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Feel The Blade by David Daniels This poem is about a young girl named Lisa Fernandez. She was an inmate at Rikers Island hospita... [330 words]
One Heart by David Daniels I was taking a writing class at Nassau Community College and one of my class mates,a girl named Lenor... [278 words]
Only For You by Michelle Bernard A poem for my one and only love. [178 words]
My Father's Hands by Liezl V Baje Baje A poem bout God. [563 words]
Rotten Love by James C Bernthal A poem of heartache. [47 words]
The Questions Of Love by David Daniels Questions we must all ask ourselves. [455 words]
Your Prison Cell by David Daniels Another Rikers Island experience.This poem is about an 19 year old inmate named Ralph Porter.I... [382 words]
You Didn't by Jannah Akira Dedicated to my ex-boyfriend, Halim... [92 words]
Farewell Weary Weatherman by Ian Tronco - [54 words]
..For You.. by David Baker This just came to me last nite,i duno if it's good lol, let us kno wat u think :):) [106 words]
You Feel That? by Brodie J Hughes Pushing the envelope. [144 words]
Without All Of Your Senses by K B Poetry. [55 words]
Wing Purple (Púrpura Asa) by J L Jayro Luna Jayro Luna is a brazilian underground poet. Poems writes in portuguese. [40 words]
Why, Oh Why? by Desi Williams A compilation of new and old poems I've written... some are more songs... hope you enjoy... please... [175 words]
Where Does Your Heart Dwell? by Dri A love poem. [122 words]
Where Am I?? by David Baker Have u ever tried to reach out for someone but you felt they didn't notice you?? let us know :-) [61 words]
Wet Dream by Sasu - [106 words]
Weeping Walker by Buxton [111 words]
- Wanted - by Dri Just being silly myself. [95 words]
Unlock My Heart by Dri - [71 words]
Unanswered Questions by David Daniels Don't mind this one because I just wanted to see if I could write a poem with three consec... [340 words]
Trance by Lithium - [100 words]
Tomahawk And Tacape by J L Jayro Luna Jayro Luna is a brazilian underground poet. Poems writes in portuguese. [57 words]
To The Ones I Love, I Thank You by Lacey Wilson It is a poem thanking those who mean the most to me. [295 words]
Times by Vodka Ryuki Mint A poem dedicated to those I treasure. [106 words]
Through The Looking Glass by Dri - [22 words]
The Smoke Inside You by David Daniels A poem about the fears I have about my wife's pack a day cigarette habit. [231 words]
The Preacher And His Friend by David Daniels I truly feel that this is one of the best poems I've ever written because it tells ... [319 words]
The Opposites Of Love by Desi Williams Another old poem...I don't think it's very good... <3 yall... [48 words]
The Monster In The Closet. by David Baker A bit different for me I think, bout closet monsters lol, check it out :-):-)..... [120 words]
The Love In You Calls To Me by Aryka - [173 words]
The Life Cycle Of The Amber Light by Nancy Rider I was sitting around a bonfire after dark and watching the ambers going up in... [102 words]
The Lawn Gnome Stuck In The Lawn Mower by Katy Amber Smithwilson Now you will finally know what its like to be a lawn gnome stuck in a pl... [47 words]
The Imaginary Sin by Aryka - [185 words]
Taste Me by Dri An ode to the tongue. [63 words]
Suicide Life by Aryka - [102 words]
Struggle With Fate by Inchara It speaks about the plight of a young servent boy. [113 words]
Somebody's Somebody by G N Everyone's desire. [54 words]
So I Pray
Slow Dance Of Love by Dri - [107 words]
Slave - Dedicated To Jeremy Dunlap by Gena Dunlap Tribute to long lost love, found again. [51 words]
Skydive by Youngpilgrim Basically about the first girl who really messed with my head and made me want to try and write somethi... [40 words]
Shards Of The Heart by S M Marion Love is fragile. Handle with care. [64 words]
Sea Of Misery by Dri - [85 words]
Sapphire Moon by Vodka Ryuki Mint A love poem~ :3 [94 words]
Sam by Shinning Knight A dedication. [34 words]
Sail Away With Me! by Dri - [190 words]
Rebbecca by Shinning Knight A dedication. [62 words]
Rausch by Josh Anderson (Means Ecstasy) Lust and desire, physical expression. [496 words]
Pulp Trash Poem (Poema Do Bagaço) by J L Jayro Luna Jayro Luna is a brazilian underground poet. Poems writes in portuguese. [234 words]
Poem Letter To My Coping Mechanism by Desi Williams I've had too much trouble in my life. I don't need this anymore. I have Go... [102 words]
Photo Finish by Mr Big B This is a tribute to a thoroughbred racehorse named Bob The Cob. Bob is a simulated horse. A com... [327 words]
Perhaps It Was Yesterday by Katherine Smith - [141 words]
Painful Destiny by Naomi L Jonson I wrote it for my boyfriend for Valentine's Day. [127 words]
Our Lives Lived By Others by Aryka - [132 words]
Once Upon A Time The Story Goes by M Q Walters - [95 words]
Nonsense by Danielle I think the title explains this. [77 words]
Night Stalker by Dri A little dark voyerism. [69 words]
My Sweet Daniela Jane by David Daniels A poem about the love of my life, my 8 year old daughter. [149 words]
My Romance by Dri - [43 words]
My Lips by Dri - [41 words]
My Daddy by David Daniels This is a poem by the love of my life, my 8 year old daughter Daniela Jane,she wants to be a poet just... [114 words]
Mountain Top by Buxton Memory is a book, or a string of poems. It is a field of love and a pit of hate, a rhapsody of pai... [168 words]
Mother Nature- God's Greatest Gift by Liezl V Baje Baje Love mother nature and give her nurture! [163 words]
Mimeografo Generation by J L Jayro Luna Jayro Luna is a brazilian underground poet. Poems writes in portuguese. [536 words]
Memoirs by Inchara Instances of life. [99 words]
Matrix Poem by J L Jayro Luna Jayro Luna is a brazilian underground poet. Poems writes in portuguese. [155 words]
Make Sure by Flipanmc Another poem about "that" relationship. Of course it rhymes. [192 words]
Love Me, Baby by Dri - [106 words]
Lost In The Pages by G N My favorite pastime. [319 words]
Like A Bird by Brian C Lebron - [77 words]
Life Isn’T At All Life, Without You by Debadrita Das An elegy. [122 words]
Life Is A Many Splendored Thing by Dri That's about it.... [128 words]
Liars Tongue by M Q Walters Finally getting it... [66 words]
Late Call by Buxton - [107 words]
