Well, the guy im writing abouts name isnt really jake but..... I didnt wanna use his name. He would do anything and everything for me, and we werent dating. This is how i let him go. [64 words]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (25) A Question Of Persona (Children) A story about a girl named Cam who wonders why everyone else is special in a specific way. [103 words] [Motivational] Atdhf : Part 2 (Songs) A song about how things can bring you down and how that can affect you as much as that you want to die. [52 words] [Horror] Awww (Poetry) About what we would go through to help. [24 words] [Motivational] Because I Had To (Poetry) I had to turn down a boy that I have always liked. This is how it went. [84 words] [Suspense] Cause And Effect (Affect?) (Short Stories) A story about feeling like you dont know which way to go and giving up. [97 words] [Motivational] Closure (Poetry) Its about wanting to be let free [59 words] [Romance] Cold Blooded Murder (Poetry) About a girl witnessing a murder. [80 words] [Horror] Dogs Moving At The Speed Of Light (Songs) Its actually by a band named burning flesh written by a friend of mine. Its about being yourself and not changing. Its also about being a teenager and the hardships of growing up. [103 words] [Teenage] Doo Doo Doo I Love You (Poetry) How you know you love someone but dont know how to express it. [81 words] [Relationships] I Want Them To See My Pain (Short Stories) About how you cannot always be who you want. That most things are chosen for you. (in two voices) [112 words] [Spiritual] Ill Never Forget (Songs) A rap I wrote inspired by but not sung to the tune of Cleaning Out My Closet by Eminem [128 words] [Drama] Ill Never Forget: Part 2 (Songs) A rap I wrote inspired by but not sung to the tune of Cleaning Out My Closet by Eminem. [96 words] [Drama] In Reverse: Who Are We? A Continuation Of What Would You Do. (Songs) About how you can know so much, but learn something new each day. [84 words] [Self-Help] Its Self Explainatory (Short Stories) Its self explainatory. Its a short biography of me. [65 words] [Biography] Lost And Found Goodbyes (Poetry) A poem with a message. [57 words] [Self-Help] Lost And Found Goodbyes: Part 2 (Poetry) A poem with a message. [66 words] [Self-Help] Me Myself And...... Laura? (Short Stories) A battle with multiple personalities [63 words] [Psychology] Not My Time (Poetry) A death told in two voices [106 words] [Crime] Pieces Of My Heart (Strong Goodbye) (Songs) I enjoy rapping so this is a rap about having to say goodbye to who you love. This song is also can be sung and not rapped. [83 words] [Romance] Pieces Of My Heart (You Took) (Songs) Part 2 to the rap about how i lost someone very important to me. [148 words] [Romance] Warm Kisses (Poetry) - [63 words] When Cold Wind Blows (Short Stories) When Janet discovers what's inside.... [64 words] [Mystery] When The Wind Blows: Part 2 (Short Stories) - [102 words] [Mystery] When You Smile (It Means Everything To Me) (Poetry) - [35 words] [Relationships] Without Me (Who Am I?) (Poetry) A battle with shoulder imaginations. [85 words] [Mind]
For You, My Love: The Story Of Jake Lost Pieces
For you, my love, Id do anything. Id give my life for you to give me a chance. For you, my love, id buy you flowers, daisies, your favorite. For you, my love, i will give you kisses each day, hoping you will return them. For you, my love, i will fight anyone who rejects us. For you, my love, i would do anything.
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