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To The Memory Of Your Soul. by Bg Ryan - [70 words]
Vocal Gate by Elboc Noj A dream I had... [36 words]
The Feast Of The U by Elboc Noj I am becoming the masses... [38 words]
The Dollhouse by Elboc Noj We are all just broken dolls... [179 words]
Stitch Stitch by Elboc Noj Self Mutilation... [53 words]
Slate by Elboc Noj "FORGET" [22 words]
Myself by Elboc Noj The feeling where you think you've become someone else and left all your cares behind... [102 words]
My Nursery by Elboc Noj Children are born here everyday... born as stillborns because they are already dead the second they ... [66 words]
I'm Insane by Elboc Noj Ever have that feeling? The one where you feel no one could understand the way you think and it's as... [95 words]
Happiness by Elboc Noj Happiness can be found between the words... [65 words]
Destructeye by Elboc Noj The world in abstract... use your imagination... [62 words]
Deliriant by Elboc Noj Molestation... [95 words]
Defcon 6.58 by Elboc Noj A simple poem about hate and the urge to just destroy someone... [77 words]
Change by Elboc Noj Everything changes over time, some changes are good and some are bad... I don't know which mine was... [63 words]
The Endless Ladder by Matthew W Life's strange mystery. [173 words]
The Color Of My Moon Is Red by M Q Walters - [77 words]
Talon Skies by Elboc Noj A prophecy... [37 words]
Why Can't I Have You by Karina Lizet Perez Its a poem about a girl who really likes this guy but the guy doesnt really care about her... [113 words]
Why Are We Here? by D Donely Basically just my rambling about why we were given life. This is a completely different style ... [103 words]
What Is Love? Love Is... by Karina Lizet Perez It's a poem talking about what love is and what love does to you! [76 words]
Wake Up Girl by Hanan Al Kindi A poem from a girl to another girl who thinks she's all that. [149 words]
Ur Old News by Hanan Al Kindi From a girl to her bf ex girl. [175 words]
Unsure by Louisa Duncan Usual rubbish fromn a woman in love. [113 words]
Unmiserablized by Jeni Jopes This is about a boy that I went out with once that lied to me the whole time we were together an... [138 words]
Understand by Jeni Jopes This is about me, a girl trying to live her life the hard way and no one seems to understand how har... [72 words]
Unbearable Deception by Arizona - [39 words]
Time Of Fear by D Donely Just a poem about how time passes so slowly whenever your scared. It's hard to explain this-you ju... [50 words]
Time I See by M Q Walters - [98 words]
The Thing I Cannot Beat by Christina Aspears A poem about... well, read it and find out! ;) [41 words]
The Meaning Of Easter by Moya Green - [86 words]
The Last Tear by Hanan Al Kindi A Girl who realizes that she has wasted her tears on a guy when he leaves. [146 words]
The Gift Of Writing by Karina Lizet Perez Its a poem talking about what writing a poem is for and feels like. [33 words]
The Encounter by Ashley Burdett It's a 3 work movement based on a guy who meets a girl at a party and falls in love with her. But... [1,629 words]
The Clown by Louisa Duncan Think about it!!!! [118 words]
Tapestry Of Love And Emotion by Keri McGriff - [51 words]
Solitude by Autumn Matz A poem about feeling empty and alone. When you feel like everyone is against you. [121 words]
Shadowman by David B Doc Byron Let my son figure it out since he's hanging around. [110 words]
.- Phoenix's Tears -. by Jaycob Soriano A poem inspired by my letter to a special friend. [93 words]
Pain by David B Doc Byron - [169 words]
One Bad Choice... by D Donely A poem about how doing just ONE thing wrong, can ruin everything. I'm sure every1 can relate.... [48 words]
Ok Again by Jeni Jopes This is about all my problems and how I want everything back to happiness. I want it to be ok again. [221 words]
Notice Me by Autumn Matz About a girl who has a crush on her friend but he doesn't feel the same way. [78 words]
New World by Bg Ryan - [101 words]
Neo-Communism. by Buxton My bank just p*ss*d me off, and so I write... [147 words]
Myth by Jason ''The Bloodman'' Taylor A poem for Edgar Allan Poe {and my dad}. [134 words]
My Burning Brain by Chris Light Sometimes those words just gotta come out... [97 words]
My Beloved Friend. by Bg Ryan - [33 words]
Love Until Tormorrow. by Bg Ryan - [82 words]
Leaving You by Hanan Al Kindi A poem about a girl who's being mistreated by her man... she's had enough, and its time she stops t... [182 words]
Just Tuesday by Toluwalope Olugbenga Ogunlesi - [69 words]
I Dont Think You're Alive by Jeni Jopes This is just something I thought I would get out of my head. I try to write everythin... [46 words]
Hollow For Fools Gold. by Buxton Another random poem, I feel confused with life at the moment, so this is the result! [117 words]
Fission by Toluwalope Olugbenga Ogunlesi - [61 words]
Distance In Our Hearts by Ashley Burdett How it feels when you are seperated from someone you really care about. [75 words]
Death by D Donely A poem about death. I enjoyed writing it. I'd appreciate feedback on this. [56 words]
Daedsitra by Elboc Noj As I look to at the world I see it decaying more and more everyday... it's my life source and I'm dyi... [43 words]
Crying For Tears by Buxton Prediciments are what you make them, no-one can change your life but you, accept it. [165 words]
Can't Break Away by Autumn Matz - [152 words]
Broken by Francesca Angelique Carrillo A collection of poetry of people broken in spirit. [362 words]
Bible Code... by Stuart Eric Longridge Read the two books by Michael Drosnin. [198 words]
A Vampire's Attack by D Donely A short poem about a vampire getting set to attack a victim. I can't help it, i've always be... [34 words]
A Perfect Possession by Hanan Al Kindi A guy who was too good to be true. [146 words]
A Perfect Night by L A Winterburn A very sweet love poem. [118 words]
A Bright Blue Cloudless Sky

