AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (100) A Battered Woman Looks In The Mirror (Short Stories) What does she see? [912 words] A Memoir Of Angst (Poetry) - [50 words] A Night At The Cineplex (Short Stories) Sometimes I feel like watching a flick, sometimes I feel like this. [957 words] A Reflection Of Love (Poetry) - [23 words] A Ride On The New York City Subway (Short Stories) If you live or have traveled on our lovely subway systems here, you would totally understand this piece. [1,115 words] [Drama] A Spark Of Light Through The Valley (Poetry) - [253 words] An Ode To Man's Best Friend (Poetry) - [199 words] Another Beggar's At The Door (Poetry) - [221 words] Asleep (Poetry) - [170 words] Asphyxiate (Poetry) - [169 words] Attorney At Law (Poetry) - [218 words] Battle Cry (Essays) Another self discovery made in the middle of a restless night. [438 words] [Psychology] Blue Bird (Poetry) - [142 words] [Fable] Child Murder (Short Stories) Another story written for my psychology class on a study in child criminalization in the last fifty to a hundred years. [7,471 words] [Psychology] Christianity (Non-Fiction) - [113 words] [Mind] College Boys (Essays) - [558 words] Confused Youth (Poetry) Haven't we all felt this way? [155 words] [Drama] Conversations With A Hate Monger (Short Stories) A tale of the ramblings of a bigot. Make your own judgements. [1,090 words] [Drama] Devoted Husband And Father (Short Stories) - [268 words] [Fable] Disturbing Gift (Short Stories) This is a short story that has a taboo subject twist to it. Tell me what ya think. [262 words] [Fable] Double Indifference (Poetry) - [43 words] Drinking Coffee With Loveliness (Poetry) Loveliness is a metaphor in this poem about whatever makes you smile. [122 words] Empty Barnyard In October (Poetry) - [207 words] Extreme Panhandling (Essays) This is an article I wrote about a severe problem that plagues the beautiful city of New York. [1,191 words] [Drama] Feeding Love With Hate (Essays) An article on three men dealing with their sexuality. [2,339 words] [Gay & Lesbian] Forever Mystery (Poetry) - [136 words] Friendship, Oblivion (Short Stories) Have you ever had a relationship like this? Have you ever had a friendship like this? I think I may be starting a special series. I can use more real accounts like this one. Yes, this is actual. [373 words] From Kenya, With Love (Non-Fiction) True story. [1,644 words] [Gay & Lesbian] Glum (Essays) I think this is self explaning. [207 words] [Drama] Go Away! (Short Stories) She screamed louder than ever before. [254 words] [Fable] Governmental Fiasco (Essays) This government is going to hell if we do not get rid of BUSH!!!!! Say what you will about this piece, but the fact remains that he, like Reagan, were the worst we have seen in years. BUSH, OUT!! [781 words] Grace (Poetry) A little poem about my late grandmother Grace Johnson. You're always in my heart. [102 words] Homosexual Agenda: Equality! (Essays) What gay people are really looking for. [1,647 words] [Gay & Lesbian] Hopelessly Together (Poetry) - [108 words] Human Abstract (Short Stories) Unusual art exhibit. [4,254 words] [Fan Fiction] I Didn't Do All I Could (But I Tried) (Poetry) When you haven't done enough, but should have tried. [340 words] I Miss You So Very Much (Non-Fiction) (Just For You) [493 words] I Wonder What They See In Me (Essays) When I walk down the street and people stare; what are they thinking? [629 words] I Wont Tell (Essays) This is not for the weak at heart type. This is a strong piece that is loosely based on my childhood. If you can take the sensitive content of this piece, read on. [927 words] [Relationships] If I Could Do It Again (Poetry) Regret. [96 words] If I Had Only Known Then (Poetry) - [36 words] I'm Welcomed (Poetry) A feeling of bliss under the night sky. [67 words] Intensely And Beautifully Obscene (Poetry) - [49 words] Is It Still Today? (Poetry) A poem about everyday life. [196 words] [Drama] Isn't It Strange? (Poetry) - [24 words] I've Been Having These Dreams About You... (Non-Fiction) Something I wrote about a former boyfriend of mine. I really don't know why I'm posting this here but we'll see what happens. [243 words] [Gay & Lesbian] Just A Kiss (Poetry) A poem written while vacationing in North Carolina in late July. [177 words] Keeping Your Dignity And Creativity (Getting Published) (Essays) This is an article on rejection, how to get published and a few tips to follow. [2,169 words] [Writing Resource] Life And It's Irony (Poetry) - [128 words] Little Boy (Poetry) A short poem I wrote ten years ago when I was just twelve years old. I wrote it about myself and the way I thought my parents should look at me. [104 words] Mommy, Was I A Mistake? (Short Stories) Hold me when I'm here and love me when I'm gone. [768 words] Mother Please (Poetry) A poem about a mother in dire need of help. [133 words] [Drama] Mr. Michael Jackson-The King