I Love You Baby by Jasmine P Batey A small love poem [107 words] Heaven... by Jasmine P Batey Another little poem about BOTHE suicide AND love. [140 words] Why The Gun? by Jasmine P Batey Just a small poem [95 words] Estimated Love by Amarjit Bhambra Love has its values in measures, amounts and cost... [74 words] Don't Judge Me Via A Book By It's Cover by Amarjit Bhambra I say don't judge anyone even a ........ [207 words] The First Cry by Amarjit Bhambra And l wonder why [45 words] Praying For A Mircle.... by Amarjit Bhambra Please have heart and join in pray for a mircle for a very sick boy who was involved i... [96 words] Prayers by Amarjit Bhambra Prayers can... [40 words] A Message For Christmas....... by Amarjit Bhambra A Little song that l always remember from my childhood which l learned in Sunday... [80 words] United In Spirit by Kymberlie Weir This is written about a friend very close to my heart. We are not in each others everyday life... [229 words] “How Many Soldiers?” by Cedric McClester This poem is an examination of the New York Post's right wing leanings, relative to the wa... [96 words] Your Red, Red Heart by Randall Barfield ...You might with flair and a bit of art... [73 words] Your First Kiss For Me by Amarjit Bhambra My one and only......... [43 words] You Will Never Be The King by Green Emerald Please feel free to comment. This is about someone I'm unfortunatly related to. [221 words] You Need A Beating! by Carla Thomson - [142 words] Wondrous God by Green Emerald Thanks to the success of this poem I can now call myself a poet. This has now made me a semi-final... [142 words] Wonderful World by Green Emerald - [154 words] Wishing For In Haiku Form... by Amarjit Bhambra Short and sweet. [11 words] What Will She Be Like? by Green Emerald All married women will like this one..something you can all relate to [211 words] What Is This Thing Called Love? by Amarjit Bhambra It hurts to see love that is blind? [176 words] What I Couldn't Live Without by Green Emerald - [135 words] What Friendship Is All About by Chad Naquin Just poetry [54 words] Weather,Rain by P L L Loomis It was a rainy day and this how I could dicribe it. [66 words] Weak With Belief Wanderer by Wanderer Bass This could describe who I am and my goals. [28 words] Unfair by Jack Primer A person That is sad about her friend who is about to die. [50 words] Two Of God's Great Kingdoms by Green Emerald The World We Live In & Heaven Where We Hope To Live In One Day [246 words] Treat Everyday As Your Last by Jordan Holetzky Just a little poem I made up.... [104 words] Today, I Dream… by Snowflakesoft My first amateur effort at writing on romance! [83 words] To --- Tear by Duke Sekhon One who can hold back a sudden rush of tears is indeed a well accomplished person! [138 words] The You by Andrews - [16 words] The Way You Burn Me by Krystal G Smith About the beginnings of an affair [111 words] The Waves - In The Earth And The World by Snowflakesoft - [91 words] The Storm Inside Him by Peter Rivendell The Storm Inside Him [108 words] The Pure Love by Andrews - [49 words] The Pull by Kendall Wilt I can feel myself growing older at a rapid pace....This is an expression of my feelings towards that [42 words] The Perception Of A Whore by Cynara Moore About the ideal of a whore or what is percieved to be one. [135 words] The Kings by Kate Kerrison Can be sung to the tune of we three kings of orient are [166 words] The Happy Hourglass by Buxton Final Poem of 2006. [160 words] The Great Procrastination by T J Rintoull Self explanatory, really. [121 words] The Golden Man by T J Rintoull Originally I thought to make this a story - but I thought it better as a short poem. [96 words] The Girl In The Mirror by Emily Maria Wallman - [183 words] The Game Of... by Wanderer Bass Bring your friends to the party, I'm sure you'll love my game... [204 words] The Christmas Season by Christina Breck Poem about Christmas [123 words] The Capturer by Andrews - [48 words] The Art Of Smiling by Green Emerald - [86 words] Thank You Great Britain by Green Emerald - [200 words] Thank You For Everything by Wegner - [57 words] Test Of Trust by Snowflakesoft - [132 words] Tale Of A Large Menace by Kyle J Douglas Epic poem reminiscent of Monty Python & the Holy Grail. Sort of a Beowulf spoof. [470 words] Sweet Memories by Green Emerald Memories are what we Have. Dreams are what we live for [198 words] Subdued by Audra Audra Her spirit was feeling deprived