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“Secrets” by Redzin For me, it's what others try to hide that reveal the most. [240 words]
-Lost- by Redzin A moment of despair as it is written [108 words]
With Those Eyes by Jina Kaye I hate being followed and watched by people who judge me solely based on the color of my skin..... [91 words]
Wild Horses by Chloe L Batey A really old one, written about four years ago. really short. opinions welcome. [10 words]
Watch Ur Back by Jina Kaye A little something I made up on the quick... [45 words]
Walking Across The Triborough Bridge by Jina Kaye I do this sometimes when I need to think, or when I need peace of mind... [232 words]
Voices & Vices by Colleen Barnes- Jones Watching my son talk down heating vents in the floor to people who are not really there. The beg... [79 words]
Turning Off The Lights by Jahri Ann What happens when you turn off the lights? [123 words]
Truth? Lies? by Chloe L Batey Really old. written four years ago. Really short. Opinions welcome. [10 words]
The War by Chloe L Batey Really old. written four years ago. Really short. Opinions welcome. [18 words]
The Voices You Hear by Colleen Barnes- Jones dealing with mental illness of son / daughter [67 words]
The Truth- By Clb by Chloe L Batey Really old. written four years ago. Really short. Opinions welcome. [29 words]
The Reaches Of Time by Mike Piotrowski I hope all will enjoy! [318 words]
The Other Day by Jina Kaye Well, I was taking a stroll the other day... [169 words]
The Lie Called Reality by Colleen Barnes- Jones This poem is about my son. Everyday with james is a trial and a journey. He suffered a ... [141 words]
The Game- By Clb by Chloe L Batey Really old. written four years ago. Really short. Opinions welcome. [17 words]
The Answer To All Prayers by Chloe L Batey Really old. written four years ago. Really short. Opinions welcome. [33 words]
That Word (Uncut) by Jina Kaye This is why you should never meet an Angry Black Woman...please, do not get offended. This i... [464 words]
Soul Mate...Let Me Be Your Man by Jina Kaye Response to Chocolate Fantasy... (must read Midnight Satin and Chocolate Fantasy... [528 words]
Something's Out There by Chloe L Batey A bit dark and depressing, worth a read in my opinion. [73 words]
Smack-U 4 by Jina Kaye Last one...I think! [24 words]
Smack-U 3 by Jina Kaye Well, one more [24 words]
Smack-U 2 by Jina Kaye Another one... [20 words]
Smack-U 1 by Jina Kaye Haiku...but, with flava... [19 words]
Screaming Window by Spark This poem is about nature and how we take it for granted [91 words]
Russle by Jahri Ann About an innocent man that got gunned down during an attempted armed robbery. [225 words]
Rant 1 by Jina Kaye Just some poetic ranting... [427 words]
Planned Lifehood by Jina Kaye Oh, if we could only choose the life we want to lead... [231 words]
Piece Of Me by Ashley M Smith About a girl who feels strong feelings for a guy [88 words]
Passing Life by Jina Kaye Just a little something I wrote last year when I was feeling a bit sad... [164 words]
Pain. Betrayal. Hurt. Anger.... by Jasmine P Batey just a poem about how i feel sometimes... [29 words]
Page Of My Soul by Chloe L Batey Really old. written four years ago. Really short. Opinions welcome. [21 words]
Observations by Jina Kaye - [273 words]
No She Didn't by Jina Kaye Well, the piece speaks for itself... [180 words]
Missing You...To Chris by Jina Kaye A poem about my first love and how I lost him...had to rewrite this one several times. [299 words]
Midnight Satin by Jina Kaye I wrote this poem from a man's point of view. I was daydreaming about a story idea and this pop... [372 words]
