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Feel The Blade by David Daniels This poem is about a young girl named Lisa Fernandez. She was an inmate at Rikers Island hospita... [330 words]
One Heart by David Daniels I was taking a writing class at Nassau Community College and one of my class mates,a girl named Lenor... [278 words]
Only For You by Michelle Bernard A poem for my one and only love. [178 words]
My Father's Hands by Liezl V Baje Baje A poem bout God. [563 words]
Rotten Love by James C Bernthal A poem of heartache. [47 words]
The Questions Of Love by David Daniels Questions we must all ask ourselves. [455 words]
Your Prison Cell
You Didn't by Jannah Akira Dedicated to my ex-boyfriend, Halim... [92 words]
Farewell Weary Weatherman by Ian Tronco - [54 words]
..For You.. by David Baker This just came to me last nite,i duno if it's good lol, let us kno wat u think :):) [106 words]
You Feel That? by Brodie J Hughes Pushing the envelope. [144 words]
Without All Of Your Senses by K B Poetry. [55 words]
Wing Purple (Púrpura Asa) by J L Jayro Luna Jayro Luna is a brazilian underground poet. Poems writes in portuguese. [40 words]
Why, Oh Why? by Desi Williams A compilation of new and old poems I've written... some are more songs... hope you enjoy... please... [175 words]
Where Does Your Heart Dwell? by Dri A love poem. [122 words]
Where Am I?? by David Baker Have u ever tried to reach out for someone but you felt they didn't notice you?? let us know :-) [61 words]
Wet Dream by Sasu - [106 words]
Weeping Walker by Buxton [111 words]
- Wanted - by Dri Just being silly myself. [95 words]
Unlock My Heart by Dri - [71 words]
Unanswered Questions by David Daniels Don't mind this one because I just wanted to see if I could write a poem with three consec... [340 words]
Trance by Lithium - [100 words]
Tomahawk And Tacape by J L Jayro Luna Jayro Luna is a brazilian underground poet. Poems writes in portuguese. [57 words]
To The Ones I Love, I Thank You by Lacey Wilson It is a poem thanking those who mean the most to me. [295 words]
Times by Vodka Ryuki Mint A poem dedicated to those I treasure. [106 words]
Through The Looking Glass by Dri - [22 words]
The Smoke Inside You by David Daniels A poem about the fears I have about my wife's pack a day cigarette habit. [231 words]
The Preacher And His Friend by David Daniels I truly feel that this is one of the best poems I've ever written because it tells ... [319 words]
The Opposites Of Love by Desi Williams Another old poem...I don't think it's very good... <3 yall... [48 words]
The Monster In The Closet. by David Baker A bit different for me I think, bout closet monsters lol, check it out :-):-)..... [120 words]
The Love In You Calls To Me by Aryka - [173 words]
The Life Cycle Of The Amber Light by Nancy Rider I was sitting around a bonfire after dark and watching the ambers going up in... [102 words]
The Lawn Gnome Stuck In The Lawn Mower by Katy Amber Smithwilson Now you will finally know what its like to be a lawn gnome stuck in a pl... [47 words]
The Imaginary Sin by Aryka - [185 words]
Taste Me by Dri An ode to the tongue. [63 words]
Suicide Life by Aryka - [102 words]
Struggle With Fate by Inchara It speaks about the plight of a young servent boy. [113 words]
Somebody's Somebody by G N Everyone's desire. [54 words]
So I Pray by Josh Anderson Mortals can never marry the gods. [430 words]
Slow Dance Of Love by Dri - [107 words]
Slave - Dedicated To Jeremy Dunlap by Gena Dunlap Tribute to long lost love, found again. [51 words]
Skydive by Youngpilgrim Basically about the first girl who really messed with my head and made me want to try and write somethi... [40 words]
Shards Of The Heart by S M Marion Love is fragile. Handle with care. [64 words]
Sea Of Misery by Dri - [85 words]
Sapphire Moon by Vodka Ryuki Mint A love poem~ :3 [94 words]
Sam by Shinning Knight A dedication. [34 words]
Sail Away With Me! by Dri - [190 words]
Rebbecca by Shinning Knight A dedication. [62 words]
Rausch by Josh Anderson (Means Ecstasy) Lust and desire, physical expression. [496 words]
Pulp Trash Poem (Poema Do Bagaço) by J L Jayro Luna Jayro Luna is a brazilian underground poet. Poems writes in portuguese. [234 words]
