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Diagnosed by Cynara Moore This is basically reancting a persom being diagnosed with a chronic illness. [235 words]
What Else Can Sunrise Do by E Rocco Caldwell Driving to work I see the sunrise nearly everyday...it's a wonderful death and life ex... [60 words]
Place's End by E Rocco Caldwell This is an old one I posted a while ago but thought I would re-write it and re-submit it. [137 words]
Zadkine's Diana by Jersey Mike Inspired in the Brussels Fine Arts Museum a few years ago. [48 words]
Will He Won't He by Diana Venditti - [61 words]
When I Think Of You by Megan Quesenberry This one is for David too... [95 words]
What Is......It by G N I tried something new for me...hope it works. [35 words]
Waterfall by Amber A Whitman A scenic poem about nature. [31 words]
Watching Me Fade by Skyler Drevan - [54 words]
War Of The Clans by Diana Venditti - [93 words]
Walk On The Wild Side by Diana Venditti She was a wild one. [109 words]
Waiting For Sally by Joe Newton - [74 words]
Until There Was You by Victoria Taginod Tangan How you can't manage the feeling that suddenly grew inside you that no matter how much you ... [172 words]
Two Parents Within A Matriarch by Cynara Moore This poem is meant to symbolize our strong single mothers and depict their abi... [80 words]
Transition In Relation by Inchara This is about the change in relationship between parents and children when children grow... [110 words]
Traces Of Us by Dri Cook To accept with serene indifference ghosts from the past, is the best medication to scare them away... [37 words]
To Thee On High by Penkup Family Describes the work-function amd prospects of PENKUP FAMILY... [123 words]
Tiger by Diana Venditti To one of the most beautiful creatures on the earth. [91 words]
Thoughts Of You by G N Love speaks. [54 words]
The World Keeps Turning by David Con - [60 words]
The Witch by Diana Venditti A story of a witch. [267 words]
The Tender Loving Smile by Penkup Family "The joyful testimony of my infancy in the hands of my mother..." -Obohwemu O. Kenned... [119 words]
The Spinner Of Time by Diana Venditti - [58 words]
The Sistrum by Diana Venditti For he who loves Africa. [79 words]
The Rat by Diana Venditti A secret fear. [142 words]
The Mermaid by Diana Venditti For those with children. [111 words]
The Masterpiece by Victoria Taginod Tangan For nature lovers who loves to appreciate the beauty of nature... [78 words]
The Last Star In The Last Galaxy by Diana Venditti This kind of poem is new to me see what you think. [114 words]
The Kiss by Diana Venditti Keep wishing girls. [120 words]
The Killing Fields by Diana Venditti - [230 words]
The Key To My Heart. by David Baker Key to the truest/purest feelings inside of me. [85 words]
The Indian by Diana Venditti - [211 words]
The Hunted Hunter by Diana Venditti A lttle justice sometimes. [131 words]
The Hand by Diana Venditti Has it happened to you? [76 words]
The Ghost by Diana Venditti Goose bumps. [102 words]
The Frog by Diana Venditti A freaky frog story. [110 words]
The Fire Is Almost Out by Skyler Drevan - [100 words]
The Final Solution by Diana Venditti Never forgotten. [61 words]
The Elevator by Dri Cook Not always friends are supposed to use words to communicate, are they? [199 words]
The Countess Of Storymania by D G Williford Everyone knows. [13 words]
The Cascade Hills by E Rocco Caldwell In Washington State, there is nothing more lovely than the Cascades in the dawn. Another inst... [67 words]
The Bill by Dri Cook To Jim Cook. [69 words]
The Arm-Chair by Dri Cook Even an old chair can hold deep emotions. [75 words]
The Angel by Diana Venditti I believe in angels. [59 words]
Sunday by Diana Venditti - [87 words]
Sunday Snow by Diana Venditti A brief encounter. [85 words]
Street Music by Diana Venditti Sometimes fate does the right thing. [153 words]
Still Image by Nesam Pillay - [151 words]
Spiderman by Jersey Mike Just one night last month. the wife was off to a party. I was contemplating going to a soccer game.... [125 words]
Someone Special by Diana Venditti - [97 words]
Soft Touch by Nesam Pillay First Experience. [18 words]
Small World by Skyler Drevan - [137 words]
Simba by Diana Venditti Another to my faithfull friend who loves Africa. [67 words]
