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Short Stories

Jenna by Kat Fiore The horror of love. [2 words]
Like Troubled Water by Amarjit Bhambra One way of explaining life... [1,261 words]
He Gave It All Away by Amarjit Bhambra I have my own African Grey and this story was written in 1999, hope you like it.... [1,959 words]
Eat You Lunch Children by Amarjit Bhambra A story for Halloween for young children,especially the ones that don't finish their lun... [450 words]
The Power Within by Amarjit Bhambra - [90 words]
The Pharoah's Daughter by Amarjit Bhambra A little tale one mightlike.... [246 words]
The Healing Hand Of The Lord by Amarjit Bhambra I was in a Foreign Country, with my son who fell ill in the middle of the night. ... [259 words]
The Good Against The Evil by Amarjit Bhambra - [628 words]
Charlie The Squirral by Amarjit Bhambra When my son was born,I alway remember a Squirral in the Hospital grounds that the Nurses u... [341 words]
A Thing Of A Bat? by Amarjit Bhambra When this actually happened, it was very hilarious. I hope you imagine it well to enjoy that ... [349 words]
Wonderful, Wonderful Works Of God, The Lord God Is My Healer, My Protector by Amarjit Bhambra I think that sharing is very importa... [197 words]
The Heart Of A Noble Woman by Mandi Butkovich -A story about a young noble woman who first discovers what love is.---Please Review [860 words]
Witchcake by Risa Peris An imaginary retelling of the beginnings of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 throught the eyes of one o... [1,491 words]
Venice by Matthew Penner - [303 words]
Untitled About Bugs by Durfee's Student World from the perspective of another. Title suggestions appreciated! I can print the 2nd... [1,706 words]
Things That Really Happen In Life - The Sense The Feeling Before It Really Happens. by Amarjit Bhambra This really happened to me ... [356 words]
Thin Air by Randall Barfield ...you'd think it impossible that one man could terrorize an entire nation but,of course,... [874 words]
There Are No Others! Just Me! by Nik Siromah Short story about one of the greatest Bulgarian revolutionary of all time, Vasil ... [3,577 words]
The Thorn And The Rose by Amarjit Bhambraaa Bitter tangled love? [224 words]
The New Gaurdians by Creature Of Death This is another story I made like I said sci-fi is my beiggest thing I like to write about th... [2,079 words]
The Hunter by Evgeni Miller Jonas Rath A short story dating a couple of months ago. Comes with a second chapter which will be posted in a... [433 words]
The Electric Car by Tomas Sancio B Baquiano Two stories in Latin America become intertwined when a young Engineer kills herself after a fa... [1,462 words]
Teenager's Prayer by Jordan Holetzky A teenager's prayer... [1,216 words]
Screaming, Save Me. by Marie Buzzy After the dream ends, I find myself sitting in bed, frightened and panicking as I whisper t... [718 words]
Schoolgirl by Randall Barfield - [937 words]
Reflections And Modern Man by Kristal O-Garrow The dispersed thoughts of a man who just experienced a divorce. [678 words]
Pedro by Jordan Holetzky Talks about people who don't even know you are will to care about you to pray for you and to share God wi... [654 words]
Nightmare 1 The Chase by Jordan Holetzky This story is about a freaky dream... [752 words]
My Treat by Amarjit Bhambra - [631 words]
My Name by Allie Haaland - [209 words]
My Embarrassing Moment by Brady Kalt This is a short story about one of my embarrassing moments. [203 words]
Mountain Arrival by Norachai Thavisin The hermit has to prepare his mountain chalet for the arrival of his woman visitor. He didn't ... [2,095 words]
Most Embarrasing Moment by Anthony Espinoza Assignment for school. [226 words]
Mexico by Hiatt - [799 words]
Life Force by Caleigh Jepison Please please can you tell me what you think? Starting chapter of a horror novel - may be a bit clic... [603 words]
Inbox by Nathan Weaver The first in a series of short horror stories. I can't say much without spoiling anything. Just check i... [688 words]
Inbox 2 by Nathan Weaver The second in the series. The roommate. [1,081 words]
In Michael's Mind by Am Mason R.I.P. Michael. [218 words]
