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Love Songs For Darcy by James Eichenlaub She's grown now, with a baby of her own. I hope her experience with her baby is as good as... [93 words]
Courage by M Q Walters -It is difficult to find it...but courage is a must [42 words]
Iraq Attack Part4 by Stuart Eric Longridge Another sequel to the great movie. [312 words]
Iraq Attack Part 5 by Stuart Eric Longridge The neverending saga of lies and deceit. [308 words]
Thunder For Sale by Buxton A slap in the face of everything this world sometimes stand's for... [166 words]
Hoary Old Age by Duke Sekhon - [60 words]
Mr. Jacobs by M Q Walters I have been a rehab nurse for many years, this a poem about a man I admitted one afternoon, who spok... [110 words]
Hours by August Nyghts - [80 words]
Betrayed by Tessa Friendship- some people don't know the meaning. Anyway- this one probably needs more work too, but ah ... [101 words]
-Anger- by Karina Lizet Perez This poem is dedicated to all our enemies! YEAH ;) LOL it's about our anger against them. [63 words]
You Saw My Heart by NelsonC Poetry. [88 words]
Yield by Nikky Epperly Poem. [118 words]
Why Dream by M Q Walters RBO doesn't believe in dreams...thinking he might be right. [42 words]
Why Do I Shade Tears? by Gwendolyn F Conrad - [53 words]
What Is It Really? by Stuart Eric Longridge I dont know what it is. [87 words]
War Colors by PittmanAN Dedicated to Americans. [148 words]
Waiting With Open Arms For You by Nikky Epperly Poem. [116 words]
Thoughtless by Skyler Drevan I wrote this one just a moment ago when I woke up after a restless sleep. I woke up feeling empty a... [160 words]
The Works Of A Mind Distraught... by Reagan Rothe The evilness in the world around us and how one can be so easily persuaded or... [145 words]
The Voyage by Harvey Kennett We can all sail a calm sea, but life is about how we deal with the obstacles in our path. [130 words]
The Return by Christopher Syrett My ex came around to see me, after her breaking up with me, and me - seeing someone else... [376 words]
The Lake Of Life by Stuart Eric Longridge Another spacy little number,a bit wet though. [76 words]
The Adulturess by Alberto Pupo Dedicated to all the one's out there. [74 words]
Taste Of The Immortal by J L Watts Maybe 'life' as a vampire isn't so rewarding after all. [281 words]
Taking Control Of What Is Mine by Rae - [32 words]
Spirit Guide by Stuart Eric Longridge There is something looking after everyone. [84 words]
Silence-Khamoshi by Fizza Rahman Rahman - [272 words]
Seperate Mind by WrightMS I lost someone I considered a counterpart and it left me feeling as if I were incomplete...only h... [105 words]
Rocky The Fish by August Nyghts Ahhhhhhhhhh dating.... [59 words]
Robert Sykes Hartmann by HartmannM A "beautiful in-law" poem. [33 words]
Rise To Your Demise by WrightMS A friend of mine had proven to me to be untrusting, and I got very upset and returned every... [153 words]
Reflection by Alberto Pupo To reflect upon... [80 words]
Out There by Martini - [122 words]
Our Bodies Are In The Way by Skyler Drevan - [342 words]
Only You by PittmanAN For those who fall in love and have trouble expressing it. [165 words]
Once I Hit The Ground by Rae - [99 words]
Nothing, But You by PittmanAN - [124 words]
New York Dreams by JonesB Reviews welcome =] [120 words]
Naked - Poem Three Of The Pain Collection by David B Doc Byron - [143 words]
My Hearts Sayz by Fizza Rahman Rahman - [117 words]
Mute by WrightMS I express my feelings mostly through my writing, and I get very emotional, so im more of a person better a... [113 words]
Mother Nature by PittmanAN - [122 words]
Masks And Lies by NeedhamT A poem about the masks we wear as people. [63 words]
Lost Key by WrightMS Someone found the lost key to my heart and I just had to write about it. [83 words]
Little Old Lady Mrs. Dingleberry by Rose Trimovski Poor Little old lady Mrs. DingleBerry. [264 words]