Last Supper Secret Code by J L Jayro Luna Jayro Luna is a Brazilian underground poet. Poems in portuguese. [394 words]
Kyoto Protocol by J L Jayro Luna Jayro Luna is a Brazilian Underground Poet. Poems ins portuguese. [89 words]
Knock And I Will Open The Door by Dri - [131 words]
Junkie by David Daniels Another Rikers Island experience.This poem is about an inmate named Robert Ramirez. He was carried to th... [395 words]
Jaded Eyes by Tessa - [54 words]
Jack Fetch Me by Josh Anderson Deals with divinity can not be undone... [117 words]
Its What You Gotta Do by Beatriz Madrigal My mom wont leave me alone and give me some air. [159 words]
It Rains Harder Under The Oak Tree by Sasu A poem that lacks as much as it gains. [19 words]
It Is Time To Say-Goodbye by David Daniels This is a poem about something we've all been through, breaking up with a loved one. [297 words]
Is That All You Think About?:-) by Dri - [115 words]
Inside The Hourglass by Gabrielle R Bicker A poem I wrote for my boyfriend. I am fairly sure that he is "the one", but there are time... [121 words]
Inga Stone (Itaquatiara Do Ingá) by J L Jayro Luna Jayro Luna is a brazilian underground poet. Poems writes in portuguese. [239 words]
I'm Losing Control by David Daniels I spent many years suffering from the dark demons of depression.I wrote this poem during tha... [245 words]
Im Gonna Live My Life by Liezl V Baje Baje Do what u want... but u must face the consequences. [231 words]
Illusion by L A Walters - [21 words]
If God Had No Time by Kennedy O Obohwemu What would happen...if...if...if...HE had no time? Co-authored by Esther Ejovi. [136 words]
I Want You To Know by Josh Anderson What I just wish I could say, but I can't. [68 words]
I Love You With All My Heart by Dri - [131 words]
Hope I Can Found Us Again by Liezl V Baje Baje Someday..when everything will go on with the flow and become right... [313 words]
Hiléia (Epic Ecological Poem About Amazonian Forest) by J L Jayro Luna Jayro Luna is a brazilian underground poet. Poems writes i... [4,703 words]
Her by Vodka Ryuki Mint Another poem I did during my boring lessons~ don't know whether it's good. nah, I dun think it's any good. ... [55 words]
Heresy by Brian C Lebron This is a remake of another poem I wrote titled "Sacred Magic" let me know what you think. [93 words]
Hearing The Birds Sing by Aryka - [177 words]
Headed Home by Rachela Altrogge Headed home was inspired because I am trying to figure out where I belong in this world. The peom ... [42 words]
Happy Moth by Sasu Can you feel deprivation creeping up on you... [69 words]
Give Up One Day by Aryka - [135 words]
Garden Of Bones by D G Williford What lies beneath the backyard? [107 words]
From Head To Toes by Dri That's the way I love you, baby! [94 words]
Frankenstein Metamoderno by J L Jayro Luna Jayro Luna is a Brazilian underground poet. Poems in portuguese. [283 words]
Forever Will I Love You by Desi Williams Old poem... off the top... <3 yall! [58 words]
Forever, I Will Always Love You by David Daniels This poem is dedicated to my partner in life,my best friend and the greatest wo... [291 words]
Forest by Josh Anderson Figure out the meaning for yourself, this piece is each to his / her own. [53 words]
Floating Feather by Dri - [84 words]
Farenheit 451 (Poem For) by J L Jayro Luna Jayro Luna is a brazilian underground poet. Poems writes in portuguese. [75 words]
Extinct Since '44. by Buxton A poem expressing my concern at God. [82 words]
Enter... by Buxton Open your eyes at first light, see the open window, fly through it! [84 words]
Empty… Lonely… by Jannah Akira Empty… Lonely… Much empty and lonely... [89 words]
Doors Of Perception (Portas Da Percepção) by J L Jayro Luna Jayro Luna is a brazilian underground poet. Poems writes in portugues... [208 words]
Don't Stand On The Grass by Buxton Title says it all... [134 words]
Dispelling The Magic by Brian C Lebron I think most of you will enjoy reading this one.It's something I just came up with.Let me ... [34 words]
Discovering Tomorrow by Brian C Lebron - [50 words]
Desire Of My Heart by Dri - [191 words]
Death Be Me by Aryka - [184 words]
Dear Friends, by Holly This is like a letter to my old friends. [117 words]
Darkened Earth by S M Marion Darkness envelopes the world. [96 words]
Cry For Them by Aryka - [142 words]
Counterfeit Mask by Vodka Ryuki Mint The title tells a lot of stuff... [89 words]
Confinement by Shaz Khd The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives... [205 words]
Companionship by Josh Anderson For what I'd give for just one night in your companionship. [126 words]
Code Of Deadjerry by Sasu A code to go by. [156 words]
Climbing Gas Price by Nancy Rider This is a description of someone who doesn't like rising gas prices. [92 words]
Cihtog by Josh Anderson Dark temptation. [52 words]
Burning Man by Buxton A poem for Nathan, a good friend who has moved on. Forever does the story go on... [114 words]
Burger Boy by Katy Amber Smithwilson For all those ppl who have lost their hamburgers..don't worry help is on the way..... the pickles ar... [161 words]
Broken Rules by Beatriz Madrigal A poem that was written due to heart break. [185 words]
Brighter Than The Eye by Sasu - [54 words]
Body Modification by J L Jayro Luna Jayro Luna is a Brazilian Underground Poet. Poems ins portuguese. [101 words]
Blank by Lithium - [89 words]
Black Rose Garden by Josh Anderson I wrote this late tonight, just came to me, I'd appreciate your input. Thanks. [47 words]
At Peace by Dri - [26 words]
Ash's In My Fall by Josh Anderson Lonely brings back the best memories doesnt it? (not). The night that Ash, was my fall. [257 words]
Andy Warhol by J L Jayro Luna Jayro Luna is a brazilian underground poet. Poems writes in portuguese. [85 words]
And I Wonder by Amber Wilson This poem is supposedly describing my "thoughts" and how I feel sometimes. [69 words]
All Because I Couldn't Protect Myself by Rachela Altrogge - [92 words]
A Rose, Dove And Friend by Vodka Ryuki Mint A poem I did during one of my boring classes, i'll appreciate your input, thank you. [55 words]
A Day At The Shrinks by Katherine Smith - [124 words]
A Boy's Dream Of A Geek by Liezl V Baje Baje A lost love. [942 words]
9 Days And 18 Hours by Seth Dearmas Over spring break my girlfriend went down to florida and I was really depresed,I called her... [226 words]

