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Short Stories

The Blues And The Greens by Steven Gilbreath A story of waking up from under the electric blanket of modern life. [1,804 words]
Missing - A Short Story by Steven Gilbreath Passing your days by doing only enough to satisfy what is expected can lead to a life n... [1,475 words]
The Man Who Walked Unseen by Michael Harris An account in the exploits of the life of the unseen... [1,457 words]
Salvation by Krige Van Rensburg Salvation is a story that deals with everyday emotions but also the severity thereof in different con... [2,123 words]
Solef by Wolfa Genetically modified monster escapes onto the surface of a harsh alien planet. More sci-fi. Wee. Consi... [1,684 words]
What A Night by Stephanie Ostrov This is a short story I wrote about a fraternity guy and the trouble he is going through with this... [1,260 words]
Victory City 2 by Matthew Little In the future, an enemy from Cool's past decides to turn the civilians of Victory City into his ... [5,645 words]
Veiled Enigmas by Reagan Rothe Vieled Enigmas is a twisting, turning mystery with surprise lurking around every corner. The rea... [4,972 words]
The Trinity by Silas Montgomery The galaxy is in chaos, systems at war with systems, and revolution within systems. The Lord of a p... [2,360 words]
The Spark by Sue (Sooz) Simpson - [557 words]
The Rosary by Sue (Sooz) Simpson May cause offense. [422 words]
The Parallels by Jason Richard Mercer - [1,247 words]
The Marching Man by Norman A Rubin A holocaust survivor driven to madness in search of his family lost in the melee of the second... [2,001 words]
The Beloved Child by Julissa Gayle Raven A short story about vampires. I made up my own rules. Hope you like it, it's probably going... [1,287 words]
The Beloved Child (Chapter 2) by Julissa Gayle Raven Chapter 2 my story. It should open upa world of comprehension to the readers. [1,210 words]
Terrarium Life by Wolfa Surrealistic dystopia. More sci-fi. Needs improvement, of course, but I decided to post so you... [1,684 words]
Solitaire by David B Doc Byron An abused child seeks solace in her own little world. [952 words]
Sally by Sue (Sooz) Simpson - [2,268 words]
Rush Hour by Sue (Sooz) Simpson - [419 words]
Play With Me Please. by Sue (Sooz) Simpson - [322 words]
Octavia's Obsession by Michael Harris This story is about... Octavia's obsession... [2,237 words]
My Other Mother by C Crawford Very short story on my thoughts of adoption. Written in 10 minutes. [619 words]
Money Shot - Chapter 1 by Rob Nhim Old con and bank robber extrordinaire Fred Cantrell just can't resist trouble. Doing th... [1,082 words]
Lookingthrough The Window by Sue (Sooz) Simpson - [401 words]
I Dreamed... by Ami I dreamed this bizarre, surreal scene, and when I woke up, I ran from my bed to write it down. I ... [1,886 words]
Hearts by David B Doc Byron - [264 words]
Glory Days by Kelley Sullivan A short story about a father who loks back to his childhood years of football and now he is watching... [862 words]
Cold Wonder by Julissa Gayle Raven Another short story I wrote on whim. Its written from a man's point of view just to let you know. ... [427 words]
You Have Been Pre Selected... by August Bondi The dream that everyone has about "the one that got away." [673 words]
Wheatley's Last Wish Chapter Two by Drakeman Robert Kincaide - [1,013 words]
Uncle Marty by David B Doc Byron An invalid Uncle pays another visit to his favorite nephew. [1,165 words]
The Long Ride Home by David B Doc Byron An alien from another world gets captured and examined. [574 words]
The Colonel by Dustin Rhodes The tale of a Confederate Officer at the battle of Fredricksburg. [2,729 words]
The Accident On Lane 17 by Steven T Andy Clannons friends Sharon and Maggie are causing chaos during a field trip to a bowl... [4,154 words]
Tears Of Red. by Julissa Gayle Raven Originally a school assignment, but I took it a step farther. All my friends (and that's a lot) ... [3,565 words]
Sister by Cass About a girl who loses the person who she adored the most-her sister, during a war but when her sister r... [1,594 words]
Our Trip To California by Michala McMonagle This is a short story about my family trip to California [431 words]
My Summer Vacation by S Spencer This story is about a child's special vacation with his family. [366 words]
My Inspiration by Amy Mondure Lioncourt About how in the end the smallest things can mend the biggest wounds. [247 words]
Mold My Brain by Ana Soto The following story illustrates how a child needs to be molded in order to become a successful ad... [324 words]