Of Pop (Essays) Let me explain something to the reviewers who may make ignorant comments about this piece on Michael Jackson. I am not posting here to get anyone’s approval and I am not posting here to make friends. ... [382 words] [Drama] My Fathers Eyes (Poetry) The relationship between a father and son. [59 words] [Drama] My Swan Song (Poetry) - [78 words] Our Bodies Are In The Way (Poetry) - [342 words] [Fantasy] Overindulge (Poetry) When life has gone too far. [101 words] [Drama] Partners Slowly Slipping Away (Poetry) - [218 words] Playing With My Hair (Non-Fiction) This is a piece that I thought about writing while driving up the Florida Turnpike from West Palm Beach to Orlando. The mind wonders during such long trips. [228 words] Please Say (Poetry) Longing. [111 words] [Relationships] Plunge (Poetry) This is one of my final seven submissions to this site for a while. [173 words] Probing (Short Stories) This is a short story I wrote for my psychology class. It's written as a sadistic persona similiar to that of Jeffrey Dahmer. I chose Jeffrey because he was the first serial killer I learned about as ... [1,489 words] [Psychology] Reinvent The World (Poetry) If I were in charge, this is what it would be like. [206 words] Remains (Poetry) - [56 words] Ronald Reagan (Essays) Was he that good? [1,096 words] Satisfaction Guaranteed: Refundexchange (Poetry) - [70 words] Shame Or Protection (Non-Fiction) You be the judge. [985 words] [Gay & Lesbian] Small World (Poetry) - [137 words] Speak Freely (Short Stories) This is another addition to my "Fable" anthology I am creating. [258 words] [Fable] Struggling To Face Reality (Essays) My thoughts on Bill Cosby and his recent comments. [1,577 words] Success (Short Stories) Another part of my 'Fable' anthology. [275 words] [Fable] The Cave (Poetry) - [296 words] The Door (Short Stories) Another addition to my 'Fable' collection. [287 words] [Fable] The Down-Low Life (It's A Two Way Street) (Non-Fiction) This is an article on the double life that women (bisexual, lesbian, curious or the like) lead behind the backs of their partners. This topic is often discussed but it is often focused on the men who ... [2,218 words] [Relationships] The Fire Is Almost Out (Poetry) - [100 words] The Fruitstand At Lunchtime (Poetry) - [72 words] The Habit Of Being Gay (Poetry) This poem is in response to those who think that being gay is a "phase" or "habit" only explored by those who are curious. [87 words] [Gay & Lesbian] The Mother Of All Birthdays (Short Stories) - [1,850 words] [Fan Fiction] The Painful Mistake Of Losing You (Poetry) - [106 words] The Plight Of Man (Poetry) - [215 words] The Story Of Dan (Non-Fiction) - [2,036 words] [Gay & Lesbian] The Study Of Balls (Poetry) The title may be a bit misleading. [114 words] The Vacation In Vain (Poetry) - [42 words] They Call Me Mellow Yellow (Non-Fiction) Complexion [2,063 words] Thirsty (Poetry) A hunger, a greed or a passion? [144 words] Thoughtless (Poetry) I wrote this one just a moment ago when I woke up after a restless sleep. I woke up feeling empty and decided to write. This is what came out of me. [160 words] To All The Forgotten (Poetry) - [124 words] To Whom Beauty Holds (Short Stories) All about Vanity. [2,545 words] [Fable] Trust In Dreams (Poetry) - [100 words] [Fable] Unanswered Letters (Short Stories) - [354 words] [Fable] Unclear Explanation (Poetry) A poem written about uncertainty. [62 words] Videotape (Short Stories) This is a short story I wrote after reading a particularly interesting book and was far too full of anxiety to sleep. This is a disturbing story that deals with cannibalism and pedophilia. I wrote it ... [7,472 words] [Crime] Vulnerable (Essays) The middle of the night thoughts. This is a little something based on a seris of unsettling dreams I had in the middle of the night on February, 8th 2003. It's meaning is unknown even to me. I guess t... [263 words] [Mind] Watching Me Fade (Poetry) - [54 words] We Stand (Poetry) - [282 words] [Gay & Lesbian] When Straight Guys Go Gay (Non-Fiction) This is a real life account of a guy my friends and I met online who had questions about his sexuality. [2,810 words] [Gay & Lesbian] When The Ginger Boy Sings (Poetry) - [226 words] With You Next To Me (Poetry) - [123 words] Within The Depths Of His Eyes (Poetry) Only when you're truly in love, can you feel this way. [55 words] Worms In My Grandmother's Garden (Poetry) An old peom I found that I wrote when I was very young helping my grandmother in her prized tomato garden. Circa, 1991. [120 words]
The Fight Skyler Drevan
Since the day we were married, I have been fighting my husband. We have had the most heinous fights that have had him and me both in the emergency room. We have had several brawls but none were as devastating as the fight that we had after a dinner party on the evening of one of the most beautiful nights in Miami on August thirteenth.