Hospital Room
Hickory Dickory by Tomas B Sancio Of mice, men and Nuclear Science. [828 words]
Family Therapy Remembering Nama's Funeral by Mickey Bryant This short story gives detailed descriptions of the comedy of errors ... [5,111 words]
Embarrassing Day At The Pool by Kaitlin Kingdon A short story about an embarrassing day at a pool on vacation. [319 words]
Damn by Bk Kinsel It is all my fault. [163 words]
Creature Of Death's Bio by Creature Of Death This a character I use alot in my stories he reflects me and my mood at certain times a... [3,589 words]
Birthday Visitors by Norachai Thavisin Two unexpected people visit me on my birthday. We spend an unexpected day at the local beach.... [1,319 words]
A True Story About A Very Young And Naive Nathan Weaver by Nathan Weaver The title says it all. A short, true story about mysel... [346 words]
A Red Tent by R Amici I had to submit this for school. [633 words]
A Cry In The Dark by Barry Stevens Faeden A creepy story of the macabre. Not for the weak hearted. [887 words]
'fly by Lawrence Peters Freedom [426 words]
Without Reason by Sime Sheef Anger breeds hate and hate breeds evil. Unfortunately this perfect world breeds all three. [983 words]
What's Wrong With The World? by Bk Kinsel A story about the world. [172 words]
Valentine's Cupid by K J H Sienna is a fiery redhead that works for a local newspaper. She is fairly unlucky when it com... [2,873 words]
To The Fullest by Sime Sheef Peter has figured out how to drain the potential from every moment in life...but what will it co... [978 words]
The Wedding Reception by Avis - [1,893 words]
The Little Turd That Could by Michael L Phillips (Aka The Purple Monkey) A short story based on office interaction and politics. [1,052 words]
The Final Battle by Briony Carvalho Read it and you'll see! Any comments on anything I do are hugely appreciated - even if it's j... [348 words]
Sword From Heaven by Kristen Karlson A series of interconnected stories about the forms and consequences of power. [7,754 words]
Six Episodes Of Love by H Klecel - [3,199 words]
Russian Roulette: Foreshadow by Catherine Lefloy The story is about a young russian soldier that is eager to go to war, later he fi... [1,635 words]
Ordinary Day by Derek Anthony Held A short story about military families and how war tears them apart. [540 words]
Night Of The Courtesane by Charles F Kane A Dream that's more than a dream. Story with a twist. [1,243 words]
Medical-Shedical by Avis Narration of annual general medical exam. [1,548 words]
Life On The Broken Wings by Partha Pratim Majumder A young pretty girl , who is handicapped since birth , has to pass her leisure sitting... [1,860 words]
Heaven With Her by Bk Kinsel An old man dying in his bed wishing only to see the love of his life. [253 words]
Flak by Joseph Xavier Ramirez A short story about an escort fighter pilot in WW2, as he embarks on this mission he will face many challe... [1,158 words]
Escaping Reality by Monica L Sprague This is an account of a real event that has a fictional ending...the ending that I know she wa... [981 words]
Dream For An Insomniac by Rachel Joseph A short love story of a unique girl [739 words]
Downsizing by Katherine A M Corkery A confident employee at a well-established law firm enters the office ready to receive word of a pro... [1,823 words]
Confortable Darkness by Sime Sheef The world is dark and light is not welcome. It only pains the eyes. [996 words]
Cipher by Rachel Joseph The life story of a boring girl. [2,509 words]
Can't Let Him Go by Nicky Rothschild Can't Let You Go is about a girl that has fallen in love with a man that is 4 years older then... [1,442 words]
And... by Lawrence Peters For Andrew, whether you like it or not, it's yours. written in Los Angeles, where writers go to become r... [129 words]
And I Prayed Part 3 Of Awakening by Sidney Tucker Continuing from Awakening and The Journey Home A man finds the final steps to ... [1,235 words]
Alone At Dawn by Sime Sheef The tale of a man searching to resolve the pain of loosing the woman he loved. [957 words]

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Hospital Room
Sadly, it's another case of "who needs fiction?"