Just Me by Stormy The story of a little girl home from the hospital. You would think her parents would be happy to see he... [888 words]
Gulf by Ed Bruce How the Gulf Stream united two families from different continents, only to find that their family problems... [3,862 words]
Good As Gold by Stormy Getting good grades in high school shouldn't have been a bad thing. [2,359 words]
Gamepoint - A Short Short by David B Doc Byron a fighter narrates a story about his life in the ring. [546 words]
Ekim by Katherine Gehl Donovan A short story about a guy at my school who I am really close to. Or was. [1,061 words]
Day In The Life Of The Clinically Insane by Jessica Ann Zidik For: All of those who thought they knew me. [2,232 words]
Cuban Term Paper Crisis by Kurt Kitasaki A satire on Cuban-American relations. [2,845 words]
Celebrating Life by Rowan Davies A collection of stories through the viewpoints of different people that interlink to show how ... [6,755 words]
Blood Is Thicker Than Water by David B Doc Byron Two vampire siblings learn how to help each other in their time of need. [674 words]
When Its Not Set In Stone by Alla Lapidus A 3-part historical fantasy set at Stonehenge. [8,546 words]
What Are You Thinking About? by Darcy K Metz Has your girlfriend ever asked you that question before? The usual response from a... [1,028 words]
Victory City by Matthew Little Many years after a hero fell to his death, his legacy will continue on in a child to fight a deadl... [5,719 words]
Treats From Heaven by Ashley Cook Lily dies and goes to Heaven. She has to decide between two doors. This is a sort of Alice i... [2,533 words]
The Myriad Slip by Salai G Prit Narcotics, sensuality, cruelty and a flat full of people asleep... the musings of a christmas m... [695 words]
The Mark Of Jack by Sue (Sooz) Simpson The start of something maybe. [1,044 words]
The Jax (Episodes 1-5) by Matthew Little Creatures taking over the human race and only few people know of the impending doom. Us... [4,382 words]
The Fear Within by Musau A former hit man goes back home to reflect on his career, and then he is thrown aback! [1,740 words]
The Butterfield Stagecoach Mystery
The Birth Of My Baby Brother by J Labarre A college student looking back and remembering what it was like to have a new baby... [972 words]
Teeth by Fergus O'Ferguson Sometimes, with regard to the imagination, it is frighteningly easy to become a fool. One man here become... [1,344 words]
Sleeping Silently by D Donely A girl tries to discover who killed her best friend. [3,429 words]
Simple Jack by Norman A Rubin A backward youth had been jailed for the accidental death of his mother he committed by crushing he... [3,144 words]
Signs by Gina Smith - [1,005 words]
Pandora's Bottle by Judith Goff First love, last love... [5,004 words]
One Night In Bangkok by A Johnson A partial chapter of my unfinished novel of the same name, this story relates the protago... [1,670 words]
Of Peppermints And White Knights by Stormy I took my first drink at age 10. [2,179 words]
No One To No Where by Alina Marquez Short story about a woman on a greyhound bus to El Paso. [1,269 words]
My Life And Some Stuff by Jerry Puryear - [740 words]
My Best Friend by S Spencer "My Best Friend" is my twin sister. I share with you the joy and uniqueness of baing a twin and ... [567 words]
My Best Friend Colleen by Mary Belletatto How two people meet and become best friends through college. [1,478 words]
Ivan's Out Of This World Odyssey by Alex M Sam Young boy elf and friends travel to the land of the dragons. In order to retur... [1,941 words]
Image by Beth Foley A short story. [574 words]
I Have A Problem by Christina Soderberg I was addicted to diet pills. [928 words]
High Tension by Norman A Rubin The short story tell of an elderly woman who thinks light bulbs leak. The copy will give the backg... [1,901 words]
Girl Scout Adventures by Sarah This piece was written for my Reading and Literature in Elementary schools class that I a... [729 words]
Dine In... Or Take Out by D Donely This is a short little story I wrote when I was bored. It's about a Detective trying to ... [1,597 words]
Cape May by Bastiani - [612 words]
Agony 2 by Sue (Sooz) Simpson Morew from the irrepresible Aunt Nasty (May be deemed offensive). [1,077 words]
A True Best Friend by Colleen Klose Story about the impact of my sister on my life. [537 words]
A Mermaid's Heart by Teresa R Lucas The tale of a mermaid's love and how it was lost and found. [1,984 words]

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The Butterfield Stagecoach Mystery
This is actually a story written by my father. It is based on the legends of the Stage Coach Line.