Darren and I were entertaining some friends and co-workers that evening to celebrate a year that I have been at the associate position at the Branson and Morley marketing firm. Early before the party began, I felt that Darren wasn’t too thrilled to have the situation all about me. I made a lot more money than Darren did. Darren and I were married not long after he received his citizenship papers. Because he wasn’t a legal citizen for so long, Darren couldn’t legally work in this country and I had to support him. Darren really didn’t take to the idea of my being more successful than he.
He finally found a job in late June as a waiter in a new and struggling restaurant just fifteen minutes from our home in Wood brook. Before the party, Darren was complaining of a mess that we’d have to clean up and stated to me on more than one occasion before and during the gathering that he wasn’t lifting a finger to help clean up the mess that my friends were sure to leave. I tried my best to ignore his words but his voice was kind of hard to drain out so as always, I just listened and agreed. Guests began to arrive a little early than the scheduled eight o’clock arrival time. By a quarter to eight, there were a dozen people at out house. Darren and I were mingling around the grand piano that my grandmother left to me in her will. That was a special piano because it was imported from Italy to her during the depression and is rumored to have been played by one of the three tenors as a child.
By eight-thirty the house was full with friends and co-workers celebrating my year anniversary, one of my dearest friends Karen Lucy Made a toast in my honor. She said that she was proud that she had a friend in me and that she had never known such a strong person in her life. She wished me the best in the future and that I would one day have the family I so desired. I’ve always loved children but Darren said that he wasn’t ready. In fact, whenever the subject of children came up in bed, he’d turn over and refuse to make love for that night.
The gathering of friends didn’t last very long. By eleven-thirty everyone was outside in the back yard having a drink while Darren and I were in the guest closet gathering the coats and accessories. While there, Darren mentioned to me that we needed to talk after our guests were gone. I didn’t know what was on his mind but I admit that I was deadly curious and wanted to know immediately. I didn’t exactly rush my guests out the door but I in a way made it clear that we were tired and wanted to get to bed.
After the final guest had left the house, Darren and I walked towards the back yard patio and started to clear the glasses from the table and bar areas. Through his thick French accent, Darren asked me if I thought in any way that I was better than him because I was a big time marketing associate and he was nothing more than a waiter in a soon to be defunct restaurant. The very question both puzzled and hurt me. I have never done anything to this man to give him any idea that I thought I was better than he. Before I could answer his question, Darren took his fist and smashed it through the glass patio table. His hand and knuckles were bleeding and he was just getting started. Darren and I weren’t sized up evenly. He was six foot three and two hundred twenty pounds. I on the other hand am five ten and a hundred and ninety pounds fully clothed and soak and wet. But I was never ever afraid to fight when I felt that there were no other options.
Darren knew that my home was my pride and joy. He knew how hard I worked to get to the level of financial security I’m at. He knew how I had valuable antiques in my home that were handed down to me that were generations old. Darren was drunk and on top of that he was insanely jealous and insecure of me. After the patio table, Darren flew into the dining room past the Italian oil paintings I had recently purchased at an art auction and headed straight for the piano. It was the one thing over all that I treasured the most and I almost dared him to hurt it in any way. As Darren motioned to strike the piano with his fist, he stopped in midair and laughed at me sardonically while simultaneously looking at me in great victory. I stared back at him with pity in my eyes for him because I knew that if he were to hurt my piano that I would have no other choice but to physically fight my husband.
For a brief moment I thought that Darren had come to his senses. He stepped away from the piano as I looked on in momentary relief as he stepped out of the room. At that moment when Darren was gone, I dropped to my knees and thanked God that no harm had come to my precious gift. My thanks, however, would be ever so brief. When Darren returned to the room he found me on my knees and ordered me to move. I thought that he wanted me to come to him so that we could make up. In my naivety, I removed myself from the blocking view of the piano and walked over to him. With tears in my eyes, I gave him and hug and begged him to seek help for his emotional issues. After a few moments, Darren reached in his pocket and pulled out a pistol from the gun collection in the billiard room.
