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Full Steam Ahead by Amarjit Bhambra A Child's first Train..... [31 words]
The Flower Of Life by Amarjit Bhambra - [34 words]
Sisterly Love? by Amarjit Bhambra Some of the things that happen in our teens... [106 words]
Shine Your Light by Amarjit Bhambra - [62 words]
Pardise In Neasden by Amarjit Bhambra - [75 words]
Our First Pet by Amarjit Bhambra About a cocktel which we had for 11 years and one of our first pet. [128 words]
By The Sea by Amarjit Bhambra Its were we all like to be. [82 words]
An Unbalanced World by Amarjit Bhambra - [168 words]
The Rude And The Polite by Amarjit Bhambra - [35 words]
My Faith In God Is Unconditional by Green Emerald - [271 words]
Wrapped Up By The Sky by Snowflakesoft Just wish to meet someone who's like the sky... [119 words]
My Favourate Flower.....An Orchid. by Amarjit Bhambra They are beautiful and smell nice,,,,, [48 words]
My Great Grand-Dad by Green Emerald - [245 words]
Honour by Green Emerald Recently there have been a lot of stories on the News regarding honour killings, it made me think, so I ... [113 words]
You've Changed Me by Alia Harold - [149 words]
You Love Her by Carla Thomson - [120 words]
Wrings Of Change by April M Hansen Its about casting out the evil things in your life This is one of my early poems when i was a ... [70 words]
Where Is It? by Carla Thomson - [53 words]
What Is Important To You? by Andrews - [32 words]
Untainted Beauty Wanting.......... by Cynara Moore This poem depicts a girl of our modern day society, who is considered sort o... [136 words]
U Blew It by Jay Little Just as I got on the computer I came up with this,straight from the head. [150 words]
Turn Down The Sound by Carla Thomson - [62 words]
Time Goes By by Kate Kerrison Sometimes time just seems to slip by so slowly and then splat you turn round and 5 years have gone... [115 words]
Thinking Of My Past by Carla Thomson - [81 words]
Things My Heart Misses by Jessica Barth - [76 words]
These Tears Of Blood by Chloe L Batey I started to think of the idea after I got in trouble one night, but there was a block... ... [49 words]
There Now by Andrews - [56 words]
The Yun And The Yin by Amarjit Bhambra So you know what it means? [59 words]
The Waves They Tell Me by Amarjit Bhambra - [1,250 words]
The Thigh Boots by Amarjit Bhambraaa A teen girl who became our friend when we came to England in the early 60's. [87 words]
The Tear by Katherine Smith - [269 words]
The Owl by Amarjit Bhambraaa - [52 words]
The Move by Andrews - [45 words]
The Impact Of Her
The First Shower Of The Year by Snowflakesoft It's about the exuberance of the first droplets of rain on dry ground, the smell, ... [80 words]
The Drums Of Jericho by Sasu - [173 words]
The Age Of The Less Forgotten by Carla Thomson I don’t really understand it, even though I wrote it. these words just came to me... [83 words]
Thank You God... by Bhambra For answering all my prayers...... [118 words]
Some Things I Thought You Should Know. by Rochelle Lynn Schriner-Stowell October 5th (tommorrow) is me and my fiance's one year anniversary so ba... [311 words]
So Angry by Alishia A Farfaglia - [298 words]
Rhapsody Of The Night Rain by Buxton Evolve from a dream, awaken, see your love, but do not be mistaken. [458 words]
Red Bride by Green Emerald - [127 words]
Raven by Rae - [83 words]
Questioning Identity by Cynara Moore This poem is sort of self explanatory in its title. It literally depicts someone questioni... [159 words]
Picture by Carla Thomson - [101 words]
One Single Rose by Jay Little How one thing can bring joy to many other,but only if you let it. [159 words]
One Man by Matthew Mark Gill With God All Things Are Possiable Can only do so much. [209 words]
Once I Thought Hypocrisy by Randall Barfield I,too, have felt the knife. [50 words]
Old Quake by Randall Barfield One Halloween he grabbed a knife Then hid behind the door... [119 words]
Nothing More From You by Noel States Just another silly unrequited love type poem. [174 words]
Nik Nany by Matthew Mark Gill Crying Eh Great poem with a messege. [86 words]
Never Ending Desires by Green Emerald Pay Day!Goes faster than it comes!We're never satisified by what we have, we're always too... [182 words]
Mysterious Comfort by April M Hansen A very special person to me. [152 words]
My Love Tell Me by Alishia A Farfaglia - [117 words]
My Husband by Green Emerald - [64 words]
Miracles Do Happen by Kate Kerrison Waiting for the miracle to happen. [66 words]
Mind Cages by Req - [14 words]
Mental Art by Amarjit Bhambra Picture painted via da Mood. [100 words]
Loving Me Loving You by Green Emerald Loving me Loving You Is this the best you can do [136 words]
Love Defined by Andrews - [45 words]
Little Words by Tamsin Butler I wanted to see if I could do a rhyming poem about life, would really appreciate any comments :) [256 words]
Life Wasted Sitting by Carla Thomson - [99 words]
Life Can Take You Up And Down by Amarjit Bhambra - [103 words]
Just Like Your Dad by Amarjit Bhambra - [61 words]
Jam Sandwiches by Kate Kerrison In a very silly mood when I wrote this. [34 words]
Irreality Showing by Kendall Wilt To all the lazy, unmotivated, selfish existance individuals who let the world slip through th... [71 words]
In The Shadows by Cc - [111 words]
In Out by Amarjit Bhambra Figure it out A Hiku - meaning a small four line verse poem. [24 words]
I'm Not Gonna Be Beat by Alia Harold - [77 words]
I Miss How We Used To Be by Jessica Barth - [131 words]
Horror Haiku by Kendall Wilt Oh how terrible. [13 words]
Hate The One You Love by Green Emerald - [177 words]
Granite Miles by Buxton A poem about my Home City of Aberdeen in Scotland. [129 words]
Gone Forever by Nikky Epperly - [58 words]
God Please Help Me by Carla Thomson - [51 words]
Get Out Of My Head by Carla Thomson - [205 words]
From Womb To Tomb by Snowflakesoft Just about the feeling of what life is... [117 words]
Fly Like A Sparrow by Carla Thomson - [64 words]
Everyone's Crap by Carla Thomson - [249 words]
Empty Hearted by Jessica Barth - [112 words]
Don't Restrain My Inner Beauty! by Cynara Moore - [116 words]
Don't Look At Me by M Q Walters No need to don the mask...don't look at me. [181 words]
Does Anybody Need A Pray, Let Me Pray For You... by Bhambra I like to help, heal or pray to get anyone out. of their troub... [164 words]
Do Yea Remember Those Eyebrows Gil? by Amarjit Bhambra Some of the funny things that happen to us in life.... [131 words]
Distress by Rebecca H Toner Its quite a intensely depressing poem! [236 words]
Dawn Of Dead Dreams by Buxton A 17 year old man dies in 1915 on the peninsular. His war has finished. His life has been f... [239 words]
Congratulations by Carla Thomson I wrote this for an art project at school... we have to make 3-4 card and this was one of them... [55 words]
Changes In The Wind by Jay Little How changes can happen yet how you learn to flow with it. [169 words]
Cages by April M Hansen FINDING YOURSELF. [89 words]
Broken Inside by Noel States This poem really just came to me when I was upset over the fact that the boy I liked did not like... [62 words]
Boys Vs Girls! by Green Emerald Who's more important? Aren't we supposed to be equal? [106 words]
Boing! by Kate Kerrison Anticipation, waiting for him to arrive and boing go my heartstrings. [85 words]
Blue Thorns by April M Hansen Wrongdoing of mother. [175 words]
Best Of Me by Crystalrae States The best relationship of my life...I miss him... [808 words]
Back Through The Trees by Randall Barfield This evil took place both day and night. [50 words]
As She Waits by Aa Farfaglia Waiting for the responce of someone you are telling you like. [123 words]
Apple by Sasu - [156 words]
Alice by Gene Boris - [821 words]
Alarm Clock by Carla Thomson - [91 words]
A Peice Of Spain by Amarjit Bhambra I have not been back to Spain since 27 years! [65 words]
A Missing Part by Curious - [28 words]
A Little Something To Think About by Katherine Smith - [94 words]
A Life A New by Andrews - [68 words]
A Girl's Best Friend by Samantha R Little - [143 words]
A Fleck Of Sand by Carla Thomson - [115 words]
A Card For My Love by Carla Thomson Ok... this isn't a card I sent to anyone... and no one sent this to me... i wrote this for m... [92 words]