[698 words]
D Donely
*****sitting here "trying" to write....
[June 2003]
A Poem (Poetry) Just a poem I wrote; it doesn't really have any specific point to it. The words just came to me. [40 words]
A Ruined Land (Poetry) - [56 words]
A Vampire's Attack (Poetry) A short poem about a vampire getting set to attack a victim. I can't help it, i've always been mesmerized by vampires... [34 words]
All Alone... Just Me (Poetry) - [65 words]
All I Wanted Was... (Poetry) Just r/r. [43 words] [Relationships]
Are You Deaf? (Poetry) About people who don't seem to notice... who don't seem to see... who don't seem to hear.. [65 words]
Being Perfect (Poetry) This poem is mostly about trying to be perfect; you'll just have to read it ur'self, & come to your own conclusion. If u want; i'd appreciate some feed back, thanx [57 words]
Confusion Of Life (Poetry) I had no clue what to call this one..but, anyways, any/all reviews are GREATLY appreciated!!:) [65 words]
Dancing In The Rain (Poetry) Yay! Finally a poem that's not morbid! [40 words]
Deaf Ears (Poetry) Well, I think this is good. Read and enjoy (reviews would be nice also) [115 words]
Dear God (Poetry) A poem about a girl who makes the fatal mistake of driving drunk... these are her dying thoughts. [97 words]
Death (Poetry) A poem about death. I enjoyed writing it. I'd appreciate feedback on this. [56 words]
Death Wish (Poetry) This one was easy to write. Read and Review, that'd brighten my day a bit. [100 words]
Dine In... Or Take Out (Short Stories) This is a short little story I wrote when I was bored. It's about a Detective trying to solve a murder case. [1,597 words] [Crime]
Don't Bother (Poetry) Break-ups should be permanent. Ever had a guy (girl) come crawling on their knees begging for your forgiveness? Well... this is what inspired this poem. [76 words] [Relationships]
Don't Pity Me (Poetry) - [42 words]
Fading Ember (Poetry) This is a poem that I've always liked. I wrote it about my depressed boyfriend. [126 words]
False Hope (Poetry) Definitely NOT the best, but these words were just floating around in my head, drivng me crazy. So... I wrote it down. [57 words]
Fierce Waves (Poetry) Not much to say... [52 words]
Flying Monkeys! (Poetry) I'm not quite sure what I was on when I wrote this... it's sort of a joke between my friends and I. [40 words]
Globes Of Light (Poetry) Wow... this is... different for me.... I haven't written one like this in a while... well, stop at the review box on your way out! C'mon you know you wanna clicky! Click, click! [57 words]
Hell Or Life? (Poetry) I've hit a bit of a writer's block... so... read with caution. [70 words]
Her True Side (Poetry) This is a poem about a girl who doesn't let the world see her emotions. She hides behind lies and a false mask. I'm only 14, so I'd like some feedback on this, thanks. [59 words]
Hourglass (Poetry) I've revised it, so that I think it sounds better. I liked this poem, hopefully you will too. Please read and review, ty. [68 words]
I Can't Have You... (Poetry) Dude... the title kinda speaks for itself... btw, I love any kind of feedback, even bad. So, come on... you know you wanna read... just one little click, come one, one little clicky... [40 words]
I Hate You!! (Poetry) Just a poem about how I felt when my boyfriend and I broke up. It's not too well written, but, it's honest. [115 words]
I Left You (Poetry) My friend wanted me to write her a poem about how she felt... so here it is. It's hard though, since I don't know first hand her emotions. [74 words]
I Smiled Again (Poetry) - [93 words]
I Was Bored... (Poetry) I swear I wasn't high when I wrote this. Don't ask.. [124 words] [Humor]
I Won't Break (Poetry) - [63 words]
I'd Ask For You (Poetry) "If I could have one wish, one wish come true, I'd ask...", well, I'm not going to give it ALL away, so you'll just have to read... [26 words] [Romance]
I'll Be There For You (Poetry) Just a lil' something my (ex) bf wrote me one time... I love it. [44 words]
In Shock (Poetry) R/R, ty. :):) [51 words]
It Hurts (Poetry) This poem is written about my mother, and the pain she has caused me. Out of all I have written, this is my favorite, and expresses my feelings deeply. [125 words]
It's Time To Say Good-Bye (Poetry) Yet another one of my poems -- it's about how relationships come to an end. [73 words]
Just Don't... (Poetry) The title I wanted was already taken.... Dont' hold my hand, if you won't hold it forever... r & r. [58 words]
Kill Me (Poetry) - [51 words]
Leave Me To Die (Poetry) I entered this one into a poetry competition actually, and I've been told that it has good verse. It's a bit morbid, but it's one of my favorites and one of the first that I wrote. [49 words]
Like Hell (Poetry) Lalalala... oh... um... just read, k? I love reviews by the way, so why not leave me a lil note? And... while you're at it... why not take a look at some of my other work?Eh?:):) [136 words]
