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The Struggle Within: Sestina Number One by Michael Harris A sestina is a poem where you interchange six words at the end of each ... [258 words]
Your Baby by Karina Lizet Perez - [76 words]
White White Wonderland by D G Williford A short poem scaling seasons from childhood to adult... [134 words]
Want You by Desdemonda - [59 words]
Tu Baile Gitano. by Roberto J Moreno I haven't written something in spanish in a long time. So I figured might as well. It's about ... [201 words]
Tomorrow by J L Watts If you did everything you said you would tomorrow, you wouldn't find yourself where you are today. [90 words]
Thirsty by Skyler Drevan A hunger, a greed or a passion? [144 words]
The Worst Thing by Rae - [83 words]
The Bad One by M Q Walters - [141 words]
Taken by Alberto Pupo To be taken. [46 words]
Struggle by Alberto Pupo To struggle. [84 words]
Still Life by Lissa N Metz-Gomez - [56 words]
Silently Wept by M Q Walters Must learn to build walls, without doors that allow others in. [91 words]
Rainbow by Nadia Siddiqui Tried to describe Canadian northern lights! however rainbow anywhere is the same one whether it is in ... [32 words]
Peace by VargheseJ Away a way off from this peace less world, an escape, [114 words]
Ode To Losing Late Nights by Rae Stupid ramblings about losing stuff ... like the love of your life ... [90 words]
My Love Life? by Buxton A protest poem at my love life, or the lack of it?? [1 words]
Musings by Alberto Pupo To simply Muse. [84 words]
Mending October by Buxton - [62 words]
Maybe One Day by Just A Guy Thanks to administration for finding this, thought it was lost in space. [118 words]
Love Forever by Haimanti Tarafdar - [96 words]
London Breeze by Roberto J Moreno It's about being fake and justifying sleeping around. [208 words]
Hopelessly Together by Skyler Drevan - [108 words]
Grace by Skyler Drevan A little poem about my late grandmother Grace Johnson. You're always in my heart. [102 words]
Go Now by Desdemonda - [24 words]
Generate Our Generation by Buxton A stab in the eye with the old rusty fork?? [151 words]
Fading Away by M Q Walters - [92 words]
Dream A Little Dream by Sharon L Devine Unrequieted love. [90 words]
Desolation. by Bg Ryan [109 words]
Dark Winter by Alberto Pupo For it can truly be dark. [73 words]
Crave! by Buxton A hungry poem. [92 words]
Corner Angel by Sarah L Negrete Appreciating a moment created by nature [74 words]
Blue Bird by Skyler Drevan - [142 words]
Blinded by Alberto Pupo Cannot see.... [57 words]
Be Kind To Everyone! by Nadia Siddiqui Charity is important that's what I have tried to say here. Give, few coins away to those w... [69 words]
Autunno, A Collection Of Verse
Abused Girl by Rose Raposo This poem is about what's going around my life right now iam struggling a hard life so I wrote a po... [248 words]
About Me by Sharon L Devine Unrequieted love. [148 words]
A Poet's Cry by Clive Williams Poetry is like the shy lamp, yet like a raging storm, Calm and gentle, yet powerful in it’s movem... [17,375 words]
A Moment In Time by Roberto J Moreno It was jsut a thought. I hadn't written anything in a while. I remembered this movie called Co... [134 words]
The Axe Man by E Rocco Caldwell A professional on his way to work. [113 words]
Vision by Luis Felipe Moura A broken heart is mended in a dream. [92 words]
Vigilante by Keri McGriff - [26 words]
Under The Stars by Luis Felipe Moura There's nothing better than a moonlight kiss by the seashore. [52 words]
This Green And Sterile Land by Harvey Kennett The UK coined the term "The Industrial Revolution". Once the wheel had turned full ... [154 words]
This Golden Age by Harvey Kennett I have met many folks who were unhappy with the time they were born in to. This poem is dedicat... [164 words]
The Stupid Me by Destiny How stupid it is to be aloof. Don't be. It really gets to ya. [361 words]
Sunshine by Nadia Siddiqui I tried to describe nature and appreciated how God made so many things in many colors and shapes for u... [40 words]
Still In Love by Buxton A poem about my first love, and my last? [58 words]
Situations by August Nyghts - [40 words]
Repentance by Nadia Siddiqui It is never too late to repent...but is it too late for others to forgive! However I think realizat... [52 words]
Released by Rae - [37 words]
Pushing You by Buxton A poem about how love can dissappear, leaving you mentally and physically weak, and about what you ... [85 words]
Perfect Love by Mia Angello A poem written in honor of God, at Governor Dodge State Park. [74 words]
Parts Of Myself Explored by August Nyghts - [59 words]
Octopus by August Nyghts - [100 words]
Nothing To Say by Jessica M J Martinez - [145 words]
My Soul Is A Hole by Rae - [92 words]
Living In This Prison by Buxton A poem about a life not to unfamiliar to yours.. [64 words]
Inside by Jessica M J Martinez - [44 words]
In Secret by Luis Felipe Moura Sometimes we cannot see the very thing we're looking for... [93 words]
How To Make An Essay Into A Poem by NeedhamT Very short, but effective poem about the ingredients of a poem. [23 words]
Here Kitty Kitty by Just A Guy Had this up - it disappeared, must be a damn cat lover in admin. I'll try again. [129 words]
Forbidden by Luis Felipe Moura Can love defeat adversities? [118 words]
Fantasy Convention by Dawn Marcotte This was intended as the introduction to an anthology of science fiction/ fantasy short stor... [602 words]
Crash!!! 1256 by Derek Rogers A snapshot poem. [124 words]
Comfort Blanket by Keri McGriff - [25 words]
Colors Of Life by Nadia Siddiqui I tried to describe the different phases we go through in life but if only have faith anything c... [49 words]
A Miracle In Itself by PittmanAN A poem I wrote when watching "The Miralce Worker." [85 words]