Love, Lola by Chloe L Batey Dedicated to my cousin KMB, you're little girl is watching over you. To all those in need of reass... [131 words]
In Death's Slumber by Kira Carlee the classic questions... [121 words]
Imani by Jina Kaye Just a quick little poem about faith. [68 words]
I'm Lazy. by Jahri Ann This is about how a person can be in conflict with certain human emotions. I gave human emotions a mo... [350 words]
Help--Emergency by Jina Kaye A mix of The Beatles & A Different World, but still unique... [234 words]
Happy Holidays by Jina Kaye I was feeling a bit sad over the holidays last year, then I saw the news...made me feel worse. [95 words]
Good & Bad by Chloe L Batey Really old. written four years ago. Really short. Opinions welcome. [13 words]
God & The Devil by Chloe L Batey Really old. written four years ago. Really short. Opinions welcome. [12 words]
Games 3 by Jina Kaye A bit more dialogue between "He" and "She." It's quite telling... [62 words]
Games 2 by Jina Kaye Dialogue between another He & She! [66 words]
Games 1 by Jina Kaye Back & Forth Dialogue between He and She [78 words]
Freedom Song By Bridgett Nesbit by Bridgett Nesbit Even behind bars some still have a song in thier hearts. This poet depicts that... [77 words]
Fantasy Lovers by Colleen Barnes- Jones What a lonely woman may conjure up in wee hours of the morning. too bad my dog would rip him apa... [86 words]
Every One Leaves by Jasmine P Batey just a poem about how i feel sometimes. [32 words]
Dwellings On The Hills by Jahri Ann - [129 words]
Congratulation Night by Jina Kaye My feelings on the day after President Obama's historical election... [111 words]
Chocolate Fantasy by Jina Kaye Female response to Midnight Satin... [173 words]
Child's Love by Misganaw Chekole - [174 words]
Caged Fences by Jina Kaye How I feel sometimes... [161 words]
Black Stallion by Chloe L Batey Really old. written four years ago. Really short. Opinions welcome. [19 words]
Beauty Of Death by Chloe L Batey Really old. written four years ago. Really short. Opinions welcome. [12 words]
Aged Beauty by Kira Carlee Just something to think about... [29 words]
Violated by Jina Kaye - [217 words]
-You Stand Alone- by Redzin Her Beauty [92 words]
“To Meet Her Love” by Redzin Love, Love, Love, Love, Love [92 words]
“Love & Fairytales” by Redzin Her Beauty Through & Through [197 words]
“Child Of Broughton” by Redzin It was what it was [151 words]
You Feelin' Me by Jina Kaye - [170 words]
Toy Shed Nightmare by Random Dreamer I remember this stroy someone told me, I don't know if it is true or not, but i can only beg... [357 words]
To Watch You Leaving by Random Dreamer The sadness at the end of a relationship :( [198 words]
The House by Blue Wolf llulaby [9 words]
Tear Stained Cheeks And Bloodshot Eyes by Random Dreamer This reminds me of how I feel everytime I cry over the many mistakes in ... [103 words]
Small World After All by Katherine Smith For any male or woman who feels as though they are unattractive due to their weight, plea... [635 words]
Secret Treasure by Random Dreamer My first poem on here, it would be great if i got a rev :) no pressure though lol [74 words]
S I N by Katherine Smith i double posted due to messing up on the title lmao ( i do believe) [55 words]
Rain On Me by Jina Kaye - [150 words]
Playrewind by Justine Bishop Flippantkzn Just randomness [59 words]
Philomena D. Gavod - Shattered by Philomena D Gavod This was another poem i wrote a while back, but i found this one tucked, hidden ... [118 words]
Past Tense by Justine Bishop Flippantkzn We have all had our hearts broken... We just deal with it differently [129 words]
Never Forgotten by Random Dreamer A little girl who lives across the street, was found dead last week. It was so tragic and reall... [180 words]