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A Bright Blue Cloudless Sky
A cheery work about emotional displacement, I suppose is one way of putting it. But whatever you think.
[184 words]
Peter Rivendell
Who me? Born in 1962. Wrote prolifically as a teenager, heavily influenced by books & the music of the time. Stopped writing for 20 years more or less. But started again...
Some of the work here dates from the "early period" - 1979-1982. The rest is since 2000.
I`ve no idea whether I`m a better writer now or then. Maybe I was never any good! I`ve always wondered.
Feedback most welcome...

I've not visited this site at all since January 2006 as I shortly after discovered the unfettred joys of blogging. I'm still writing and actually had a very good summer of writing. I'm posting a recent poem here now but all my recent work is available on my blog - take a look - http://peter-rivendell-poems.blogspot.com/

[December 2006]
Across Fields (Poetry) - [25 words] [Relationships]
Adventure Playground (Poetry) - [113 words]
Afraid Of Buildings (Poetry) Written one unhappy morning, but I got a poem out of it... [132 words]
Arriving (Poetry) Just a poem about the way I`ve been feeling lately. [65 words]
At Sea (Poetry) - [39 words]
Best Friend (Poetry) Sometimes you can`t even choose your friends. [62 words]
Catch The Moon (Poetry) An uncertain tale of "forbidden" love. [92 words]
Confusion 1 (Poetry) A game with destiny? You decide. [169 words]
Curiosity Of Nations (Poetry) The destruction of an old way of living leads to escape and renewal. [254 words]
Decisions (Poetry) - [59 words]
Decisions Of Allegiance (Poetry) As a teenager, I revealed my most precious secret to my best friend - my love for him. He rejected me. That painful experience influenced some of the thoughts in this poem. [150 words]
Deep Water (Poetry) Just another day. I know this feeling but we`re not close friends, fortunately. [107 words]
Distortion (Poetry) Written about a million years ago, but still makes a kind of sense...? [129 words]
Drowned (Poetry) A lyric for a love song of sorts - [293 words]
Echoes On Water (Poetry) - [19 words]
Expedition (Poetry) A view of the future? Or a view of the past? Is there any difference? [170 words]
Falling (Poetry) the first poem I wrote after years of not writing... it`s about a feeling that I often have lately, that somewhere along the line, something`s gone horribly wrong and I can`t quite put my finger on it... [132 words]
Flow (Poetry) - [106 words]
Flowers That Only Last A Day (Poetry) - [40 words]
Global Warming (Poetry) - [64 words]
Gone (Poetry) Being miserable is the new black. [197 words]
Heart Of Our Home. (Poetry) Betrayal is not always the greatest betrayal. [83 words]
I Wait (Poetry) Another tale of urban anxiety... probably as much a song as a poem. [133 words]
In Memoriam (Poetry) Short and bitter-sweet. [38 words]
Isolation (Poetry) A poem about... [26 words]
Magazine (Poetry) This poem was inspired by the Berlin novels of Christopher Isherwood (which inspired the musical "Cabaret"). It`s a story set at the moment when you realise that while you`ve been oblivious to events ... [251 words]
Marching Band (Poetry) When love fades... a lyric as much as a poem... [96 words]
Nightscape (Poetry) - [100 words]
Nightwalk (Poetry) About walking alone at night. That`s it. [193 words]
Opening Up (Poetry) Am I no longer enjoying my job...? [198 words]