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Autunno, A Collection Of Verse
Italian poetry with English translation:

Luglio/July, July is the month of the author. It is very dear to Paolo Debernardi
Autunno/Autumn, Autumn is a season where everything died
Primavera/Spring, The return of life
Brusson/Brusson, The author spent a lot of holiday in this village
Miriana: Il risveglio dell'amore / Miriana: The awakening of love Miriana Trevisan is an Italian tv presenter and Paolo Debernardi fell in love with her

English poetry:

The little train, His friend bought a little train for his nephew and a poem came out from the author's inspiration
Marching Soldiers, This poem came out from inspiration
Love bubbles It is a love poem

[924 words]
Paolo Debernardi

P Debernardi

I was born in Casale Monferrato in province of Alessandria Italy on 03 July 1973 and had lived since 1997 in Mortara (province of Pavia). Since I was a child, I started to gain medals in school sport events and others in painting competitions in a higher education.
In 1989 I had started to study Accountancy in the College San Carlo of Borgo San Martino where I discovered other two talents: being a football manager and a poet. As a football manager I helped my teams to win trophies in several football tournaments.
I discovered also I could write poetry when I was studying French Symbolists, who gave me a first poetic structure.
Afterwards my Italian writing evolved and began to have its own style.
Since 1991 I had entered a lot of Italian poetry competitions where I had been recognised with trophies, medals and publications.
In 1996 I had published my first collection of Italian poems with proverbs and literacy critics titled “Saranno state le onde del mare d’inverno” (Translation “It will be the waves of the sea in winter”) Edizioni Nuove Proposte U.A.O.C. in Naples.
In 1997 I transferred for work in York where I began to write English poems.
I attended several writers groups and my writing improved enormously.
I entered English poetry competition in England, Switzerland, Italy, Australia and Germany and many poems had been published in Anthologies and magazines in these Countries and in Brazil too.
In 2000 I started to write English short stories, which had been published in magazines.
In the forthcoming future I am going to publish the following books: my second collection of Italian poetry and maxims with reviews with English translations, my first collection of English poems with reviews and my first collection of short stories.
[November 2003]
Angel, A Collection Of Verse (Poetry) A collection of verse. Angel. I was in a internet cafe where we were reading poetry and there were candles everywhere that gave me a great inspiration to write this poem. This poem has been published... [131 words]
Delta Centauri (Short Stories) The alien abduction of a man who will see life different from this experience. [1,593 words]
The Waiting (Short Stories) The tragic love of a guy who is waiting for his lover but everything turned tragically. [704 words]
They Always Come Back (Short Stories) The ghost story of a dead husband who wants to see again his wife. [541 words]
Autunno, A Collection Of Verse
Paolo Debernardi


In un dì di autunno,
Vidi una foglia
Dalla mia finestra

Era multicolore,
Rinsecchita e fragile.

