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Short Stories

Jenna by Kat Fiore The horror of love. [2 words]
Like Troubled Water by Amarjit Bhambra One way of explaining life... [1,261 words]
He Gave It All Away by Amarjit Bhambra I have my own African Grey and this story was written in 1999, hope you like it.... [1,959 words]
Eat You Lunch Children by Amarjit Bhambra A story for Halloween for young children,especially the ones that don't finish their lun... [450 words]
The Power Within by Amarjit Bhambra - [90 words]
The Pharoah's Daughter by Amarjit Bhambra A little tale one mightlike.... [246 words]
The Healing Hand Of The Lord by Amarjit Bhambra I was in a Foreign Country, with my son who fell ill in the middle of the night. ... [259 words]
The Good Against The Evil by Amarjit Bhambra - [628 words]
Charlie The Squirral by Amarjit Bhambra When my son was born,I alway remember a Squirral in the Hospital grounds that the Nurses u... [341 words]
A Thing Of A Bat? by Amarjit Bhambra When this actually happened, it was very hilarious. I hope you imagine it well to enjoy that ... [349 words]
Wonderful, Wonderful Works Of God, The Lord God Is My Healer, My Protector by Amarjit Bhambra I think that sharing is very importa... [197 words]
The Heart Of A Noble Woman by Mandi Butkovich -A story about a young noble woman who first discovers what love is.---Please Review [860 words]
Witchcake by Risa Peris An imaginary retelling of the beginnings of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 throught the eyes of one o... [1,491 words]
Venice by Matthew Penner - [303 words]
Untitled About Bugs by Durfee's Student World from the perspective of another. Title suggestions appreciated! I can print the 2nd... [1,706 words]
Things That Really Happen In Life - The Sense The Feeling Before It Really Happens. by Amarjit Bhambra This really happened to me ... [356 words]
Thin Air by Randall Barfield ...you'd think it impossible that one man could terrorize an entire nation but,of course,... [874 words]
There Are No Others! Just Me! by Nik Siromah Short story about one of the greatest Bulgarian revolutionary of all time, Vasil ... [3,577 words]
The Thorn And The Rose by Amarjit Bhambraaa Bitter tangled love? [224 words]
The New Gaurdians by Creature Of Death This is another story I made like I said sci-fi is my beiggest thing I like to write about th... [2,079 words]
The Hunter by Evgeni Miller Jonas Rath A short story dating a couple of months ago. Comes with a second chapter which will be posted in a... [433 words]
The Electric Car by Tomas Sancio B Baquiano Two stories in Latin America become intertwined when a young Engineer kills herself after a fa... [1,462 words]
Teenager's Prayer by Jordan Holetzky A teenager's prayer... [1,216 words]
Screaming, Save Me. by Marie Buzzy After the dream ends, I find myself sitting in bed, frightened and panicking as I whisper t... [718 words]
Schoolgirl by Randall Barfield - [937 words]
Reflections And Modern Man by Kristal O-Garrow The dispersed thoughts of a man who just experienced a divorce. [678 words]
Pedro by Jordan Holetzky Talks about people who don't even know you are will to care about you to pray for you and to share God wi... [654 words]
Nightmare 1 The Chase by Jordan Holetzky This story is about a freaky dream... [752 words]
My Treat by Amarjit Bhambra - [631 words]
My Name by Allie Haaland - [209 words]
My Embarrassing Moment by Brady Kalt This is a short story about one of my embarrassing moments. [203 words]
Mountain Arrival by Norachai Thavisin The hermit has to prepare his mountain chalet for the arrival of his woman visitor. He didn't ... [2,095 words]
Most Embarrasing Moment by Anthony Espinoza Assignment for school. [226 words]
Mexico by Hiatt - [799 words]
Life Force by Caleigh Jepison Please please can you tell me what you think? Starting chapter of a horror novel - may be a bit clic... [603 words]
Inbox by Nathan Weaver The first in a series of short horror stories. I can't say much without spoiling anything. Just check i... [688 words]
Inbox 2 by Nathan Weaver The second in the series. The roommate. [1,081 words]