Poem Letter To My Coping Mechanism by Desi Williams I've had too much trouble in my life. I don't need this anymore. I have Go... [102 words]
Photo Finish by Mr Big B This is a tribute to a thoroughbred racehorse named Bob The Cob. Bob is a simulated horse. A com... [327 words]
Perhaps It Was Yesterday by Katherine Smith - [141 words]
Painful Destiny by Naomi L Jonson I wrote it for my boyfriend for Valentine's Day. [127 words]
Our Lives Lived By Others by Aryka - [132 words]
Once Upon A Time The Story Goes by M Q Walters - [95 words]
Nonsense by Danielle I think the title explains this. [77 words]
Night Stalker by Dri A little dark voyerism. [69 words]
My Sweet Daniela Jane by David Daniels A poem about the love of my life, my 8 year old daughter. [149 words]
My Romance by Dri - [43 words]
My Lips by Dri - [41 words]
My Daddy by David Daniels This is a poem by the love of my life, my 8 year old daughter Daniela Jane,she wants to be a poet just... [114 words]
Mountain Top by Buxton Memory is a book, or a string of poems. It is a field of love and a pit of hate, a rhapsody of pai... [168 words]
Mother Nature- God's Greatest Gift by Liezl V Baje Baje Love mother nature and give her nurture! [163 words]
Mimeografo Generation by J L Jayro Luna Jayro Luna is a brazilian underground poet. Poems writes in portuguese. [536 words]
Memoirs by Inchara Instances of life. [99 words]
Matrix Poem by J L Jayro Luna Jayro Luna is a brazilian underground poet. Poems writes in portuguese. [155 words]
Make Sure by Flipanmc Another poem about "that" relationship. Of course it rhymes. [192 words]
Love Me, Baby by Dri - [106 words]
Lost In The Pages by G N My favorite pastime. [319 words]
Like A Bird by Brian C Lebron - [77 words]
Life Isn’T At All Life, Without You by Debadrita Das An elegy. [122 words]
Life Is A Many Splendored Thing by Dri That's about it.... [128 words]
Liars Tongue by M Q Walters Finally getting it... [66 words]
Late Call by Buxton - [107 words]
Last Supper Secret Code by J L Jayro Luna Jayro Luna is a Brazilian underground poet. Poems in portuguese. [394 words]
Kyoto Protocol by J L Jayro Luna Jayro Luna is a Brazilian Underground Poet. Poems ins portuguese. [89 words]
Knock And I Will Open The Door by Dri - [131 words]
Junkie by David Daniels Another Rikers Island experience.This poem is about an inmate named Robert Ramirez. He was carried to th... [395 words]
Jaded Eyes by Tessa - [54 words]
Jack Fetch Me by Josh Anderson Deals with divinity can not be undone... [117 words]
Its What You Gotta Do by Beatriz Madrigal My mom wont leave me alone and give me some air. [159 words]
It Rains Harder Under The Oak Tree by Sasu A poem that lacks as much as it gains. [19 words]
It Is Time To Say-Goodbye by David Daniels This is a poem about something we've all been through, breaking up with a loved one. [297 words]
Is That All You Think About?:-) by Dri - [115 words]
Inside The Hourglass by Gabrielle R Bicker A poem I wrote for my boyfriend. I am fairly sure that he is "the one", but there are time... [121 words]
Inga Stone (Itaquatiara Do Ingá) by J L Jayro Luna Jayro Luna is a brazilian underground poet. Poems writes in portuguese. [239 words]
I'm Losing Control by David Daniels I spent many years suffering from the dark demons of depression.I wrote this poem during tha... [245 words]
Im Gonna Live My Life by Liezl V Baje Baje Do what u want... but u must face the consequences. [231 words]
Illusion by L A Walters - [21 words]
If God Had No Time by Kennedy O Obohwemu What would happen...if...if...if...HE had no time? Co-authored by Esther Ejovi. [136 words]
I Want You To Know by Josh Anderson What I just wish I could say, but I can't. [68 words]
I Love You With All My Heart by Dri - [131 words]
Hope I Can Found Us Again by Liezl V Baje Baje Someday..when everything will go on with the flow and become right... [313 words]
Hiléia (Epic Ecological Poem About Amazonian Forest) by J L Jayro Luna Jayro Luna is a brazilian underground poet. Poems writes i... [4,703 words]
Her by Vodka Ryuki Mint Another poem I did during my boring lessons~ don't know whether it's good. nah, I dun think it's any good. ... [55 words]
