I felt a cold hand touching my shoulder and that's when I waked up .It was 4:30 in the morning and my mother told me I had to wake up so I could take the plain to go to Orlando. I was supposed to spend my entire vacations there. We all prepared and the suitcases were all in the car. We ate a small breakfast and then went into the car. At 5 am our car left for the airport. We were supposed to take the plain at 6:00. There was no body in the driveway except for a bus that continued his way when we took the exit to the airport. We arrived to the airport at 5:30 and starred the check in, since the airport was almost empty it didn't take us long to do the check in. we looked the tickets and realized that we were all placed in different sits in the rows. My two brothers were sited in the front rows, my mother near the first emergency exit, my dad I were just in the middle sits. The speaker announced that our plain was the next one to board. It was a booing 747 of United Airlines. We were now all in our seats. In my right side there was a very tall man. I think he was really scared to take this trip. In the other side there was a little non. It took along time before the airplane started to move. As always the cabin crew gave us information about the security of the plain. The take off was very calm. After 15 minutes in the air they gave us a little bred to eat. The bred was accompanied by jelly. It was kind of tasty but it didn't end with the terrible hunger I had, so I asked the tall man if he could give his bred to me. He accepted and said he was too nervous to eat right now. He started to tell me a story about his work. He said he really liked it, but it dint gave him any time for his family. I was just nine years old and I couldn't imagine living with out my father being with me every day. He also told me about his wife. He said that he met her at the University of Florida where he was studying business administration. When he was telling me about his four years old girl, named Ursula, suddenly a horrible noise interrupted him and that's when I knew something was wrong. The captain announced that the left engine stopped working. Soon the plane started to go down and the air mask came out of the airplane's roof. the little nun put her mask covering her nose and moth, them she put mine on. A very cold oxygen that made me feel bad came out of it. My mother started to scream my name and my brothers. A cabin crew calmed her. Everybody was screaming when another noise was heard. Now it was sient the other engine stopped working and now the plain was going straight down. There was smoke now in the plain and the visibility was very bad now. If it was not for the mask I think that I would already be dead. The plain was loosing a lot of altitude all I could her now was the captain asking for help and the little nun praying for her live. I joined the prayer of the little nun. I saw at the window and I knew now I had little time to live, the captain tried to get the plain up again but the flaps broke and went flying out of the plain. I heard a terrible noise and saw my entire live passing threw my eyes…
"damn i loved this story. i think the story is even better with the spelling mistakes, because it makes it seem like a little kid wrote it. very good. i don't believe you are a kid by the way." -- sunny, washington, dc, usa.
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