RING! Went the bell on Jason’s first day of third grade. With his new blue backpack, new white tennis shoes, a new black Pokemon shirt, and butterflies in his stomach, he walked through the doors and entered the school as an official third grader. His fellow classmates all around him were busy chattering away to all of the friends they hadn’t seen over summer break. Jason’s blue eyes scanned the crowd of third graders, watching everybody talk to their friends while he stood there all alone, with no one to talk to. Jason didn’t really have any friends. It’s not that he didn’t get along with everybody else, it’s just that he was a very shy person. He thought that he wasn’t cool enough to have people like him. Sadly, Jason continued to watch everybody tell stories of the summer, when he noticed a new face in the crowd. “Who is this boy?” Jason thought to himself. He sure didn’t remember ever seeing him around before. This new face seemed to be quite the opposite of Jason. While Jason had short, buzzed, blond hair, this new boy had messy, curly, brown hair. Jason’s eyes were sparkling blue. The new boy’s eyes were brown with specks of gray. Smudges of dirt rested upon the cheeks and nose of this boy. Looking at the new boy’s dirty, old clothes, Jason wondered why the boy didn’t have on a new outfit and a new haircut for the first day of school. Suddenly, the boy’s dark brown eyes caught Jason staring at him. Embarrassed, Jason quickly looked away, hoping the new boy didn’t notice him looking at him.
The teachers then started introducing the new third graders to the classrooms. Jason’s teacher was Ms. Hope. Ms. Hope was a young, blond, gentle teacher in her first year of teaching. The class all sat in the front while Ms. Hope talked about the rules and the events of the upcoming year. While already bored, Jason’s eyes wandered around the classroom and at his fellow classmates when he noticed the new boy sitting far in the back of the group, separated from the other kids, with a look of being scared in his face. Jason thought it weird that the new boy wasn’t sitting by or talking to any of the other kids until he remembered that he wasn’t either.
Ms. Hope then stood up and directed the kids to the back of the room where shelves of tote bins stood. A small piece of masking tape with each students name on was on the front of the tote bins. Jason searched for his name, and then found it on the third shelf from the floor, town tote bins in. Ms. Hope explained that these bins were for the students to put their supplies in. Jason went into his backpack and took out his new pencils, new markers, folders, notebooks, scissors, and glue, and put them all in his new bin. Someone slowly opened the bin next to Jason. He looked over and saw the new boy standing next to him. Jason looked at the name on the front of the new boy’s bin, and it said “Billy”. This new boy with messy hair had a name! His name was Billy! Jason quickly looked away, and looked back down into his backpack. He pulled out a pack of new Pokemon cards that he got from his parents, and put them in his tote bin also. Once again, Jason glance at Billy, and watched him dig into his pocket and pull out an old, chewed on, eraser-less pencil. Billy tossed the pencil in the bin, and pushed it back in the shelf. That was all Billy brought for supplies? Jason thought this weird, but decided to walk away so he wouldn’t make Billy feel bad.
The next day, Jason came to school in another new outfit, while Billy had on the same shirt as the day before. He got to Ms. Hope’s classroom and went straight to his bin. He opened it up, eyes searching for his Pokemon card, but was angered to find out they were missing! Where could they be? Jason began to get tears in his eyes until Ms. Hope called the class to sit down so they could start the class. The first half of the day, Jason was angered, yet puzzled as to where his cards could have gone. After lunch, Jason told his teacher about the missing cards. Ms. Hope said she would keep her eyes open for them. A little while later, while the class was busy reading books, Ms. Hope noticed that Billy wasn’t reading. He was fumbling with something in his hands. Ms. Hope walked over to him and noticed he was playing with Jason’s Pokemon cards.
“Billy, where did you get those?” Ms. Hope asked.
Billy shrugged with his eyes in his lap.
“Did you get those from Jason’s bin?” questioned the gentle teacher.
Billy’s head nodded up and down, his eyes still in his lap. Ms. Hope called Billy and Jason to the back of the room. She made Billy return Jason’s cards to him, and apologize. Jason could not believe it! Billy stole his cards! What was he thinking? Jason was s mad he didn’t even want to talk to Billy. Well, the day wore on, and finally the end-of-school bell rang. Before Jason left for home, he remembered to put his new Pokemon pencil in his bin so he could use it the next day.
The next day of school came, and when Ms. Hope told the class to go get a pencil and paper from their bins. Jason ran back to get his new
Pokemon pencil and some paper from his bin. He opened it up, and sure enough, the pencil was gone. Right away, Jason told Ms. Hope and they eventually caught Billy with the pencil. Ms. Hope Then led Billy to the office to talk to the principal. Still mad at Billy, but happy to have his pencil back, Jason continued on with class.
There was no sign of Billy for the next few days, until when Jason was walking home from school. He passed a house that looked very unkempt. The grass wasn’t cut, one window had plastic over it, and the house needed a good painting. Jason noticed a little boy on the steps with his head down. He was tossing stones down the steps when he looked up and saw Jason looking at him on the sidewalk. As soon as Jason realized who it was, anger soared through him.
“Why did you steal my Pokemon cards and my Pokemon pencil?” Jason demanded.
Billy stood up, but didn’t say anything. His eyes once again fell to his feet.
“Did you hear me? I said, why did you steal my Pokemon things?” Jason asked again, anger clearly shown in his voice.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, ok? My dad doesn’t let us get new things, and I love Pokemon! I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t have taken them. I just wanted to feel cool like you,” Billy said, tears streaming down his face.
Jason was about to keep yelling, but stopped short and thought, “he thinks I’m cool?”. He suddenly felt bad for Billy, instead of mad.
“You like Pokemon, too?” Jason asked, with half a smile.
“Yes, but I don’t have anything that’s Pokemon,” he replied. The tears had stopped, but Billy still looked down in shame.
“Would you like to come over to my house? I have tons of Pokemon things we could play with,” Jason asked, a little scared since this was the first time he asked someone to do something with him.
Excitedly, Billy excepted, and the boys spent the rest of the day talking and playing together. They had more in common with each other than they thought. At school, they played together at recess, and Jason even let Billy have some of his old Pokemon toys. Two boys, who were once friendless, and enemies, now were inseparable. They were friends all through elementary, middle, and high school, and stayed friends until they both grew old. It really is better to have friends than enemies.
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