Live (Poetry) This... isn't exactly the best that I've written... but... oh well. [46 words]
Lost Time (Poetry) I didn't write this actually, a friend of mine did. Just read and review. [54 words]
Love Is Suicide (Poetry) Read and Review! Come on! You know you want to! My writing's worth your time! It only takes a second, and it would sure brighten this writer's day a bit! [153 words]
Magic And Wizards (Poetry) Just a weird little poem. I was on a fantasy kick... by the way, I love any/all feedback!thanks:) [116 words]
Magical Mushrooms (Poetry) A stupid, pointless poem about "magical mushrooms". [55 words]
Moonlight Enchantress (Poetry) You know what I always thought would be fun? Is if we did a CHAIN STORY. You know, one person starts, and everyone else adds...Well, here's the chance. Have fun. :) [300 words]
Moonlight Enchantress Part 4 (Short Stories) Here we have it, the 4th installment of this CHAIN STORY. C'mon, you know you want to read and add your own unique twist! [330 words]
My Insomnia (Poetry) I'm suffering through insomnia at the moment, so I as inspired to write about it. Joy. [41 words]
My Way (Poetry) A poem about not following the "crowd", doing things my way. [69 words]
My 'lil Pink Foo Foo (Poetry) This is a poem I wrote for my foo foo, who sadly, passed away this past winter. Please, give me some feed back on this, thank you. [96 words] [Drama]
Not Like You (Poetry) I'm not quite sure what I was trying to say... just read/reviews, and come up with your own interpretation. [42 words]
Nothing,Nothing (Poetry) This is a cool poem written my a FRIEND of mine. So, please, read and review. thanks. [44 words]
Oh Shit (Poetry) About a night that I spent with my friend, the drugee. heh. Well, you just have to read it. I'm not really very good at summaries. [958 words]
Oh Shit (Pt 2) (Short Stories) Just the ending of the first part. About a night with my "stoner" friend. hehe. Don't ask... [808 words]
One Bad Choice... (Poetry) A poem about how doing just ONE thing wrong, can ruin everything. I'm sure every1 can relate. I'm trying a new style of writing, it's different from what I usually do. I wouldn't mind getting feed bac... [48 words]
Only Me (Poetry) This poem was WRITTEN by a FRIEND of mine. She is the same person who wrote "nothing,nothing". so r/r.ty. [37 words]
Orbs Of Our Soul (Poetry) This I like.hehe. r/r. [33 words]
Pieces Of My Soul (Poetry) Finally! I wrote a poem! Yay! The writer's block is gone! [55 words]
Poison (Poetry) Just a short lil poem. And, as always, I love love love reviews. :) [48 words]
Reaching (Poetry) Just read/review, that'd make the author very happy :) [38 words]
Regrets (Poetry) A friend of mine wanted me to write her a poem about how she regretted leaving a guy she loved. This was kind of hard, considering I wasn't actually feeling the emotions, so I had nothing to dig from... [80 words]
Rules To Live By (Poetry) Just a short poem that I wrote. I wouldn't mind having feedback. Thanks. [85 words]
Scattered (Poetry) Just a poem, see for yourself. Reviews are realllly appreciated!!!! [35 words]
Screw Me Over (Poetry) Nice title, huh? [90 words]
Senseless (Poetry) Come up w/your own interpretation. [31 words]
September 11th (Poetry) I think the title says enough. [50 words]
Silent Rain (Poetry) A light little piece about my favorite type of weather. [31 words]
Sleeping Silently (Short Stories) A girl tries to discover who killed her best friend. [3,429 words] [Crime]
Small Town (Poetry) Poem about my "lovely" home town. [54 words]
So Empty (Poetry) Uhm... [47 words]
Stupid Girl (So Unfocused) (Poetry) This is about a friend of mine who... well... doesn't exactly make the best of choices. She's basically making some stupid decisions... Personally I don't like this poem, it sucks. [68 words]
Take Life.... (Poetry) - [73 words]
Tell Me The Way (Poetry) I wouldn't mind some feedback on this, and my other poems, thanks. You readers rock my world!:) [93 words]
That's Life (Poetry) Just a simple poem about life. [41 words]
The Storm (Poetry) Just a poem; the title is pretty much self explanatory. [27 words] [Nature]
Things Aren't As They Seem (Poetry) Please read and criticize all you want. Thanks. [90 words]
Things I Love About You (Poetry) Err... Umm... just the things I love about... someone. [33 words] [Relationships]
Time Of Fear (Poetry) Just a poem about how time passes so slowly whenever your scared. It's hard to explain this-you just have to read it for yourself. And Please! Feedback!!!hehe. Thanks.:) [50 words]
Too Young (Poetry) Just my ramblings about how people seem to underestimate me just because of my age... *sigh* [90 words]
Trying To Blend (Poetry) Just a poem about trying to be the same as every1 around. [40 words]