[1,115 words]
Randall Barfield
-US citizen living and working in the capital of Colombia, South America. Teaches EFL and IELTS, and TOEFL (any test prep). Proofreads English essays, theses, and books, etc. Private classes accepted. Also writes at abctales.com; microhorror.com; postcardshorts.com; authorsden.com. Contact: www.officeteachr.com
[May 2010]
2nd Interview With The President (Plays) It's Barb again and President Branch. I'll try. Hope somebody likes it. [1,300 words] [Humor]
A Colombia Hatred-Free (Poetry) Of course, it isn't just Colombia, is it? [52 words] [Writing Resource]
A Dream Comes True (Non-Fiction) This is nostalgia and reflection. It's a short piece of writing dedicated to young Rodger Wesley Beaver of Georgia who was killed by a "sheriff's deputy"(God protect us from those like him.) on Valen... [951 words] [Biography]
A Flower Today In Words (Poetry) - [40 words]
A Georgia Crossroads (Non-Fiction) Where does it lie? [325 words] [Writing Resource]
A Little Poem My Child (Children) - [79 words] [Humor]
A Matter Of Timing, Frankly (Short Stories) - [736 words] [Literary Fiction]
A Million Times Plus One (Poetry) I have never stopped loving the tune "A Whiter Shade of Pale." I heard it the first time at age 16 or 17. Here is a little piece I completed recently while listening to the song over and over. So, ... [234 words] [Relationships]
A Monster Of Monsters (Non-Fiction) Why did we ever let him get this far? [208 words] [Horror]
A Parent's Lament (Genres) Some say it's never too late. [260 words] [Teenage]
A Perfected Perpetuation Plan For Today's Young Yahoos (Poetry) No one has the right to rob a bank, but each has the right to draw up her/his floor plans for life. [219 words] [Writing Resource]
A Purple Jacket (Short Stories) - [494 words] [Motivational]
A Quiet House (Short Stories) - [257 words] [Teenage]
A Red May Rose For Thee (Poetry) - [45 words] [Motivational]
A Royal Ring Up (Plays) Is this anger on my part? What should I care? But anyway, here it is... [808 words] [Drama]
A Soldier's Letter (Poetry) Far from the familiar our words are often sweeter, are they not? [109 words] [Romance]
A Songbird's Intellect (Poetry) - [4 words] [Spiritual]
A Troubled Nation In Need Of Prayer And Soul-Searching: How To Repair It (Non-Fiction) Send you suggestions/contributions in 40 words or less to booksdavis@yahoo.com Thank you. [89 words] [History]
A Visit (Short Stories) - [245 words] [Teenage]
About Daddy (1) (Non-Fiction) Daddy had his own emotional problems... [359 words] [Biography]
About Daddy Series (Non-Fiction) - [4,424 words] [Biography]
About Respect And Prestige (Non-Fiction) - [352 words] [Psychology]
Abrakadeebra: A Celebration Of Children's Verse No. 1 (Children) More fun little poems/verses for those special readers of mine. I hope you enjoy them. Let me know which ones need a bit of modification. Cheers. [2,799 words] [Humor]
Abrakadomebra: A 2nd Celebration Of Children's Verse (Children) More exciting(some are, anyway) little poems/verses about Frosty, Benny the Blackbird, Jack and Jill, etc. for children's laughter. Cheers. [2,349 words] [Humor]
Abrakadoobra: 100 Short Poems For Children (Children) Sometimes I enjoy writing or trying to write poems for children moreso than for adults. Would that be bad or good? Maybe neither. Please let me know which ones you or your kid likes or dislikes. I'... [3,527 words] [Fantasy]
Abrakadyebra: A Third Collection Of Children's Poems (Children) See, read and hear new poems about Frosty and Jack and Jill and others now! Cheers! [1,464 words] [Humor]
Abstinence (Poetry) - [18 words] [Psychology]
Adestes: Little Christmas Poems For Children (Children) Father Christmas/please be so kind/bring me a toy/one doesn't wind. [392 words] [Humor]
Advertising The Devil (Non-Fiction) "Serve the Lord with gladness..." not sadness, you dummy! [491 words] [Spiritual]
Aletha (Short Stories) . [330 words] [Teenage]
Ann Dunham: Busy Serving Others And Educating Her Kids (Children) If only she could see him now. [506 words] [Biography]