Nei giorni seguenti,
Pioggia e il camminare
Dei passanti
La trasformavano
In un impasto indistinguibile
Dalla terra.

E pensare che
In uno spazio
Temporale passato,
Una miriade di fanciulli
Era impressionata e ammirata,
Ora nulla più gli cale,
E tale è la morte
Che rinasce avvicinandosi
Alla propria “vecchiezza”.


One autumn day,
I saw a leaf
From my window

It was multi-coloured,
Dried and fragile.

In the days that followed,
Rain and the passing
Of people
Transformed it
Into a paste indistinguishable
From the earth.

And to think that
In a space of
Time passed
A myriad of young
Was impressed and admired,
Now nothing more falls,
And such is death
Which rises taking us closer
To our own “old age”.

Brusson è una città montana nella Valle d’Ayas nella regione Valle d’Aosta, dove l’autore trascorreva l’estate. La natura domina attorno.
Le montagne e colline sembrano così vicine che sembra di toccarle.


Il giovane
Il fragore dell’acqua corrente
 E il cinguettare dei passerotti,
Liberandosi dai rumori guastatori.

E scrutando uno scorcio
Del vasto paesaggio pineto,
Grida nell’anima sua
Un inno religioso al divin Creator:
“Alleluia, alleluia, mio Signor,
alleluia, alleluia”.

Per ringraziarTi
Della meravigliosa natura
Che ci hai donato
E della sensazione provata,
Rispondo con una felicità indefinibile
D’esser nato.

Brusson is a mountain town in the Valle d’ Ayas in the Valle d’ Aosta region, where the author used to spend the summer. Nature is all around.
The mountains and hills seem so close that they seem to touch each other.


The young boy
The roar of running water
And the chirps of the sparrows,
Freeing themselves from the loud noises.

And spying a glade
In the vast pine forest landscape
Cries out in his heart
A religious hymn to the divine Creator
“Hallelujah, hallelujah, my Lord,
hallelujah, hallelujah.”

To thank you
For the wonderful nature
You have given us
And from what I feel
I reply with indefinable joy
At having been born.

Love bubbles

Gloo gloo,
Balls of water
And air
Under the sea.
Gloo gloo,
Near you and me.

To be blown
With you.
My joy,
Your fun
In the sun
Or in the rain.

Without you
My heart
Is in pain.

Of me and you
We blew together
Loving each other


O mese infuocato,
Con l’alternanza dei giorni
E della temperatura,
Ora bassa e poi alta,
Colpisci tutti.

Al fanciullo,
Non gli duole
Egli continua
Con i suoi simili,
Collaborando all’unico
Scopo il Gioco.

È questo il tuo significato:
Allegria, divertimento,
Voglia di vivere,
Fino a quando il sole anche
Lui stanco dalle fatiche quotidiane
Non cade in un luogo ove regna
Lietezza e Tranquillità.


O month of fire,
With the alternating of days
And temperature,
Now cool and then hot,
You strike us all.

The child
Is not bothered,
He continues
With his contemporaries,
His only aim
To play the Game.

For this is your essence:
Gaiety, amusement,
Joie de vivre,
Until the time when the sun too
Become weary from the daily fatigue
And falls into a place where
Joy and Tranquillity reign.

Miriana Trevisan è un tema ricorrente in “Sentieri Idillici”. Miriana Trevisan è una presentatrice televisiva, alta, capelli di color castano, bellissima che ispira l’autore e fa battere il suo cuore.

Il risveglio dell’amore

Alla tua vista, Miriana, il cor palpita
E l’esser mio gioisce,
Perché mai ammirarono tanta bellezza e virtù
 In una sola fanciulla.