She Lays Dreaming by Joe Newton I am new here, I just write what I feel,hope it is not too boring. [63 words]
Shadow by Inchara Creepy shadow. [92 words]
Seven Months by Nesam Pillay - [47 words]
Sentinels Of Time by Diana Venditti A yearning to return. [91 words]
Sent To Heaven by Victoria Taginod Tangan A poem for a friend who's so dear, who died without saying a sweet goodbye.... [115 words]
Seduced by Amber A Whitman A slightly more sexy poem than I usually write. [89 words]
Scorching Sun by Victoria Paul - [283 words]
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Refundexchange by Skyler Drevan - [70 words]
Reminisce by Amber A Whitman - [45 words]
Red Rose by Diana Venditti - [58 words]
Red Lights by Jersey Mike Out my window, about a half mile away is a tall antenna with red lights. [52 words]
Pain Is My Friend by David Con A man realizes with depressing clarity that pain is his closest companion. [52 words]
Out Of Nowhere by Diana Venditti - [154 words]
Noble Loss by Kellie Barqs One young woman's ramblings of whether what she did was noble or just retarded. [144 words]
My Poems by Jersey Mike Where they come from! [48 words]
My Cat by E Rocco Caldwell What exactly is a habit any ways? [135 words]
Monday Again by Diana Venditti I hate mondays. [127 words]
Missing Him by Nesam Pillay - [32 words]
Miss Winterbottom by Diana Venditti This was made into a song. [133 words]
Melody Of Praise by Victoria Taginod Tangan A poem that shows how positive we had to think of the blessings we receive, that among anybody... [104 words]
Man And A Tree by D G Williford What happens in a relationship when a man tries to contain a woman and not let her be herself. [215 words]
Luvin You by Megan Quesenberry This is for David... [75 words]
Love On A Rainy Afternoon by Diana Venditti Long live rainy afternoons. [81 words]
Love Ended A Long Time Past by E Rocco Caldwell Another poem in my series of the usage of sunlight [97 words]
Lost In Me by Adam Wieland - [182 words]
Looks Like Rain by Diana Venditti Well got to laugh sometimes. [100 words]
Looks Like Rain Part 2 by Diana Venditti Come on in now ya hear! [104 words]
Let Me Be A Woman by Dri Cook "My darling, I am yours, and you desire me..." - Song of songs. Thought about this one as a s... [95 words]
Ladies And Gentlemen Your Comments Please by Diana Venditti We all need feed back. [134 words]
Kissed By An Angel. by David Baker - [166 words]
Just Sunday by Jersey Mike Thinking about what really happens on this holy day. [53 words]
Just Me And Giov And The Olive Grove by Diana Venditti - [77 words]
Just A Feeling by Jannah Akira Imagine yourself as a feeling. [68 words]
Isn't It Strange? by Skyler Drevan - [24 words]
Is It True by Diana Venditti Words that disturb sleep. [98 words]
Ihy by Diana Venditti Magic and myth. [85 words]
If I Could Do It Again by Skyler Drevan Regret. [96 words]
I Should Have Known by Dri Cook I'm back! Had to give my brain a rest for so much work. I wrote this one from a male perspe... [151 words]
I Fall by David Baker Falling in love..... [59 words]
I Cry by David Baker Crying lol..... hard to explain. first poem I ever wrote so yeh.....lol. [66 words]
I Am by Dri Cook I love to be what I have become and still working on it. Thanks to the great I AM [73 words]
How Can One Start Writing A Poem?? by Shiladitya Sengupta - [142 words]
He's Done It Again by Diana Venditti - [49 words]
Here's To You All by Diana Venditti A little ditty to you all. [94 words]
Hell Riders by Diana Venditti In the night they come. [93 words]
Hatshepsut by Diana Venditti Attempted assassination of a queen. [147 words]
Hanging With Jack Day by E Rocco Caldwell Jack Day was a friend of mine who shot himself one afternoon....at times I think of him. [182 words]
Hallowed Ground by Diana Venditti Beware when you walk in a graveyard after midnight. [103 words]
Haiku by Inchara It is a collection of Haikus. [46 words]
Go West Young Man Part 1 by Diana Venditti A new kind of poem would like your opinion to say if it works. [165 words]
Getting To Know Me by Diana Venditti For all my new friends. [201 words]
Gaurdian Angel. by David Baker - [83 words]
Friday Again by Diana Venditti A magic moment. [59 words]
