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Short Stories

The Squirrel And The Farmer by Matt Kornatz - [1 words]
The Rain by Julia Sky A story about a poverished young girl who chases her ultimate dream. [1,569 words]
Red Line-911 by David Aldridge - [1 words]
25th Mile by Firsttime Story Earthquake devastates California, Leaving Thousands dead, hungry, homeless and without hope. With the... [23,199 words]
Who Is The Hero? by Gregory J Christiano Schoolyard bullies have always intimidated their classmates. But what if a boy refuses to fig... [1,534 words]
White Thoughts by Natasha White Thoughts is a first person narrative detailing the life of a senior college student, unsur... [15,197 words]
Vicki's Comeback by Steven L Howard From the cutting edge of the knife to the cutting edge of success - her comeback was real this... [2,863 words]
The Threats Against Edward Solomon High by Bradley Grimes An unusual day at a high school. [4,313 words]
The Conversation by Seth Allen Judge not, lest you be judged... [2,089 words]
Simply Black Or White by Gerald L Bosacker A short piece. [1,211 words]
Shooting In Iraq by E Rocco Caldwell - [466 words]
Pastoral by Oscar Felix Norton Read the story. [6,194 words]
Off The Top Shelf by Buxton About a dream I had that let me see what kind of future we all face... [967 words]
My Last Night With Her by Rae A quick story. [448 words]
Lost In A Forest Of Cornstalks by Steph G A story about three young siblings who have an adventure in a nearby cornfield. [1,427 words]
Lenny's Last Jump! by Gregory J Christiano Two gangsters out for a night’s work, but they’re in for a surprise! [880 words]
I Met Him For The Last Time by Avis Narrative monologue. I think the title speaks for itself. [1,096 words]
General Inspection (Novel To Be) by Josh Anderson The beginnings of a murder mystery / psychological thriller / horror short sto... [1,670 words]
From The Outside Looking In by Kris Lemmonds Sometimes we search for things that are right in front of us. If we just stopped l... [1,495 words]
For What I'd Give by Josh Anderson This is the 6th and possibly final part to Serra's swamp, Axey finally begins to realize the ... [1,078 words]
Family Dinner. by Bradley Grimes A family's final meal together. [2,023 words]
Eurasia Underground V5 - A Future So Close (Narrative Proposition) by Josh Anderson Pilot chapter for a series of stories, game ... [676 words]
Dave by Abby M Lesczynski Character Sketch about my father. [1,432 words]
Careful What You Ask For... by Kris Lemmonds What do you do when the one thing you thought would make you happy doesn't? [1,716 words]
Card Sharps by Gregory J Christiano The poker game grew heated. The cheated card player lay dead on the floor! [1,309 words]
Butterflies by Kris Lemmonds A story of a first date. Complete with nerves and othe craziness. [3,069 words]
At Death's Door by Nur Syafiqah A Jaaffar - [441 words]
Anger, Depression, Bargaining, Denial, Acceptance. by Bradley Grimes The thoughts of Joseph Richard Patterson on November 13th, 2... [753 words]
A Warped Mind by Surge Some insight into a tortured mind. [325 words]
A Single Place Setting by Kris Lemmonds Sometimes someone comes along in our lives to impact us like no other can - for better o... [2,530 words]
A Shooting In Iraq---Part Two by E Rocco Caldwell The special opts his ranger squad conducted was illegal and may have resulted in ... [400 words]
The Piece Of His Heart Left Behind by Steven L Howard Through many years he had learned to hate this man. Now came a simple plea -... [2,237 words]
Ze Zen Ta (The Way Of The Thinking Fist) by E Rocco Caldwell First part of a potential novel. [692 words]
Waking Up To Light by Jessica M Brown A naïve and apathetic young man is in a coma. He believes he is dreaming. When he thinks h... [650 words]
Us And The Monkeys by Afreena Rahman A walk through a busy street in madras provides some critical insight on life... [1,456 words]
Too Hard A Promise by Steven L Howard He had never lied to his beloved, But can he promise what she asked? [1,658 words]
The July Tree by Brotherman A tale about stolen innocence. Based on an initiation I saw when I was 13. [2,126 words]
The Abduction Of Sammy Lee by Mark A Stuart Tale of a kidnapping in a small SouthWest Georgia town. [6,320 words]
Star Lights by Patricia Waldrop A short story about a small southern town who learned the lesson of drunk driving. [1,747 words]
Slow Down by Jack M Brown Peter's world speeds up inexplicably while his doctor tries to figure out what's wrong, watching him ... [1,472 words]
She Dances Down By The River by Susan Brassfield Cogan Danger in the firelight. [453 words]
Shattered Reflection by Josh Anderson The second part of Serra's Swamp, she had run away again. [1,051 words]
Serra's Swamp by Josh Anderson AxeY's foridden love. The first in a series I hope to release slowly, I would really appreciate a... [1,131 words]
Red Flannels by Higgins The moons were shining. [383 words]
Poltergeist Inc. Part Two by E Rocco Caldwell Hilliard Aerospace has a secret.... [390 words]
Poltergeist Inc. Part One by E Rocco Caldwell One corporation has figured out how to defeat it's competitors...cut all energy cost ... [683 words]
Next Time Father... by Josh Anderson The fourth part to the series of Serra's Swamp. Please check it out! [915 words]
Lost Christmas by Abbie Angel - [379 words]
Look Of Death by Josh Anderson The 5th part to serra's swamp. PLEASE read, it would be so much appreciated! :), thanks everyone. [789 words]
His Desire And Her Love by Josh Anderson Part three of Serra's Swamp, please review as im not so sure about this one. This one i... [542 words]
Halls Of Residence by Jack M Brown Blood, sweat, tears. The best of university education. But will the run-down Halls of Reside... [1,968 words]
Grandpappy's Red Flannels by Higgins The moon was out. [383 words]
Grake And Blues by Jack M Brown Nama 'Magician' Ustinov is convicted of genocide and sent to Hell. To get out early, he sets hi... [3,960 words]
Flight School by Mark A Stuart Story about a young boy's refusal to accept conventional wisdom. [1,733 words]
Fever by Angelique Armstrong A story about a young man who is contagious. [2,138 words]
Dying For A Memory by Abbie Angel When there is nothing left, what can you do? [228 words]
Driving Miss Rachel by Mark A Stuart Some advice on dealing with new drivers in your household. [719 words]
Dragon's Law by Richard Dragon If you like hard-boiled detective in the classic sense, this is for you. I'm a gumshoe by trade an... [1,826 words]
Diwali Surprise by Inchara Its about how a middle class family who could not afford much had a surprise diwali celebration... [1,165 words]
Dirty City by Abbie Angel Abbie Angel is running, hiding in a concrete and glass jungle. [696 words]
Comparisons by Mark A Stuart Being thankful for the things that you don't have. [1,020 words]
Charity by Mark A Stuart Lessons of about human kindness and the shortage thereof. [3,818 words]
Blood In The Snow by Josh Anderson An experiment... I decided to take one of my poems and turn it into a short story, im not sur... [285 words]
Bad Habits by Mark A Stuart Sometimes old habits aren't useful in new places. [710 words]
Angel Of The Morning Calm by Steven L Howard On his first overseas assignment he ignored the advice of seniors and almost lost it ... [13,863 words]
And The Light Returns !!! …” by Partha Pratim Majumder God finds out the earth with values eroded. To him, erosion of values means absolu... [1,392 words]
An Unexpected Visitor by Chad Alan Madson Boy who gets an unexpected visit while daydreaming. [1,228 words]
A Gunslinger's Death Is Always Best by Kevin Myrick The Sixth in the Sierra Madre Stories, finally typed up for your enjoyment.... [3,668 words]
The Dance Of A Lifetime by Courteney L Davison An english 8 assignment on a perfect moment. [160 words]
Seymours Christmas Wish by Amber A Whitman A light-hearted Christmas story of a lonely mouse. [523 words]
Mfoam by Diablo Hate Killer loose in twisted world. [617 words]
Dad's Christmas Tree by Ruby Alexandra Beloz The year was 1967 when Dad came home with a different type of Christmas Tree? [1,263 words]