Name (Cutting) by Random Dreamer - [180 words]
Mujhay Ishq Apnay Watan Sa Hay by Sadaf Shahab Mujhay ishq sar-o-saman sa hay Mujhay ishq koho daman sa hay Mujhay ishq sawat -... [185 words]
Mood Swings by Jina Kaye - [77 words]
Million Times by Tracy R Torress Life we take it for granted if you don't believe me just look around you we're all crooks, full o... [5 words]
Loss Of Innocence by Random Dreamer I actually cried writing this poem, it took a lot for me to write it, i would really like som... [303 words]
Life Is... by Raine Lariza A poem about life [138 words]
Last Breath by Justine Bishop Flippantkzn Ever wondered who be come to your funeral??? [96 words]
Is It Too Much To Ask? by Mary E Harvey I'm sick of feeling empty, like half of me is missing. I don't care about the yawning ga... [16 words]
I Wish I Was Blind by Random Dreamer I don't actually wish this, but even though this poem is fictional, I think the girl would w... [213 words]
I Am Water by Stephen Hansen a brief comparison of water to myself [81 words]
Easily Disturbed by Justine Bishop Flippantkzn If we dont take chances... we'll never know [109 words]
Dont' Want To Play This Game by Random Dreamer Child abuse poem. I wrote it for my big brother scotty, although i haven't seen hi... [310 words]
Creating Love To Make Love by Jina Kaye - [276 words]
Aay Aroz-E- Watan Hosekay To Hameen Maaf Kerna Kabhee… by Sadaf Shahab Aay Aroz-e- watan mang tere sitaroun sa bher na sakay Aa... [186 words]
A Wave Of Manipulation by Random Dreamer This is so sad, i just had to post :( [90 words]
A Villanelle Is A Work Of Art by Nick Ellman - [134 words]
A Night In Sorrow by Random Dreamer dont' use pain as pleasure, it's not healthy. I wrote this poem for my stupid mother. [148 words]

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A poem about a recluse.
[107 words]
[September 2015]
60 Seconds (Poetry) - [72 words] [Mind]
Abacus Mind (Poetry) This mind will flow, like the wine that was devoured.. [89 words] [Suspense]
Airbourne Without Wings (Poetry) Stop taking control of your life, you live in a world without rules.. [149 words] [Psychology]
Angels From The Moon (Poetry) - [86 words] [Psychology]
Are You There? (Songs) For my first love whom I still hope to see one day. [361 words] [Romance]
Asprin Air (Poetry) - [124 words]
Attempted Life (Poetry) A poem about a man about to jump of a cliff, and of his friend's attempt to stop him. [207 words] [Mind]
Believing In Something! (Poetry) A poem it is, nothing more, nothing less. [81 words] [Mind]
Building Bridges (Poetry) A poem on Storymania. [75 words] [Romance]
Burning Man (Poetry) A poem for Nathan, a good friend who has moved on. Forever does the story go on... [114 words] [Nature]
By The Morning Sun (Poetry) She's chained to a bicycle man, she's chained to a bicycle gang. [96 words] [Self-Help]
Cassius The Leg, Part Three (Short Stories) Cassius had faced death at least 17 times, but his life was more under threat than ever before?? [543 words] [Erotic]
Cassius-The-Leg (Short Stories) A true story of a young squirrel's fight against repression and a day that would mark the end to social distinction! [648 words] [Adventure]
Cassius-The-Leg, Part Two (Short Stories) After an encounter with wild shop owner Dargeta, our young furry friend is in recovery after a double fernespian transplant... [369 words]
Cleo Bryce (Nine Angels In-Patient Z356) (Poetry) Dedicated to Cleo. A severe pain ran through her and we know why. Sorry I couldn't be your Angel and help more. Tsunami personality 7. [119 words]
Crave! (Poetry) A hungry poem. [92 words] [Art]
