AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (53) A Monument To Time And Stonehenge (Poetry) A collection of verse. [1501 words] [Mystery] Altered State (Poetry) A poem about being in a coma. [37 words] [Mystical] American Revolution (Poetry) A poem about the 1960s era. [100 words] [History] Bogs, Swamps, Lagoons And Marshes (Poetry) A poem about..wetlands. [75 words] [Nature] Boomerang (Poetry) A poem about the boomerang sport. [60 words] [Motivational] Calamus Revival (Poetry) A thoughtful poem on reflection. [79 words] [Mind] Chronicles Of Irish Tradition (Poetry) A poem saluting the excellence of Irish literary tradition. [69 words] [History] Civil War News (Poetry) A poem based on American Civil War trading cards from ca. 1961. [56 words] [History] Competition (Poetry) Only the strong survive. [82 words] [Action] Dreams Of Transmutation (Poetry) A poem about alchemy. [144 words] [Psychology] Face Down In The Street (Poetry) A poem about sensitivity toward our fellow man. [90 words] [Spiritual] Find Eternal Rest (Poetry) Restless spirits. [148 words] [Mystery] Halloween (Poetry) A tale written for a Halloween night. [76 words] [Horror] H.G. Wells (Poetry) A poem about writer H.G. Wells and his life. [120 words] [Science Fiction] His Winged Sphinx (Poetry) An intepretation of the set and setting for H.G Wells when he wrote the "Time Machine". [165 words] [History] In Retrospect (Poetry) A poem describing appreciation. [122 words] [Romance] Intellectual Kelvinism (Poetry) A poem focusing on academic snobbery. [111 words] [Psychology] Inward And Outward (Poetry) A thoughtful poem on fellow man and life elsewhere in the universe. [66 words] [Relationships] Lady Liberty Looks On (Poetry) A collection of poems. [1501 words] [Motivational] Linguistic Tongues (Poetry) A poem about weirdness based on a true story. [90 words] [Horror] Love Of Winter (Poetry) Winter-my time of year. [57 words] [Nature] Meloncholy Madness (Poetry) A poem about alchemy. [81 words] [Fantasy] Mixed Emotions (Poetry) A humourous poem about a... piggy bank. [104 words] [Humor] Morlock Clones (Poetry) A poem based on the author's interpretation of the "Time Machine" by H.G. Wells. [67 words] [Science Fiction] Neanderthal Expressions (Poetry) A thoughtful poem on creativity and needs of self-expression. [60 words] [Relationships] Odor- Eaters Needed (Poetry) A poem about shoes. [52 words] [Humor] Panspermia (Poetry) A poem about origins of life. [52 words] [Scientific] Pasteur (Poetry) A poem in honor of Louis Pasteur. [52 words] [Biography] Placidness (Poetry) A poem about thoughtfulness. [78 words] [Relationships] Rapture (Poetry) A mysterious poem .... [110 words] [Mystery] Receptor Sites (Poetry) A poem about consciousness elevation. [60 words] [Psychology] Restless Departed (Poetry) A soul not wishing to leave very expensive property. [70 words] [Fantasy] Science And Religion (Poetry) A poem about... science and religion. [73 words] [Scientific] Security Blanket (Poetry) A poem about the Shroud. [58 words] [Spiritual] Sense Of Self-Worth (Poetry) A poem about one's self. [67 words] [Self-Help] Slugfest And Sureshot (Poetry) A poem about a pinball machine. [82 words] [Fantasy] Spiritual Hunger (Poetry) A poem about spiritual differences. [97 words] [Spiritual] Study Guides And Solution Manuals (Poetry) A poem about academia and psychology. [33 words] [Psychology] Surf's Up (Poetry) Unusual poem about surfing. [81 words] [Nature] Teleportation (Poetry) A poem about ghosts. [49 words] [Suspense] The Cold Afterglow At The West End (Short Stories) A short story involving mystery and some element of truth. [1,666 words] [Mystery] The Eye Of Evil (Poetry) A brief poem about the evil eye. [45 words] [Horror] The Gnome From Alaska (Short Stories) A humorous short story involving... a gnome. [1,427 words] [Humor] The Immigrant Story (Essays) Elaboration on the Led Zeppelin's "The Immigrant Song". [979 words] [History] The Irish Healer (Poetry) A poem based on an Irish legend about a healer. [73 words] [History] The Land Of Green (Poetry) A humourous poem about an Irish Farmer's day in the field. [130 words] [Humor] The Second Effort (Poetry) The 1970 Kansas City Chiefs- up and over! [56 words] The Tired And Poor (Poetry) Cheap Labor. [108 words] [History] Things I'd Like To Say (Poetry) A poem for a man of few words. [47 words] [Relationships] Three Dimensional Vision (Poetry) A poem on thoughtfulness. [53 words] What Is Life? (Poetry) What [126 words] [Mystical] Who You Gonna Call? (Poetry) A poem about seances. [104 words] [Fantasy] Witch's Broom (Poetry) A nature poem dealing with outer space and galaxies. [53 words] [Scientific]
Megalithic Ruins David Soriano
The megalithic ruins Embracing the open downland Earth, timber and stone Joined so intimately together.
The triad of stone sequence The circle of Sarsens Transportation causing So much speculation.
Summer solstice Embracing the circle of white Midsummer dawn Followed by the midsummer night.
Unreachable Unknowable They knew more of matters in heaven Then we will know tomorrow.
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