Heresy by Brian C Lebron This is a remake of another poem I wrote titled "Sacred Magic" let me know what you think. [93 words]
Hearing The Birds Sing by Aryka - [177 words]
Headed Home by Rachela Altrogge Headed home was inspired because I am trying to figure out where I belong in this world. The peom ... [42 words]
Happy Moth by Sasu Can you feel deprivation creeping up on you... [69 words]
Give Up One Day by Aryka - [135 words]
Garden Of Bones by D G Williford What lies beneath the backyard? [107 words]
From Head To Toes by Dri That's the way I love you, baby! [94 words]
Frankenstein Metamoderno by J L Jayro Luna Jayro Luna is a Brazilian underground poet. Poems in portuguese. [283 words]
Forever Will I Love You by Desi Williams Old poem... off the top... <3 yall! [58 words]
Forever, I Will Always Love You by David Daniels This poem is dedicated to my partner in life,my best friend and the greatest wo... [291 words]
Forest by Josh Anderson Figure out the meaning for yourself, this piece is each to his / her own. [53 words]
Floating Feather by Dri - [84 words]
Farenheit 451 (Poem For) by J L Jayro Luna Jayro Luna is a brazilian underground poet. Poems writes in portuguese. [75 words]
Extinct Since '44. by Buxton A poem expressing my concern at God. [82 words]
Enter... by Buxton Open your eyes at first light, see the open window, fly through it! [84 words]
Empty… Lonely… by Jannah Akira Empty… Lonely… Much empty and lonely... [89 words]
Doors Of Perception (Portas Da Percepção) by J L Jayro Luna Jayro Luna is a brazilian underground poet. Poems writes in portugues... [208 words]
Don't Stand On The Grass by Buxton Title says it all... [134 words]
Dispelling The Magic by Brian C Lebron I think most of you will enjoy reading this one.It's something I just came up with.Let me ... [34 words]
Discovering Tomorrow by Brian C Lebron - [50 words]
Desire Of My Heart by Dri - [191 words]
Death Be Me by Aryka - [184 words]
Dear Friends, by Holly This is like a letter to my old friends. [117 words]
Darkened Earth by S M Marion Darkness envelopes the world. [96 words]
Cry For Them by Aryka - [142 words]
Counterfeit Mask by Vodka Ryuki Mint The title tells a lot of stuff... [89 words]
Confinement by Shaz Khd The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives... [205 words]
Companionship by Josh Anderson For what I'd give for just one night in your companionship. [126 words]
Code Of Deadjerry by Sasu A code to go by. [156 words]
Climbing Gas Price by Nancy Rider This is a description of someone who doesn't like rising gas prices. [92 words]
Cihtog by Josh Anderson Dark temptation. [52 words]
Burning Man by Buxton A poem for Nathan, a good friend who has moved on. Forever does the story go on... [114 words]
Burger Boy by Katy Amber Smithwilson For all those ppl who have lost their hamburgers..don't worry help is on the way..... the pickles ar... [161 words]
Broken Rules by Beatriz Madrigal A poem that was written due to heart break. [185 words]
Brighter Than The Eye by Sasu - [54 words]
Body Modification by J L Jayro Luna Jayro Luna is a Brazilian Underground Poet. Poems ins portuguese. [101 words]
Blank by Lithium - [89 words]
Black Rose Garden by Josh Anderson I wrote this late tonight, just came to me, I'd appreciate your input. Thanks. [47 words]
At Peace by Dri - [26 words]
Ash's In My Fall by Josh Anderson Lonely brings back the best memories doesnt it? (not). The night that Ash, was my fall. [257 words]
Andy Warhol by J L Jayro Luna Jayro Luna is a brazilian underground poet. Poems writes in portuguese. [85 words]
And I Wonder by Amber Wilson This poem is supposedly describing my "thoughts" and how I feel sometimes. [69 words]
All Because I Couldn't Protect Myself by Rachela Altrogge - [92 words]
A Rose, Dove And Friend by Vodka Ryuki Mint A poem I did during one of my boring classes, i'll appreciate your input, thank you. [55 words]
A Day At The Shrinks by Katherine Smith - [124 words]
A Boy's Dream Of A Geek by Liezl V Baje Baje A lost love. [942 words]
9 Days And 18 Hours by Seth Dearmas Over spring break my girlfriend went down to florida and I was really depresed,I called her... [226 words]

