric Longridge
[October 2004]
2003 (Poetry) Solving a mystery. [204 words] [Adventure]
4d (Poetry) Just something to think about.Hee!Hee! [195 words] [Mystical]
A Human Life Too Short (Songs) A family story. [201 words] [Motivational]
A Prayer To Gaia (Poetry) We have a lot of explaining to do. [107 words] [Nature]
A Sigh Of Relief (Poetry) The flintstones revisited. [100 words] [Animal]
A Test Of Faith (Poetry) Our lost chapter. [187 words] [Adventure]
Again And Again (Songs) For my french friend I hope he doesnt top himself. [87 words] [Relationships]
Agression Obsession (Poetry) There's always a lot more to things. [259 words] [Mind]
Anger Pills To Polish Skills. (Songs) - [472 words] [Mind]
Astralution (Songs) We are living in transforming times [134 words] [Health]
Astrogenetics (Poetry) Our star signs should really be taken from conception. I think. [50 words] [Nature]
Baseless, Information, Before, Leaving, Earth (Poetry) A realization of dangerous mistranslation. [540 words] [Self-Help]
Bible Code... (Poetry) Read the two books by Michael Drosnin. [198 words] [Mind]
Birth Seed Of Death (Poetry) A very real possiblity. [103 words] [Nature]
Birth Trauma (Poetry) Were not in the dark ages any more. [204 words] [Self-Help]
Blind Faith (Poetry) Giving away your mind. [274 words] [Self-Help]
Breathe (Poetry) Vibration. [113 words] [Mind]
Call Me When Your Mind Is Clear (Songs) Call me spaced out call me mad. [169 words] [Mind]
Can You Lend Me A Tenner Son? A What? (Poetry) Its happening now, but for the worst [267 words] [Crime]
Cave Man Monkey Stinker (Poetry) Monkey magic not. [143 words] [History]
Celtic Warriors (Poetry) The mess in N.Ireland. [99 words] [Horror]
Chakras (Poetry) Wheels of light and love. [70 words] [Mind]
Cheer Up (Poetry) It's happening now. [345 words] [Motivational]
Cloaking Device (Poetry) We are very trusting. [202 words] [Self-Help]
Colours For Killing (Poetry) My poor home N. Ireland. [280 words] [Crime]
Come What May (Poetry) Easy life. [239 words] [Mind]
Cosmic Chemotheraphy (Poetry) A follow up to Astrogenetics. [159 words] [Nature]
Cosmic Sluice (Poetry) That great place named space. [163 words] [Adventure]
Creation Copyright (Poetry) Over my head. [40 words] [Mind]
Crop Crap (Poetry) I made one with my face. [95 words] [Mystery]
Deliberate Intentions In The 4th Dimension (Poetry) Create your own reality. [244 words] [Mind]
Designer Illusions (Poetry) Subscribing to man made fantasys... [263 words] [Crime]
Did You Know? (Poetry) Check this it ,and it is provable. [161 words] [Crime]
Dont Want To Sound Like Mr Ed (Poetry) - [494 words] [Comedy]
Drastic Plastic Fantastic (Poetry) Looking out through the matrix. [66 words] [Crime]
Dream State (Poetry) Reflection. [258 words] [Mind]
Earth Bound (Poetry) Again more origins. [220 words] [History]
Electric H2o (Poetry) A revival of a sticking point. [577 words] [Self-Help]
Empowered By My Own Karma (Poetry) Personal road to knowledge [230 words] [Mind]
End Time Rhyme (Poetry) - [81 words] [Suspense]
Father Sun Spots (Songs) A conversation betweeen earth and the sun. [192 words] [Mind]
Filling In The Gaps (Poetry) And they still could`nt get to the moon. [237 words] [Mind]
Forward To The Present Past (Poetry) A never ending cycle. [189 words] [Mind]
Geometrical Re-Birth (Poetry) The fields are a great cosmic canvas. [176 words] [Nature]
Heartache Demolition (Poetry) What do you think of me now? [316 words] [Mind]
History In The Making (Poetry) Do not believe the media. [186 words] [History]
Hologramic Farm (Songs) A wee song for the changing times. [175 words] [Mind]
I Feel Like Ive Missed Someone Ive Never Met (Songs) A song written for Mr Remo s new band. [200 words] [Mind]
I Spy With My Many Eyes (Poetry) I am watching you. [196 words] [Crime]
I Was Dark That Day (Songs) - [248 words] [Relationships]
Iraq Attack (Poetry) Don't believe the hype. [209 words] [Horror]
Iraq Attack Part 2 (Poetry) A better explanation of events. [346 words] [Horror]