Little Boy by Skyler Drevan A short poem I wrote ten years ago when I was just twelve years old. I wrote it about myself and the... [104 words]
Keeper Of My Heart by Alberto Pupo For my one true love I'm so glad Ifound yher andeven though we are physically seperated by d... [68 words]
Just One Touch by WrightMS I made this one while I was drunk and thinking of my girlfriend. music makes me hyper and crazy... [307 words]
Isolated by Alberto Pupo Living in isolation. [42 words]
Innocence Lost by Alberto Pupo A loss. [93 words]
In Different Eyes by PittmanAN For those who change in a relationship. [69 words]
If Only When by David B Doc Byron The last poem in my PAIN collection. [85 words]
How It Is To Be Me by Karina Lizet Perez A poem on how I feel through out my life. [141 words]
Heartache Demolition by Stuart Eric Longridge What do you think of me now? [316 words]
Half Awaken by Roberto J Moreno Just liked the line half awken dreams. Decided to write something using it at 4am. [102 words]
Go Back-Palat Jao by Fizza Rahman Rahman - [118 words]
Free To Write by Swae - [109 words]
Forever Lasting by WrightMS It was one of my first poems ever and I wrote it because my girlfriend had gone to columbia to ... [80 words]
Fallen by Swae - [95 words]
E.L.M. by Reagan Rothe A variation from my normal work; light-hearted story derived from Aesop's Fables. A must read... [616 words]
Drowning The Dream by PittmanAN - [80 words]
Driven Blind by WrightMS Time is endless, just like this day. [174 words]
Drastic Plastic Fantastic by Stuart Eric Longridge Looking out through the matrix. [66 words]
Dont Let Love Cry Alone by WrightMS When you feel something for someone or anything, I realized it's just worse to hold it ... [115 words]
Designer Illusions by Stuart Eric Longridge Subscribing to man made fantasys... [263 words]
Damsel In Distress by Roberto J Moreno This is about men being misleaded by a woman's wicked ways. Women say men manipulate, but it... [204 words]
Crimson Reverie by Alberto Pupo - [48 words]
Crimson And Clover by Reagan Rothe Vivid and harsh acts of aggression intertwined with a woman's past... [215 words]
Conscience by BhattacharyyaS - [157 words]
Common Bonds by David B Doc Byron The author wishes Jim Morrison a fond farewell. [87 words]
Cloaked Desires by PittmanAN To those who must shield their love from the sight of others. [26 words]
Change Your Mind by AwayS - [105 words]
Caught In The Fray by JonesB Reviews welcome. [38 words]
Calling All Killers by David B Doc Byron A vietnam soldier loses his mind. [179 words]
Bye-Bye, Baby by David B Doc Byron The second poem in my ''PAIN'' collection. [162 words]
Below Zero by WrightMS People preach, the world is 99.9% assholes..... don't let it affect you, we need that .1% [211 words]
Beauty Beyond View by VargheseJ A out of the world thought on beauty. [115 words]
As Long As It Lasts by BhattacharyyaS - [124 words]
Another Day by VargheseJ Its a liittle effort to express our feelings as the dys rises and sets for another to come. [73 words]
Angel, A Collection Of Verse by Paolo Debernardi A collection of verse. Angel. I was in a internet cafe where we were reading poet... [131 words]
After Dark by Rae I used to really like the nighttime... [74 words]
Addiction by AwayS - [96 words]
A Penny A Thought by WrightMS A poem about friendship, just something I wrote when I thought I was going to lose a good fri... [235 words]
A Calm Pause by WrightMS A dedication to my best friend kate that I would always try my best to be there for her no matter ... [161 words]
A Bridge Passing Under Many Waters by Toluwalope Olugbenga Ogunlesi - [43 words]
9 Months by WrightMS I wrote this for a girl in my class who had died in a car accident. I never knew her that well but sh... [105 words]
You Are My Angel by Emily S Another Poem :) This one took a lot more work, and I think it still needs help. [57 words]