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The Impact Of Her
The feeling of a girl thats still with me to this day,yet she has been gone for awhile.
[656 words]
Jay Little
from the mind to the computer
[August 2008]
911:A Poem (Poetry) This was written a little after 911 but I just find it [70 words] [History]
An Amazing Dream (Poetry) It's about how when you think you wake up and everything seems real and where your at is so great but then you wake up [150 words] [Drama]
At A Point In My Life (Poetry) The title should say it all and if you read it it'll hit even harder. [112 words] [Mind]
Changes In The Wind (Poetry) How changes can happen yet how you learn to flow with it. [169 words]
Cornileus Capers:A World Of Darkness-Episode 1...The Light In The Dark,The Beginning (Short Stories) It's about a man surviving in a world of dark-like creatures,with only himself by his side he seeked to change the world to how it was before everyone he knew died.IT'S NOT DONE YET [1,800 words] [Fantasy]
Free-Style (Poetry) it is what it is [139 words] [Mind]
Free-Style2 (Poetry) - [394 words]
Gotta Runaway (Songs) I wrote a poem about this but then I wrote a song to. [212 words] [Drama]
Have Not Met You Yet (Poetry) Just something that has been in my mind and I've decided to write it down. [112 words] [Romance]
Hot Passion (Poetry) It's a peom about passion heated up just a little bit. [206 words] [Romance]
I Miss Her (Poetry) It's about the girl in this girl. [89 words] [Mind]
Living With The Pain (Poetry) How I have learned to leave with sum pains in life and how i've gotten so used to them that i'm started to like the pain and starting to expext it to happen.Sounds crazy...it is [270 words] [Mind]
Lost Love (I Didn't Find Yet) (Songs) You know how it's said that everyone has someone somewhere well I just wanna hurry up and find that person. [143 words] [Relationships]
Love-N-Pain (Poetry) It explans itself. [223 words] [Mind]
Now Or Never (Poetry) Read it and see [229 words] [Mind]
On The Edge Of Life And Hell (Poetry) Before u read it it is free-style,and it goes in like two different directions,and it kind of how things are going right now. [337 words] [Mind]
One Single Rose (Poetry) How one thing can bring joy to many other,but only if you let it. [159 words] [Motivational]
Runaway Life (Poetry) It's based on my life as it going. [335 words] [Drama]
The Forever Fire (Poetry) It's basically saying make the right decisions before it's tell late to change so decided where you wanna go now. [179 words] [Spiritual]
The World:Now (Poetry) It's a little piece about how I see the world as it is now in the present how this might be the best of times or the worst. [197 words] [Motivational]
This Girl (Poetry) It's about this girl,my first love but the only problem is I didn't know that I loved her until I lost her.And now it's like more I don't see her the more I love. [151 words] [Relationships]
U Blew It (Poetry) Just as I got on the computer I came up with this,straight from the head. [150 words] [Relationships]
Untitled-Freestyle (Poetry) Straight from the flow of feelings to the computer [198 words] [Mind]
Why Do I Go Through With It (Poetry) It's about how my life is at a certain point right now I'm starting to can't handle it. [236 words] [Drama]
The Impact Of Her
Jay Little