Freedom Riders Of 1966 by E Rocco Caldwell After a rally in a southern town in 1966 four SNCC kids are heading back to Vermont. [83 words]
Forever Mystery by Skyler Drevan - [136 words]
For England And King Harry by Diana Venditti - [158 words]
Fifteen Friends And A House On The Hill by Diana Venditti Paradise found. [207 words]
Fear At It's Worst. by David Baker Fear of life and loosing a loved one in hospital. [64 words]
Falling Again by Dri Cook He melts my heart, charms me, how could I resist? I bet you too would fall for him. [153 words]
Fairy Tale by Victoria Taginod Tangan The love had found only by chance, so accidental that it will make you realize that you are falling ... [146 words]
Every Step Of The Way by Megan Quesenberry This is a poem I wrote for my bestfriend Ciara the day that her and her boyfriend broke u... [109 words]
Eulogy For Superman by Anthony S Maulucci A tribute to Christopher Reeve. [60 words]
Eternity by Dri Cook Are you ready for it? [91 words]
Engagement by Inchara This is about the engagement ceremony of one of my friend. [63 words]
Endless Slumber by Ari Bush - [54 words]
Enchanting Journey by Inchara Its about life and its perplexity. [71 words]
Don't Know by L A Walters How I feel. [37 words]
Diamond Dreams by Amber A Whitman A fantasy poem. [31 words]
Demons Gods And Heros by Diana Venditti - [73 words]
Death Of A Godking by Diana Venditti - [142 words]
Daughter Of The Sun by Diana Venditti - [175 words]
Dancing In The Dark by Dri Cook I grew up under the beat of his music. A tribute to someone who has always been part of my ... [305 words]
Congo Stopover by Diana Venditti A true story. [134 words]
Collapse by Hayley Burdett - [61 words]
Cold by Nesam Pillay - [160 words]
Cheek To Cheek by Dri Cook One of those moments of heavenly insanity. [68 words]
Changing Lanes by L A Walters - [52 words]
Cameo Of My Psyche. A Collection by Ulysses Hero Says exectly what it is in the tittle. [1,288 words]
Bottled Up Inside by David Baker Amounts of mixed feelings all trying to come out at once..... [244 words]
Bonny by Diana Venditti A dedication to a dear friend. [114 words]
Black Night by Adam Wieland - [64 words]
Beauty Without The Beast by Dri Cook The battles are supposed to lift our spirit. Let the beast go and if it's meant to com... [96 words]
Bath Time by G N Nothing can refresh the mind or soul like a hot bath. [127 words]
Autonomía. (Poema Que Nunca Verá La Luz) by Martin De Leon - [50 words]
Attila by Diana Venditti - [78 words]
Asphyxiate by Skyler Drevan - [169 words]
Asleep by Skyler Drevan - [170 words]
As It Is by Jersey Mike Started this last autumn in Turkey while watching TV in Oludeniz in the hotel. Finished it several mo... [187 words]
April 31st - Belgium by Jersey Mike One written back a few years ago on april 31st. it was a very stormy night that refused t... [146 words]
Another Routine Day by Dri Cook A boring and dull routine day can also become special. It all depends on the way we look at... [141 words]
An End To Her Missery by Melissa Milonopoulos - [57 words]
About A Girl. by David Baker A girl I recently met, although I've only known her for little time I'm soo happy each time im wi... [83 words]
A War Somewhere by Diana Venditti Will man ever learn. [158 words]
A War Of Wills by Diana Venditti - [81 words]
A Walk By The Ocean by Dri Cook Again, the SHE part is my unconscious and it talks about our interaction and the healing pr... [160 words]
A Sparrow Falls by Diana Venditti For hostages killed in Irak. [79 words]
A Search For Words by Diana Venditti - [57 words]
A Random Sample Of Senryu by Higgins A cross section of Senryu poems. [152 words]
A Perfect Affair by Diana Venditti Eat your heart out. [94 words]
A New Feeling by Diana Venditti Sometimes we have to find the courage to walk away. [170 words]
A Great Many Words by Penkup Family Tries to picture in its entirety, the great depth of a mother's love...Dedicated to mother. [114 words]
A Fight Against Time by Diana Venditti Based on a true event in south africa, No.1 shaft western holding, welcome orange free sta... [152 words]
A Fairy Tale by Diana Venditti For all of you with children. [105 words]

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This is one of my final seven submissions to this site for a while.