Turn Back Time (Poetry) Yet another one of my many poems. Enjoy. And as always, make sure to stop at the review box on your way out. ty. [53 words]
Untitled (For Now) (Poetry) This remains untitles for now, but I'm open for suggested titles. reviews are, as always, appreciated. [64 words]
Wake-Up (Poetry) - [23 words]
Waves (Poetry) - [12 words]
We See Things.... (Poetry) Just r/r. Oh, and for some reason my author's description never changes... even when I try to... so... I dunno, it ticks me off. [67 words]
What Is Love? (Poetry) Eh...I'm not so sure about this one... maybe you all will like it. And, as always, reviews are appreciated. :) [65 words]
What's The Use? (Poetry) Just my usual ramblings about... things. [74 words]
Why Are We Here? (Poetry) Basically just my rambling about why we were given life. This is a completely different style from how I usually write. I'd like some feed back. Thanks.:) [103 words]
Without You (Poetry) Just a lil poem.Hey, at least it's not morbid... hehe... [62 words]
You Think Your Special (Poetry) Just about people who seem to think that they're special, and better than everyone else. [66 words]
The Butterfield Stagecoach Mystery
D Donely

Who knows what goes on in the night, when we're tucked in tight? What strange things happen, to us when we're asleep?Who among you has heard the tale of the "Butterfield Stage Coach"? The stage line has long been shut down of course. But the route it took is still here. It was an old indian trail, and in fact, it was here before the indians. Then it was used by the fur trappers that came west, from Arkansas. Then it was used by men on horseback. Then eventually by the stage coach. Then in more recent times by the Model A, then it was paved into the roads we use today. In a sense, the old stage line is still there. My great-grandmother was part Cherokee Indian. She and my great-grandfather moved to the Ozarks in the 1890's. They set up home in the oldest mountain range in America, the Ozarks. Their home was one of the many stage stops along the Butterfield Stage route. They were many miles from the nearest neighbor. I built a house a hundred yards from the stage stop ruins, two and half years ago. The old house had been torn down many years before, and the lumber had been used to build a corral and old feeding shed. I had been having this dream the first two months I lived in my house. I would be asleep, and I would see the muzzel of a revolver close up to my face, and the smoke rising from the barrel. I would see this in my mind for about 10 seconds, then I would hear the report of a firearm as if the sound from the revolver was delayed. I would be jarred awake, with the report from the gun still ringing in my ears. This went on for weeks. Then it got to the point where I could even smell the smoke. Several times while I was asleep, it would sound like an old Stage Coach pulling up in front of the house.I would hear muffeled voices for a few seconds, then I would feel a hand on my shoulder, shaking me awake. The first few seconds I was awake I could still hear the voices. Then all would be quiet. By this time I was used to the strange sounds, and would go back to sleep. Then one night, I was jarred awake by gun fire, and of a man screaming. As if hell itself was after him. I set straight up in bed, this time it was no strange dream. The man was still screaming. I went to my front door. As soon as I opened it, the blur of a stage coach went by. Then it was gone. But, a man lay on the ground still screaming. I turned on the flood light, and there lay a man, holding his leg. I could see bone coming through his pant leg. There was a revolver not three feet from him. I stood there for a few seconds, letting this scene filter in my mind. Then I realized this was no dream. I went to the man to make sure he was real. And he begged for help. I called the police, and the man was taken to hospital. I didn't hear anything else until the Police Chief, who is a friend of the family's, stopped by one day. He told me the rest of the story. The man had confessed that he was going to break in and kill whoever lived in the house. He said some crazy indian woman had stepped in front of him and barred him from the door. His gun had not been fired, but her gun had. He claimed a stage coach had come out of nowhere after she shot him, and she had gotten aboard. Then the stage coach dissappeared. The Police Chief ended the story by shaking his head, and saying, this is the biggest crazy I have seen in all my years of police work. Was this man crazy? If so, then I was too. The dreams have stopped, and I thank my great-grandmother for saving me that one dark, Ozark night.



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© 2002 D Donely
November 2002

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