AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (14) A Perfect Possession (Poetry) A guy who was too good to be true. [146 words] Angel-Like Devil (Poetry) Never judge someone by their looks. [152 words] [Relationships] Credit Cards Don't Work (Poetry) Instead of buying, buying, buying... show some real love. [142 words] [Relationships] Foolish (Poetry) A friend has been betrayed by her close friend. Although, this isn't the first time, she is still willing to forgive. [288 words] [Relationships] How Big Everything Seems (Poetry) It's about the world - today. [336 words] [Motivational] Just When Everything Seemed Fine (Short Stories) It was going to be the best holiday ever, until... [1,685 words] [Travel] Kylie - Prologue (Novels) A teenage story. [1,303 words] [Teenage] Leaving You (Poetry) A poem about a girl who's being mistreated by her man... she's had enough, and its time she stops the relationship. [182 words] [Teenage] Making A Difference (Essays) The role of every human on this earth and the way his/her role affects the society. [377 words] [Mind] Stepmothers (Non-Fiction) About my stepmother. [1,144 words] The Last Tear (Poetry) A Girl who realizes that she has wasted her tears on a guy when he leaves. [146 words] [Teenage] To My Mother (Poetry) It's just a poem I wrote for my mom. [148 words] [Mystical] Ur Old News (Poetry) From a girl to her bf ex girl. [175 words] [Teenage] Wake Up Girl (Poetry) A poem from a girl to another girl who thinks she's all that. [149 words] [Teenage]
Human Nature Hanan Al Kindi
If you were a person in this world
You’d be a real devil for sure
You’d be pretty in every way
Yet you’d want more and more
If you were a person in this world
You’d have yellow-greenish eyes
You’d treat people in a cruel way
Your cruelty, everyone would realize
If you were a person in this world
You’d be very beautiful but blind
You’d offer, give and never take
You’d use your heart, not mind
If you were a person in this world
You’d be smart, tidy and neat
You’d always offer your advice
You’d always have someone to meet
If you were a person in this world
You’d take even if you didn’t need
Whenever someone offered you something
You’d nod your round head, saying ‘indeed’
If you were a person in this world
You’d always have a smile on your face
However, people wouldn’t see you much
They’d only find you in the nicest place
If you were a person in this world
You’d always talk quietly and blush
You wouldn’t hang around people a lot
Whenever asked something you’d flush
If you were a person in this world
You’d be simple to get along with
Everyone would find you friendly
And in the future you’d be myth
If you were a person in this world
You’d always offer money to the poor
You’d always have a helping hand
You’d be someone most people would adore
If you were a person in this world
You’d always want to find out
What people were doing
And peoples whereabouts
If you were a person in this world
You’d be truthful and you’d never lie
People would think you as a great friend
And most of your friendships would ply
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