Without You by D Donely Just a lil poem.Hey, at least it's not morbid... hehe... [62 words]
Wind In The Rain by Buxton A softly gliding poem that floats without care. [116 words]
Who Knows by Stuart Eric Longridge Just thinking too much as usual. [207 words]
What's Important? by Louisa Duncan Not trying to be a guru here, just making you stop and think, [120 words]
What Is Pain by Tom King A tid bit of my feeling at one time. [109 words]
What Is Love? by D Donely Eh...I'm not so sure about this one... maybe you all will like it. And, as always, reviews are ap... [65 words]
We've Forgotten So Much by David B Doc Byron A dying man ponders over why might have been. [133 words]
Water's Edge by Tom King I got a friend that's afraid of water. [66 words]
Wanning Vivid Colors by E Rocco Caldwell - [140 words]
Untaken Chance by Deborah M Ortiz - [54 words]
Unrefined by Eric Richards A little self exploration piece. [158 words]
Uncertainty by Martini - [146 words]
Two by Peter Rivendell Just a fragment... but it tells the whole story. [24 words]
Turtle Neck by Natalie Porter This is not about a turtle neck (clothing) this is about how a turtle neck covers your whole heart ... [70 words]
Turn Back Time by D Donely Yet another one of my many poems. Enjoy. And as always, make sure to stop at the review box on y... [53 words]
Torture by Natalie Porter Some people just want to take advantage of you...and when they sense that you've given in just a teeny ... [110 words]
To Touch The Sky by M Q Walters - [64 words]
Thin Ice In A Thin Land by Buxton Gracious yet slutty?? [97 words]
There's Nothing Left Here by David B Doc Byron A pessimist examines life. [124 words]
Then And Now by Deborah M Ortiz - [92 words]
The Winding Road by Eric Richards I wrote part of this a long time ago and decided to rewrite and add to it.....And here it is f... [168 words]
The Reunion by Laura Mae Oldham-Brownell Desperation begets tragedy... [365 words]
The Only Difference by Deborah M Ortiz - [72 words]
The Flower Garden by Gwendolyn F Conrad - [50 words]
The End Of Liz by Roberto J Moreno It's a poem about a girl that I should have ran away from the first second I met her. [500 words]
The Echoes Of Sorrow by Paul James Moore In memory of my cousin who died tragically 2 years ago. I wished he could have been with m... [108 words]
The Dime by Natalie Porter It's about how luck can be found, then it can turn your life around, but in the end, it's all ok. [429 words]
The Beast by Tom King A sad time... [180 words]
Tender Nights by David B Doc Byron A man's nightmares begin to torture him. [115 words]
Tears Of Sadness by Veronica R Ewing A poem about feelings felt in depression. [116 words]
Tapestry by Keri McGriff - [47 words]
Take Notice by Deborah M Ortiz - [104 words]
Sunday Night Sadness by Natalie Porter One guy... he's for me... one day I hope he'll see that we were meant to be. But WHEN is t... [198 words]
Song In My Head by Roberto J Moreno It's a poem about the journey I've had to go through you to experience love. [253 words]
Sinner's Reward by Laura Mae Oldham-Brownell An eternity in the grave. [67 words]
Rise And Fall by Eric Richards This is just a poem I wrote about the ups and downs of love. You know you want to r/r. [106 words]
Pushing The River by Peter Rivendell - [39 words]
Poison by D Donely Just a short lil poem. And, as always, I love love love reviews. :) [48 words]
Pieces Of My Soul by D Donely Finally! I wrote a poem! Yay! The writer's block is gone! [55 words]
Morning Comes by Harvey Kennett Author’s Notes: This poem was written some 16 years ago, one morning when I woke from a beautifu... [65 words]
Moonlight Enchantress by D Donely You know what I always thought would be fun? Is if we did a CHAIN STORY. You know, one pe... [300 words]
Mistakes by Natalie Porter We all make mistakes... only I get blamed for other people's mistakes. [151 words]
Misplaced Love by Keri McGriff - [25 words]