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So I Pray
Mortals can never marry the gods.
[430 words]
Josh Anderson
I am a 16 year old guy from Australia, i love to write, draw, paint etc. I program computer software and games. I love to play pool, poker (Anything gambling orientation HeHe). I am a student, I love my photography. I also do Audio Sampling (Mixing of music, D.J. sorta thing). Um, if you wanna know more or whatever, email me: josh_behappy@hotmail.com :) Peace Out!
[June 2005]
Aaron (Haiku Poem) (Poetry) Who is aaron to me? [11 words]
Affinity (Poetry) I think I have an affinity for certain people and things. It's cool... I think. [89 words]
All I See Is You (Poetry) Pretty self explanitory, love poetry. [111 words] [Romance]
Ambition And Destruction (Poetry) My second poem. About how your ambitions will usually destroy your hopes. §¿° Åxë¥ °¿§ [69 words] [Teenage]
An In-Paradox (Poetry) I wrote it whilst in my usual nightly daze. Im not so sure about it, a bit small and suspect :/ And im not even sure if In-Paradox is even a word. Oh well Please review it and tel me what you think. [30 words] [Teenage]
Anger And Pain (Haiku Poem) (Poetry) Anger and Pain... [28 words]
Anywhere But There... (Poetry) We all have a place we do not like to be... [48 words]
Ash's In My Fall (Poetry) Lonely brings back the best memories doesnt it? (not). The night that Ash, was my fall. [257 words]
Aura Of Corruption (Poetry) Short but once again it means alot to me. Another inner-battle one, self destruction of the mind. [92 words] [Teenage]
Because I Cry (Songs) Lyrics. Think Korn, Nine Inch Nails, SlipKnot, Stone Sour, Limp Bizkit. This one means a lot to me, I would be very grateful if you read and reviewed it. [476 words]
Black Rose Garden (Poetry) I wrote this late tonight, just came to me, I'd appreciate your input. Thanks. [47 words]
Bleeding Eyes Of Souls (Poetry) This poem is supposed to show the evolution of inner hate. Typical josh... Well please review, as I am trying to start doing more poems that evolve and change seemlessly (like a buy 1 get 1 free... lo... [148 words] [Teenage]
Blood In The Snow (Short Stories) An experiment... I decided to take one of my poems and turn it into a short story, im not sure whether it is good but I would love each and every review you can give, good or bad, thanks in advance. I... [285 words]
Brittney (Haiku Poem) (Poetry) Who is brittney to me? [13 words]
Caress 2 (Poetry) Yeah... that. [167 words]
Caught In The Moment (Songs) Love / Relationship song, The song is supposed to be vocal and acoustic, in a very mellow sort of tone and speed. Hopefully one day this will be dedicated to somebody. [270 words] [Relationships]
Chaos And Peace (Poetry) Love - A choice between a chaotic fight that you want to win, you would love to fight, or a peaceful path that you are not necesseraly happy with. [57 words] [Teenage]
Cihtog (Poetry) Dark temptation. [52 words]
Click (Poetry) Rhyme turned poem, strange style and twist. [85 words]
Companionship (Poetry) For what I'd give for just one night in your companionship. [126 words]
Computer ‘Hackers’ ‘Nerds' (Reference) Ever wondered what shaped and does shape the computer hacker / nerd / programmer? Well I have taken my time to try to explain what it is that makes us who we are, this may just be in the case of mysel... [1,605 words]
Corridors And Brick Walls (Poetry) Sometimes it seems that no matter how hard you run, theres always another wall. [125 words] [Teenage]
Counting Codes (Compulsion) (Poetry) I'm sure we all have a leaning towards some kind of compulsive behavior, drinking, counting, playing, talking, drugs, gambling, cutting, sleeping, control, organization, saving animals, vegetarian, an... [181 words] [Teenage]
Crazy Children (Poetry) Pyro children, roam your street. [69 words]
Crimson Butterfly (The Wounded) (Poetry) This is like usual my mind on a page, *but* this poem was inspired by an avatar displaying ~ A red butterfly and red veins, with the comment “The Wounded…” [143 words]
Cupid (Songs) Lyrics. Think Seether, Korn, Nine Inch Nails, Maybe even Nickel Back or Creed. [454 words]
Cut The Cord (Poetry) About cutting your puppet masters cords, if you have one. Not very good in my opinion. Please Review. [32 words] [Teenage]
Dancing Happily (Poetry) Serenity, a dance so peaceful, loving. Please check it out, its a little different. [168 words] [Romance]
Dark Ranger (Poetry) Um... a poem about a ranger of the night. [92 words]
Dark Vast Burn (Poetry) The second of the dark motion. Im still not sure about these. Contains SI. [105 words] [Teenage]
Death Bed Fed On Pain (Poetry) Love, confusion, depression, anxiety and anything else that can be added to an emotional milkshake... [244 words]
Death (Haiku Poem) (Poetry) What is this death you speak of? [10 words]