Crying For Tears (Poetry) Prediciments are what you make them, no-one can change your life but you, accept it. [165 words] [Motivational]
Dawn Of Dead Dreams (Poetry) A 17 year old man dies in 1915 on the peninsular. His war has finished. His life has been fought in vain. [239 words] [Mind]
Devastation (Short Stories) A one man journal piece, in the events after the end of the world.... [432 words] [Mind]
Devastation 2 (Short Stories) The journal piece of the only women left after the end of the world. 34 year old Emily Carter's diary shows us the total wipeout of the human race. [448 words] [Fantasy]
Devoted To Losing You (Poetry) - [183 words] [Mind]
Dirt (Poetry) A poem about an old friend who I miss speaking to. [82 words] [Teenage]
Divine Misunderstanding (Poetry) Anti-Semetical poem about God. I have my opinion, and my free-will, as do you!! [137 words] [Spiritual]
Doctors Feel Pain Too. (Poetry) - [146 words] [Romance]
Don't Stand On The Grass (Poetry) Title says it all... [134 words] [Nature]
Dream Catcher (Catch Me) (Poetry) - [148 words]
Drunk Pen (Poetry) Breaking up, getting drunk. Is there hope in all that anger? [91 words] [Self-Help]
Empty Shards (Poetry) - [118 words] [Architecture]
Ending Fear (Poetry) A poem about feeling's that sometimes make us weak, and our ability to confront them through the power of word's. [145 words] [Suspense]
Enter... (Poetry) Open your eyes at first light, see the open window, fly through it! [84 words] [Spiritual]
Envy Yourself (Poetry) This poem generates the mind with sub-standard questions that more often than not, don't get answered. [93 words] [Mind]
Eternal Putdown (Poetry) - [84 words]
Ethical Opera (Poetry) A moment where things can turn, where things can leave you, Do you ever lose faith!? [116 words] [Art]
Extinct Since '44. (Poetry) A poem expressing my concern at God. [82 words] [Mind]
Faith Is A Wall (Poetry) A light in the darkest hour. [92 words] [Spiritual]
Fake Thing (Poetry) - [131 words]
Falling Without Faith (Poetry) A real remark on how things are in the world.... [86 words] [Psychology]
Feeling Close, Feeling Near (Songs) - [136 words] [Relationships]
Flatlines (Poetry) - [107 words]
For Gods Sake (Short Stories) - [3,948 words] [Spiritual]
Free Sin (Poetry) A poem short in words but big in heart. [30 words] [Mystical]
Generate Our Generation (Poetry) A stab in the eye with the old rusty fork?? [151 words] [Mind]
Granite Miles (Poetry) A poem about my Home City of Aberdeen in Scotland. [129 words] [Biography]
Gripping Grave (Poetry) A dark, edge, of a poem...Welcome it, share it, fall in to a deep abyss and let it be your companion. [83 words] [Popular Fiction]
Hard Perception (Poetry) - [111 words]
Her Wishing Well (Poetry) She wants to live in the dark, in an alternate world. [89 words] [Romance]
Hidden Secret (Poetry) - [68 words] [Relationships]
Hoar Kettle (Poetry) - [67 words]
Hoi, Hoi, Hoi, (Short Stories) A pitiful attempt at re-creating something that resembles The Clockwork Orange. Oh well here it goes... [286 words] [Art]
Holes In Pockets (Poetry) Not what you think. [74 words] [Comedy]
Hollow For Fools Gold. (Poetry) Another random poem, I feel confused with life at the moment, so this is the result! [117 words]
Honest Angel !! (Poetry) A tribute poem to a part of me that died when someone I loved did the same? Don't mean to be depressing, but hey! [102 words] [Spiritual]
Hurt...... (Poetry) Thank's? [165 words] [Relationships]
I Am Your.. (Poetry) Welcome to my poetry....HATE/LOVE. [172 words] [Psychology]
Immortal (Poetry) - [103 words] [Spiritual]
Imprisoned Freeman (Poetry) - [84 words]
In The Snow (Tonight) (Songs) - [284 words] [Romance]
Indigo Blood (Poetry) A poem pretty much.... [81 words] [Mind]
