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Mitten The Kitten by Colleen Murray its about a cat at a animal shelter [130 words]
Contradictory Deliverance by Colin Baker - [37 words]
Hey John! How Are Things My Friend? by Colin Baker - [134 words]
You Can't Save Me by M Q Walters - [263 words]
Yearning by Andrews - [29 words]
Sorrows Your Name by Jessi Dark. [66 words]
Sky Rider by Jessi Its based on a book i read... the book was awesome. Its about some part near the ending. I jsut loved... [302 words]
Sincere With Myself by Oksana Klym - [161 words]
Orange County by French - [8 words]
New Life Has Just Begun by David W Brown A poem about going to heaven. [81 words]
My Next Valentine! (Hey, Be My Valentine) by Nikki Zuraidah i never ha a valentine [100 words]
My First And My Last True Love... (My Feelings Over The Death Of My Bf) by Nikki Zuraidah sadness [329 words]
Mists Of Autumn by Chris Grant I wrote this in a moment of depression.. [83 words]
Master Of The Skies by Jessi Its about a raven. I was in maths class... and i saw this beautiful black raven outside. I ... [29 words]
Like A Wave by Randall Barfield - [30 words]
How Lucky Am I? by T Demarest - [160 words]
God, Help Me!! (My Feelings Over The Death Of My Bf) by Nikki Zuraidah Sometimes, it felt like he is still around... [221 words]
For You We Will Stay by Green Emerald A poem by a mother to her son, letting him know she is only sticking around for his sake [62 words]
Everlasting Friend by Alyssa M Arteaga Dedicated to that one person in your life that pulls you up when you fall down. =) [51 words]
Cute Little Kids by Carla Thomson - [63 words]
Bouncing Egg Hider by Graham Reynolds Poem by Graham Reynolds [51 words]
Betrayal Much? by Alyssa M Arteaga Typical feeling of an everyday teenager dealing with the fakeness of peers and friends. [47 words]
A Mothers Day Poem by Amber Bolin a poem for mothers day [49 words]
Will This Instance Deliberate? by Roberto J Moreno It's just a random thought about stuff going on. [166 words]
Vexatious by Tara Bridget Moore Pleasing all of the senses can be very erotic, but ultimately it is very sensual...tarabridgetmoore.w... [173 words]
To Quote by Chris E Ivins A simple case of, not so much writer's block, but the old ego getting in the way of writing for enjoym... [148 words]
Tiny Poem by Randall Barfield - [10 words]
This Feeling Of Hope
There Will Be No Losers by Randall Barfield - [146 words]
The Thoughts Of Thunder by Majen Stewart Ever wonder if the sky had thoughts? Here is its angry voice. I want as much feedback... [102 words]
The Power Of The Pen by Chris E Ivins No rhyme, no meter. Just random thoughts. If we're all honest, wouldn't we prefer to deal... [150 words]
The Heart Of The Aussie Digger by Chris E Ivins What I've always felt about Aussie Diggers. Have we really considered how they f... [284 words]
The Getting Of Wisdom by Chris E Ivins A poem about how the quest for knowledge and status can lead to loneliness and isolation. [295 words]
The Flavor Of Choice by Majen Stewart This extended metaphor represents a choice of relationships I once had. [162 words]
The Falling Rise by Majen Stewart The challenge of overcoming the misunderstood aspirations of youth. [133 words]
Take Her Pompoms by Randall Barfield What's a mom worth in May? [25 words]
Sweet Love by Sierra M L Short - [42 words]
Such A Long Day by Chris E Ivins I wrote this for my daughter Brooke on her last day of Primary School in 2006. It was a sad, bu... [277 words]
See A Rose by Randall Barfield - [35 words]
Rhyme And Reason by Subatra Raman A set of juvenile poems with themes based on reality as well as fantasy.Poems are about nature... [167 words]
Poetri by Tri Tran tri tran is he [55 words]
Oh Mighty One by Simon Grubb conversations with god [332 words]
Ode To Clyde by Tamsin Butler For Clyde who thinks all women all moan about being dumped. [48 words]
Middle Age by Chris E Ivins A short "spoof" about accepting middle age "gracefully"! IF ONLY!! [108 words]
