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Sweet Honeymoon by Dri Cook - [94 words]
Your Sorrow by B Galindo - [116 words]
Wot, Do Guys Really Need? It's A Mystery. by Louisa Duncan Have met a few, lost a few, and don't know where to go from here. [364 words]
Whimper, Weak Little by Marie Karr - [123 words]
Where No One Can Find Me by Marie Karr - [41 words]
When I... by Lucy Midnight - [46 words]
What You Took For Granted by Lucy Midnight - [33 words]
What He Means To Me by Lucy Midnight - [99 words]
Tu Seduccion Core Como El Rio by Roberto J Moreno It's about a girl I have a weird relationship with. It's in spanish cause it turn... [163 words]
To --- An Illusion by Duke Sekhon - [64 words]
They Came From Afar by Kennedy O Obohwemu Tries to picture why there's so much trouble on earth...where did they come from? [114 words]
The Plight Of Man by Skyler Drevan - [215 words]
The Novel China Doll by Rae Seen too many things like it. [52 words]
The Message In A Dream by Thomas Buck - [69 words]
The Glum by Marie Karr In the Sociology class, to relieve the itch inside the brain, a necessity to watch the rain...of words... [140 words]
The Fugitive by Marie Karr An escapist lyric. [44 words]
The Apples Are Gone by Dri Cook A contemporary fairy tale. [111 words]
The Anatomy Of Presumption by Marie Karr I can't guess what's happening, I'm an idiot with a slop of mud on her face. [123 words]
That Which Heals All Wounds by Mike Schiller - [482 words]
Tangles Of My Heart by Lucy Midnight - [61 words]
Swirling by Marie Karr - [62 words]
Soft Touch And Tender Kisses by Lucy Midnight - [68 words]
Runaway Life by Jay Little It's based on my life as it going. [335 words]
Rumbles N' Fights by Lucy Midnight - [98 words]
Realization by Louisa Duncan Hope this is something others will achieve and learn from. [124 words]
Popular Redundancies by Higgins Many words used in writing or discussion could be eliminated. [81 words]
Poetry, You'll Always Be Sweet by Dri Cook Someone here told me to never stop writing with my heart. How could I? Poetry is... [112 words]
People Who Should Be Phased Out by Higgins A senryu attack on those with irritating manerisms. [103 words]
Overindulge by Skyler Drevan When life has gone too far. [101 words]
Open Coffin by Sasu Dunno what Im thinking, read and see my mind... [133 words]
One Flaw Ruins All by Marie Karr - [39 words]
My Choice? by Thomas Buck - [24 words]
Mirror Talk by Dri Cook I dialogue with myself in front of the mirror about the woman I used to be. [46 words]
Mirror! Mirror! On The Wall .....? by Duke Sekhon - [115 words]
Maybe It's Goodbye! by Roberto J Moreno - [286 words]
Love At First Sight by Dri Cook Memories of a love story. [92 words]
Lets Face The Music En-Trance by Stuart Eric Longridge - [447 words]
Leaving Civilization by Marie Karr Forget the part about Tarzan. [126 words]
Lame Overused Expressions by Higgins Unimpressive redundant expressions. [156 words]
Kleidoscopic Sky by Buxton - [35 words]
Just For Today by Dri Cook Where are we going to? [216 words]
It Was Love At First Sight by Dri Cook Another take of LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. I want to thank RAM, another wonderful pen frie... [163 words]
It Is Hunger That Binds Him, Decapitates by Marie Karr I don't know of any deeper way to express the grumbling in my stomach.... [83 words]
Indigo Blood by Buxton A poem pretty much.... [81 words]
Impulse by Marie Karr Sensitive, silently forceful. [47 words]
I Think... by Lucy Midnight - [52 words]
I Love Words by Dri Cook Words, what I do, what would I be, if I hadn't you to share my life with? [192 words]
Hurt...... by Buxton Thank's? [165 words]
Hidden Secret by Buxton - [68 words]
Goodbye My Friend by Thomas Buck A letter about friendship lost. [147 words]
Frightened Little Me by Dri Cook Frightened Litte Bee, now in quartains. Thanks RAM, thanks for your help and support! [258 words]
Frightened Little Bee by Dri Cook God and I talking few moments before I was conceived. This caused me to better understand... [221 words]
For The First Time... by Gwendolen McCloud This particular poem speaks to a developing awareness of the value of time and thus the i... [83 words]
Failure, Of Course, Is As Dreary by Marie Karr - [147 words]
End This... by Sasu - [74 words]
Dreaming Nothing by Seth Jordan I am a 24 year old man prone to vivid dreams, which I translate into poetry and writing...this... [183 words]
Dream Pain by Marie Karr - [71 words]
Digging In by Marie Karr It came one day when all is a flash and you go, "Wow, yeah, this is so wonderful." [84 words]
Chaos by Lucy Midnight - [68 words]
Chakras by Stuart Eric Longridge Wheels of light and love. [70 words]
Battlefield And You by Amanda Connison - [53 words]
Back To Ashes
Anything? by Lucy Midnight - [44 words]
A World With You by Rae - [49 words]

