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Love Him So by Outlaw's Serenade Why do I love him? [228 words]
My First Ann Coulter Poem by Branson Storm A poem about how I feel when watching and listening to the thoughts and ideas of the ... [162 words]
Life On The Vine by Branson Storm A question of one's place and when or if it will ever change. [117 words]
Send Me by Branson Storm A poem asking God for the reason of my life. [128 words]
Vampyres by Jessie Finn This a poem about the long lost creatures of the night. [182 words]
Be Who You Are by John D Galyon Jr A christian poem. [69 words]
Viola Serenade
True Love by John D Galyon Jr A christian poem. [56 words]
Todays Top Story by John D Galyon Jr - [36 words]
The Way Of The World by Saraha Mack How the world is. [152 words]
Pictures In The Sand by John D Galyon Jr - [45 words]
My White Rose by John D Galyon Jr - [49 words]
My Dearest John by John D Galyon Jr A mother's last letter to her son. [36 words]
Jam by Louise Elizabeth Ostrowska Jam. That's it. [96 words]
It Didn't Happen To Me by Saraha Mack Being blessed. [257 words]
For W by Christina Berry - [90 words]
Dinner Time by Able Mine pay attention to the clock. [215 words]
Break The Dam by John D Galyon Jr - [28 words]
Between Our Breaths by Mike Axe Original Poem... read and come up with what your meaning is. [181 words]
Yes Shes Mine by Kerry Connell I look at My child and say yes shes mine... [148 words]
Why To Love Who To Love When To Love Where To Love by Jennie Manthey - [249 words]
When Midnight Screams by Robert Edward Levin - [140 words]
Welcome To A New Tomorrow by Alberto Pupo Love the grandest of delusions... [111 words]
Tupac Shakur: Above And Beyond by Insane Man Tribute to the late Tupac Shakur (aka 2PAC, Makaveli). [451 words]
Thinking Of You by Able Mine just a poem about grieving, hesitating. [159 words]
The Princess And The Peasant by Ashley Burdett A poem from the eyes of a peasant about how he has fallen in love with a princess.... [76 words]
The Light Of My Being by Robert Edward Levin - [438 words]
The Fruitless Search by Alberto Pupo Love, a most ridiculous notion. [84 words]
Scary Movie by Mafer Dominguez They say that the best way to rid ourselves of all our fears is by letting them out and sharing, I'... [41 words]
Returning To That Place by Alberto Pupo Reawakening the Pessimist within. [50 words]
Peace In The Petals by Sorcha Colleran How in times of great stress, we can find safety in what we see. [53 words]
My Love For You by Michael W Miller A love peom for my dearest girlfriend, Jessica. It describes my love for her. I love you Jessic... [86 words]
Long Journey's The Angel by Robert Edward Levin - [204 words]
Hope by Rose Trimovski A girl waiting for her mom. [26 words]
From Darkness To Light by Stan A Fowler A quest for the search of inner truths. I wrote this in 30 minutes way back in 1985 but... [702 words]
Death To Fascism by Sunny The title and the poems have no connection ;) [128 words]
Brave Solder Be You by Mafer Dominguez - [43 words]
Blooming Roses by Gina M Mirza Short poem about "stopping to smell the roses." [67 words]
Anna Sleeps by Duluoz Wrote while watching an ex-girlfriend sleep... [31 words]
Always There by Jannette Jru It's a poem about unconditional love. [102 words]
Afternoons by Robert Edward Levin - [211 words]
Your Light Shines For Me by L Chapman - [106 words]
When by L Chapman - [107 words]
Tragic Truth by Alberto Pupo Because the truth stings, reality is harsh. [76 words]
Torn Sheaves Encase... by Duluoz Another bash at spontanious poetry... [51 words]
That First Touch by Thomasina B Shearer When the right person comes along, your body knows it, long before your mind really does. [93 words]
Suddenly Numb by Alberto Pupo The unfortunate nature of relationships.... [46 words]
Round Like A Shot by Gary Thompson Have you ever called the police for something and they said there was no one available to at... [201 words]
Red, White, And Blue by L Chapman - [106 words]
Quagmire In Thought by Alberto Pupo To decide or not to decide to forge ahead or not to, what will she do? [80 words]
Quadruplessly by Andrew French - [92 words]
Our Roads by L Chapman - [128 words]
Oceans Of Deception by Alberto Pupo Sailing through treacherous waters.... [62 words]
Mom by Thomasina B Shearer Moms always love their children. [108 words]
Malign by Martin Faithless A poem about indulging the worst aspects of myself. [133 words]
If Only For A Day by Thomasina B Shearer What one day did for me. That will last a lifetime. [49 words]
I Want My Smile Back by Thomasina B Shearer A simple reply could put a smile on anyones face. [103 words]
Happy Memories by Thomasina B Shearer - [178 words]
Fire And Ice by L Chapman - [67 words]
Fail You by Martin Faithless A poem I wrote for my daughter. [115 words]
Eden's Temptation by Cylis Lapedimore - [46 words]
Durby Day by Thomasina B Shearer Smashing cars. [261 words]
Daddy Took Me Fishing by Thomasina B Shearer Memories last a life time, even long after you are gone. [273 words]
Confusion Sets In by A Delusion Of Adequacy Just a poem about feeling inadequate about yourself, ad who you are, to the point that you ha... [34 words]
Butterflies And Dreams Of Butterflies by Christianne Charles Poems about the beauty and meaning found in the simplicity of the butte... [99 words]
Beware Of Nightmares by L Chapman - [105 words]
A Thought Called Yesterday by Christianne Charles I decided to write about heartbreak and a love gone wrong. [135 words]
A Ray Of Sunshine by Thomasina B Shearer About a little duckling. [81 words]
A Path Now Divided by Alberto Pupo Just when everything seemed certain... [59 words]