Just Not Today (Poetry) - [121 words] [Mystical]
Kissing My Mind (Poetry) A tragic love poem. [131 words] [Romance]
Kleidoscopic Sky (Poetry) - [35 words] [Mind]
Late Call (Poetry) - [107 words] [Spiritual]
Legends Fall. Jokers Crawl. (Poetry) - [162 words] [Mystery]
Life Must Proceed (Poetry) ? [46 words] [Mystical]
Little Sizes (Poetry) A wee poem to pass the time. [19 words] [Fantasy]
Living In This Prison (Poetry) A poem about a life not to unfamiliar to yours.. [64 words] [Psychology]
Lucky 17th (Poetry) For the women I love dearly. [139 words] [Romance]
M. E. (Poetry) A carpet ride.... [98 words] [Fantasy]
Magnetism (Poetry) Not sure what this is about, just random poetry. [94 words] [Mystery]
Mending October (Poetry) - [62 words]
Mind Control (Poetry) - [52 words]
Miss Volcano (Songs) A song about a HOT girl I'm in love with.. [173 words]
Mountain Top (Poetry) Memory is a book, or a string of poems. It is a field of love and a pit of hate, a rhapsody of pain or a grain of remorse. [168 words] [History]
Muse From Above (Poetry) A slap in the face for everything... [165 words] [Mystery]
My Love Life? (Poetry) A protest poem at my love life, or the lack of it?? [1 words] [Self-Help]
My Weapon, My Weakness (Poetry) A turmoil of poetry. [92 words] [Motivational]
Neo-Communism. (Poetry) My bank just p*ss*d me off, and so I write... [147 words]
Night Dream Believer (Poetry) - [145 words] [Fantasy]
Not Here (Poetry) - [174 words] [Mystical]
Now And Never (Poetry) - [53 words] [Biography]
Off The Top Shelf (Short Stories) About a dream I had that let me see what kind of future we all face... [967 words] [Science Fiction]
One Sight At Dawn (Poetry) A forlorn poem mixed with a blend of jaded jealously. [53 words] [Psychology]
Open To You (Poetry) This is kinda an experimental poem, sorry if it's not for you.. [31 words] [Mystery]
Open Water (Poetry) - [58 words] [Mind]
Pitifull Vengance (Poetry) Mixture of darkness and spoiled greed. [89 words] [Architecture]
Poetry 101 (Poetry) My 101st title. Woo Me. [78 words]
Power To Live (Short Stories) - [82 words]
Pre - Society (Poetry) - [134 words]
Pushing You (Poetry) A poem about how love can dissappear, leaving you mentally and physically weak, and about what you sometimes have to put yourself through, to be satisfied that the love has truly vanished... [85 words] [Relationships]
Putting Me Down? (Poetry) Ex-Girl bashing.. [135 words] [Motivational]
Quater Full, Three-Quater's Empty! (Poetry) One of those 'angry lash out at anything' poem's, I guess. [122 words] [Mind]
Raspberry Fields (Poetry) A differant direction for me.... [95 words] [Mystery]
Remote Control (Poetry) Dark, with a an edge of Political Satire in there somewhere. [87 words] [Nature]
Rhapsody Of The Night Rain (Poetry) Evolve from a dream, awaken, see your love, but do not be mistaken. [458 words] [Romance]
River Life (Poetry) A poem that cares... [105 words] [Popular Fiction]
Rotting Deep Within (Poetry) Our poetic senses are once again enlightened by life's continuous thorns. [87 words] [Self-Help]
Salt & Pepper (Songs) A song dedicated to D.G., you know who you are... [234 words] [Romance]
Silent Fermentation (Poetry) The decay of day and the silence of night. [86 words]
Still In Love (Poetry) A poem about my first love, and my last? [58 words]
Sun Smiles On Morning (Songs) A song, I'm not ussually a song-writer, so all feedback is welcome.. Good & Bad¢¾ [198 words] [Romance]
Sunday School (Short Stories) A short story about Graeme, who at 9 makes the most out of Sunday School by obsessing about his French Teacher, Teresa. [3,592 words] [Humor]
Tears Are Your Gold (Songs) - [238 words] [Romance]
The Bane (Poetry) A man who became the bane of my existance. [195 words]