M. E.
Little Sizes by Buxton A wee poem to pass the time. [19 words]
Life's Sojourn by Keri McGriff - [32 words]
Life On The Edge by Natalie Porter Read it. [65 words]
Life Beyond The Wooden Bars by Veronica R Ewing A poem about my Room. [88 words]
Let Me by Emily S Just a little poem... short & sweet. [91 words]
Last Year by Heather Hall It's about me and other studants and what we put up with. It's in 1st person. [496 words]
Justice Come Due by Jeffrey (George) Winter God's reply to justice. [95 words]
It Is He by Deborah M Ortiz - [73 words]
Invisible To You by Natalie Porter Read it and find out. [101 words]
In Shock by D Donely R/R, ty. :):) [51 words]
In Case Of Love by Natalie Porter You know how people always say "in case of fire go..." well this is "in case of love go..." it'... [107 words]
I Lost The Feeling by Veronica R Ewing Just not being able to think straight. [55 words]
Hurting Me Again by Veronica R Ewing How it feels when someone you loved hates you. [38 words]
He Never Saw Me by Veronica R Ewing What it's liek going out with a complete jerk with no brain. [130 words]
Government Choas by William Faitel I'm in the ARMY and politics are pissing me off, so I wrote this. [122 words]
Going Away by Natalie Porter Read it. [86 words]
Globes Of Light by D Donely Wow... this is... different for me.... I haven't written one like this in a while... well, stop... [57 words]
Global Warming by Peter Rivendell - [64 words]
Give Me Your All by Emily S The process of writing this poem was quick and painless... Hopefully that's not too obvious :P [70 words]
Get A Clue by Roberto J Moreno - [405 words]
For Me. by Veronica R Ewing Will you do that? For me? [93 words]
Fight by Natalie Porter My best friend and I fight all the time..it's getting to the point where you just want to give up. but I ... [442 words]
Faraway, So Close by Roberto J Moreno This poem is about seeing or meeting someone and saying nothing about the connection you both... [212 words]
Fading Ember by D Donely This is a poem that I've always liked. I wrote it about my depressed boyfriend. [126 words]
Eternal Sight by Deborah M Ortiz - [49 words]
Echoes On Water by Peter Rivendell - [19 words]
Dressed In Black by Eric Richards I started this one out as a song and changed it around into a poem. I guess it was just a comp... [155 words]
Don't Throw Me Away by Martini - [163 words]
Dilated by Vyacheslav Yampolsky A very short syllabic poem I wrote a while back. [8 words]
Decisions by Peter Rivendell - [59 words]
Confusion Of Life by D Donely I had no clue what to call this one..but, anyways, any/all reviews are GREATLY appreciated!!:... [65 words]
Confused Consided Lies by Tom King - [101 words]
Confession Of A Fool by Laura Mae Oldham-Brownell Innocence lost. [146 words]
Colors Of Your Eyes by Natalie Porter Ok first theres me, I see this boy, I meet the boy...u know the rest. sounds like a dick an... [282 words]
Cancerous by Laura Mae Oldham-Brownell Confonting the disease. [65 words]
Blueprint by Keri McGriff - [38 words]
Beware The Banshee by Laura Mae Oldham-Brownell This piece delves into the supernatural. Hopefully, it will take the reader's mind back in t... [120 words]
Believing In Something! by Buxton A poem it is, nothing more, nothing less. [81 words]
At Sea by Peter Rivendell - [39 words]
Another Remedy by Natalie Porter This is just a poem that I wrote cuz my boyfriend seems to have a depression problem and thinks... [57 words]
An Inferno Of Love by Veronica R Ewing Um.... A little, um... yeah. [115 words]
All Things Canadian by Jane Nichol To all the canadians, see what you think of this. It's supposed to be light-hearted. Mayb... [146 words]
Adoration by Emily S Another short poem... I'm unsure about the title though. [28 words]
Actually See Me by Natalie Porter Can you really see who I am? or is this someone else covering up the real me? [153 words]
A Man Dreams by Janae D Anthony - [304 words]
A Love I Knew by Tom King Something I felt and loved. [86 words]
A Bad Choice by Tom King Something I wish I could do over. [81 words]
A Simple Night by Eric Richards I wrote this about when you're in a fight or broken up in a relationship and you know it is time... [126 words]
A Lost Conscience by Eric Richards I recently had a bit of drama in my life. I ended up sleeping with a girl that my best friend... [173 words]