[173 words]
Skyler Drevan
I am Jeff, writer, dreamer, realist.
[July 2006]
A Battered Woman Looks In The Mirror (Short Stories) What does she see? [912 words]
A Memoir Of Angst (Poetry) - [50 words]
A Night At The Cineplex (Short Stories) Sometimes I feel like watching a flick, sometimes I feel like this. [957 words]
A Reflection Of Love (Poetry) - [23 words]
A Ride On The New York City Subway (Short Stories) If you live or have traveled on our lovely subway systems here, you would totally understand this piece. [1,115 words] [Drama]
A Spark Of Light Through The Valley (Poetry) - [253 words]
An Ode To Man's Best Friend (Poetry) - [199 words]
Another Beggar's At The Door (Poetry) - [221 words]
Asleep (Poetry) - [170 words]
Asphyxiate (Poetry) - [169 words]
Attorney At Law (Poetry) - [218 words]
Battle Cry (Essays) Another self discovery made in the middle of a restless night. [438 words] [Psychology]
Blue Bird (Poetry) - [142 words] [Fable]
Child Murder (Short Stories) Another story written for my psychology class on a study in child criminalization in the last fifty to a hundred years. [7,471 words] [Psychology]
Christianity (Non-Fiction) - [113 words] [Mind]
College Boys (Essays) - [558 words]
Confused Youth (Poetry) Haven't we all felt this way? [155 words] [Drama]
Conversations With A Hate Monger (Short Stories) A tale of the ramblings of a bigot. Make your own judgements. [1,090 words] [Drama]
Devoted Husband And Father (Short Stories) - [268 words] [Fable]
Disturbing Gift (Short Stories) This is a short story that has a taboo subject twist to it. Tell me what ya think. [262 words] [Fable]
Double Indifference (Poetry) - [43 words]
Drinking Coffee With Loveliness (Poetry) Loveliness is a metaphor in this poem about whatever makes you smile. [122 words]
Empty Barnyard In October (Poetry) - [207 words]
Extreme Panhandling (Essays) This is an article I wrote about a severe problem that plagues the beautiful city of New York. [1,191 words] [Drama]
Feeding Love With Hate (Essays) An article on three men dealing with their sexuality. [2,339 words] [Gay & Lesbian]
Forever Mystery (Poetry) - [136 words]
Friendship, Oblivion (Short Stories) Have you ever had a relationship like this? Have you ever had a friendship like this? I think I may be starting a special series. I can use more real accounts like this one. Yes, this is actual. [373 words]
From Kenya, With Love (Non-Fiction) True story. [1,644 words] [Gay & Lesbian]
Glum (Essays) I think this is self explaning. [207 words] [Drama]
Go Away! (Short Stories) She screamed louder than ever before. [254 words] [Fable]
Governmental Fiasco (Essays) This government is going to hell if we do not get rid of BUSH!!!!! Say what you will about this piece, but the fact remains that he, like Reagan, were the worst we have seen in years. BUSH, OUT!! [781 words]
Grace (Poetry) A little poem about my late grandmother Grace Johnson. You're always in my heart. [102 words]
Homosexual Agenda: Equality! (Essays) What gay people are really looking for. [1,647 words] [Gay & Lesbian]
Hopelessly Together (Poetry) - [108 words]
Human Abstract (Short Stories) Unusual art exhibit. [4,254 words] [Fan Fiction]
I Didn't Do All I Could (But I Tried) (Poetry) When you haven't done enough, but should have tried. [340 words]
I Miss You So Very Much (Non-Fiction) (Just For You) [493 words]
I Wonder What They See In Me (Essays) When I walk down the street and people stare; what are they thinking? [629 words]
I Wont Tell (Essays) This is not for the weak at heart type. This is a strong piece that is loosely based on my childhood. If you can take the sensitive content of this piece, read on. [927 words] [Relationships]
