I eyed the stranger with a baleful look as he repeated his question "What does it mean "enforcement death today" in the headlines?"
"Damn ...You had to ask?" I replied
"Well Im curious" said the stranger.
"Great, just fuckin great! Welcome to Bloodlet!"
Why they even put this in the paper is beyond me. God, you'd have thought this was the first time it happened. The fact is it happens here most every week. It's not that we're callous and we do have many good qualities but I suppose the "enforcement death" rate overshadows the good stuff.
Ok, let me start over and maybe in the middle. You don't need the beginning and I don't know when it really started. So for now the middle is a good place to begin.
I guess I first knew about it when I was about 10. Thirty years ago...God I'm getting old. I suppose I've gotten used to it but others seem to go ape shit every time it happens.
We seem to have a plague of enforcement deaths that just won't quit, but let me try to explain the reason? We have a closed community, gaited so to speak. Town folk like it that way and outsiders don't seem to understand. We live here in harmony and peace and when the rules are broken we take the law into our own hands, ie "enforcement death"
Ok, so I dropped a bomb but let me continue. Life here as I said is very calm and very polite as you can imagine. You see we don't lock our doors, our cars or our guns. Everyone takes care of their own. Children grow up in this community they learn the golden rule of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Period.
Now ,we do have patience and respect for our youth and others but that only goes so far and then the law of the land takes over. Like I said we police our own.
This may seem extreme to you but we enjoy all aspects of our community life.
Yes even the killings...or as we like to say "enforcement deaths" we enjoy that too.
Remember public hangings? Hell people used to pack a picnic lunch and make a day of it. We do much the same in Bloodlet and everyone attends. EVEYONE!
Just the name "Bloodlet" seems to conjure evil and mayhem. Im not sure thats the reason why its named Bloodlet, but for now lets assume. Who knows, and as far as that goes who cares. Like I said everyone attends the enforcement as its mandatory. This is the way we keep the community interest and participation at the highest level.
Now, don't take it so hard or read too much into it. Try to think of it as the new wild west.
We don't have a Police force or a Sheriff. We do have a Chief Dispenser and Grounds Council. They handle the accusations and the enforcement of the community. Always have and always will I assume. Nothing much changes here as change is looked down upon almost as much as crime.
I guess as long as I'm explaining the inner workings' our self-governed town of I should explain that along with its unique way of handling our law breakers we have an equally unique way of handling appeals to the latter.
Therefore at 1:00 pm today we will all meet in the town hall ,hear the appeal of the accused and at 2:00 pm watch the enforcement in the town square. Yes that right we still carry out the enforcement death.
Ok, I'll explain ...even if the appeal is considered ,the enforcement death is still carried out. I know , I know but it keeps everyone on their toes. Brutal?...well perhaps but it does keep everyone honest beyond a doubt.
Our town hasn't really changed for about 100 yrs or so Im told. Gas prices don't affect us as we don't allow cars. Drinking laws don't worry us as we have no alcohol within our gates.Smoking is allowed everywhere so no one gets offended wherever it takes place.Sex takes place behind closed doors and is between consenting adults, and never a problem. We don't lie or cheat or flip others off and Golden rule #1 is never explain our town to outsiders. Like I say Im not sure why they put it in the paper but it does cause a tizzy.
I suppose I too will be in attendance at the enforcement deaths today ,but I may not be having as much fun as the rest.You see by telling you this story I'm due in the town hall at 1:00pm and again in the town square at 2:00pm so... Thanks for asking...
"What's the deal with all the strange characters such as ÊÊI and Õ? Remember: Confuse the reader = Lose the reader" -- The Advisor.
"Our Advisor is being overly kind. He didn't even scratch the surface of all that's wrong with this dreadful thing." -- Slut.
"Vaguely interesting premise, but it would be much better without the strange characters. Also, the ending is too abrupt, and too.... cliche. It's not good, my friend. Rewrite! Rewrite! Lengthen it, lose the Ês, and seriously revamp the ending. Additionally, it would be more interesting from the POV of an outsider. And get rid of the name Bloodlet. Change it to "Summer Hill" or "Deer Park" or something similarly cheerful. There's alot wrong with it, but it could be salvaged." -- Bitch.
"I agree with "Bitch" but would add that it's a "one idea" story, the "enforced deaths", and frankly it's not a strong enough idea. We do have "enforced deaths", they're called executions, and sometimes they're televised. We don't learn very much else about the life of the town, and the few bits we do learn seem inconsistent. Why ban alcohol but allow smoking? And believe me, when it is allowed non-smokers still find it offensive. I suggest you don't try to create a whole alternative society but make the setting a gated retirement village that has a secret rule that people can only live there up to, say, age 85. After that they have to be... well, retired..." -- David Gardiner, London, England.
"I glad you took my advice, and went back through to re-edit, Twisted Bishop. It is the mark of a great and growing writer when they can take constructive suggestions and work with them. Good luck.--The Advisor" -- JA St.George.
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