Wanning Colors by E Rocco Caldwell - [102 words]
Your Missing The Piont by Stuart Eric Longridge So much taken out. [140 words]
Yer Mans A Bit Weird, He Has Strange Eyelids. by Stuart Eric Longridge We know fuck all about our biggest ancestors, fuck all. [238 words]
Where The Struggle Has Gone by E Rocco Caldwell - [86 words]
Waking Up by Jane Nichol - [63 words]
Visited By Death by Lanaia Lee I do poetry on things that I have experienced in my life. [118 words]
Unbound by Tessa This is pretty short, but I don't know, it seems to say everything for me. This is for Jon. [16 words]
Trailing Sun by Amanda Connison It's about those few moments when a relationship is over. [53 words]
The Trees On Mckinley Avenue by E Rocco Caldwell - [153 words]
The Next Time You Poo by Robert E Tadlock A funny poem about taking a number 2 [150 words]
The Next Time You Fart by Robert E Tadlock -Worthy of a look. Destined for a laugh. [185 words]
The Eternal Truth by Deborah A Coleman - [62 words]
Tenements by E Rocco Caldwell - [58 words]
Summer Song by Rae It comes and goes on its own accord... [120 words]
Summer Crush by Roberto J Moreno It's about seeing someone for the last time and explaining why I confessed my feelings for her. [213 words]
Stephanie by E Rocco Caldwell - [63 words]
Seditious by Ammara Shakil Ahmed Shakil A poem about the waywardness of love. [78 words]
Pro-Athletes by Kurt Kitasaki A mild attack against pro-athletes. [6 words]
Please Say by Skyler Drevan Longing. [111 words]
Passerby by Ashley Burdett A poem about passing by a girl I went to high school with and the feelings of how she didn't know me a... [133 words]
Orbs Of Our Soul by D Donely This I like.hehe. r/r. [33 words]
Oh Shit by D Donely About a night that I spent with my friend, the drugee. heh. Well, you just have to read it. I'm not rea... [958 words]
No Regrets by Roberto J Moreno This is about a man doing what he can for a woman, and she taking it for granted. [319 words]
My Voice by Jopes Read down the left hand side the very first word of each sentence and theres amessage. [117 words]
My Fathers Eyes by Skyler Drevan The relationship between a father and son. [59 words]
Monsoon Lover by Amanda Connison Written in a couple of minutes in my notebook, thought it had interesting potential so i decided ... [40 words]
Leave Me To Die by D Donely I entered this one into a poetry competition actually, and I've been told that it has good vers... [49 words]
Laborer by E Rocco Caldwell - [86 words]
In Mourning by Laura Mae Oldham-Brownell Losing a loved one. [83 words]
I'm Tired by Roberto J Moreno - [262 words]
If There Are Two by E Rocco Caldwell - [59 words]
I Thought We Were Perfect by Wolfa A poem. Wrote it awhile ago about someone I loved. Who died. [93 words]
Hourglass by D Donely I've revised it, so that I think it sounds better. I liked this poem, hopefully you will too. Please ... [68 words]
Forbbiden Light(Extended) by J L Watts Taking my initial first verse of my existing poem and fleshing it out a bit, it now r... [109 words]
Fools Heart by M Q Walters - [38 words]
Firefly by Ashley Burdett Its a poem about a guy in his childhood and wanders out to a place he's visited once before. [147 words]
Feeling Blue by Flipanmc About being all alone with your thoughts and having lost the person that you talk to about them. T... [353 words]
Fake by Jane Nichol - [76 words]
Fairy Dance by M Q Walters - [90 words]
Did You Know? by Stuart Eric Longridge Check this it ,and it is provable. [161 words]
Deathdreams by Jason ''The Bloodman'' Taylor Edgar Allan Poe finds out the afterlife isn't exactly what he expected it to be. [148 words]
Deaf Ears by D Donely Well, I think this is good. Read and enjoy (reviews would be nice also) [115 words]
Dancing In The Rain by D Donely Yay! Finally a poem that's not morbid! [40 words]
Comatose by E Rocco Caldwell - [92 words]
Between Two Worlds by William Faitel I love this woman and I am torn apart. I should be back in America, but I am spending time ... [95 words]
A Rose In Winter by D G Williford Love that never bloomed... written in 1991 about a relationship that wasn't meant to be. [253 words]

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M. E.
A carpet ride....