The Bus-Stop From Hell, If Not Deeper? (Poetry) Ok! so I was waiting for the bus the other day, and Ive never hated so much in my life. [221 words] [Humor]
The Girl With No Face (Poetry) - [100 words]
The Happy Hourglass (Poetry) Final Poem of 2006. [160 words] [Health]
The Living Woman (Poetry) Firstly I am a man. Secondly, I wrote this having witnessed domestic violence from the past. Sometimes I just don't get it. I wrote the last 2 stanza's to give effect to the poem, they are not real!! ... [182 words] [Psychology]
The Misery Pool (Poetry) Swim or sink. [100 words] [Romance]
The Need (Poetry) The alternative Vampire Poem. [92 words]
The Newb. Part 1 (Short Stories) Since the banning of all nuclear weapons, new ways have been created of winning wars. Sasu was a soldier, but his dissapearnce left unanswered questions. The Newb is a creation of the government desi... [674 words] [Fantasy]
They Say It, I Do. (Poetry) Hitman finishes his final hit. [159 words] [Action]
Thief (Poetry) - [127 words] [Psychology]
Thin Ice In A Thin Land (Poetry) Gracious yet slutty?? [97 words] [Fantasy]
Thunder For Sale (Poetry) A slap in the face of everything this world sometimes stand's for... [166 words] [Mind]
Time To Play With Us (Poetry) - [206 words]
Time To Think (About Time). (Poetry) - [64 words] [Biography]
Time Trial (Poetry) - [70 words] [Mind]
Tommorow I Laugh (Poetry) A physical view on somewhere I cannot explain. [171 words] [Mind]
Tried To Forget (Songs) Another song... Again I would like as much feedback from music writers etc. to guide me in my errors!! Thanks. [211 words] [Mystical]
Under My Sea (Poetry) A little poem to pass some time. [38 words] [Popular Fiction]
Under The Bridge (Do Not Cross). (Poetry) A poem about a man who is trying to kill himself, and his wife's attempt of saving him.. gone wrong! Ficton. [440 words] [Horror]
Unspoken (Poetry) My first ever entry here. Don't laugh. [71 words]
Useful Drinker (Poetry) Perpetual hangover. [122 words]
Wait ! (Short Stories) - [797 words] [Thriller]
Was I Wrong Louise? (Poetry) Questioning love! [184 words] [Romance]
Weeping Walker (Poetry) [111 words] [Drama]
What Book's Shall I Read? (Essays) This is more like a mini book review, and the title is something Im asking......carry on! [435 words] [Publishing]
What Part Of You Is Me. (Poetry) - [144 words] [Relationships]
When Are You Really Real?? (Songs) A poem about a wonderful girl that I am thinking about right now..... but for the wrong reasons. [262 words] [Self-Help]
Wind In The Rain (Poetry) A softly gliding poem that floats without care. [116 words]
Yeah, You Can Eat This. (Songs) A song, I not ussually a songwriter and I guess this'll proove it..all feeedback important.Thanks! [156 words]
Zeigfried's Last Stand (Poetry) - [214 words] [Science Fiction]
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (Poetry) A sleepy poem to pass the time. [257 words] [Action]
(A)L(M)Ight(Y) (Poetry) Read it, but don't love it. [113 words] [Mystery]

Why try to love the future when you cannot love the past,
You've got no love and you won't let it start, oh baby I'm telling you it won't last,
But a piece of me tries to save you from the fear you feel inside,
Hell rages through you, the soothing light can't soothe,
Your just to far-gone to realise,
And I want to see your face smile as it would echo down an age,
I see your hollow and I feel the sorrow dance upon my stage,
Would it kill you to feel the sunshine or watch a new sunset,
So you can try to love the future and never again feel this upset,


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April 2009

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