Decay Or Life (Poetry) About whether events in life are full of life, or just a decay that creates a tainted half-life. [55 words] [Teenage]
Delerium (Poetry) Drugs are bad and dealers are the scum of the earth! This is a wake up call for all dealers and buyers, STOP IT BEFORE YOU KILL YOURSELF! [228 words]
Demon's Host (Poetry) Demons lurk within the host vessels mind, ones that seem not to fade with time. [201 words]
Dice (Poetry) Experiment; I would like you, personally, to fill every second line with the word that Comes to mind, whether it rhymes / Flows or not. Just an idea ( my answers {the original piece} are down at the B... [56 words]
Dinner (Songs) - [780 words]
Disjointed Hatred (Poetry) I Think It Has Something To Do With Hatred... [96 words]
Drowning (Sweep Me Away) (Poetry) Sort of relates to the dark vast burn. Not very good. [65 words] [Teenage]
Dust (Poetry) Dust is all that seems to trail me. [130 words]
Eins Exorcise (Poetry) Originaly I wrote this in german. If you believe I should post the German version also, please tell me, and I will :) [818 words]
Endless Skies (Poetry) Once again, this is a rare side of me that few get to see. Another love one, about love and a partner for life, your true love. [47 words] [Teenage]
Escape Esc (Songs) Another song. When u read it, think of Linkin Park / Evanescence / KoRn / Seether. Hope it is an enjoyable read. [258 words]
Escape It Till Light (Poetry) Part of the document series, but of a nicer nature an in between. [56 words] [Teenage]
Eurasia Underground V5 - A Future So Close (Narrative Proposition) (Short Stories) Pilot chapter for a series of stories, game and fanime (fan created anime series (created by underground communities themselves)) This is more of a lead in to the story to come, if you think it would ... [676 words]
Evan (Haiku Poem) (Poetry) Who is evan to me? [10 words]
Failures Defeat (Poetry) The defeat that you face when you fail... [75 words] [Teenage]
Feel (Poetry) How does it feel, not to feel at all? [149 words]
Fine Weather For Ducks (Short Stories) Love Short Story in poetry form. Inspired by the meeting of a friend of mine, I had a really romantic little movie playing in my head that was overlayed over the meeting, so I thought I'd collaborate ... [1,683 words] [Romance]
Flaw (Poetry) Im not sure how do describe it, other than a flaw... [123 words]
Flying Strong (Poetry) This is the next, it is very short but I means alot to me. [31 words] [Teenage]
Foggy Stream (Poetry) Love / Emotion / Mind poetry. [135 words]
For Evermore (Poetry) About a feeling of for evermoreness, though its not even a word, lol, u know what I mean. [66 words] [Teenage]
For What I'd Give (Short Stories) This is the 6th and possibly final part to Serra's swamp, Axey finally begins to realize the feeling that Serra really holds within as he pleas with a god, for her happiness and for her to feel love. ... [1,078 words] [Romance]
Forest (Poetry) Figure out the meaning for yourself, this piece is each to his / her own. [53 words]
Fractured Core (Poetry) This is my third poem, It was written whilst I was affected by a strange feeling in-between love and confusion. [76 words] [Teenage]
Front Row Seats To My Own Insanity (Poetry) Feeling crazy? I am. [157 words]
General Inspection (Novel To Be) (Short Stories) The beginnings of a murder mystery / psychological thriller / horror short story or novel. Please read and review as I need public input to know this pieces worth. Thank you for all who have the time ... [1,670 words] [Thriller]
Get Away From Me (Songs) Yet another song. When u read it, think of Linkin Park / Evanescence / KoRn / Seether. Especially KoRn. Hope it is an enjoyable read. [319 words]
Grip (Poetry) This is pretty small, sadistic and shity, I don't like it but I thought I may as well post it, others might. [37 words] [Teenage]
Hard To Love (Songs) Lyrics for song. Read for yourself. Hope it is a pleasurable read. [360 words]
Hate (Haiku Poem) (Poetry) What is hate? [6 words]
He Chuckles (Poetry) He laughed so arrogantly. Well now its my turn. [97 words] [Teenage]
Her Piano (Poetry) Some love poetry, finally! [79 words] [Romance]
Hide And Go Freak (Songs) Lyrics. Think Korn, Nine Inch Nails, SlipKnot, Stone Sour, Limp Bizkit. (Course Language, as you would espect) [347 words]
Him (Part One) (Poetry) … Gee, its about someone, but I just don't know who… I decided I needed to iron these out, just let me out for a little while. [266 words]
His Desire And Her Love (Short Stories) Part three of Serra's Swamp, please review as im not so sure about this one. This one is more love related. [542 words]
His Marks (Poetry) Another of the new origin documents, aboutthe markings he has begun to bear. [77 words] [Teenage]
His Perfect Solution (Poetry) Document of new origin no. ive lost count. About the solution he created, the solution which would last. [51 words] [Teenage]
