I sat staring at the blank piece of paper in front of me. It stared back defiantly. 12 years of formal government sanctioned education and countless acts of Parliament laws, by-laws, sub-laws and in-laws had boiled down to this: my final exam. After today my formal school career would be over and I would be released upon the world as a free man. I would be able to go after all the goals I had set myself as a young man early on in my career.
‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ I roared confidently while standing on the podium of the stage in Oslo, ‘I want to thank you all for this Nobel Prize for peace. It is always an honour to be recognised by such a prestigious organisation as yours. And although this is my 7th award from the Nobel foundation, it is no less important than any of the others. Yes, I was happy to be able to solve the starvation problem in Africa and of course I was happy to play a part in the restoration of the Ozone layer and once again I am proud to have brought peace to the Middle East. Being able to win Wimbledon 3 times in a row is always a wonderful achievement and David Dupont, is everything ok with you – ‘
I looked up as I was whisked back to the designated school desk of Mt Eden High. Mrs Barnet’s eyes narrowed as she repeated her question.
‘Yes,’ I answered as my eyes dropped back down to the blank sheet of paper in front of me. I stared at it. Its corners seemed to curl slightly as it smirked back at me.
Right, I thought. Time to get to work. I wrote my name in the top right corner. Now what was that first question again… Explain the events surrounding the formal peace talks between the Jiang Ling and Chou Fang dynasties in 1203. The Ta Hang province was always warm this time of the year but so beautiful too. The valleys surrounding us seemed to stretch on like the ocean much further than what the human eye could see. And the green of the mountains was of a colour so rich and luminous that it seemed to drown out the blandness of the samurai soldiers around me. But of course I wasn’t here to enjoy the beauty. Jiang Ling gestured me forward as I met the chief negotiator of the Chou Fang dynasty.
‘David Dupont,’ he bowed, ‘it is an honour to meet a living legend. Your stories of bravery and courage carry well across the provinces of my homeland. They are stories told equally around campfires and temples.’
It is always nice to be able to be remembered for the uncovering of the secret spice route through Asia or of course rescuing the charming princess of the Emperor Chang. And of course it was always nice to practice my fluent Cantonese except…well, I didn’t actually speak Cantonese. A noise caught my attention to the right. I looked in the direction from where the noise came. Why would a Samurai soldier be sitting at a desk, scribbling notes…where was his sword. I looked down at my sword but instead of a mighty sword, a Bic pen hovering over an almost blank piece of paper.
Dana McCormack was so beautiful. The most popular girl in school. Straight A student, captain of the debating team as well as the netball team and fearless campaigner for a GE free society. And even crouched over her desk writing away confidently she was still able to grab my hand and scream.
‘What are we going to do??’
‘Dana, don’t panic,’ I answered calmly, ‘just stay close to me and we’ll get out of here.’ I looked around the corner but the four members of the Death Biker gang were closing in, blocking our only exit. They were armed with baseball bats, chains and what looked like a knife.
‘Now,’ I said, looking deeply into Dana’s eyes, ‘I want you to hide behind those garbage cans and whatever happens, stay there.’
‘But David, what about you?’
‘I’ll be ok, I can take –’ my words were cut off by her moist lips pressing against mine. Despite having negotiated peace in China, or winning Wimbledon, it took all my concentration to tear myself away from her. But I did and heading off into the alley. The four gang members stopped their approach obviously caught by surprise. They glared at me momentarily before started what amounted to a gallop in my direction. The leader of the pack didn’t know what hit him as I skilfully deflected his chain and brought up my knee to his stomach. As his partner swung the bat towards my head, he made only contact with the cold concrete which returned the powerful blow with interest causing his hands to shake and his eyes to bulge. Luckily my leap over the remaining two ensured their wild swings made only contact with fresh air. Of course by the time they realised this, it was far too late as a couple of well placed blows ensured they were having a closer inspection of the council’s recent upgrade of the road surface. I ran back towards the alley and grabbed Dana’s hand. Her look was one of both admiration and shock as we sprinted towards the road exit. The bikers had started to come around. Not waiting for the return bout I leapt onto one of their bikes with Dana behind me. I turned the ignition but the bike wouldn’t move. I pumped the gas but it remained stationary such as this pen and paper were all supplied by the school and it was intended that you use them Mr Dupont.
I looked up into Barnet’s steely eyes and realised she was no Death Biker although she would have fitted in well. Somehow my bike had become a desk and Dana had somehow slipped away.
I looked down again at my desk. The piece of paper was still there and my name was still on it. I looked around. Some were scribbling away furiously. Others were deep in thought staring away in some belief that the answers to all questions we have, lay in the top right hand corner of the room. I looked there too but no answers lay before me. Instead I looked through the window and saw the mountains under me, looking so small from this height. It was as if I could put my entire thumb over the mountain ranges as if they were some plaything of mine. The oceans were vast perhaps on Earth but from the emptiness of space they were small and fragile. Being the first person to set foot on Mars was exhilarating but seeing the beauty of Mother Earth was no less so. The mission had been tough especially when we discovered the faulty rocket booster on the XJ Shuttle Adventurer. But luckily the space walk I undertook had been successful in restoring the faulty circuit. It was complicated work especially as no text books existed for that kind of error but luckily experience had taught me to adapt. I didn’t like the term hero they were using back on Earth. For me, I was just doing my job and the fame, women, money all meant nothing to me…Sure I would do the talk show circuit but my satisfaction lay in a job well done. As the shuttle approached Earth I started entering the landing co-ordinates. It was a bit strange that the control panel was made of wood of my desk had scratches and marks created by thousands of other students before me also sitting their final exam.
It’s funny to think that the next phase of my life would begin once this exam is over. It was as if this piece of paper in front of me was not merely a piece of paper. It was far more. It was a portal between now and then. Although blank now, it would soon be filled with words and sentences. And these words and sentences would tell stories of things I would do. Of places I’d go and people I’d meet. These pages would be filled with happiness and sadness. They would contain emotions that I hadn’t even begun to experience. In it would be the keys to unlocking the mystery of the universe. And all of it, all the power, all the glory, all the hope and all the aspirations were in my hands. I looked longingly at the pen in my hand. What secrets have you got for me?
I lowered my pen to the paper and began my final exam.
"if you want a review, i'd say delightfully enjoyable. If we were knew each other, i'd say, "yeah, that's about how i feel on final exam day." my favorite part was the resuce scene with your girl Dana. Freakin incredible. If you write another peice, do it on the drudgery of school. I can never run out of people to relate to. Nice." -- Harry Gillen.
"i didn't notice you were 29" -- Harry.
"Thanks for your kind words Harry. Eventhough I have been out of school sometime now I always find it comfortable in the so-called school environment." -- Jack Arnold.
"I liked this a lot, due to the way its written... to say it basically. I especially liked the description- "...ensured they were having a closer inspection of the council?s recent upgrade of the road surface." Good job, I think you ensured that I'll probably find my mind wondering in a similar way with my final exam..." -- Miles Tugman.
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