[98 words]
[September 2015]
60 Seconds (Poetry) - [72 words] [Mind]
Abacus Mind (Poetry) This mind will flow, like the wine that was devoured.. [89 words] [Suspense]
Airbourne Without Wings (Poetry) Stop taking control of your life, you live in a world without rules.. [149 words] [Psychology]
Ambigious (Poetry) A poem about a recluse. [107 words]
Angels From The Moon (Poetry) - [86 words] [Psychology]
Are You There? (Songs) For my first love whom I still hope to see one day. [361 words] [Romance]
Asprin Air (Poetry) - [124 words]
Attempted Life (Poetry) A poem about a man about to jump of a cliff, and of his friend's attempt to stop him. [207 words] [Mind]
Believing In Something! (Poetry) A poem it is, nothing more, nothing less. [81 words] [Mind]
Building Bridges (Poetry) A poem on Storymania. [75 words] [Romance]
Burning Man (Poetry) A poem for Nathan, a good friend who has moved on. Forever does the story go on... [114 words] [Nature]
By The Morning Sun (Poetry) She's chained to a bicycle man, she's chained to a bicycle gang. [96 words] [Self-Help]
Cassius The Leg, Part Three (Short Stories) Cassius had faced death at least 17 times, but his life was more under threat than ever before?? [543 words] [Erotic]
Cassius-The-Leg (Short Stories) A true story of a young squirrel's fight against repression and a day that would mark the end to social distinction! [648 words] [Adventure]
Cassius-The-Leg, Part Two (Short Stories) After an encounter with wild shop owner Dargeta, our young furry friend is in recovery after a double fernespian transplant... [369 words]
Cleo Bryce (Nine Angels In-Patient Z356) (Poetry) Dedicated to Cleo. A severe pain ran through her and we know why. Sorry I couldn't be your Angel and help more. Tsunami personality 7. [119 words]
Crave! (Poetry) A hungry poem. [92 words] [Art]
Crying For Tears (Poetry) Prediciments are what you make them, no-one can change your life but you, accept it. [165 words] [Motivational]
Dawn Of Dead Dreams (Poetry) A 17 year old man dies in 1915 on the peninsular. His war has finished. His life has been fought in vain. [239 words] [Mind]
Devastation (Short Stories) A one man journal piece, in the events after the end of the world.... [432 words] [Mind]
Devastation 2 (Short Stories) The journal piece of the only women left after the end of the world. 34 year old Emily Carter's diary shows us the total wipeout of the human race. [448 words] [Fantasy]
Devoted To Losing You (Poetry) - [183 words] [Mind]
Dirt (Poetry) A poem about an old friend who I miss speaking to. [82 words] [Teenage]
Divine Misunderstanding (Poetry) Anti-Semetical poem about God. I have my opinion, and my free-will, as do you!! [137 words] [Spiritual]
Doctors Feel Pain Too. (Poetry) - [146 words] [Romance]
Don't Stand On The Grass (Poetry) Title says it all... [134 words] [Nature]
Dream Catcher (Catch Me) (Poetry) - [148 words]
Drunk Pen (Poetry) Breaking up, getting drunk. Is there hope in all that anger? [91 words] [Self-Help]
Empty Shards (Poetry) - [118 words] [Architecture]
Ending Fear (Poetry) A poem about feeling's that sometimes make us weak, and our ability to confront them through the power of word's. [145 words] [Suspense]
Enter... (Poetry) Open your eyes at first light, see the open window, fly through it! [84 words] [Spiritual]
Envy Yourself (Poetry) This poem generates the mind with sub-standard questions that more often than not, don't get answered. [93 words] [Mind]
Eternal Putdown (Poetry) - [84 words]
Ethical Opera (Poetry) A moment where things can turn, where things can leave you, Do you ever lose faith!? [116 words] [Art]
Extinct Since '44. (Poetry) A poem expressing my concern at God. [82 words] [Mind]
Faith Is A Wall (Poetry) A light in the darkest hour. [92 words] [Spiritual]
Fake Thing (Poetry) - [131 words]
Falling Without Faith (Poetry) A real remark on how things are in the world.... [86 words] [Psychology]
Feeling Close, Feeling Near (Songs) - [136 words] [Relationships]
Flatlines (Poetry) - [107 words]
For Gods Sake (Short Stories) - [3,948 words] [Spiritual]
Free Sin (Poetry) A poem short in words but big in heart. [30 words] [Mystical]
Generate Our Generation (Poetry) A stab in the eye with the old rusty fork?? [151 words] [Mind]