Ann Rule: The Lady Who Writes About Killers (Children) Talk about a busy life! Here's an example. [360 words] [Biography]
Another Prince Charles (Children) - [391 words] [Biography]
At Clarence's (Short Stories) - [290 words] [Teenage]
Back Through The Trees (Poetry) This evil took place both day and night. [50 words] [Motivational]
Bad Señorita (Songs) Am I a "real" songwriter? (Looking at this one, I hope not!) [103 words] [Humor]
Because His Skin Is Dark (Poetry) - [19 words] [Mind]
Bill Gaither: True Follower (Non-Fiction) - [641 words] [Biography]
Billy Graham: Man After God's Heart (Children) Who can count all his awards? [375 words] [Biography]
Billy Graham's Death (Non-Fiction) . [633 words] [Spiritual]
Blood (Poetry) - [30 words] [Horror]
Blubber, Blubber, Armchair Lubber (Essays) A short essay about the REAL truth behind dieting, etc. [870 words] [Self-Help]
Boy Child (Songs) These lyrics are new and go to the tune of 'Oh Danny Boy' or 'Londonderry Aire'. Something like that. I may do one more stanza. [99 words] [Spiritual]
Buenos Dias, Colombia (Not S Carolina!) (Non-Fiction) First-hand comments/observations of the country today and other days (with sugar, cream, and warts). This was a blog before anyone had ever heard of the term. [18,298 words] [Writing Resource]
Cam (Poetry) ...wound up twisted... [20 words] [Humor]
Carlos The Young Coffee Picker (Children) Carlos the young coffee picker Played a serenade Maria had just given birth Nine pounds the wee thing weighed! [564 words] [Humor]
Catch A Rising Star (Short Stories) "It's Luis, Jaime..." the old man stammered. [496 words] [Literary Fiction]
Cemetery Road (Short Stories) "What was that? There's someone out there," she exclaimed. [444 words] [Teenage]
Cindy's Fall (Short Stories) - [526 words] [Horror]
Colombia's On The Map (Poetry) How long is forty years, ma? [77 words] [Writing Resource]
Colombia's President Al Uribe (Children) - [493 words] [Biography]
Create, Create (Poetry) - [16 words] [Art]
Daddy And Me: Making The Rounds (Essays) A little wallow? [428 words] [Writing Resource]
Daddy, Can You Hear Me? (Short Stories) What would you do in this situation? [511 words] [Horror]
Daemons (Non-Fiction) Isn't British spelling more elegant sometimes? This piece of writing is about demons. We all have one or some of them inside us. They are the negative elements we cannot control very easily. The f... [2,678 words] [Psychology]
Daniel Coronell: Freedom Fighter (Children) He returned to his country determined more than ever. [420 words] [Biography]
Daring To Touch Saeed (Poetry) This piece is supposed to be about Flight 93. It's very hard to write about. If you've seen the movie, you've cried. Murderers, in my opinion, are spiritually or otherwise diseased, so, I think we ... [166 words] [History]
David's Letter--Bogota, Colombia (Non-Fiction) This is a true incident. It is not fiction. [551 words] [Self-Help]
Dear Detective Lovett (Short Stories) - [646 words] [Crime]
Decider (Poetry) This poem was composed after a slow reading of Green River, Running Red by Ann Rule, the world's foremost crime writer. [169 words] [Crime]
Deleted (Poetry) - [18 words] [Literary Fiction]
Desire Of Flesh (Poetry) ...you're ferried by death. [41 words] [Mind]
Developed And Scary (Non-Fiction) . [400 words] [History]
Doctor's Orders (Poetry) A short poem about family camping. [198 words] [Writing Resource]
Don't Call Her First Lady (Songs) This is sort of a song-poem. It's not about the First Couple in Washington, in case you wonder. The rhythm is along the lines of Ray Charles' "Fool For Love". Have you heard it? [60 words] [Humor]
Don't Tell Anyone (Short Stories) - [258 words] [Horror]
Each A Star (Poetry) Dear Readers: This poem-story, sadly, is based on a true and recent incident near where we live. [40 words] [Spiritual]
Ephraim (Short Stories) - [443 words] [Literary Fiction]
Every Day We Pierce Him (Songs) The tune for this song is a Spanish church song titled "Llaga", which means open sore or wound. In the Spanish hymn book I have, the author is listed as anonymous. Anyway, here are some English lyric... [74 words] [Spiritual]