In Michael's Mind by Am Mason R.I.P. Michael. [218 words]
Hospital Room by Randall Barfield Sadly, it's another case of "who needs fiction?" [1,115 words]
Hickory Dickory by Tomas B Sancio Of mice, men and Nuclear Science. [828 words]
Family Therapy Remembering Nama's Funeral by Mickey Bryant This short story gives detailed descriptions of the comedy of errors ... [5,111 words]
Embarrassing Day At The Pool by Kaitlin Kingdon A short story about an embarrassing day at a pool on vacation. [319 words]
Damn by Bk Kinsel It is all my fault. [163 words]
Creature Of Death's Bio by Creature Of Death This a character I use alot in my stories he reflects me and my mood at certain times a... [3,589 words]
Birthday Visitors by Norachai Thavisin Two unexpected people visit me on my birthday. We spend an unexpected day at the local beach.... [1,319 words]
A True Story About A Very Young And Naive Nathan Weaver by Nathan Weaver The title says it all. A short, true story about mysel... [346 words]
A Red Tent by R Amici I had to submit this for school. [633 words]
A Cry In The Dark by Barry Stevens Faeden A creepy story of the macabre. Not for the weak hearted. [887 words]
'fly by Lawrence Peters Freedom [426 words]
Without Reason by Sime Sheef Anger breeds hate and hate breeds evil. Unfortunately this perfect world breeds all three. [983 words]
What's Wrong With The World? by Bk Kinsel A story about the world. [172 words]
Valentine's Cupid by K J H Sienna is a fiery redhead that works for a local newspaper. She is fairly unlucky when it com... [2,873 words]
To The Fullest by Sime Sheef Peter has figured out how to drain the potential from every moment in life...but what will it co... [978 words]
The Wedding Reception by Avis - [1,893 words]
The Little Turd That Could by Michael L Phillips (Aka The Purple Monkey) A short story based on office interaction and politics. [1,052 words]
The Final Battle by Briony Carvalho Read it and you'll see! Any comments on anything I do are hugely appreciated - even if it's j... [348 words]
Sword From Heaven by Kristen Karlson A series of interconnected stories about the forms and consequences of power. [7,754 words]
Six Episodes Of Love by H Klecel - [3,199 words]
Russian Roulette: Foreshadow by Catherine Lefloy The story is about a young russian soldier that is eager to go to war, later he fi... [1,635 words]
Ordinary Day by Derek Anthony Held A short story about military families and how war tears them apart. [540 words]
Night Of The Courtesane by Charles F Kane A Dream that's more than a dream. Story with a twist. [1,243 words]
Medical-Shedical by Avis Narration of annual general medical exam. [1,548 words]
Life On The Broken Wings by Partha Pratim Majumder A young pretty girl , who is handicapped since birth , has to pass her leisure sitting... [1,860 words]
Heaven With Her by Bk Kinsel An old man dying in his bed wishing only to see the love of his life. [253 words]
Flak by Joseph Xavier Ramirez A short story about an escort fighter pilot in WW2, as he embarks on this mission he will face many challe... [1,158 words]
Escaping Reality by Monica L Sprague This is an account of a real event that has a fictional ending...the ending that I know she wa... [981 words]
Dream For An Insomniac by Rachel Joseph A short love story of a unique girl [739 words]
Downsizing by Katherine A M Corkery A confident employee at a well-established law firm enters the office ready to receive word of a pro... [1,823 words]
Confortable Darkness
Cipher by Rachel Joseph The life story of a boring girl. [2,509 words]
Can't Let Him Go by Nicky Rothschild Can't Let You Go is about a girl that has fallen in love with a man that is 4 years older then... [1,442 words]
And... by Lawrence Peters For Andrew, whether you like it or not, it's yours. written in Los Angeles, where writers go to become r... [129 words]
And I Prayed Part 3 Of Awakening by Sidney Tucker Continuing from Awakening and The Journey Home A man finds the final steps to ... [1,235 words]
Alone At Dawn by Sime Sheef The tale of a man searching to resolve the pain of loosing the woman he loved. [957 words]