Granite Miles (Poetry) A poem about my Home City of Aberdeen in Scotland. [129 words] [Biography]
Gripping Grave (Poetry) A dark, edge, of a poem...Welcome it, share it, fall in to a deep abyss and let it be your companion. [83 words] [Popular Fiction]
Hard Perception (Poetry) - [111 words]
Her Wishing Well (Poetry) She wants to live in the dark, in an alternate world. [89 words] [Romance]
Hidden Secret (Poetry) - [68 words] [Relationships]
Hoar Kettle (Poetry) - [67 words]
Hoi, Hoi, Hoi, (Short Stories) A pitiful attempt at re-creating something that resembles The Clockwork Orange. Oh well here it goes... [286 words] [Art]
Holes In Pockets (Poetry) Not what you think. [74 words] [Comedy]
Hollow For Fools Gold. (Poetry) Another random poem, I feel confused with life at the moment, so this is the result! [117 words]
Honest Angel !! (Poetry) A tribute poem to a part of me that died when someone I loved did the same? Don't mean to be depressing, but hey! [102 words] [Spiritual]
Hurt...... (Poetry) Thank's? [165 words] [Relationships]
I Am Your.. (Poetry) Welcome to my poetry....HATE/LOVE. [172 words] [Psychology]
Immortal (Poetry) - [103 words] [Spiritual]
Imprisoned Freeman (Poetry) - [84 words]
In The Snow (Tonight) (Songs) - [284 words] [Romance]
Indigo Blood (Poetry) A poem pretty much.... [81 words] [Mind]
Just Not Today (Poetry) - [121 words] [Mystical]
Kissing My Mind (Poetry) A tragic love poem. [131 words] [Romance]
Kleidoscopic Sky (Poetry) - [35 words] [Mind]
Late Call (Poetry) - [107 words] [Spiritual]
Legends Fall. Jokers Crawl. (Poetry) - [162 words] [Mystery]
Life Must Proceed (Poetry) ? [46 words] [Mystical]
Little Sizes (Poetry) A wee poem to pass the time. [19 words] [Fantasy]
Living In This Prison (Poetry) A poem about a life not to unfamiliar to yours.. [64 words] [Psychology]
Lucky 17th (Poetry) For the women I love dearly. [139 words] [Romance]
Magnetism (Poetry) Not sure what this is about, just random poetry. [94 words] [Mystery]
Mending October (Poetry) - [62 words]
Mind Control (Poetry) - [52 words]
Miss Volcano (Songs) A song about a HOT girl I'm in love with.. [173 words]
Mountain Top (Poetry) Memory is a book, or a string of poems. It is a field of love and a pit of hate, a rhapsody of pain or a grain of remorse. [168 words] [History]
Muse From Above (Poetry) A slap in the face for everything... [165 words] [Mystery]
My Love Life? (Poetry) A protest poem at my love life, or the lack of it?? [1 words] [Self-Help]
My Weapon, My Weakness (Poetry) A turmoil of poetry. [92 words] [Motivational]
Neo-Communism. (Poetry) My bank just p*ss*d me off, and so I write... [147 words]
Night Dream Believer (Poetry) - [145 words] [Fantasy]
Not Here (Poetry) - [174 words] [Mystical]
Now And Never (Poetry) - [53 words] [Biography]
Off The Top Shelf (Short Stories) About a dream I had that let me see what kind of future we all face... [967 words] [Science Fiction]
One Sight At Dawn (Poetry) A forlorn poem mixed with a blend of jaded jealously. [53 words] [Psychology]
Open To You (Poetry) This is kinda an experimental poem, sorry if it's not for you.. [31 words] [Mystery]
Open Water (Poetry) - [58 words] [Mind]
Pitifull Vengance (Poetry) Mixture of darkness and spoiled greed. [89 words] [Architecture]
Poetry 101 (Poetry) My 101st title. Woo Me. [78 words]
Power To Live (Short Stories) - [82 words]
Pre - Society (Poetry) - [134 words]
Pushing You (Poetry) A poem about how love can dissappear, leaving you mentally and physically weak, and about what you sometimes have to put yourself through, to be satisfied that the love has truly vanished... [85 words] [Relationships]
Putting Me Down? (Poetry) Ex-Girl bashing.. [135 words] [Motivational]
Quater Full, Three-Quater's Empty! (Poetry) One of those 'angry lash out at anything' poem's, I guess. [122 words] [Mind]
Raspberry Fields (Poetry) A differant direction for me.... [95 words] [Mystery]
Remote Control (Poetry) Dark, with a an edge of Political Satire in there somewhere. [87 words] [Nature]
Rhapsody Of The Night Rain (Poetry) Evolve from a dream, awaken, see your love, but do not be mistaken. [458 words] [Romance]
River Life (Poetry) A poem that cares... [105 words] [Popular Fiction]
Rotting Deep Within (Poetry) Our poetic senses are once again enlightened by life's continuous thorns. [87 words] [Self-Help]