Like A Story by Randall Barfield - [130 words]
Just Cry, Mama by Randall Barfield - [267 words]
In Love... I Shouldn't by Jannah Akira In Love... I Shouldn't [34 words]
I'll Try For You by Carla Thomson - [117 words]
I Always Will Love You by Sierra M L Short This is to my ex-boyfriend who i was with for 1 year and 3 months. [124 words]
Good Night Stream Of Thought by Roberto J Moreno It's a random stream of thought. [143 words]
Diet Of Worms by French - [10 words]
Bush by Randy Johnson - [130 words]
A Moment To Remember by Sierra M L Short - [63 words]

Go to page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 [90] 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163
This Feeling Of Hope
It's just a poem about waking up and realizing the person next to you is simply perfect
[202 words]
Roberto J Moreno
[July 2003]
1st Part Intro (Short Stories) This is the first chapter of a 5-6 chapter story. Enjoy and please give feedback. [1,109 words] [Biography]
2nd Chapter Amsterdam (Short Stories) - [3,000 words]
A Fortnight's Away (Poetry) - [135 words]
A Heart Growing Tired (Poetry) - [291 words]
A Minute Before The Tone. (Poetry) It's a poem about all the thoughts you have before calling that person you like. Yet, you can't really say it all because it might creep them out or it's just safe not to be that vulnerable [169 words]
A Moment In Time (Poetry) It was jsut a thought. I hadn't written anything in a while. I remembered this movie called Commandments with aidan Quinn and Courtney Cox. A great movie about love and misfortune. The beach sequence ... [134 words]
And It’S Just Odd, A Bit Safd (Poetry) - [181 words]
Answers (Poetry) - [110 words]
Aqua (Poetry) - [101 words]
Backstab (Poetry) - [157 words]
Beyond Any Expectation (Poetry) - [49 words] [Travel]
Black And White Memories (Poetry) It's a poem about feeling love. [263 words]
Blame (Poetry) - [127 words]
Blow (Poetry) - [59 words]
Blue Light (Poetry) - [86 words]
Break Up (Poetry) - [153 words]
Buy More Life (Poetry) - [117 words]
Can See It Coming. (Poetry) It's about seeing things happen, but just letting time make decisions. [127 words]
Can't Begin The Start To The End. (Poetry) - [141 words]
Chery (Poetry) - [81 words]
Cheryl (Poetry) - [100 words]
Colour (Poetry) - [111 words]
Damsel In Distress (Poetry) This is about men being misleaded by a woman's wicked ways. Women say men manipulate, but it's backwards. A woman controls a man. "A man will beg, A man will crawl,On the sheer face of love. Like a fl... [204 words]
Dani (Poetry) - [98 words] [Romance]
Daydream Once A Year (Poetry) About a woman I see once a yr and can't help it but be in-like with her. [110 words]
December 13. 1998 (Poetry) - [74 words]
Do I Bring You Down. (Poetry) - [83 words]
Doll (Poetry) - [99 words]
Door (Poetry) - [120 words]
Dream (Poetry) - [53 words]
Dreamt Of A Dream (Poetry) - [109 words]
Dreamt Of A Place (Poetry) - [66 words]
Driving In The Past (Poetry) - [239 words]
Driving To Feel You Near (Poetry) - [146 words]
Drown (Poetry) - [70 words]
Elizabeth Liz (Poetry) This is another poem about Liz. I had written 2 of them cause I wanted a creative contrast, but came out with the same result. Funny how are thoughts can confess or predict the future. [196 words]
Everthing In Its Wrong! (Screenplays) - [1,615 words]
Faith (Poetry) - [190 words]
Fall (Poetry) - [66 words]
Fall In Love (Poetry) - [66 words]
Fallen In Love (Poetry) - [182 words]
Far From Here (Poetry) - [110 words]
Faraway, So Close (Poetry) This poem is about seeing or meeting someone and saying nothing about the connection you both could share. It's about being timid about your feeling and speculation [212 words]
Feels Like The Start (Poetry) Just a note about a long distance romance. [191 words]
Final Hit (Poetry) - [148 words]
Final Thoughts (Poetry) It's a poem about placing your life in perspective, but too lateto make changes. Please offer feedback. [184 words]
Full Moon (Poetry) - [147 words]
Get A Clue (Poetry) - [405 words]