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Confortable Darkness
The world is dark and light is not welcome. It only pains the eyes.
[996 words]
Sime Sheef
I'm a published teenage writer that has been writing short stories since the fall of 2005. I also write poetry and flash fiction. Usually, I tend to write fiction, more specifically fantasy, but have tried my hand at other genres. I am an honors student and plan on being a writer, missionary, and linguist. I am an actor, fencer, artist, and guitar player.
[September 2006]
Alone At Dawn (Short Stories) The tale of a man searching to resolve the pain of loosing the woman he loved. [957 words] [Fantasy]
To The Fullest (Short Stories) Peter has figured out how to drain the potential from every moment in life...but what will it cost him? [978 words] [Suspense]
Without Reason (Short Stories) Anger breeds hate and hate breeds evil. Unfortunately this perfect world breeds all three. [983 words] [Fantasy]
Confortable Darkness
Sime Sheef

A man stood alone on the top of a mountain surrounded by darkness. He had taken on the steep climb in order to look down on the land below and to explore the white top of the mountain. He had never taken the time before to climb the mountain and what he saw now astonished him. So far above where he had come, he noticed how dark everything really was. Everything below him was black.

Black pools of deep water, deep holes of regret, bent-over and lightning struck trees, and hopelessly empty and broken down shelters scattered the landscape- all dark and all horrible. He was looking down onto his whole life but it all looked so different. Every place he had ever been and everything he had ever done was sprawled out before him, like the dead dog on the side of the road that everyone ignores.

Down there he would go from place to place only looking up occasionally. Every time he did look up he regretted doing so because when he did he would always see the mountain towering high above him so far away with its white peak. The climb was simple enough but it was the idea of going so far away from his comfortable place to somewhere so non-familiar and frightening.

He imagined himself back down there, working the ground and planting his crops. His small crops were mostly all he had in life. He looked down to the land he knew and tried to find where the fruits of his efforts and time were. As soon as he looked he saw them. The lines of fruit stretched out farther than he thought. The lines looked dark but they were probably made that way because of how far off they were. He loved to take that fresh harvest and bite down into it- the juice splattering out. The taste wouldn’t last long but it was good enough for him.

Thinking about his harvest reminded him of the fruit he had brought with him. He pulled it out of his pocket. As he did so, he noticed that his clothes were torn. They were bloodied and ripped in so many places but he hadn’t ever noticed that before. He shrugged his shoulders and brought the fruit up to his mouth but as he did so he noticed another thing that he hadn’t before. The fruit that he so fervently desired was a dark shade of purple, almost looking spoiled.

He furrowed his eye-brows but decided that it was nothing. He took a bite but it didn‘t taste the same. As he sloshed it back and forth in his mouth it became bitter. He took another bite to make sure that it wasn’t just a bad spot but it tasted just the same the second time. He spat it all out and threw the fruit. It landed on the mountain’s side a few hundred feet down and rolled the rest of the way.

Why is everything so different up here? he thought. He looked down at his hands, turning them over and over. They seemed paler…brighter. “It’s the light.” he whispered to himself. He looked up to the sky. Even the highest part of his world was dark. He looked down. The ground on which he stood was stark white. He bent down and picked up some dirt. As he lifted it up to around his chest he noticed how the light changed. The dirt radiated light. He let the breeze wisp the dirt out of his hand that had coincidently started to blow.

For the first time, he looked at his surroundings. The top of the mountain was as flat as the ground far below, but of course it was not the same dark color. It was white; as white as could be and definitely the whitest thing he had ever seen. He walked forward a few steps, the dirt kicking up around his feet. The wind blew harder than before and the white dirt flew into the air all around him. Suddenly the wind stopped.

Opening his eyes, for he had had closed them to protect them, he saw something that wasn’t there before. Twenty feet away there was a pool of clear blue water and in it there was a woman swimming in a gown. She turned around and looked at him. She called out, “I’ve been waiting for you to come.”

The man brought his hand to his chest as a sign of disbelief. Why would anyone so beautiful want to see him? She called out once more, but this time for him to come near. Afraid, he took his steps slowly.

The woman started to wave her hands, beckoning him towards her. “Come.” she called. It seemed like it took forever to get to the edge of the pool. “Child,” she said, “why do you live in such darkness? Make the leap and you will live a new life with me. We will live luxuriously together in paradise. Just look for yourself.”

He looked down expecting to see the same clear water that he had seen in the distance but that’s not what he saw. He saw blurry pictures full of white fruits, beautiful flowering trees and a wonderful white house with him and the woman enjoying the day together on its porch. Then the picture faded and became the blue water that he had expected before. He could see the water go down to its depths, where it got dark. “But it’s too deep.” he said, “I can’t swim that well.”

“If you jump and renew your life in the water I will take care of you, no matter what happens.” the woman replied.

“I can’t.” he whispered. He couldn’t risk what little he had in order to gain something so farfetched. He turned around and ran back to his comfortable, dark life and did not stop until he met the dirty black ground that he knew so well.


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© 2006 Sime Sheef
September 2006

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