Iraq Attack Part 3 (Poetry) Just following our great world wide movie. [260 words] [Crime]
Iraq Attack Part4 (Poetry) Another sequel to the great movie. [312 words] [Crime]
Iraq Attack Part 5 (Poetry) The neverending saga of lies and deceit. [308 words] [Mind]
Just A Little Bit Of History Repeating. (Poetry) Time travel must be possible.Or something very mad is happening now ,i think both. [382 words] [History]
Know Your God (Poetry) Materialism / luciferianism. [125 words] [Crime]
Lets All Go To The Lobby To Get Ourselves A Treat. (Songs) - [323 words] [Comedy]
Lets Face The Music En-Trance (Poetry) - [447 words] [History]
Lord Of The Rings (Poetry) Where it ends it has begun. [72 words] [Nature]
Love Drug (Poetry) Transforming times. [115 words] [Mystical]
Mans Dust (Poetry) Under the cosmic carpet. [106 words] [Mind]
Mind Trap (Poetry) - [93 words] [Mind]
Monkey Boy (Poetry) The transforming times we are living in [220 words] [Mind]
My Dear (Poetry) Only time will tell. [122 words] [Motivational]
My Young Friend (Poetry) Listen to your elders. [210 words] [Fable]
Negative Buoyancy (Songs) Im in Egypt at the moment doing lots of scuba diving,so I thought I would include a liitle bit of terminology that ive learnt.Means to sink... [171 words] [Relationships]
No Joke (Poetry) You must have noticed something wasnt right, or maybe not. [238 words] [Crime]
Not Today (Songs) So dont tell me im wasting my life. [196 words] [Mind]
Oh! What A Surprise (Poetry) If you haven't noticed already then your as bad as them. [129 words] [Crime]
Oh! What Lovely Weather We Are Having (Poetry) Nature is God. [447 words] [Adventure]
Our Holographic Farm (Songs) - [150 words] [Mind]
Post World Comas Past (Songs) The second song for my mate mapes new band. [174 words] [Mind]
Propaganda Bait (Poetry) The great media movie, we are all finally famous. Yee-ha. [170 words] [Drama]
Remember The Wee Dog (Poetry) A very real nightmare. [221 words] [Suspense]
Rising Angel (Poetry) Its not a being its a consciousness/materialism. [114 words] [Psychology]
Shadow Play (Poetry) Look beyond official references to discover the truth. [152 words] [Mystical]
Silent Killers (Poetry) If we only knew what goes on. [317 words] [Crime]
Slaughter House Merry Go Round. (Poetry) Story time [669 words] [Adventure]
Soaked In Deja-Vu (Poetry) I was just wondering. [130 words] [Mind]
Some Day (Poetry) A sad situation. [179 words] [Crime]
Soul Mate (Poetry) The search for your higher self. [676 words] [Biography]
Spain Joins The Pain (Poetry) A disgusting distraction of the worst kind. [166 words] [Crime]
Spirit Guide (Poetry) There is something looking after everyone. [84 words] [Mind]
Subliminal Messages (Poetry) Don't talk crap. [114 words] [Fantasy]
Supa Computa (Poetry) A scary realistic tale. [140 words] [Crime]
Super Conscious Pilgrimage (Poetry) The end of the old systems. [135 words] [Mind]
Thats Entertainment (Poetry) - [105 words] [Comedy]
The Ancient Gods Of Religion (Songs) Sing along to this dangerous song. [237 words] [Mind]
The Church Of Decimation. (Songs) I suggest you look into the (real) history of the crusades. [383 words] [Crime]
The Darkest Show On Earth (Poetry) Dark! Dark! [257 words] [Horror]
The Darwin Dilemma (Poetry) We were only hunter gatherers because the globe was so devestated by the passing of a huge piece of an exploded super nova. [165 words] [History]
The Flood (Poetry) A bit wet. [220 words]
The Great Pyramid Decoded A Bit.The Principal Facination Part 2 (Poetry) Just trying to show that the ancients had technology higher than ours ,which we have lost somehow.Or was it hidden? [400 words] [Architecture]
The High Tides Of Hell (Songs) Just another wake up call. [221 words] [Mind]
The Hollow Theory. (Poetry) There many ledgends about this. [104 words] [Mystery]
The Lake Of Life (Poetry) Another spacy little number,a bit wet though. [76 words] [Mystical]