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Your Prison Cell
Another Rikers Island experience.This poem is about an 19 year old inmate named Ralph Porter.I discovered him hanging in his prison cell one night while I was working the graveyard shift.
[382 words]
David Daniels
I am a retired New York City Corrections Officer that is currently attending Nassau Community College. I am studying creatve writing, and I hope to make my living as a writer now that I'm retired.I am 41 years old and currently divorced and living in Long Island.
[April 2011]
Apparently, I've Gone Insane (Poetry) Just a pleasant little poem that came to me one night while listening to the radio. [296 words]
Brave Soldier (Poetry) A poem about love and war. [208 words] [Romance]
Captain Courageous (Poetry) This poem is about my older brother who is a retired Captain of the NYC Correction Dept.This is not another Rikers Island experience.It's about a man with an addiction who found the courage to enter r... [597 words] [Spiritual]
Day Of The Drunken One (Poetry) About 20 years ago I got engaged and my fiance and I threw ourselves a nice engagement party.I got totally wasted and made a complete asshole of myself.So I thought I'd write a poem about it. [424 words] [Relationships]
Feel The Blade (Poetry) This poem is about a young girl named Lisa Fernandez. She was an inmate at Rikers Island hospital. She was hospitalized because she took a 'shank' and cut herself up. [330 words]
Forever, I Will Always Love You (Poetry) This poem is dedicated to my partner in life,my best friend and the greatest woman I know, my wife Ann. [291 words]
God's Hands (Poetry) Okay,I know I said I was going to write poetry that was more positive.But when I feel sad I write and this poem reflects that. [280 words]
Happy Songs (Poetry) A poem about child abuse. [279 words]
Hoping For A Resurrection (Poetry) Just a poem that came to me about relationships.It seems when I write about relationships I always write about saying goodbye.This one is about a broken hearted person that still has hope. [250 words] [Relationships]
Hoping To Find Happiness Again (Poetry) Many years ago I was diagnosed with manic depression.These last couple of days I've been really feeling the effects of my illness.So I thought I'd write a poem about it. [543 words] [Psychology]
I Wish The Darkness Would Disappear (Poetry) Just a poem that can to me one night when I couldn't sleep. [487 words]
I'm Losing Control (Poetry) I spent many years suffering from the dark demons of depression.I wrote this poem during that time.Don't make me out to be a Devil worshipper or anything like that,it's just a poem that expresses the ... [245 words] [Horror]
In My Mind (Poetry) This is a poem written by my 17 year-old niece,Andrea.Her grandpa passed away from cancer last November.She wrote this poem in memory of him and read it at his funeral.I was so moved by the poem that ... [375 words] [Spiritual]
It Is Time To Say-Goodbye (Poetry) This is a poem about something we've all been through, breaking up with a loved one. [297 words] [Drama]
Junkie (Poetry) Another Rikers Island experience.This poem is about an inmate named Robert Ramirez. He was carried to the clinic one night by the riot squad where they handcuffed him to a bed because he was violent a... [395 words] [Crime]
My Brother Is Dead But I'm Doing Fine (Poetry) No need for words the poem speaks for itself. [375 words] [Psychology]
My Daddy (Poetry) This is a poem by the love of my life, my 8 year old daughter Daniela Jane,she wants to be a poet just like her dad.The piece was written word for word the only thing I corrected was the spelling. [114 words]
My Sad Little Boy (Poetry) A poem about the hardships of fatherhood and raising a son. [379 words] [Relationships]
My Sweet Daniela Jane (Poetry) A poem about the love of my life, my 8 year old daughter. [149 words]
One Heart (Poetry) I was taking a writing class at Nassau Community College and one of my class mates,a girl named Lenora,wrote an essay about how her heart belongs to Jesus.Her essay is what inspired me to write this p... [278 words] [Spiritual]
Separate Ways (Poetry) Another poem about how hard relationships can be especially if you love someone and they don't love you back. [371 words] [Romance]
Tales Of Tito: Essay Of An Inmate (Essays) Are you a fan of the movie,'Goodfellas?' Then check out this story about the life of a criminal named Tito. [2,718 words] [Crime]
Temporarily Misplaced (Poetry) Felt like writing a blues rock song.If any of you rock musicians want to use my lyrics in a song, don't plagiarize me!Just leave me a message in the review section and I'll get in touch with you.Hopef... [480 words]
The Game Of Life (Poetry) It took me a week to write this poem and I think it's one of my best.It's about the hardships of life,the difficult world we live in and the current events that surround us. [832 words] [Drama]
The Light Of Tomorrow (Poetry) I think I'm going to go in a different path and start writing poetry that's more positive.Even though I suffer with depression does that mean every poem has to be sad? This one is a start on that new ... [162 words] [Motivational]
The Mystery Of My Mind-Subtitle:The Things I've Tried (Poetry) I was just about to go to my son's baseball game when suddenly I stopped and sat down to write this poem.My wife thought I was crazy but what else can you do when you get an urge to write but write.Ne... [469 words]
The Preacher And His Friend (Poetry) I truly feel that this is one of the best poems I've ever written because it tells a story as well.However, because the poem tells a story, the sentences are rather long. So I hope the structure of th... [319 words] [Drama]
The Questions Of Love (Poetry) Questions we must all ask ourselves. [455 words]
The Smoke Inside You (Poetry) A poem about the fears I have about my wife's pack a day cigarette habit. [231 words]
Unanswered Questions (Poetry) Don't mind this one because I just wanted to see if I could write a poem with three consecutive rhyming words.So the poem might seem a little forced.I've been reading a lot of poetry on this website a... [340 words]
Wighead (Poetry) I went bald at the age of 20 and it devastated me.Then I did a stupid thing and went out and bought a toupee.Yep,that's right, I was a wig wearer.It was the most horrible time of my life.Can you imagi... [543 words] [Comedy]
Your Prison Cell
David Daniels