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Back To Ashes
[130 words]
Karina Lizet Perez
[May 2004]
A Place Of Darkness (Songs) This song was written by me i didnt really go through this but its what many people go through... [177 words]
Baby Brother (Poetry) This is a poem for my brother who died in my moms stomach when I was about 7 [103 words]
Bad Dreams (Songs) Sumthing saying what I feel toward a person who just plays games... [89 words]
Between Death And Life (Songs) This one is about how people should think before they commit suicide cause they think its all over but all thehy did was hurt everyone around them... [264 words]
Creative Forms Of Poetry (Poetry) This is an assignment for my english class, It's a variaty of different poems written in different forms. Even if they are short, they have good meanings behind them. [155 words]
Daddy Come Back (Poetry) A poem dedicated to my dad who I havent seen since I was like 7 years old. [96 words]
Don't Lie (Songs) This is a song I just wrote for fun so if you dont really like this one it's okay... I don't like it that much either but its okay. [137 words]
Fallen Rose (Songs) Who I am is represented by a rose. [168 words]
How It Is To Be Me (Poetry) A poem on how I feel through out my life. [141 words]
I Cannot Believe (Songs) Its just a great rock song lol telling about how people lose or just go wrong in some part. [130 words]
I Died For You (Poetry) A poem talking about how much you love someone that you would do some horrible things just for them to know how much you love them! [126 words]
I Have My Own Dream... (Essays) - [497 words]
I Think Of Life (Songs) Theres not much to say about this song its just what every girl goes through.!.!.! [365 words]
I Want To Be With You (Songs) This is my first song... I wrote it on September 27 2002... and it's very different to other of my songs because this one is more about relationships... it's not like my other songs "a place of darkne... [184 words]
Live Life Rock N Roll (Songs) THIS ONE IS FOR MY BAND!!! Luv You GUYS! [222 words]
Losing You (Songs) A song how it feels to lose sumone or sumones trust. [132 words]
- Lost And Confused - (Songs) It's a song that can show what a teenager like me mostly always is think about and why most teens go through depression... [177 words]
Meaning Of Life (Songs) - [187 words]
Memories (Songs) This is a song that talks about how anything (good or bad) is always left behind... even if you don't want to forget about it! [152 words]
My Own War Zone (Songs) WAR SUCKS!!! IT REALLY SUCKS!!! [178 words]
Nothing To Remember (Songs) This song is pretty much what a girl is always asking... does he like me or not?!?... [164 words]
Our Style (Songs) Dis right here is a rhyme done by my boy SPIDA over at da BAHAMAS!! LUV YA!...I just added one or two things here and there! PEACE! [274 words]
Problems In And Out Of My Head (Songs) A song on how daily life problems can harm you and others. [169 words]
Punk, Anarchy, Chaos!! (Essays) Its an essay I did for the hell of it cause I was bored but when I was done I LOVED IT!!! its about a true anarchist, punk! [393 words]
Ruined (Songs) How someone could confuse your mind a play with your life... [214 words]
Suicidal Love-Poem (Poetry) A poem of my life... [108 words]
The Gift Of Writing (Poetry) Its a poem talking about what writing a poem is for and feels like. [33 words]
The Lights Gone (Songs) This song is dedicated to someone I really loved...not saying names. [154 words]
This Poem Is For You... (Poetry) This poem is dedicated to my boyfriend...who I love so much! [106 words]
Those Words That Hurt The Most (Songs) Its a song talking about a fight between a ex boyfriend, mother, or just a ex friend... and how a person feels during the verbal fight. [138 words]
Voice Of My Thoughts (Songs) - [142 words]
We'll Never Meet (Poetry) I made this poem the night of Jan. 6, 2004 It was meant for someone who I know I put through a lot of pain... [74 words]
What Is Love? Love Is... (Poetry) It's a poem talking about what love is and what love does to you! [76 words]
Why Can't I Have You (Poetry) Its a poem about a girl who really likes this guy but the guy doesnt really care about her so she put her life to an end at the same moment that the phone rang and it was the guy she liked... and no t... [113 words]
- You Showed Me - (Songs) This song is about a person who could really change ur life and change the way you act and feel... A good ROCK SONG!! [193 words]
Your Baby (Poetry) - [76 words]
You've Lost (Songs) Its a song that is talking about how some times a guy takes advantage of a girl and this song is saying a girl can always win the game HEHE! [248 words]
-Anger- (Poetry) This poem is dedicated to all our enemies! YEAH ;) LOL it's about our anger against them. [63 words]
-Crazy- (Songs) It talks about how someone feels when everyone around them is just against them and they feel like they are going crazy! [210 words]
-Don't Worry- (Songs) A song for a very good friend, John! [124 words]
-Feel Like Letting Go- (Songs) It's a song that is telling how some people just dont care anymore and can't live in a world like this cause their always being hurt. [193 words]
-Rocking- (Songs) It's a weird song I know but hey its a song telling everyone that im 100 percent sure i'll make it big! [148 words]
-Stuck On An Island- (Songs) Its a song talking about how sometimes people lose faith in their dreams including people around them and they forget about their dreams! [222 words]
-What Your Not- (Songs) It's a song dedicated to someone I know but I don't really want to say their name or anything cause that wouldnt be cool... It's a song telling people not to be what they arent to fit in like do drugs... [215 words]
-You Don't Care- (Songs) Its a song on how guys suck! LOL [158 words]
Back To Ashes
Karina Lizet Perez

I walk up my disaster road
into a garden in flames,
flames burning fiercely,
burning my conscience away.
I lean over into the extreme
nefarious fire, reach for a rose
which hasn’t been attacked
by the mighty red.
my hand entering the reigns of hell
my hand slowly catching fire
and sinking into its bone
I feel tears being evaporated
off my cheeks, I fall into the
overpowering heat that suffocates my words
my one un-fallen rose I finally have you to hold
in the red action of torture you made me smile
all because you, my breathing pedals of life
gave meaning to my me who was a paltry human
with too many pernicious doubts…
I lay back violently on the ashes of burnt flesh,
I am now a considered a threat to the world
as I close my steaming eyes and flee
back to ashes…



"a few type-o's sorry" -- Karina.


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© 2004 Karina Lizet Perez
May 2004

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