Salt & Pepper (Songs) A song dedicated to D.G., you know who you are... [234 words] [Romance]
Silent Fermentation (Poetry) The decay of day and the silence of night. [86 words]
Still In Love (Poetry) A poem about my first love, and my last? [58 words]
Sun Smiles On Morning (Songs) A song, I'm not ussually a song-writer, so all feedback is welcome.. Good & Bad¢¾ [198 words] [Romance]
Sunday School (Short Stories) A short story about Graeme, who at 9 makes the most out of Sunday School by obsessing about his French Teacher, Teresa. [3,592 words] [Humor]
Tears Are Your Gold (Songs) - [238 words] [Romance]
The Bane (Poetry) A man who became the bane of my existance. [195 words]
The Bus-Stop From Hell, If Not Deeper? (Poetry) Ok! so I was waiting for the bus the other day, and Ive never hated so much in my life. [221 words] [Humor]
The Girl With No Face (Poetry) - [100 words]
The Happy Hourglass (Poetry) Final Poem of 2006. [160 words] [Health]
The Living Woman (Poetry) Firstly I am a man. Secondly, I wrote this having witnessed domestic violence from the past. Sometimes I just don't get it. I wrote the last 2 stanza's to give effect to the poem, they are not real!! ... [182 words] [Psychology]
The Misery Pool (Poetry) Swim or sink. [100 words] [Romance]
The Need (Poetry) The alternative Vampire Poem. [92 words]
The Newb. Part 1 (Short Stories) Since the banning of all nuclear weapons, new ways have been created of winning wars. Sasu was a soldier, but his dissapearnce left unanswered questions. The Newb is a creation of the government desi... [674 words] [Fantasy]
They Say It, I Do. (Poetry) Hitman finishes his final hit. [159 words] [Action]
Thief (Poetry) - [127 words] [Psychology]
Thin Ice In A Thin Land (Poetry) Gracious yet slutty?? [97 words] [Fantasy]
Thunder For Sale (Poetry) A slap in the face of everything this world sometimes stand's for... [166 words] [Mind]
Time To Play With Us (Poetry) - [206 words]
Time To Think (About Time). (Poetry) - [64 words] [Biography]
Time Trial (Poetry) - [70 words] [Mind]
Tommorow I Laugh (Poetry) A physical view on somewhere I cannot explain. [171 words] [Mind]
Tried To Forget (Songs) Another song... Again I would like as much feedback from music writers etc. to guide me in my errors!! Thanks. [211 words] [Mystical]
Under My Sea (Poetry) A little poem to pass some time. [38 words] [Popular Fiction]
Under The Bridge (Do Not Cross). (Poetry) A poem about a man who is trying to kill himself, and his wife's attempt of saving him.. gone wrong! Ficton. [440 words] [Horror]
Unspoken (Poetry) My first ever entry here. Don't laugh. [71 words]
Useful Drinker (Poetry) Perpetual hangover. [122 words]
Wait ! (Short Stories) - [797 words] [Thriller]
Was I Wrong Louise? (Poetry) Questioning love! [184 words] [Romance]
Weeping Walker (Poetry) [111 words] [Drama]
What Book's Shall I Read? (Essays) This is more like a mini book review, and the title is something Im asking......carry on! [435 words] [Publishing]
What Part Of You Is Me. (Poetry) - [144 words] [Relationships]
When Are You Really Real?? (Songs) A poem about a wonderful girl that I am thinking about right now..... but for the wrong reasons. [262 words] [Self-Help]
Wind In The Rain (Poetry) A softly gliding poem that floats without care. [116 words]
Yeah, You Can Eat This. (Songs) A song, I not ussually a songwriter and I guess this'll proove it..all feeedback important.Thanks! [156 words]
Zeigfried's Last Stand (Poetry) - [214 words] [Science Fiction]
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (Poetry) A sleepy poem to pass the time. [257 words] [Action]
(A)L(M)Ight(Y) (Poetry) Read it, but don't love it. [113 words] [Mystery]
M. E.

In a whole new world,
We can all say our goodbyes,
Where this planet is safe,
and what we've left is lies,
To our surprise,
We'd much rather praise,
We'd much rather daise,
And phase to escape this world,
That is ours,
We have done nothing to harm it,
Yet, we of old are the harmers that farm it,
And still doing things by the book ,
Just to look, just to many, your the crook,

So leave your goodbyes and what have you left,
But your petty issues that are yet to reject,
For you are no earth that praises the sky,
You are what you are ,
So we all have to cry.


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