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Story of the coming death of a small town in SouthWest Geargia.
[1,227 words]
Writing Resource
Mark A Stuart
43 year old former Naval officer and professional manager that grew up in Southwest Georgia and believes that others may find interest in the lifestyle and events of small towns. I am a father of two beautiful girls that has been married to a wonderful woman for 18 years who has encouraged me to follow my desires and write.
[November 2004]
Bad Habits (Short Stories) Sometimes old habits aren't useful in new places. [710 words]
Charity (Short Stories) Lessons of about human kindness and the shortage thereof. [3,818 words]
Comparisons (Short Stories) Being thankful for the things that you don't have. [1,020 words]
Driving Miss Rachel (Short Stories) Some advice on dealing with new drivers in your household. [719 words]
First Love (Novels) Story of a young boy's first foray into the world of the opposite sex. [4,987 words]
Flight School (Short Stories) Story about a young boy's refusal to accept conventional wisdom. [1,733 words]
Gone Already (Short Stories) COnfusion can arise out of good intentions. [2,452 words]
Grass Fields (Short Stories) Learning lessons the hard way. [3,276 words]
Snakes (Short Stories) Teenage foolishness involving reptiles, drunks, and firearms. [3,107 words]
The Abduction Of Sammy Lee (Short Stories) Tale of a kidnapping in a small SouthWest Georgia town. [6,320 words]
Mark A Stuart