Everybody Loved Polly (Short Stories) I detest violence and violent people! [1,809 words] [Popular Fiction]
Find Myself (Songs) Tune: Largo from Dvorak's "New World Symphony". [57 words] [Romance]
Finding A Poem-Short Story Topic (Non-Fiction) What to write about? Where do I look? Who/What can help me? [552 words] [Writing Resource]
Fishing Obligations (Essays) A short essay about parental responsibilities and kids' obligations. [558 words] [Relationships]
Five Prose Poems (Poetry) Here are five prose poems for the romantic-minded, I hope. The titles are Looking Back, That Celestial Calm--the Moon; City Shadows; Seeking; and We Turned Off. [331 words] [Romance]
Fly Me To The Moon, Baby (Poetry) - [82 words] [Romance]
Four Of Them (Essays) ...nobody has eight kids anymore either. Right? [259 words] [Writing Resource]
Four Poems (Poetry) Titles are: Groundwork in Colombia, Poetry, I Saw My Granny, Carpenter [398 words]
Four Short-Shorts (Poetry) "Lite" fare again. Titles are: Trying to Create Beauty; You First Then I; Appetite; and Opening Night. [113 words] [Mind]
Frances Jane: God's Happy Servant (Children) They had a baby daughter but it died... [368 words] [Biography]
Funny Like (Short Stories) - [610 words] [Teenage]
Generosity (Poetry) - [15 words] [Spiritual]
Gone Is Our Lisa (Poetry) (Feeling Poe-ish today maybe?) [87 words] [Humor]
Goodbye Christmas, Goodbye Santa (Poetry) - [52 words] [Motivational]
Grandstand (Poetry) - [19 words] [Relationships]
Growing Up Among Racists (Non-Fiction) A look at some of us in retrospect. [635 words] [Relationships]
Haikus Erotiques (Poetry) -These represent an exercise that's fun. Steve Mount has some others at saltyrain.com but the best are by the Japanese old masters. Look in Google for them. [113 words] [Erotic]
Haley She Was Called (Children) - [397 words] [Biography]
Hanks (Poetry) The superstar. [67 words] [Movies]
He Keeps Me Humble (Poetry) It's just that sometimes we don't want to be watched! [22 words] [Spiritual]
Heteros, Homos, Celibacy And The Church (Non-Fiction) Are we going back to the time of the Crusades? [590 words] [Writing Resource]
Hi Mr Willis, Can You Explain What Wrong I Did? (Non-Fiction) Teaching school is always give and take. Will it ever be different? [462 words] [Literary Fiction]
His Heart (Non-Fiction) - [556 words] [Motivational]
Homeward (Poetry) Sans arrogance, this poem was written for Senator Byrd of W. Va. [20 words] [Romance]
How In Colombia I Grew In Mind And Soul (And Nowadays Grow In Girth) (Non-Fiction) Where I grew up in Georgia we had practically no access to modern British prose or poetry... [654 words] [Biography]
How To Have Money In Your Life (Non-Fiction) - [423 words] [Self-Help]
I Fell In Love With You (Poetry) - [97 words] [Romance]
I Find My Sanity (Poetry) - [38 words] [Psychology]
If I Could Chat With You Again (Poetry) - [66 words] [Literary Fiction]
If The World Were More Like You (Songs) Isn't this self-reflection? [155 words] [Psychology]
I'm Dreaming Of... (Poetry) It's about a smile. [80 words] [Writing Resource]
I'm From Mars (Short Stories) Historical fiction. [513 words] [Teenage]
In My Mind I Cheat On You (Poetry) Throw the first stone. [74 words] [Relationships]
In Our Minds (Poetry) - [11 words] [Mind]
In The Outside Cold (Short Stories) - [440 words] [Literary Fiction]
Interview Of A South American Gay (Non-Fiction) Meet Miguel Rodriguez: Miguel Rodriguez, a colleague of mine, is one of Colombia’s elite citizens in terms of philosophy, education, cultural level, and societal contributions. In other words, he’s ... [2,066 words] [Relationships]
Interview With The President (Plays) Baraba Falters(Barb)finally interviews President Branch. The President is, like a typical politician, quite difficult to pin down. [1,319 words] [Writing Resource]
Is It Where We Write Or What We Write? (Non-Fiction) Just think--how many of us had heard of Annie Proulx before 2005 or 2006? [681 words] [Publishing]
It Was Raining (Short Stories) "Let's not talk about it right now, Mama..." [368 words] [Literary Fiction]