of companionship, even in the midst of friends. [75 words] Stop Looking To The Skies by Carla Thomson - [45 words] Still Waiting by Carla Thomson - [95 words] Sorrow by Johnson Courtney A poem that represents the evil within. [34 words] Sonata Of Innocent Waves by Snowflakesoft - [117 words] Sleep Insane by T J Rintoull Continuation of California Gothic, but from a different mind, view, philosophy and life. [83 words] Shocked by Carla Thomson - [74 words] Sectarian? (Oh, No My Friend) by Cedric McClester I think this poem speaks for itself. [60 words] Rhythm Sans Rhyme by Snowflakesoft - [77 words] Release & Awaken by Audra Audra Love cannot live when someone is in dispair and unable to see what it is. It is unfortunate th... [130 words] Raindrops Of Thoughts by Katie Brock - [82 words] Praising Him by Carla Thomson - [100 words] Power Of Love by Green Emerald - [193 words] Poena Convoco by T J Rintoull Another metaphoric, or perhaps not so metaphoric attack on the modern world - but as always I see... [120 words] Poena Aetas by T J Rintoull As always, sophomore description of heartache and pain, this time expressed as a tattoo. [83 words] Personal Revelation by Katie Ford Contemporary waters flow into eternal existence mist sprinkles in the hand of the beholder ... [162 words] Perception by Jack Primer A short poem on how we see ourselves and others. [26 words] Outspoken by Req - [30 words] Ode To The Bathroom Scales by Kate Kerrison I have a hate hate relationship with the bathroom scales [83 words] No More Creeps For Me by Carla Thomson - [78 words] Nine-Eleven Is The Boogie Man by Cedric McClester This poem speaks for itself. [50 words] My Son by Green Emerald Beautiful memories of when I had my first born [197 words] My First Christmas Without You by Green Emerald Bad memories follow like shadows [272 words] Move Or Sit Still by Jack Primer Is life predetermined? then what is the point in doing something with your life? [27 words] Moonlight Oceanside by Kendall Wilt - [70 words] Merry Christmas by Green Emerald Seasons Greetings [47 words] Matthew by Carla Thomson Well you know who you are.. lol i just read your poem... I thought you'd like a poem more than a review... [122 words] Love Poem by Audra Haney Very naughty sweetness! [103 words] Lost In Time by Green Emerald - [273 words] Looks Given by Andrews - [134 words] Life… Is Melody by Snowflakesoft Nature,Nature, Nature....! [139 words] Lets Clean The Slate by Carla Thomson Something I just wrote.. I see more than one meaning in it.. well it's here for everyone t... [91 words] Left With A Sigh by Cynara Moore A poem about how we sometimes fall for the wrong guy for us. It just basically expresses some ... [103 words] It's My Birthday! by Carla Thomson I just wrote it... tell me what you think... I think it get's a little of the subject... all ... [198 words] It Was One Day Before Christmas....... by Amarjit Bhambra - [88 words] It Was All In Vain by Dri To live life in a sentimental "coma" state, may be devastating. [107 words] Is What L Hate, Is What L ................. by Amarjit Bhambra Do you know the feeling? [356 words] Inspirations From A Broken Heart¢¾ by Sidney Kinney THIS IS A POEM ABOUT HOW MY EX-BOYFRIEND INSPIRED ME! [141 words] Innocence Of A Child by Green Emerald - [110 words] I'm Sorry, But I Can No Longer Be Yours by Audra Audra How true that a person is responsible for mending their own broken hear... [307 words] Ignorance Is Good? by Jack Primer Is ignorance good? Only until I learn that it is wrong. [12 words] If You Really Think There's A War On Terror by Cedric McClester It's poor semantics to label what we're doing in Iraq and elsewhere... [29 words] I Will Try To Take The Pain Away by Green Emerald For my husband who suffers from severe pains in his stomach [51 words] I Want To Fight by Jack Primer I am trying to inspire a feeling of guilt. a short poem I wrote. [22 words] I Saw You by Wanderer Bass Stalking a girl is like being a ninja during the time of Christmas. [126 words] I Hate Poetry by Mandi Butkovich Blah.....Just read it... [137 words] I Confess (Utter Geniouslessness) by Kendall Wilt Earth!!! Because there is no where else to go [101 words] I Actually Did It. by Req - [69 words] He Is With Us All The Way.... by Bhambra And for us all he is........ [123 words] Haikus Erotiques by Randall Barfield -These represent an exercise that's fun. Steve Mount has some others at saltyrain.com but the... [113 words] God’S Show by Snowflakesoft Marvelling at nature's beauty [85 words] God's Grace Is Always Given, But Not Always Accepted by Jack Primer A haiku, about the feeling I have. [7 words] God Is Working On Another Mircle by Amarjit Bhambra Please continue praying for Payam for today l have read that after 5 weeks he ... [44 words] Ghost With The Pink Razor by Jenelle Marie Dayton My poem...this is my most personal one. It really deals with the issues of girls toda... [811 words] Forever Friends by Green Emerald - [160 words] First & Last Love by Green Emerald Love [201 words] Finding An Exit by Michael J Musto A women comes home from work to a drunk, abusive husband. [330 words] Faith In Life by Green Emerald The key to never give up on life is to have FAITH! [151 words] Empty Threats by Green Emerald About a unwanted relative. [116 words] Empathetic by Cynara Moore Describes how we feel when people make assumptions about how we feel and correlates our alikeness to... [149 words] Do We Care? by Snowflakesoft For those less fortunate... [178 words] Dementium by Wanderer Bass - [170 words] Crime And Me by Wanderer Bass A commition to crime where there are only two involved. [159 words] Cost Of Fitting In by Jack Primer What whould do to become popular. [10 words] Come Due by M Q Walters ...eventually it all comes due [156 words] Cold Days by Green Emerald - [144 words] Christmas by Green Emerald A Simple Christmas. [189 words] California Stop by Kendall Wilt I wrote this on a napkin with jumbled up words like wiping up some sort of mental mess [69 words] California Gothic by T J Rintoull This poem is simultaneously a blighted personal love poem and one big metaphor for an attack ... [155 words] Betsy by Nick Paul Phillip Laprarie A sad tale of a dead child. [79 words] Best Friends by Jessica Jackson This is a poem I wrote for one of my best friends. I showed many people the poem and they said it... [74 words] Beauty Of Horror by Rae - [87 words] Be A Candle by Snowflakesoft What we can do in the world... [216 words] Bad Day. by Wanderer Bass - [100 words] Ask You by Sasu - [133 words] Apocalypse by Wanderer Bass The German gods didn't like you. [78 words] Angel My Love by Curtis Murray My angel who watches over me [78 words] All Kinds Of Love by Kate Kerrison Can we define love? [41 words] Aged by Kate Kerrison We all grow old eventually [58 words] A Winter Poem by John C Smith Short [26 words] A Thank You by Jordan Holetzky A poem of depression and difficulties written by a teen points of view and a Thank You to someone w... [141 words] A Night I Can't Remember by Kate Kerrison New lyrics for the holly and the ivy [73 words] A Girls Feelings by Alexandria McCaskill - [107 words] Go to page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 [100 ] 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163
Weak With Belief
Do you ever feel weak because you believe? this is a hiaku I wrote. hope you enjoy it [10 words]
Jack Primer
I enjoy writing because no one expects me to. [June 2007]
A Question With No Answere (Poetry) I pose a question that I think can not be answered. [15 words] [Mind] Cost Of Fitting In (Poetry) What whould do to become popular. [10 words] [Mind] Fitting In (Poetry) I wrote this poem because I feel I have to change my self to fit in. [16 words] [Mind] God's Grace Is Always Given, But Not Always Accepted (Poetry) A haiku, about the feeling I have. [7 words] [Mind] I Want To Fight (Poetry) I am trying to inspire a feeling of guilt. a short poem I wrote. [22 words] [Mind] Ignorance Is Good? (Poetry) Is ignorance good? Only until I learn that it is wrong. [12 words] [Mind] Move Or Sit Still (Poetry) Is life predetermined? then what is the point in doing something with your life? [27 words] [Mind] One Day On A Trail (Poetry) Remaining ignorant can sometimes be the easiest path to travel. This poem is about a man who is traveling down a path. [141 words] [Mind] Perception (Poetry) A short poem on how we see ourselves and others. [26 words] [Mind] Random Thought (Poetry) - [35 words] [Mind] The Truth Of A Broken Heart (Poetry) - [21 words] Unfair (Poetry) A person That is sad about her friend who is about to die. [50 words] [Relationships] Why Is My Life So Hard? (Poetry) Short poem. I like it... I hope you do. [11 words]
Weak With Belief Jack Primer
I cannot help it
I feel so inferior
I believe in him
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© 2006 Jack Primer
December 2006