Give (Poetry) - [142 words]
Good (Poetry) - [90 words]
Good Bye (Poetry) - [201 words]
Good Night Stream Of Thought (Poetry) It's a random stream of thought. [143 words]
Government (Poetry) - [243 words]
Grey (Poetry) - [247 words]
Half Alive (Poetry) - [99 words]
Half Awake (Poetry) - [106 words]
Half Awaken (Poetry) Just liked the line half awken dreams. Decided to write something using it at 4am. [102 words]
Happy About Things (Poetry) - [121 words]
Heavy Rain (Poetry) - [172 words]
Hege (Poetry) It's about an old girlfriend that lives in Norway. [146 words] [Romance]
Hello, Am I Your Son? (Poetry) It was a rainy day. [181 words]
Here She Comes (Poetry) - [115 words]
Heroine (Poetry) - [134 words]
Hide (Poetry) - [117 words]
Home Is... (Poetry) - [153 words]
Hope This Day Never Ends. (Poetry) Please write feedback. [214 words]
Hunter For Her Feel (Poetry) Its about envisioning rather than seeing. [110 words] [Erotic]
I Can Say I’M Glad (Poetry) - [146 words]
I Got What I Needed To Hear (Poetry) - [156 words]
I Hate Ya! (Poetry) - [145 words]
If You Belief (Poetry) - [119 words]
I'm Tired (Poetry) - [262 words]
Imagine (Poetry) - [70 words]
In Your Heart (Poetry) - [125 words]
Inspire (Poetry) - [110 words]
It's 1am...Rebirth (Poetry) It's a poem about someone I've been getting close too; however, everything is on her terms. I'm getting tired of it. [191 words]
Jan 29 1999 (Poetry) - [125 words]
Kandi (Poetry) This is for the woman I most dream about. [173 words]
Killing Her (Poetry) It's about breaking up with someone and killing their hopes. [200 words]
La Facultad (Plays) It's a daily play in spanish. My grammar in spanish isn't all there. However, it is coherent. [1,424 words]
Late Night Dreams (Poetry) - [62 words]
Late Night TV Becomes The Playground For Porn (Poetry) - [191 words]
Le Fabulous Adventour (Poetry) It's a poem about my ex and I on a trip we took to the Keys. [214 words] [Romance]
Lies (Poetry) - [93 words]
Lies Past Formalities (Poetry) - [214 words]
Liz (Poetry) It's about a girl I met this summer. I like her ways and her fun personality. However, I don't know anymore. As I wrote this poem I started to question why. [455 words]
London Breeze (Poetry) It's about being fake and justifying sleeping around. [208 words]
Loneliness (Poetry) It's about meeting someone and coming down after being disappointed. [68 words]
Long Time No See (Poetry) It's about seeing an old love. [117 words]
Long To Have You (Poetry) - [171 words]
Look At Me Blue Eyes (Poetry) - [127 words]
Love Letters And Mysteries (Poetry) It's about waking up one day and knowing how a relationship ship is all based on new found lies. [135 words]
Maja (Poetry) This is about my current girlfriend and the sexual extruggles we are facing. [183 words]
Maybe It's Goodbye! (Poetry) - [286 words]
Me Alegra (Poetry) A little poem in Spanish about expressing my affections. [25 words]
Mend The Wounds That Set The Wolves (Poetry) - [97 words]
Midnight Confussion (Poetry) - [254 words]
Millions Of Miles Just To Be Alone (Poetry) - [183 words]
Money Love (Poetry) - [217 words]
Moon (Poetry) - [147 words]
My Heart (Poetry) - [183 words]
No Destination (Poetry) Met someone not too long ago and this is about them. [139 words]
No Regrets (Poetry) This is about a man doing what he can for a woman, and she taking it for granted. [319 words]
No Se Como Cantar Esta Cancion (Poetry) - [172 words]
Not Just My Imagination (Poetry) - [302 words]
Not Like The Rest (Poetry) - [117 words]
One Night Stand (Poetry) - [46 words]
Outside Your Window (Poetry) - [96 words]
Realization Of Love (Poetry) This poem is something I wrote about a girl I met this summer. I've felt things I've never felt before. [131 words] [Romance]
She Calls My Name (Poetry) It's just a poem I wrote out of mental blindness. [118 words]
Silently At Your Side (Poetry) - [223 words]
Smiling Cross The Walk (Poetry) Please write feedback. [188 words]
Song In My Head (Poetry) It's a poem about the journey I've had to go through you to experience love. [253 words]