If I Could Do It Again (Poetry) Regret. [96 words]
If I Had Only Known Then (Poetry) - [36 words]
I'm Welcomed (Poetry) A feeling of bliss under the night sky. [67 words]
Intensely And Beautifully Obscene (Poetry) - [49 words]
Is It Still Today? (Poetry) A poem about everyday life. [196 words] [Drama]
Isn't It Strange? (Poetry) - [24 words]
I've Been Having These Dreams About You... (Non-Fiction) Something I wrote about a former boyfriend of mine. I really don't know why I'm posting this here but we'll see what happens. [243 words] [Gay & Lesbian]
Just A Kiss (Poetry) A poem written while vacationing in North Carolina in late July. [177 words]
Keeping Your Dignity And Creativity (Getting Published) (Essays) This is an article on rejection, how to get published and a few tips to follow. [2,169 words] [Writing Resource]
Life And It's Irony (Poetry) - [128 words]
Little Boy (Poetry) A short poem I wrote ten years ago when I was just twelve years old. I wrote it about myself and the way I thought my parents should look at me. [104 words]
Mommy, Was I A Mistake? (Short Stories) Hold me when I'm here and love me when I'm gone. [768 words]
Mother Please (Poetry) A poem about a mother in dire need of help. [133 words] [Drama]
Mr. Michael Jackson-The King Of Pop (Essays) Let me explain something to the reviewers who may make ignorant comments about this piece on Michael Jackson. I am not posting here to get anyone’s approval and I am not posting here to make friends. ... [382 words] [Drama]
My Fathers Eyes (Poetry) The relationship between a father and son. [59 words] [Drama]
My Swan Song (Poetry) - [78 words]
Our Bodies Are In The Way (Poetry) - [342 words] [Fantasy]
Overindulge (Poetry) When life has gone too far. [101 words] [Drama]
Partners Slowly Slipping Away (Poetry) - [218 words]
Playing With My Hair (Non-Fiction) This is a piece that I thought about writing while driving up the Florida Turnpike from West Palm Beach to Orlando. The mind wonders during such long trips. [228 words]
Please Say (Poetry) Longing. [111 words] [Relationships]
Probing (Short Stories) This is a short story I wrote for my psychology class. It's written as a sadistic persona similiar to that of Jeffrey Dahmer. I chose Jeffrey because he was the first serial killer I learned about as ... [1,489 words] [Psychology]
Reinvent The World (Poetry) If I were in charge, this is what it would be like. [206 words]
Remains (Poetry) - [56 words]
Ronald Reagan (Essays) Was he that good? [1,096 words]
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Refundexchange (Poetry) - [70 words]
Shame Or Protection (Non-Fiction) You be the judge. [985 words] [Gay & Lesbian]
Small World (Poetry) - [137 words]
Speak Freely (Short Stories) This is another addition to my "Fable" anthology I am creating. [258 words] [Fable]
Struggling To Face Reality (Essays) My thoughts on Bill Cosby and his recent comments. [1,577 words]
Success (Short Stories) Another part of my 'Fable' anthology. [275 words] [Fable]
The Cave (Poetry) - [296 words]
The Door (Short Stories) Another addition to my 'Fable' collection. [287 words] [Fable]
The Down-Low Life (It's A Two Way Street) (Non-Fiction) This is an article on the double life that women (bisexual, lesbian, curious or the like) lead behind the backs of their partners. This topic is often discussed but it is often focused on the men who ... [2,218 words] [Relationships]
The Fight (Short Stories) A true story narrarated by me about a horrible marriage and the fight that led to the bitter end. [1,499 words] [Drama]
