This is a story of a girl who with out knowing gets the terrible, and mortal sickness of Anorexia, she is almost at the border of death and she has a wonderful recuperation. [912 words]
I am 13 years old, I like English, and everything that deals with greek mythology, I hate science and I do not like Geometry. I was born in Cali, Colombia in 1986. [April 2000]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (2) I Hate You, But I Still Love You (Poetry) This is a poem thats tells about the feelings o love and hate between two people, it tells that between love and hate there is only one step, and that even if she does not admit it she still loves him... [84 words] The Meaning Of Friendship (Short Stories) This is a story that will teach the real meaning of friendship. It tells about a princess that has never known the meaning of real frienship. It tells about her adventures and all the things Drucilla ... [819 words]
Anorexia Maria Mercedes Restrepo
I had my lunch served in the table, I looked at it very closely, and I couldn’t eat it, I wanted to eat it, but something in my body didn’t permit it. I looked at the food again, I got the spoon which was a very hard step to do, I took a little bit of meet and I put it in my mouth, I swallowed it, I felt the meet going through my throat, and into my stomach. As soon as I felt it in, my legs automatically ran too the bathroom, “Honey did you finished your food,” “Yes daddy I already finished it I am going to wash the dish ok.” I got the plate, that was almost full, I called my dog and I gave it to him. Yes I had anorexia, it was very difficult for me to overpass that sickness, My name is Alexa, I am 17 years old, I have dark black hair, and I have shiny blue eyes.
All this sickness started three months ago when I was in high school elementary, all my friends said that I was very pretty, but I did not believed it I thought that I was fat, that my legs were fat, that my face was fat. Once I decided that I would get in a diet and that I would not eat so that I could get skinny. My mom, who prepared delicious food, prepared some delicious spaghetti when I got home. I loved those spaghetti, this was my favorite food. I didn’t eat it, I gave it to the dog. That was the beginning of my sickness. The next day I was pale, everything that I ate I threw it up. I was weak and with bad humor. All my friends asked me that what was wrong. The next week, some friend that studied in another school invited us to dance, to a party that some kids were doing. I had a crush on a boy called Philip, he invited me to the dance. When he did I thought that I got to my purpose that I was skinny, I tried to eat, but I couldn’t, my sickness had gone to far, my body didn’t received the food, since it was already used to not eating. I was dancing with Philip, when I started feeling my legs weak and shivery, I felt like I couldn’t stand very well. The lights started fading, I felt a slight dizziness in my head, I felt like if the world was going around. Philip asked me that if I was ok, that if I wanted to sit down. I said that no, that everything was ok, but it wasn’t. When I was dancing with a friend that was not Philip, the lights went out, I fainted. My friends took me to the hospital. The doctors called my parents, they came running like lightning. When the doctors kept me in observation for 24 hours. When the doctor came out of the room, he was talking with my parents. I was in a bed, which was harder than a stone, the room smelled like hospital and I hated the smell of hospitals. I looked at the doctor and to my parents, I saw them and my mom was crying. When they took me out of the room I asked my mom that what had happened and she started crying again. She left, and she left her purse in the room, before she got back I opened it and I got the results that the doctors gave to her. I looked at it, when I did my blood freeze. I read the results and they said that I was going to die, since my body didn’t had the enough energy’s to support me. I started crying, started thinking in my acts, why did I do that? I asked myself. My mom came into the room, she asked, “you already know, sorry darling this all depend in a miracle and in you, but it is difficult and illogical.” I started crying, I said and I promised to myself and to god that I would overpass that sickness. My parents took me home a week later and they tried to feed me. I tried to eat, but I couldn’t. One day my friend came to visit and they brought some delicious cup cakes. I ate them and I didn’t threw up. The next day Philip came to lunch. He gave me strengths to continue, that was the first day that I ate. The next day I ate more. The next day I ate more. In some months I was much better, I wasn’t so week. I had a doctor appointment the next day. When the doctor saw me he started crying. I got a little scared. The doctor hugged me. I asked that what happened and he said that it was miracle. That I was going to get better. He told me that I was lucky, because I had a lot of friends that loved me and that supported me.
In some months I was better and I promised myself that I would never stop eating or eating in excess. But some times at night I ask my self, if that sickness has really disappear, since I had and I still have the sensation that, this sickness still lives in me, and that I have to fight to go over it.
"This was a good story. I think part of thie story could have been explained more. I would have liked to know why she became anorexic, and if her parents know she was sick before she went to the hospital. Also what kind do treatments did she get to help her recover from anorexia" -- Nichole Schul, Peoria, Il, U.S..
"The development of the story could have been better. Also, make sure that you proofread. There are quite a few mechanical and spelling errors. Most of the story was hard to follow due to weak transitions and poor grammar and spelling errors. Overall, the concept of the story was exceptional. Work on your mechanical errors and development problems and you could be a better writer. " -- ashley, mckeesport, pa, us.
"very nice story...i connected with you/the lead girl. your english grammar is weak but overall i liked the story and felt it's power." -- sunny, dc, usa.
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