Stay With Me (I Feel Alone) (Poetry) - [167 words]
Stranded In Back Of My Mind (Poetry) - [188 words]
Stranded Like A Picture Frame (Poetry) - [316 words]
Summer Crush (Poetry) It's about seeing someone for the last time and explaining why I confessed my feelings for her. [213 words]
Teenaged Love (Poetry) - [206 words]
The End Of Liz (Poetry) It's a poem about a girl that I should have ran away from the first second I met her. [500 words]
The Fool (Poetry) This a poem about a person who is in love with someone who chooses to ignore them and play with their feelings [259 words]
The Job Of An Angel (Poetry) - [101 words]
The Wings Of An Angel (Poetry) - [149 words]
The World Is Deceiving (Poetry) IT's just a poem I wrote while listening to a song. [185 words]
The World Joys Our Love (Poetry) - [218 words]
The World Through Your Head (Poetry) Late night random thoughts. [179 words]
Then Comes A Time (Poetry) This a poem about a resent relationship. [165 words]
Time Lies (Poetry) - [128 words]
Time With Me (Poetry) Just a transient thought. [42 words]
Tu Baile Gitano. (Poetry) I haven't written something in spanish in a long time. So I figured might as well. It's about memories of a better day. When that person you were with, made it worth going another day. [201 words]
Tu Seduccion Core Como El Rio (Poetry) It's about a girl I have a weird relationship with. It's in spanish cause it turns her on. LoL [163 words]
Un Dia En La Playa (Poetry) It's a poem on what I think love should feel like. Es un poema describiendo lo que yo pienso que es amor. [161 words]
Undone (Poetry) - [75 words]
Unknown Tomorrow (Poetry) - [73 words]
Unknown Tomorrow 2 (Poetry) - [106 words]
Unresolved And Used (Poetry) - [142 words]
Up And About The City Walls (Poetry) - [154 words]
Up In The Midnight Sky (Poetry) It's a bit about everything. Love, life, responsibility. [172 words]
Veta (Poetry) - [170 words]
Walking In The Dark (Poetry) - [150 words]
Walking Through The Desert To Reach You. (Poetry) For Rebecca. [154 words]
What Will Happen Next? (Poetry) It's about traveling and time. [188 words]
Whatever Happened To All The Good Ideas? (Poetry) It's about society's lack of integrity. [245 words]
When I Grow Old (Poetry) This is a thought that occured when talking to my Grandfather one night. [193 words]
Where Do We Stand (Poetry) - [115 words]
Will This Instance Deliberate? (Poetry) It's just a random thought about stuff going on. [166 words]
Winter Haze (Poetry) About going to Norway [248 words] [Romance]
Wonder Why (Poetry) - [130 words]
You Cheat (Poetry) - [198 words] [Relationships]
This Feeling Of Hope
Roberto J Moreno

Woke up with this feeling of hope,
called in sick,
and felt your love all over me,
now the background noises make a soundtrack,
my thoughts are in awe,
and my reality consumed by the possibility of us.
A smile,
a stare to see who laughs first,
and we feel at one,
walked down the steps,
walked the street to see if this had set in,
come back to find you in my work shirt,
and I wish it would stay like this,
every second is a perfect puzzle piece to my life,
And I feel complete when you smile,
your stare breaks through me and voids my insecurities,
while your lips tempted the dirties desires of love.
It’s 2pm and we’ve yet to get up,
your soft skin and gentle ease to uncomplicate leaves no awkward moments,
and I couldn’t think of anything to let this moment go,
You confess your love for me,
with no interference from the satellites,
and I can’t stop thinking of the way you’d look in white,
my heart skips a beat,
phone rings,
and I get on one knee,
“If you will, help me get me over the need to feel jealous every time you leave,
to know that we’ll fight through thick and thin to never end what we feel today,
and make sure that tomorrow will beas great as today.”


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© 2008 Roberto J Moreno
May 2008

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