     I talked with my Mom on the phone the other
night. I don’t call nearly as often as I should
and am a rotten son as a result. We talked about
how everyone was; how my Dad’s diabetes was
progressing, what was the latest news with all
of my relatives, how the weather had been lately,
and how the girls were doing in school. Normal
stuff when talking to your Mom. We have never had
the kind of relation that would allow us to delve
into deeper or darker subjects and that has always
been fine by me. I may be a rotten son, but I
have never felt it fair or even desirable to
unload all of my crap on Mom in some sort of
enematic purging of my soul. She has her own
crosses to bear and doesn’t need any of my issues
to adopt as a foster problem.
     As always, the latter part of our call was
devoted to the names of all the people that had
been buried since we last talked. I have come to
expect this and if I needed any reason not to call
more often, this would be a ready- made excuse.
There is always someone that has passed. Most of
the time, given the small population of the town
that I grew up in, I knew the person(s) that were
most recently added to the list. I listen in
silence as Mom goes down the roll call of the most
recently deceased. She always gives me a full
accounting of the service: who was in attendance,
what distant relatives had managed to make it for
the funeral, who delivered the eulogy, how many
flowers were in the church, and usually what the
women of her church circle had prepared for the
family in the way of food. I sometimes wonder
when this ritual will come to an end. How many
people that I grew up with are left to die?
I don’t think that it will be much longer.
     My home town has been in the process of dying
since I first moved there as a twelve year old;
pissed at the world for being up-rooted and
transplanted to the Godforsaken land that I
thought Southwest Georgia to be. It was never a
large town, perhaps 1100 hardy souls at its peak,
and has been getting smaller annually as
continuing generations of young people decide that
they do not want to make a life in the midst of
the gnats, pig farms, peanuts, and little else. I
can hardly blame them. I made the same decision
and left on the first train available when I was
seventeen. The fact that the five years I spent
living there now seems like a lifetime says much
about the place.
     I can still feel the summer heat – the kind
that would hit you as soon as you stepped from any
air conditioned space and threaten to knock you
down –and remember the taste of dust and the smell
of sweat that permeated all living things.
I believe that even the trees sweated in July and
     Farming was then, and remains now, the major
form of whittling a living from this place.
Everyone was involved in this life style to some
extent. Even my parents who were teachers. If
you were not farming yourself, then all of your
friends’ families were and there was no one that
I knew that hadn’t helped bring in a corn crop or
take a load of pigs to the stock yard or that
couldn’t drive a tractor. It was what the land
offered for the community.
     Plants springing from the ground each spring
knew their time was limited in the areas around my
town. Young shoots of corn would rip through the
crusty earth and then take a look around as if
deciding if the next few months were worth the
effort. Even the big Oaks each spring would bud
out, already aware that this was just a temporary
thing and they would spend the rest of the summer
plaintively urging fall to come so that they could
go back to sleep.
     Those lost souls that farmed would work
countless hours during the growing season. Up
before the sun, their days were long and hot as
they coaxed a living out of the earth. There was
never a shortage of things that had to be
accomplished and they always found themselves
behind. Spraying, tilling, irrigating, mending
fences, fertilizing, and feeding were everyday
occurrences that threatened ruin if not completed.
     These people too looked forward to the
harvest and the shorter days of autumn and winter
so that they could recuperate and build up the
reserves of energy that would again be required
next year. I still marvel that any of these men
lived past forty five. I would see them sapped,
a little more each year, of the vitality that had
characterized them when I had first met them.
Like the surf endlessly pounding the rocks along a
shore, this occupation drained them over time,
wearing them down bit by bit, before permanently
changing the landscape of the coast line. One day
you just noticed the rocks were gone, and then
there would be another service to attend.
     I escaped and have chosen another life to
wear me down and to shape my jagged edges. All of
my brothers, save one, made the same decision, so
now there are three less potential families to
endure the miserable summers and carry on the
traditions and pass along the hard-earned lessons
of this band of simple folk. I have not in my
travels to date met another person that can
readily grub for worms, or knows how to make cane
syrup, or too many that have ever castrated a hog.
 This may not be important, but somehow it does
seem wrong that this lore will be lost to our
world sooner rather than later, as my town and
many others like it continue to die on the vine. It makes me wonder if those left, like the young corn plant, get up each day and ask why they bother to carry on. It is increasingly apparent that in the future most of them won’t.
The awe that is inspired by witnessing the growth
of things that will feed others and the nurturing
that is required to see the effort through will
be lost on coming generations I think. In my
mind I see the whole enterprise reduced to some
antiseptic, laboratory-like process in which no
one will ever stop and see it for the miracle
that it is. And no one will appreciate it for
this either. All food will come from cans, or
freezer bags, or from the magic factory where
steaks are made along side charcoal and lighter
fluid. It will be a sad day; one that will be
come and gone before most people knew or cared
that it was ever approaching.
     The day that the roll call ritual ends will
most likely be the day that someone calls to tell
me that my Mom has died too. I despise this
person in advance more than they will ever be
able to comprehend. It is not fair but it is the
way that it is. The dreaded call will not only
mean the end of my Mother’s life, but will also
let me know that the town I grew up in, and
sweated in, and played in, and worked in, and
went fishing in, and grew up in – and finally
abandoned – has at long last been officially
     I don’t know what I will do.



"I am trying to see how you receive feedback on this thing" -- Mark Stuart.


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© 2004 Mark A Stuart
November 2004

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