Hoeho (Poetry) The night in all of it's dark beauty, and a certain creature that dwells within. Purposely slow paced poem. Haven't posted anything for ages... [88 words] [Fantasy]
Hold My Hand (Poetry) Please check this one out, its a special love one :). [119 words] [Romance]
How Come? (Poetry) So close yet so far away... [103 words]
Hugh (Haiku Poem) (Poetry) Who is hugh to me? [15 words]
Hurt You... (Poetry) Some long overdue love poetry. My Muse has been grumpy lately ;) [141 words]
Hymn Of Rage (Poetry) Poetic Manifestation Of Rage. [245 words]
I Ask Why... (Poetry) Why is it that so many things and so many people have that evil tendency to destroy others spirits? [53 words] [Teenage]
I Blame Myself (Songs) Yet another song. When u read it, think of Linkin Park / Evanescence / KoRn / Seether. Hope it is an enjoyable read. [557 words]
I Thaught I Knew You (Poetry) The below poem contains explicit language. I'm sorry but I was angry when I wrote it, so bite me. lol. [54 words] [Teenage]
I Want You To Know (Poetry) What I just wish I could say, but I can't. [68 words] [Mind]
I Wish You Could See (Poetry) This is for someone, if they know who they are, good. If they don't, well dang it. Please read everyone, its for everyones eyes ;) [116 words]
Im Not Afraid (Poetry) I'm not afraid of it, its just something keeping me here... [172 words]
In My Dreams, Wildest (Poetry) In my dreams is where I see you. [63 words] [Romance]
Incapacitated (Poetry) The affect of time on open and closed wounds. Does it work for you? [68 words] [Teenage]
Inconspiquous (Poetry) Attempts at hiding what you hold. Please read, and thanks in advance :) [79 words] [Teenage]
Irina's Poem (Poetry) This is for you ina, we love you, know it and hold it, never let go. [274 words] [Self-Help]
Jack Fetch Me (Poetry) Deals with divinity can not be undone... [117 words]
Jake (Haiku Poem) (Poetry) Who is jake to me? [9 words]
Janus Leeola (Poetry) Inspired by three people I know, and a graffiti art. [110 words]
Jessie (Haiku Poem) (Poetry) Who is jessie to me? I loved my dog... [12 words]
Joshua (Haiku Poem) (Poetry) Who am I to me? [10 words]
Katerpillar (Poetry) Romance: Sensual meeting and first true kiss... [118 words] [Romance]
Larrissa (Haiku Poem) (Poetry) Who is larrissa to me? [15 words]
Last Kiss (Poetry) Once again, many of you are going to kick up a stink, just deal with it. Reviews are appreciated from those that can look past subject matter. Love and gratitude, [228 words]
Life (Haiku Poem) (Poetry) What is life to me? [7 words]
Like A New Disease (Songs) Rock / Rap. Rock singer in normal write, emcee in '[ ]' square brackets. This is for all the people who feel this way. Soldier On. [392 words] [Mind]
Little Glass World (Poetry) - [70 words]
Look At Me Now (Poetry) When I go... [180 words]
Look Of Death (Short Stories) The 5th part to serra's swamp. PLEASE read, it would be so much appreciated! :), thanks everyone. [789 words]
Looking Into Your Eyes (Down) (Poetry) When you realise why, you realise what, you hurt and want it to stop. [62 words] [Teenage]
Loosing You (Songs) Just a song about how I lost my best friend. [313 words] [Drama]
Lost Again (Poetry) A tale of broken love and suicide. [262 words]
Love As A Bond (Poetry) The rare side of me only few get to see... I wrote it whilst thinking deeply about love and where it is, listening to calm love ballards. [49 words] [Teenage]
Love Shiver (Poetry) Romance Poetry I Suppose. [147 words] [Romance]
Love (Haiku Poem) (Poetry) What love is to me. [7 words]
Lovely Phoenix (Poetry) I think love has found me. Maybe. [130 words]
Loves Torment (Poetry) The feeling of guilt, guilt that isnt even guilt at all, dont know what its called, but this has to do with it in the wa of love and help. [89 words] [Teenage]
Luke (Haiku Poem) (Poetry) Who is luke to me? [11 words]
Melodramatic Idiocy (Poetry) Apologies that are well over due, these words can't express my feeling towards my actions, but I hope at least they try. I'm sorry for all that grief, all the sorrow and confusion. [384 words]
Mend It For Now (Poetry) Please check this one out. Typical content. [121 words] [Teenage]
Meteor Shower (Poetry) - [146 words]
Mind Rot (Poetry) - [55 words]
Misadventure (Poetry) The misadventure of some pyromaniac kids. Hopefully bringing a joke smile to all. :) [165 words] [Comedy]
Missunderstood (Poetry) Who are we, who am I, I still ask myself. [63 words] [Teenage]
Music Box Beginning (Poetry) A music box plays a haunting tune... [521 words]
Mute Angel Canvas (Poetry) What happened to my dear angel? [452 words]
My Angels Within (Poetry) Angels that lie within, we all have them. [149 words] [Teenage]
My Blinded Eyes (Poetry) About the pain I hide and the favour I have, empathy, something I wish not, unless requested. [31 words] [Teenage]
My Heart In A Hand (Poetry) Love. The girl 'o my dreams exists! And this is how I feel :) [79 words] [Romance]