                 The Impact Of Her

Even though
i've seen her many times
i can't stop looking
at how the sun shines
her eyes
make me want her
and her smile
contagiously wonders
she has the impact
of rain and thunder
so hot and beautiful
the impact of the summer
one night with her
could last for days
like the ocean waves
when i'm with her
i can dream
and still be awake
the impact of her
could journey many miles
and climb many mountains
her kiss
upon my lips
has the impact of an eclipse
to conceal me for the moment
she has the impact
as the sun does for the day
and the moon does for the night
she lights my life
she can make foreven
happen in one night
i love her
and thats the impact
she's brought in my life
i thought i would
remain the same
yet she had the impact
to change the impact of her
could make the world go around
turn a frown up-side-down
bring you up high
when your feeling down
her impact
a fallen comet
striking the ground
the impact of her
had impacted on me
made me a better person
i'm thankful for she
i thank god
for sending a angel to me
the impact of her
is endless
so tremendous
when she's near
she make the earth shake around me
like there was an earthquake around me
the impact of her
i love when it occurs
a second away
can make me miss her
the immpact of the perfect storm
which can rattle oceans
the same effect
as spells and love potions
the impact of her
can kill
not as in death
but any bad or sad
things you might feel
she can raise
spirits and souls
the impact of her
a flower's scent to one's nose
her hair
silky and smooth
i don't think someone so perfect
can be improved
the impact of her
could make my heart race
and speed up it's pace to first place
her impact could change
any look on my face
her body
had the impact
to raise the temperature
and rock anything in it's way
her voice
seemed like in a room of darkness
the only light
the impact of her
could heat the coldest night
and make beautiful
out of a horrorible sight
she could heal any hurt
make anything work
calm any berserk
she has the impact
as air does for breathing
i hope i don't feel
the impact of her leaving
the impact of her
is like torados and hurricanes
and for limping legs
she has the impact of a cane
and when i wake
she's the first thought in my mind
and the last when i go to sleep
and close my eyes
then i dream about her
the most beautiful dreams
the impact of her
is the most beautful thing
think about her all day long
she has an impact so strong
the impact of her
could do no wrong
an impact so big
has done so much
send shivers down my spine
with just one touch
and one kiss
sends me for a trip
around the world and back again
the impact of her
i'm glad i had
the chance to feel
the impact of her
but when it gone
it hit hard
and leaves scars
located in the heart
trapped behind emotional bars
the impact of her
has left me
yet it's still here and it still hurts
it keeps me up all night
and late for work
Th e impact of her
does both good and bad
the worst and the best
begins and ends
the impact of both love and pain
love her when she's here
and feel the pain when she's gone
the impact of her
i gotta live without it
Damn...i gotta live without it
the impact of her
through thick and thin
no matter what i'm pround of it



"I really liked it. " -- CrystalRae, cedarville, OH.


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© 2006 Jay Little
October 2006

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