Paused In Traffic. (Poetry) The January blues, I guess. [100 words]
Performers (Poetry) When you feel like an outsider, sometimes you hope no one ever notices... Written when I was 18. Seems strange to me now, but can just about remember feeling like this - glad I was able to write it do... [239 words]
Pierrot (Poetry) A love letter, after a fashion. [196 words]
Pushing The River (Poetry) - [39 words]
Random Acts (Poetry) Written by writing lines at random and then organising them into a more "organic" kind of flow - and somehow, it tells a story and makes sense. Just an experiment, but a telling one? [204 words]
Sarcophagus (Poetry) Grief and betrayal in a bleak landscape. [204 words]
Scared (Poetry) - [74 words]
Scratched To Grey (Poetry) ... being in love with someone who can never love you back... [145 words]
Sequence (Poetry) Playing and losing a game with fate. [202 words]
Silent Command (Poetry) - [208 words]
Swimming Against The Tide (Poetry) - [90 words]
The Beating Of Wings (Poetry) For you to decide. [254 words]
The Fundamental Loneliness And Futility Of Our Lives In The Context Of The Vast Infinity Of Time And Space... (Poetry) A feeling. [28 words]
The Storm Inside Him (Poetry) The Storm Inside Him [108 words]
The Trees (Control) (Poetry) It`s up to you to decide. I know what I think. (Title: Control - but that was already taken) [161 words]
Thoughts Of A War (Poetry) Leaving home... [240 words]
Threats (Poetry) Sometimes, even in a crowded place you can feel totally alone... [73 words] [Gay & Lesbian]
Trapped In The Masque (Poetry) A dark hymn for troubled times. [120 words]
Triptych (Poetry) Three linked poems about alienation. [339 words]
Two (Poetry) Just a fragment... but it tells the whole story. [24 words]
Unending Rain (Poetry) Crime doesn`t pay. [76 words]
Wave (Poetry) - [34 words]
When Winter Comes (Poetry) The struggle to connect. [148 words]
A Bright Blue Cloudless Sky
Peter Rivendell

Encircled by my memories,
Fear of darkness suffocates me,
But taunted by the brightness equally,
Dark imagined birds swoop the sky above me.

Wondering how I came to find myself in this place,
All that was familiar now strange or erased,
Like a face following surgery or an act of violence.
The sensation of falling or a savage movement of air,
Deafening voices chanting things I believed in once,
Now deafening in their silence.
Whistling canyons of endlessly shifting sand,
An eternity of waiting without peace or confidence.

Holding my heart in the palms of my own hands,
A whisper all it takes to stillness forever.
Excluded from the dancing,
Weighed down by a kind of clumsiness,
No talent for life or laughter,
Mistaking hope for hopelessness.

Painting by numbers without numbers or paints,
Unable to distinguish lines from the shapes;
Hieroglyphs I used to know but have lost or misplaced.
No age-faded maps to guide me from this place,
Even wise ancient stones can no longer be traced,
Only the barren majesty of this wilderness imbues a sense of grace.

Water to drink but my throat cracked and bleeding.
Sand dragged feet stumble wildly through a lunar landscape.
A bird of prey in a bright blue cloudless sky,
Circles patiently.



"i liked the vivid pictures you draw here. it's like each phrase is a metaphor for life, and they're all things i've experienced before. it's cool. " -- ps.


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© 2003 Peter Rivendell
April 2003

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