Tu mostri alla gente che ti mira:
I capelli, di color castano,
Sciolti, soffici e belli
Che al tatto d’un giovane
Sono vellutati;
Gli occhi profondi,
Pieni d’amore e di serenità
Che non videro mai tristezza e dolore;
Le labbra sottili che accendono
Un sorriso gioioso, splendente,

Come il sol nascente,
Che illumina il viso chiaro e gentile;
La pelle delicata,
Rosata è in armonia
Con tutta la persona.

Grazie alla poesia e alla fantasia
Ho potuto fare il quadro,
Ma sei a volte misteriosa
E timida che capirti non ti posso.

Quando, tuttavia, incominci a ballare
E a cantare una canzone
Con la voce melodica ed angelica
Imprimi energia alla tua esibizione.

Io non ti voglio ingabbiare d’amore,
Ma se ti pare
Che diventassimo amici,
Per sempre.

Miriana Trevisan is a recurring theme in “Idyllic Paths”. Miriana Trevisan is a television presenter who is tall, with chestnut coloured hair and is very beautiful who inspires the author and makes his heart beat faster.

The Awakening of Love

Seeing you, Miriana, my heart beats faster
And my whole being rejoices,
Because never have they admired such beauty and virtue
Rolled into one girl.

You show the people who watch you:
Your chestnut coloured hair,
Loose, soft and beautiful
That to the touch of a young man
Is like velvet;
Deep eyes
Full of love and serenity
That never saw sorrow and pain;
Defined lips that switch on
A bright, happy smile.
Like a sunrise,
That lights up your gentle and sunny face;
Your delicate, rosy
Skin is in harmony
With the rest of you.

Thanks to poetry and imagination
I have been able to paint a picture
But you are at times mysterious
And shy so that I cannot understand you.

When, however, you start to dance
And to sing a song
With your melodic and angelic voice
You inject energy into your performance.

I do not want to imprison you with love,
But if you agree
I would like
For us to become friends,

Marching Soldiers

Appear in my mind
Like marching soldiers
Carrying guns.
For peace
They fight against
Evil spirits
Who want to kill
All humankind.
In the mist
Rigid hands
Lying down
Like trampled
On the grass.
Below a grey sky
Cold eyes
God forgive us.

We lost.


Odo il cinguettare
D’un passerotto
Parlante d’amore,
No, non ferisce con le frecce
Contrariamente parole
Musicali e di dolci dichiarazioni.

Un alito di vento caldo
Preannuncia la nuova stagione:
Intensa di profumi e rinascite vitali,
Come un fiore spuntato nel proprio
Cimitero sensitivo e sentimentale,
Avvertiamo che ci mutiamo
In esseri gioiosi e caritatevoli.

Questo stato, ahimè, è poco durevole
E ben presto coll’inizio dei mesi futuri
Indifferenti al mondo intiero.


I hear the twittering
Of a baby sparrow
Speaker of love,
No, it doesn’t wound with the arrows
Of Eros,
But with words
Musical and sweet declarations.

A breath of warm wind
Heralds the new season:
Heady with perfumes and vital renewal,
Like a flower germinating it its own
Sensory and sentimental graveyard,
We notice that we are changing
Into joyful and charitable beings.

This state, alas, does not last long
And too soon with the beginning of future months
We become
Indifferent to the whole world.

The little train

The little train
Comes again
Up and down the hill
And runs across plains.
The little train
Crosses towns
With a whizzing sound
The little train says
Please don’ t stop me now
I am too late.
It’ s the end of the day
His final journey
Comes again
It’ s time to go to bed.



"Like enjoyed many of your poems but I would have submitted them individually so people could read and review them. t was difficult to read one after the other and not be able to comment. I liked the Bubbles poem but thought the line in Autumn I saw a leaf from my window fall. This gives the impression that the leaf fell off your window instead of a tree. "from my window I saw a leaf fall!" seems clearer! All and All very good imagery and flow of words." -- e. rocco caldwell.


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© 2003 Paolo Debernardi
November 2003

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