Hanging from the ceiling
With a look of desperation on your face
Now your soul is no longer caged
Maybe it's floating somewhere in space

You started to pay for your crimes
But instead you took your life
You had to use the sheets of your bed
Because you didn't have access to a knife

You couldn't take the prison walls
You couldn't stand to be caged
You took your life in desperation
You took your life because you were enraged

You couldn't handle your sentence
You couldn't pay for your crimes
You would rather spend your next life in eternity
Then stay in jail and do your time

Will you reach Heavens gate?
Will your soul be saved?
Did you die and go to Hell already?
When you were locked up in a cage

You couldn't lead a normal life
You had to lead a life of sorrow
Now you are dead and gone
You'll never face another tomorrow

Your life ended after nineteen years
And your life of crime started young
Now your life of crime is over
Seems like your life never begun

Never had someone to love you
Never experienced happiness or fun
Tried to find the answers of life
With violence and a gun

Could you have turned a new leaf?
If you were suddenly set free
Or would you have returned to prison
And put back into a cage that is locked with a key

Now no one will ever know
Just what life had in store for you
You paid for your crimes in death
Will the angels in Heaven see you through?

Do you believe in the death penalty?
Are you for prisoners rights?
It doesn't really matter for Ralph because he decided his fate
When he hanged himself that night

Will you be remembered when your buried?
Deep in a shallow grave
Could you have led a better life?
And now can your soul be saved?

You made all the wrong choices
Your life was a complete wreck
Now you are lifeless
As you dangle from your neck

To bad you had to die in prison
To bad you couldn't die in a better place
Have you found freedom in death?
I can't tell by the expression of your lifeless face

You couldn't be a man
And carry out your prison term
In ten years you would have been free
Now in Hell,forever your soul will burn

But I truly hope you found Heaven
I truly hope the Lord spared you from Hell
Wherever you are I hope you found forgiveness
Because you didn't find it in your prison cell




"this is a great poem. one of your best......ann" -- ann.
"Got to agree, great poem, touching subject and although depressing maybe peace for some of us can only be found in this way. " -- Rebecca.
"Great work again, It's always great to see a new face come out with great work...Hope it continues." -- Buxton.
"nice poem! write more :3" -- Vodka R.yuki Mint.
"I liked the poem a lot, it flowed really well and it kept my attention. Great Job!" -- Charice Boyd, Evansville, IN, USA.
"good poem, but u need to change hung to hanged cause hanged is the proper term when its a person thats hanging. http://www.dictionary.net/hanging" -- matt.
"Thank you very much for the correction Matt and thank you for making me aware of dictionary.net." -- David D.
"How sad..." -- mattie.
"thanks dave for your poem,very interesting.I can identify since I am a nyc correction officer(retired).." -- jason velasquez, brooklyn, us, new york.
"Love the poem alot ... really sad but it really kept my attention" -- Ryan, port charlotte, Florida, US.


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© 2005 David Daniels
May 2005

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