Darren emptied the thirty nine year old gun into my precious piano with five shots straight through the tender instrument. That was all that I needed to explode into a frenzy of uncontrollable anger and unmatched madness. After Darren finished destroying my piano, he dropped the gun and plopped himself onto the couch in one of the dens and smirked himself to sleep. While he rested, I went into the kitchen and turned on the automatic over and placed five pots of water on high. I let it sit for about a half hour before I turned the oven off. Darren was a sound sleeper, especially when he was drunk. I knew that I could do anything short of hurting him while he slept and he would not awaken.
Knowing that he would not be disturbed, I removed all of Darren’s clothing and placed him into the Jacuzzi in my bedroom, tied and completely unmovable from head to toe. I muzzled his mouth so that his screams wouldn’t hurt my ears, as I stated before, Darren had a large voice. When he was shackled in the tub with no place to go, I poured some ice cold water on his face to wake him. When he was fully awake I apologized for what I was about to do but that he had brought it on himself. As he was screaming curse words under his breath, I began to pour the steaming hot water all over his body. Little by little, I emptied out each pot. By the time I was finished, Darren’s body looked like a cut fish that had been beaten after death. Before I was finished I told Darren that we were threw and that if were to turn me in for what I had done, I’d be sure that he never lived to see me in court facing charges. He knew that to be true because I had relatives in the high courts of America, one of the reason he was able to establish citizenship in this country after just two short months.
It was hard to fight my husband and cruelly punish him for his sins to me but I had to do what I had to do. He pushed me way too far for the last time. I had had enough. What hurts the most is that being a gay couple, Darren and I had all the odds stacked against us. Sadly instead of it being us against the world, it was Darren against Me.
"Bravo!I can identify with the protagonist - mission fulfilled." -- jim roxenberg.
"more of an opinionated recollection of both your tempers than a short story, and i personally disagree with your final motives of scalding the poor man in the jacuzzi. apparently the word "divorce" never crossed your mind when you were in the emergency room after one of your so-put many fights." -- harry.
"Apart from the fact, that the three main elements of a short story (beginning, middle, end) are provided, it is obvious, that the writer has pointed right from the start with an arrow towards the end (in medias res). Two characters with their specific personality traits, a few meaningful props, no dead freight, a climax and even a touch of philosophical message as a finishing sentence - one must be blind, not to recognize a short story. It is the writers' choice to exclude divorce as an option, as it is also the writers' choice to let his 'usually normal' charcters do something out of character in a given situation - even perfectly normal people tend to overreact or do something extremely dramatic, when passion, emotion, anger and loss of control (just to mention a few factors) meet at the right time. By the way: I had the impression, that the story was based on a true story. Anyways...the way it was presented, it could have been also plausible fiction. Skyler Drevan has convinced me with logic and believable storytelling. Good Luck, Skyler!" -- Jim Roxenberg.
"I must be blind? you think i could write an article on a football season and call it a short story? hey, as long as introduce characters and give a climax and a resolution it'd be a short story wouldn't it? no, you dumb idiot, it might as well be a short story but essentially a history lesson on the football season. Say I throw a few morals in there about trying your hardest or overcoming adversity, then exclude numbers and change names and give a precise, overall message? That's the underlying difference, and it's exactly what this Skyler Drevan has decided to do with his own story: he told of a night he got in a fight with his husband and tore off his skin with boiling water because he was a drunk asshole who shot apart his beloved piano. Look again and let me know if you see any sort of underlying message about humans and their so called "extremely dramatic overreactions" when "drama passion emotion and loss of control" take over. It's not there. I know plenty of people who wouldn't do such a thing to a human life, and believe me, it's actually the norm, yet Skyler writes like it's the action we must all take. Please. And don't get all touchy with me again, because I'm simply speaking out against a true story that should've landed this writer in jail. And you know what? If he'd have divorced that moron in the first place he'd still have his piano, wouldn't he?" -- harry.
"I had no idea that this piece of writing, whatever you may call it, could cause such a argument. Let's just say that this is based on actual events as told to me by one of my best friends. Whether or not I should be in jail really has nothing to do with the story. I never said that this was a story based on me. Harry, lighten up and move to another page. Believe me, you (whether you like me or not) will not make or break me. I already have gone further in writing than I ever thought possible. To Harry, get a life, to Mr. Roxenberg, thank you for your support and defense but please do not feel the need to respond to Harry any longer. Any future comments from him will be deleted." -- Skyler Drevan, the author.
"I certainly had no intentions to respond to such a comment, Skyler. I guess harry speaks for himself, LOL!" -- jim roxenberg.
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