The Lizards Of Cause. (Poetry) If someone made this into a film it wouldnt be believed.As usual. [271 words] [Horror]
The Maya (Poetry) Lost but not forgotten. [221 words] [History]
The Most Powerful The Most Terrible. (Songs) Its all happening now . [355 words] [Horror]
The Netherworld (Poetry) The real world, before the smothering of education. [103 words] [Mystical]
The Ones From In-Between (Poetry) Now you see them now you don't. [97 words] [Mystery]
The Principal Fascination (Poetry) They were not tombs. [227 words] [Architecture]
The Prodical Fathers (Poetry) So how did they know then? [148 words] [History]
The Real World (Poetry) I wrote this for my dad,whose last older relative passed on. [80 words] [Spiritual]
The Second Comings (Poetry) You have only to look outside the illusion. [466 words] [History]
The Slaughterhouse Electric H2o (Short Stories) A walk in my reality. [1,312 words] [Mystical]
The Symbolic Cycles Of Zep-Tepi.Part 1.Mother Earth (Novels) - [4,170 words] [Mind]
The Two Evils (Poetry) There is something wrong with the law,criminals protecting criminals. [119 words] [Crime]
The War Of Gods Serpent Princes (Songs) Its wake up time. [246 words]
The Wests Misconception Of Islam (Poetry) They don't want war either. [237 words] [Psychology]
Think For Yourself (Songs) Make what you want of it. [491 words] [Mind]
Vultures (Poetry) Money grabbing bastards. [183 words] [Crime]
Wake Up Sleepy Dead (Poetry) Dont fall asleep at the wheel. [175 words] [Humor]
We Come In Pieces (Poetry) A near miss. [147 words] [Adventure]
What A Surprise (Novels) A cheery little rant. [110 words] [Mind]
What Is It Really? (Poetry) I dont know what it is. [87 words] [Mystery]
What Whales Dream (Poetry) A 500 million year old reincarnated whale day dreaming what it was like when he was a stupid human. [124 words] [History]
Whats On The Box? (Poetry) Our friendly time waster. [178 words]
Who Knows (Poetry) Just thinking too much as usual. [207 words] [Mind]
Why To Kill A Princess (Poetry) Not an accident. [194 words] [Mystery]
Yeah Yeah (Poetry) Symbolic, nothing more. [430 words] [Fantasy]
Yer Mans A Bit Weird, He Has Strange Eyelids. (Poetry) We know fuck all about our biggest ancestors, fuck all. [238 words] [History]
Yin And Yang (Poetry) The secret of peace. [127 words] [Mind]
Your Missing The Piont (Poetry) So much taken out. [140 words] [Fantasy]

"Do you think the world is ready for this holistic body of works which seems to be highly intellectual and will appeal to the same. Mighty deep for the masses don't you think? Do you plan to try to publish or do you have a marketing strategy yet? I do wish you well my Irish friend; I like your boldness and your starkness...I pray for your success. " -- Brion' O Neil.
"I haven't seen any of your stuff til now. Just read about a dozen of your poems. You have some pretty deep, bizarre, meaningful, wild stuff there! Of all I just read, I like it all! If you put out a book, put me down for a copy - and one for a friend! Good luck! PS - have a look at some of my stuff, if you don't mind. Yours would be an opinion I would pay heed to! You too Brion! Cheers..." -- jersey mike, belgium.
"mike....I thought the same; meaningful and inspirational... and i wondered if the world was ready for it too..... in fact most people i know cant read it.. because there minds cant take it... but i wonder if hes trying to reach the massess... theres alot of info out there for the masses ......dont know..... i think theres enough people out there who are ready for more complicated reading? hell succeed........ we all create our reality huh." -- Bridget.
"I think it's good too. Can i draw the front cover i've been practicing doing Planets. And Whales too but their eyes are really tricky cause they're so far back. xxoo" -- Huesavio Kieht.


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© 2004 Stuart Eric Longridge
October 2004

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