The Fire Is Almost Out (Poetry) - [100 words]
The Fruitstand At Lunchtime (Poetry) - [72 words]
The Habit Of Being Gay (Poetry) This poem is in response to those who think that being gay is a "phase" or "habit" only explored by those who are curious. [87 words] [Gay & Lesbian]
The Mother Of All Birthdays (Short Stories) - [1,850 words] [Fan Fiction]
The Painful Mistake Of Losing You (Poetry) - [106 words]
The Plight Of Man (Poetry) - [215 words]
The Story Of Dan (Non-Fiction) - [2,036 words] [Gay & Lesbian]
The Study Of Balls (Poetry) The title may be a bit misleading. [114 words]
The Vacation In Vain (Poetry) - [42 words]
They Call Me Mellow Yellow (Non-Fiction) Complexion [2,063 words]
Thirsty (Poetry) A hunger, a greed or a passion? [144 words]
Thoughtless (Poetry) I wrote this one just a moment ago when I woke up after a restless sleep. I woke up feeling empty and decided to write. This is what came out of me. [160 words]
To All The Forgotten (Poetry) - [124 words]
To Whom Beauty Holds (Short Stories) All about Vanity. [2,545 words] [Fable]
Trust In Dreams (Poetry) - [100 words] [Fable]
Unanswered Letters (Short Stories) - [354 words] [Fable]
Unclear Explanation (Poetry) A poem written about uncertainty. [62 words]
Videotape (Short Stories) This is a short story I wrote after reading a particularly interesting book and was far too full of anxiety to sleep. This is a disturbing story that deals with cannibalism and pedophilia. I wrote it ... [7,472 words] [Crime]
Vulnerable (Essays) The middle of the night thoughts. This is a little something based on a seris of unsettling dreams I had in the middle of the night on February, 8th 2003. It's meaning is unknown even to me. I guess t... [263 words] [Mind]
Watching Me Fade (Poetry) - [54 words]
We Stand (Poetry) - [282 words] [Gay & Lesbian]
When Straight Guys Go Gay (Non-Fiction) This is a real life account of a guy my friends and I met online who had questions about his sexuality. [2,810 words] [Gay & Lesbian]
When The Ginger Boy Sings (Poetry) - [226 words]
With You Next To Me (Poetry) - [123 words]
Within The Depths Of His Eyes (Poetry) Only when you're truly in love, can you feel this way. [55 words]
Worms In My Grandmother's Garden (Poetry) An old peom I found that I wrote when I was very young helping my grandmother in her prized tomato garden. Circa, 1991. [120 words]
Skyler Drevan

I've put in the effort,
For what must be years
Watching me shrink so small;
Nearly disappear
I was slipping out of my usual world
Out of—
My usual eyes
I was slipping into someone else’s
Out of the usual me
So in this—
Thin white cold new day
With the neon bright lights flickering through the clouds,
I've been drifting around for so long
Lost for an eternity
People whisper in my ear
Things I should not hear
This place is too small
The lights are too bright
This night is young; always young
But I am growing older and smaller
Slipping back into a place that I fear
For so long I've been drifting and falling
Watching myself in the mirror
Now that I am in the bowels of my strength
I've swallowed hope as if it were a cup of water
She held out her hands and I followed her away
She pulled me down for hours
Deeper than I have ever been
As I fell
In the reflection down the hall
I'm watching me scream
(I'm seeing myself scream)
No one to help, no one to care
I take the plunge to the other side
And hope someone will be there



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© 2004 Skyler Drevan
October 2004

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