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This Spirt In Me
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This Spirt In Me
Theme is Two woman act. A young lady name Kim desperately trying to find her purpose in this world. She calls the request line to speak to disc jockey about her issues.
[775 words]
Yessayana Hartfield

A beautiful young single African American mother, who is accomplishing her goals and succeding through some of lifes toughest objections and distractions. I learned a long time ago, that no matter what I go through or what someone says about me, or whoever may disbelive in me. That I will make it. I am determined to and I believe in myself no matter what odds I am facing. For better or for worst, I can do something about anything I face. I accept all challenges except death, because I can't do anything dead.
[September 2005]
Ciggaretts (Poetry) A Health Hazard worst and costly then the most addictive drugs out in the market place to date. [296 words] [Health]
Cuntroversy (Short Stories) A story with several twists and turns, as she whispers the words in his ear " you never know the underlining truth " CUNTROVERSY" History proves women are smarter! [183 words] [Erotic]
Hot Baby (Songs) Intro: The way you make me feel. [106 words] [Mind]
Illegalllll Immigrants Pu-Lease (Plays) This play is about a African American woman struggling to survive and take care of her family; however, she can't because all the employers in her city is hiring illegal immigrants, and telling her sh... [454 words] [History]
It Is My Business (Poetry) This poem is about other people business, but your own. [123 words] [Comedy]
Start Asking Questions (Poetry) This poem is about relationships? [136 words] [Fantasy]
The Lying Voice (Short Stories) Ms.Johnson a successfully, established woman whom is constantly batteling this tormenting voice in her head. This voice has become a personal war her against the voice. Is she worthless as the voice... [425 words] [Mind]
The Wendy Williams Pu-Lease (Poetry) A big Phat Shout Out to my girl Wendy Williams on her Pu-lease to the people who did not give one brown cent to the Katrina Hurricane Victims, and the victims who did not accept help after loosing eve... [203 words]
Umn Is All I Can Say (Poetry) This poem is about handsom or beautiful women that make you Umn. [95 words] [Fantasy]
Who Said? (Poetry) This poem is about courage and believing in yourself, when no one else believes in you, your parents, family, or friends. It's human nature to walk by sight and not by faith; however, faith is the be... [26 words] [Adventure]
This Spirt In Me
Yessayana Hartfield

Say.A105. F.M.
Hello my name is Kim. Of course that's my alias, but it has a meaning.
Yeah, it means Keep It Moving.
Okay, so why did you call to night Kim?
I called to get some shit off my mind.
Oh yeah,
Yeah. Lately, I been going through some issues close to my heart, and I don't know what to do. I am a middle aged, African American Woman raising three children by myself. I'm Mad, more like bitter. I hate my children's dad, yes, I have more than one baby daddies.
Well maybe that's the problem Kim.
Well that's part of the problem.
I feel as though I was taken advantage of and left with bundles of joy.
My children dad's are older than me. I feel as though they abandoned me, put me in a position to fend for myself and my children. When I met them I was already going through something. I went from Bad to worst. When I think about my life, I realize how I never gave myself a chance, then I brought children in this world not given them a chance, so it's been a domino effect. One song that erily reminds me of life, is Brendas having a baby, by Tupac.
I been raped, I tried to sell drugs, then went to selling myself. There were times I felt worthless. I didn't deserve this not at all. I was forced to do big things at a young age.
Well, where was your mother?
My mom, she was also a single parent, I remember her working and also selling drugs. She was the type of Mother that did her best. She provided for us, I have sisters and brothers. All I can say is she did her best, but to me I think her best wasn't good enough, In fact, she is the reason I ran to these older men.
Well, you know right from wrong, don't you?
Yes, I do know right from wrong. I know what I was taught, I know about punishment when you make a mistake deal with the consequences.
So are you saying your children are a mistake.
Yes, they were not planned, they were an escape from the realities of what was going on inside my home. My first child was conceived out of carelessness. I wish my mother would have said, you made a mistake, but I don't want you to pay for this for the rest of your life, instead she said I'm going to have my baby. So I had my baby, then I had another baby so at the age of 19 I have two children, my second daughters dad was on crack, beating the shit out of me, and stealing my money.
Well, why did you stay.
I had no choice, I always felt like I had no choice, my mother kicked me out, because I said I loved him, and she was upset because I wouldn't leave him alone.
So why didn't you leave him alone?
I didn't leave him alone, because what was going on inside my home, my mom was getting high, I was stressed, I wasn't getting acknowledged, my life sucked, and I thought he cared about me. I broke up with first baby daddy when I was 3 months pregnant, then I met him. I was out of my league though.
When did you realize that?
When he beat my ass, treated me like shit, also, I realized he was a crack head to. just my luck.
Yes, the same thing I was running from, I ran to, little did I know.
I guess me and relationships don't go together. I haven't been in a good one yet.
I tried to recover from the past madness.
I dropped back in school, got my GED. tried to work. It wasn't cutting it for me though.
I realized, I can't raise children on minimum wage, not being a single parent. I started selling drugs, the other worst mistake I made in my life.
Now I really limited myself, No one wants to hire a criminal, so of course, I went back to the streets. I had to really depend on my hustling skills, but I guess I don't have hustling skills, I was getting caught. Crime don't pay, becasue it didn't pay for me, in fact, it made me pay and I'm still paying today that is why I'm calling you.
Because I'm being condemned for the choices I made many years ago in my life, and I don't want to go back to who I was.
So, what do you want me to do?
Just listen, I've heard all the strenght statements, stay strong, hang in their, it will be alright.
When is what I'm asking, because my world is falling down around me.



"Interesting" -- Alvin Gladstone.
"Sad story. Spacing between paragraphs would facilitate reading. The character can speak all the right words, but the cycle will be perpetuated because of the old admonition "do as I say, not as I do"" -- Gregory Allen.
"I think this sad I also believe if Kid decided she dosen't want rise her baby there are pleant of people would take them." -- Jeanette H.


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© 2005 Yessayana Hartfield
September 2005

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