It's a poem about a crush girl who was treated awfully by her "quaterbacks" but this guy always loved her and he waits till she's ready to live and he says a word (read and find out). [200 words]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (2) All I Ever Wanted (Poetry) - [258 words] What Happened To Those Days? (Poetry) This girl used to call me and we'd talk for hours but that seems to have come to an end. Missing her doesn't even seem to help realize the love, it just seem to fade away instead. She wanted to take c... [221 words] [Relationships]
Lead You On A Little Secret Pius N Mburu
I knew from the start, when I first saw you There was something strong between us Though we never met eye to eye Never said a word but deep down you knew Nothing was between you and 'em pretty boys They went behind your back and did you wrong With tears in your eyes, you laid down your weary bones And babe, look who you wound up with?
I wanna lead you on a little secret That I've always loved you Though I've never said anything Never wanted my sweet heart be broken So I let you have all the fun you wanted Before you decided to settle down And now the time has come I hope my heart will stay unbroken And yours stay the same forever
They never could make a kept promise Had too many paying too much attention Always left you broken, chasing own dreams Never knowing what they leave behind No respect, treated you worst than a dog Believed you had a future with them Those dreams ended like that same year And babe, look where you wound up at?
Babe, walk down and let life begin In my arms, you can rest your body Cause now you're out of harms' way And we can take each other to heaven A place we've longed for all our lives But before we take the next step
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