My Hollow Tree (Poetry) Am I straying from my path? [82 words] [Teenage]
My Knives Cold Caress (Poetry) The fourth of the documentation. Contains SI. [126 words] [Teenage]
My Poisonous Pin Flower (Poetry) Another of the document series, one of a newer origin than the last. Its also amazing how the ones who 'love' you and 'protect' you dont even notice. [128 words] [Teenage]
Necropolis (Poetry) - [157 words] [Horror]
Next Time Father... (Short Stories) The fourth part to the series of Serra's Swamp. Please check it out! [915 words]
Nick (Haiku Poem) (Poetry) Who is nick to me? [6 words]
Night Club (Poetry) The kind of club you don't want to party in. [291 words]
Nightly Embrace (Poetry) Sad, sweet sentiment to my friends. All of you distant, faceless, unreachable, or that I see and talk to everyday. I love you all in the way a friend does, you keep me going. This is for you. [191 words]
No Compile (Songs) Yet another song. When u read it, think of Linkin Park's rap and r&b style songs / the prodigy / benny benassi or something similar. Hope it is an enjoyable read. [612 words]
Project Chyooryooku Akiraka (Short Stories) Sci-Fi, about how the world has a Chi and how the people who inhabbit it are linked and effect it. [1,157 words] [Fan Fiction]
Puppet Smile (Songs) Yet another song. When u read it, think of Linkin Park / Evanescence / KoRn / Seether. Hope it is an enjoyable read. [407 words]
Pushing Away (Songs) Yet another song. When u read it, think of Linkin Park / Evanescence / KoRn / Seether. Hope it is an enjoyable read. [1,041 words]
Raged (Poetry) When you are angry, what can you do... I bottle it until I will eventually explode. [54 words] [Teenage]
Rausch (Poetry) (Means Ecstasy) Lust and desire, physical expression. [496 words]
Reasons... (Poetry) An inner-pain that was produced, a synthetic veil created by your mind that you try to understand. Warning: Contains SI's. [91 words] [Teenage]
Rebecca (Haiku Poem) (Poetry) Who is rebecca to me? [14 words]
Reverie Ecstasy (Poetry) A poem about the fantasy of love the mind can create. [268 words] [Romance]
Rift In A Soul (Poetry) This poem is almost a song more than a poem. It is about scars in your mind or body. [100 words] [Teenage]
Samurai Onikage (Demon Child Warrior) (Poetry) - [296 words]
Sarah (Haiku Poem) (Poetry) Who is sarah to me? [14 words]
Sated On Pain (Poetry) Another newer origin document. Of the pains sate. [62 words] [Teenage]
Searching For Water (Poetry) Some people are very shallow, but one day they may change. [133 words]
Selbstmord Selbmörderisch (Poetry) Selbstmord (german) For all lost souls departed, and those whove ever felt like leaving. It would really mean a lot for me if any of you could read and review, thank you. [156 words]
Self Punishment (Poetry) I honestly can't describe this one besides, that its about punishing yourslef for what you can't help. [78 words] [Teenage]
Sensual Daydream- (Poetry) A sensual daydream? or am I awake? [261 words] [Romance]
Serra's Swamp (Short Stories) AxeY's foridden love. The first in a series I hope to release slowly, I would really appreciate as many reviews as possible on this one, it took me a while. Any critisism is more than welcome. Sorry f... [1,131 words]
Shadow World (Poetry) A shadow world so well created... [72 words]
Shattered Reflection (Short Stories) The second part of Serra's Swamp, she had run away again. [1,051 words]
Sightings Of Love (Poetry) I believe in Karma, and true loves / soul mates, but the problem is, when will they show themsleves, or when will you find them. [52 words] [Teenage]
Skeleton's Cloak (Poetry) The skeleton, shrouded by the cloak of darkness and ignorance. [78 words]
Slipping Away From Me (Short Stories) The 7th part of Serra's swamp, suspense filled, and back on track… I hope. Theres another to come quickly, cant quite finish it though. [1,145 words]
Smudge (Songs) Lyrics. Think Cold Play, Evanescence, Avril Lavigne, Limp Bizkit (Like Behind Blue Eyes), Rammstein (slow like Klavier) [201 words]
Snow Storm (Poetry) - [130 words]
So Many Ways (26 Reasons) (Poetry) Well, no the 26 arent in it, they are each seeded in my poems, this was to almost compile their meaning. [66 words] [Teenage]
Soul To Soul (Poetry) Says it all. Please check it out. [61 words] [Teenage]
Stefanie (Haiku Poem) (Poetry) Who is stefanie to me? [14 words]
Stereotypes (Poetry) Stereotypes ruin society and people, please read. [67 words]
Suicidal Self Desire (Songs) Lyrics; Through misery and self sacrifice, what is this world achieving? When sung, it is desired that it is in a similar style to Marilyn Manson songs. [176 words]
Sun Sonne (Poetry) Also originally written by me in German. If you want me to post the German version, let me know :) [244 words]
Take A Serious Look! (Poetry) Sorry for the informal layout, but wasnt sure about lead-in's, and I feel it needs one. [98 words] [Teenage]