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Viola Serenade
This is yet again another assignment written for English class.
[243 words]
Vianne-Marie Fortier
Growing up too fast.
Poetry in motion, verses flying past her on the highway.
And she breathes in the air.
She can smell the perfume of decaying unpublished literature.
To her, it reminds her of home
And the Pennsylvania sunshine.
[June 2004]
A Candle Still Burning: An Excerpt From My Memoir (Essays) This is a piece I am doing for my memoir about growing up and finding your place in the world. This particular piece is about camp, and the time when you have to leave camp. [864 words] [Teenage]
Awkward (Poetry) This is just a spur of the moment poem. Inspiration comes from "So much for the Afterglow" by Everclear. [43 words]
Broken Soul (Poetry) This is a poem about a person that loves someone, but that person doesn't really love her back. Enjoy. :) [102 words] [Romance]
By God (Poetry) This is about someone who's really annoyed with society. [80 words]
Empty Nest (Poetry) This is about a bunch of siblings who leave home for college and have to tell their mother that this is their choice. She can't come to terms with it. [94 words]
Garden Of Eternity (Poetry) A girl loosing the child within. [79 words]
Glen Of Purity, In Wood Of Dying Light (Anne Frank Diary Entries) (Essays) This is an essay I had to do for English class about what would Anne Frank have said if she had been able to take her diary with her to Westerbork, Auschwitz, and Bergen-Belsen. I thought this was an ... [3,164 words]
Joby The Shiloh Silent Screamer - Essay Narrative (Essays) This was a paper I had to do for English and, I decided to put it in here because it explains the way I write. It's supposed to be a narrative of a young Drummer boy that was on the side of the Confed... [1,144 words]
Lapine Roles (Essays) Yay! My last English paper of 8th grade! This one's about the important roles that the Watership Down rabbits play. [933 words] [Animal]
Mr. Harrison (Dedicated To The Deceased Beatle) (Poetry) This poem is about George Harrison, who you probably know passed away on November 30th, 2001. He was an excellent guitarist, probably ranking up there with Vanhallan and Eric Clapton. A muscian with m... [36 words]
November Sun (Poetry) This poem is about a girl falling in love with a poet, after she finds inspiration in him. [250 words] [Romance]
Paint A Sky Gray (Poetry) This is about someone who's lost a love, and he/she wants someone to understand how it is. [136 words]
Paper Boat (Poetry) I wrote this poem after getting inspiration from the Winkin, Blinkin, and Nod story. Enjoy. :D [47 words] [Fantasy]
Push Me Away (Poetry) This is about some, well actually, a lot of heartach someone is going through. And, she can't break free from it.. hence, the locked in a box line. Enjoy. Let me know what you think. [126 words]
Ringing Bells (Poetry) I don't know where this came from. It's June and I'm writing a Christmas poem. [111 words]
Roamer Of The Night (Poetry) It's about a girl who loves the night, I guess. And, when it's night she feels alive. [86 words] [Mind]
Self-Refusal (Poetry) This is a poem I wrote about myself. I was in one of those writer's block moods when I hate myself when I can't think of anything to write. I barely write acrosstics. They're not really my style, but ... [40 words] [Motivational]
Sun (Poetry) It's kind of weird... I was inspired by this piece at night. Go figure. [71 words]
Symphonic Ambition (Poetry) Another school assignment! [85 words]
The Concert (Poetry) This is another school assignment. It's based on the Wallflowers concert I went to last December in Philly. Best night of my life. [194 words]
The New York Times (In Memoir Of Those Situated In The September 11th Tragedy) (Poetry) This poem is dedicated to mothers everywhere that lost their children that day. [79 words] [Relationships]
The Personification Of A Cello (Poetry) Assignment for Freshman English. This is definitely the best poem I've ever written. [59 words]
Thud (Poetry) There isn't much to say about it... [47 words]
Viola Serenade
Vianne-Marie Fortier

The concert hall is filled with
Its evening spectators dressed
As elegantly as love in satin gowns
And men as morbidly as pallbearers in black
The sonata begins and bows caked with rosin
Begin to play
Against the beauty of their instruments’ strings
And you are the symphonic melody that
Adds charm to the concerto.

I have heard this piece before,
So many times it has lulled me asleep
But for the last few minutes I stay in consciousness
I meet you amongst the sky and help you to put the
Jigsaw of the stars in their celestial order.

I am the jaded and sullen cello
In the background of the music,
Low and unrecognizable in the dense
World of high pitched and melodic
Violins and oboes.

As the piece plays on we reach
Your solo and you stand
The viola of our orchestra and your
Bow flies with ease across
The strings of my heart.

Your music is so gorgeous
That you have caused the audience to
Well with tears
As your beauty has done often
To me.

My life becomes whole as
You complete your rhythmic masterpiece
And you placed the last star into the sky rightfully
Upon the face of heaven in my dreams
As the music ends.

Awakening to the moonlight streaming
In my window I can hear the same song
In the nocturnal air, the sound of a
Viola plucking the strings of my heart
“Play it once more,” I say.

You give me a smile as our love
Grows and you serenade me
Once more with the music
That I yearn for to hear
For life.


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© 2001 Vianne-Marie Fortier
April 2002

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