This is about an event....a meaningful event, a powerful one, and a collection of thoughts and feelings. It has its base in my heart and Stoker for which I thank him. [145 words]
(Call Me Pet.) Well I am.... me. No two ways about it, I am me, me I am. Not so old but nothing new, a little borrowed, sometimes blue. Just a person, slightly crazy, thoughtful, deep and rather lazy. Eccentric, timid, and fixated; feedback on this is awaited. [March 2000]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (3) Hands (Poetry) This is a poem about darkness and losing the light. It's kind of gothic I suppose. I have a liking for gothic. S'fun. It's a vampire poem. [173 words] I Ask For Your Forgiveness (Poetry) This is another of my "vampire" collection which as you may have noticed is my preferred genre. Y? Z. Y? Because I gotta! The others you see below are part of that collection. But they are not col... [159 words] Lunatic Prometheus - Reprised (Poetry) Ideally this should be read directly after "Lunatic Prometheus" but if not, well it doesn't really matter. This is a vampire poem, and a lunatic's poem, and it is written in his/my own words. [171 words]
Lunatic Prometheus The Doctor's Pet Lunatic
Take me to the dark From my lonely cell window Forever I waited In silent benediction
Beyond the dark street Outside my barred window Reflected in lamplight I see his pale face
Lips parted he calls me Across the quiet courtyard Soaked with rain; eyes cold Red like the butterfly
In some other section Of the house of my home Nothing to listen to But cries of the damned
I refuse to be one Of those poor souls Forever condemned to dwell Not in this life but another....
For they cannot know the Secret he imparted to me In the darkness I wait And withhold my ecstasy
He moves in the lamplight After all he remembers Moves softly towards me His eyes burning as coals
Those eyes! Will be the Last thing I see I gaze into them as He lays his hands on me
I close my eyes And see him I will see him forever As I move to the beyond
They will regret that They did not listen To the words of Enoch; To Faustus, To Frankenstein
A lunatic Prometheus?
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