A beautiful young single African American mother, who is accomplishing her goals and succeding through some of lifes toughest objections and distractions. I learned a long time ago, that no matter what I go through or what someone says about me, or whoever may disbelive in me. That I will make it. I am determined to and I believe in myself no matter what odds I am facing. For better or for worst, I can do something about anything I face. I accept all challenges except death, because I can't do anything dead. [September 2005]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (10) Cuntroversy (Short Stories) A story with several twists and turns, as she whispers the words in his ear " you never know the underlining truth " CUNTROVERSY" History proves women are smarter! [183 words] [Erotic] Hot Baby (Songs) Intro: The way you make me feel. [106 words] [Mind] Illegalllll Immigrants Pu-Lease (Plays) This play is about a African American woman struggling to survive and take care of her family; however, she can't because all the employers in her city is hiring illegal immigrants, and telling her sh... [454 words] [History] It Is My Business (Poetry) This poem is about other people business, but your own. [123 words] [Comedy] Start Asking Questions (Poetry) This poem is about relationships? [136 words] [Fantasy] The Lying Voice (Short Stories) Ms.Johnson a successfully, established woman whom is constantly batteling this tormenting voice in her head. This voice has become a personal war her against the voice. Is she worthless as the voice... [425 words] [Mind] The Wendy Williams Pu-Lease (Poetry) A big Phat Shout Out to my girl Wendy Williams on her Pu-lease to the people who did not give one brown cent to the Katrina Hurricane Victims, and the victims who did not accept help after loosing eve... [203 words] This Spirt In Me (Screenplays) Theme is Two woman act. A young lady name Kim desperately trying to find her purpose in this world. She calls the request line to speak to disc jockey about her issues. [775 words] [Drama] Umn Is All I Can Say (Poetry) This poem is about handsom or beautiful women that make you Umn. [95 words] [Fantasy] Who Said? (Poetry) This poem is about courage and believing in yourself, when no one else believes in you, your parents, family, or friends. It's human nature to walk by sight and not by faith; however, faith is the be... [26 words] [Adventure]
Ciggaretts Yessayana Hartfield
It appeard to look glamerous
sofisticated, mature
even the woman smoking it
looked good
I want to be like you
I thought to myself
so I asked for a ciggarett
I lit it, inhaled, even chocked
it burned my lungs
still, that didn't scare me
I'll get this, I thought
and I did
In fact, I still have it today, 22 years later.
I tried to quit, but the ciggaretts won't allow me.
I stopped for two weeks the first time
picked up again and started smoking more.
The second time, I stopped for, four days picked up again
and I started smoking more, and more.
I found myself buying two packs of ciggaretts.
I started evaluating myself, to see was I really
smoking two packs of ciggaretts a day
or just giving them away?
Then I finally looked at the cost
and realized, wait a minute this cost more than weed
and it don't get me high.
Then I thought damn, at least the heroin addicts
have morphene to help kick their habits.
When I try to stop smoking, I get anxiety, my mood changes, I am angry,
frustrated, don't have time and don't want to talk to anyone
it seems at that time everything seems to aggrivate me
and my worst enemy, the one that I always run to
seems to comfort me, console me, and makes me feel like it's okay.
Woe, this is not suppose to have me like this
I'm not on crack, or heroin, or alcohol,
nor am I addicted to men, work, the streets, money, or partying
so why does the drug, because I am addicted to ciggartetts
have so much control over me, versus me having control over it?
I don't want to die from lung cancer,
or be speaking with one of those voice controlled boxes.
It would be such a sad way to go out
for such a beautiful young lady.
I can't blame anyone, but myself
I want to stop killing myself slowly.
"This is a very descriptive and eye opening example of what cigarretts do to smokers. It should be posted on the cigarrett ads!" -- Misty, Lynn, MA.
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