AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (5) My Last Days (Short Stories) I have only eight more months to live. [554 words] My Life (Short Stories) A short story. [737 words] My Mom (Short Stories) - [651 words] Rocky (Essays) - [436 words] The End (Short Stories) - [1,106 words]
I Am Lost Ana Torres
Ok, I am definitely lost. I can't find my compass or map. Darn! I just hid in the bushes so I could scare the other guys, and now it seems I am the one who got scared. Man! I look around and all I can see are bushes and trees, and it is almost dark. But how could those guys just leave me here? Haven't they noticed I am gone? Well I did treat them bad, so they're probably think I am warm and comfortable at the hotel. I can hear my stomach grumbling. God I am starving! If I had volunteered to take the supply of food, I would be eating right now. Why am I so lazy? I tried to think for a while but I can't. I am so hungry, and I have to admit I am a little bit scared. I wish I were back home. I heard this weird sound. But I can't figure out what it is. Could it be a bear? No it can't be, could it? I better hide. I look around for a nice and safe place to hide. There's a good place, it seems like a little cave. I don't think a bear or any other animal could find me in there. I'll sit down. The grass is so cold, but what can I do? And to make things worse, the sun is disappearing. Soon there would be no light. I think I am going to die. Definitely, I am going to die, right here in just a few hours. I'll die cold and hungry. If at least I would had listened to the teacher while he talked about survival tips, but nooooooo… I had to start talking to Fred. I am so smart. I should have never actually agreed to come here. I thought this was going to be a piece of cake. I think even my little brother would had survived. Even my little sister. Anybody but dumb me! God I wish they were right here with me, not only them but also my whole family. I never thought I would mess them that much only been lost for a short time. I am so cold, but at least I am glad it is not winter, if so, I would had frozen to dearth. When I get out of here, but I doubt I'll ever will, but if I do, I will take a really warm bath with bubbles. I will drink hot chocolate with homemade cookies. I could it dozens right now. I wondered again if the others guys have noticed I am gone. I mean, why wouldn't they? Doesn't Ms.Davis count the students? Maybe if I walk for a while, I can find someone or something that can help me. But I can get even more lost. What should I do? I am also afraid to fall asleep adn never wake up. I mean, a bear can smell me and come later and kill me. At least I am little safe hiding in this little spot, my little hide out. About two hours have passed, and no sight of me getting out of this place. Oh no, another one of those weird forest sounds. This time it seems it is snake. Oh God, A SNAKE! I'd better find a place to hide. Maybe if I climb a tree. But I have always been so bad at climbing. I guess I'll have to try. Looking around I saw this tree with many low branches and I think it is the most climbable. I got up in the tree. I am so exhausted. But all I can do is wait. According to my watch it is 12:30 am, still about three hours before sunset. The next time I looked at my watch it was 1:00 am, only half and hour have passed. I wish I were in my warm bed, with pillows and warm clothes. What are these drops of water? Oh no, it is starting to rain. Now I am in even more trouble than when I started. Not only will I get wet but I'll probably get a really bad cold, but I should not worry about that right now, this water could make the branch I am sitting on slippery and I could fall! I better hold on tight. But it is too slippery now, I am falling. Ouch, that really hurt. But what am I going to do now? I think my leg is broken. What am I going to do? Oh, no lighting! It amazing, but wait, it is hitting that branch, and the branch is on top of me. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh……………..
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