Thankfully... (Poetry) Im sure we've all had neer death experiences... [73 words] [Teenage]
The Beasts (Poetry) About beasts who hunt life in the night. NOT VAMPIRES!!! [140 words]
The Carousel (Poetry) Rather different style of poetry for me, I hope you enjoy the read. [163 words]
The Darkness (Song) (Songs) Yet another song. When u read it, think of Linkin Park / Evanescence / KoRn / Ramstein / Seether / Rob Zombie. Hope it is an enjoyable read. [422 words]
The Faces (Poetry) About the care that only arises as it may demene their reputation, why should they care otherwise? [31 words] [Teenage]
The Few Who Help (Against The Pain) (Poetry) About the ones in the world who count... [72 words] [Teenage]
The Flower, A Part Of Me (Poetry) About the dream that begins to haunt, we all have one, like a moth we sleep ad dream. [86 words] [Teenage]
The Great Cold Void (Poetry) This is the begining of dark documentation, I wasn't sure whether to write these poems, or even release them, but I did. Please review them. [105 words] [Teenage]
The Nature Of The Game (Poetry) The nature of the game of life. [118 words] [Teenage]
The Taunting Mass (Poetry) This is about the harsh reality, our clone society, ad the ones born with the freedom and burden of change. [93 words] [Teenage]
Three Brothers (Poetry) The effect of these brothers on our world. LOOK OUT ITS SATAN!!! [132 words]
Tim (Haiku Poem) (Poetry) Who is tim to me? [9 words]
Umbrella In The Rain (Poetry) A figure sits in the rain, the man wonders what he can do, walking over to it… [202 words]
Undefined (Short Stories) What do you tell yourself when you don't know the answer? [408 words]
Unplug Me (Songs) More lyrics. When u read it, think of Linkin Park / Evanescence / KoRn / Seether. Hope it is an enjoyable read. [393 words]
Vampiric Mind (Poetry) - [372 words]
Walls And Words Of Pain (Poetry) The third, sinister yet loving and respectful. [156 words] [Teenage]
Wednesday Ecstasy - Erotica Attempt (Genres) I was reading some fun / funny / interesting / sexy (lol) stuff like I do when I get a bit bored or feel the need to read... Anyways, I decided to try to write my own. It is probably quite crap, but i... [984 words] [Erotic]
What Happened To Our Love? (Poetry) What happened to our love? My Indigo girl?... [213 words] [Relationships]
What Helps Me Live (Poetry) About the special people that I know the best, or hold a special connection with, and their aid in life, and hopefully mine in theirs. [193 words] [Teenage]
What I'd Give For Your Smile (Poetry) What I would gladly give to see your beautiful face smiling. This is an extract of a poem in one of my stories. [151 words] [Romance]
What The Morning Brings (Poetry) What the morning brings for so many. [206 words]
What's Real?! (Songs) What's real in this world are the fallen, people who have something not quite right, from the homeless to the unstable to the plain old rich. Please read this and see the light. Pure Rap / Hip - Hop E... [512 words]
When You Wish Upon My Star (Poetry) There are many who will disagree with this, but I dont care, please leave feedback on this poem and not just read and run. I love you all and thanks for your support! [448 words]
Why Kill Me? (Poetry) A poem on behalf of all people that have been on the blades edge, and had that push from an arsehole. [135 words]
With You (Again) (Poetry) Romantic, sensual, erotic, yet still clean ;) love poetry. Just imagine what this would be like… [176 words] [Romance]
Within The Shell Of Man (Poetry) This is my first poem, thnx in advance for reading. When you break, its not fake, The shell splits, Fire spits, I crawl from the wreckage, only to see that its me, I have been changed. [68 words] [Teenage]
Within You (Poetry) About that hope of love but the self-insecurity of making a step. [68 words] [Teenage]
Words Really Can Hurt (Poetry) - [346 words]
Would They Notice? (Poetry) Another of my document series, and another new origin. About the ones who should but never do notice. [80 words] [Teenage]
You Say Engel I Say Angel (Haiku Poem) (Poetry) What I mean when I say. [42 words]
Your Going Away? (Poetry) Why are you leaving me here? [76 words]
Your Savior (Beleive) (Poetry) Pain and a want to fix things, a love for the empathy. [40 words] [Teenage]
You've Got Question's (Poetry) All the questions we want to know the answers to. Well most of them anyway. You've got question's… we've got dancing paperclips! Long poem. [314 words]
...Sweet Title Goes Here... (Poetry) Intended for the one I love, I never ended up showing it to her and now it seems it is too late... Funny how we don't realise what we have until it is gone, isn't it? [128 words] [Relationships]
.The Carousel (Poetry) The carousel will always go round, till you make it stop. [162 words]
So I Pray
Josh Anderson

Still don't know why,

                My heart races

When I see you,


Still don't know why,

                My eyes overt

When I look at you,


Still don't know how,

                My mouth dries up

I can't hardly say a word,


Still don't know how,

                My body tenses up

I can't hardly move a muscle,


But I do know why,

                You captivate me,

                Scare me half to death


But I do know what,

                I see within and out you,

                It's beauty so divine,


You're still somehow,

                A godess,

                Couldn't touch you if i tried,

                It's against the teachings,


Only mortals,

                Marry mortals


And you're a godess,

                So radiant seems,

                You never could be mine


So I pray.



"Beautiful Josh :):) loved it" -- Rebecca.
"Thanks Bec :)" -- Josh / AxeY.
"Joshua i don't want to tell u this and sound to nosy however, don't get too wound up about this girl mate there are always others, she isn't the be all and end all, i know how u feel, anyway u know how much i like yur style of writing mate and this is a fine example of it, peace." -- Hugh.
"Hm... im not so sure u quite know what ur talking bout here, i presume you think its about 'Her' when its about a different 'Her' ne ways..... thnx for the review man." -- Josh / AxeY.
"beautiful, i luv'd the spacing on it it work well with the poem, good work mate :).." -- baker.
"Thanks man :), muchly appreciated" -- Josh / AxeY.
"Love that poem, its fascinatingly entrancing, good work." -- Carmen.


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© 2005 Josh Anderson
March 2005

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