Its Christmas Joy (Poetry) What is priority this year? [71 words] [Motivational]
James Benedetti's Daughter (Short Stories) A surprise visit. [861 words] [Literary Fiction]
James Herriot: Dearest Vet That Ever Lived (Children) Could you bring a cow into the world? A horse? [430 words] [Biography]
Jesus, You Look So Kansas-Like (Poetry) - [328 words] [Teenage]
Jewish Mother (Short Stories) Trying to make Him and those near Him more alive, more real, and hopefully, with more exposure. [396 words] [Literary Fiction]
John And Juan: Colombia's Facebook Killers (Non-Fiction) - [594 words] [Crime]
Just (Poetry) Heightened sensitivity doesn't mean anything goes. It does, however, mean caring for others. [70 words] [Psychology]
Just Cry, Mama (Poetry) - [267 words] [Teenage]
Just Imagine (Poetry) Dedicated to the One with the scarred hands. [59 words] [Spiritual]
Keepsakes (Poetry) A poem about a special afternoon. [129 words]
Lassie: About A Pal (No Joke) (Children) ...thanks to British-born writer Eric Knight, who wrote the short story... [276 words] [Biography]
Leaving Colombia(On A Jet, Of Course) (Non-Fiction) - [974 words] [Crime]
Letter To Elvis (Non-Fiction) You were human, of course. Perhaps in the end you just couldn't take any more... [642 words] [Biography]
Lid (Short Stories) Beware of half baths. [376 words] [Horror]
Life On The Shelf (Poetry) - [27 words] [Erotic]
Like A Story (Poetry) - [130 words] [Teenage]
Like A Wave (Poetry) - [30 words] [Romance]
Liliana's Decision (Non-Fiction) - [488 words] [Crime]
Lions Young (Poetry) - [16 words] [Erotic]
Little Is Much (Children) - [85 words] [Animal]
Lonely Hunter (Poetry) - [17 words] [Literary Fiction]
Long Live Our Elephants (Children) Would you kill an elephant? A deer? A fly? [284 words] [Animal]
Lord Find A Place (Poetry) (For Luciano Pavarotti: R.I.P.) [70 words] [Spiritual]
Making Moves: Another Look At Victims And Choices In Ann Rule's True Crime Stories (Non-Fiction) Ann Rule gives the murderers a hell of a punch in each story. That's the way it must be. It is the angle from which she writes and no one, no one is going to condone the acts of a murderer, least of... [9,916 words] [Crime]
Marsten (Short Stories) - [408 words] [Horror]
Matchless Love (Songs) - [91 words] [Motivational]
May Mothers And Fathers (Essays) A short essay about those parents who want to push academic responsibility off onto others. [479 words]
Maybe To Pittsburgh This Time (Children) This is about a boy's best friend. Also, I've always loved Girzone's "Joshua". Here is my little attempt to imitate that, somehow. [479 words] [Literary Fiction]
Meet Mary (Poetry) - [39 words]
Michael (Poetry) About someone who left us some years back but who left an indelible impression on those of his generation. [82 words] [Biography]
Mine Eyes Have Seen (Poetry) No glory and no hallelujah. [55 words] [Horror]
Miniviews From Colombia (Non-Fiction) No special description. Basically, getting an idea of what different people think at present. [3,555 words]
Miss Sindee And The Candidate (Plays) - [361 words] [Humor]
Moors And Moors: Randall Interviews Portuguese Writer--Poet--Artist Alexandra Onelight (Non-Fiction) - [3,430 words] [Biography]
Morgan: An Actor's Actor (Children) Even though he's still living, here's a little bio. [362 words] [Biography]
Moron (Short Stories) - [374 words] [Teenage]
Mr. Nico's Monday A.M. Surprise (Plays) Thus it was decreed: Woe unto all those ethically challenged! [633 words] [Humor]
Mr Randy Sez (Non-Fiction) Expressed thoughts, musings, comments, etc. on whatever I please. [5,598 words] [Publishing]
My Big Toe Nicely (Poetry) - [23 words] [Erotic]
My Fan (Poetry) - [23 words] [Spiritual]
My Kind Of Christian: Barbara Curtis (Non-Fiction) "She lived to shock people, 'to be different and avant-garde'." [514 words] [Motivational]
My Men Are Full Of Vigor (Poetry) This is about crosses, isn´t it? [48 words] [Erotic]
Needed: Diversity In Education (Essays) Including More Studies In Distinct Cultures Needed Urgently: Give-A-Shit Parents Who Actually Monitor Their Kids If we won't listen to Jesus, then... [867 words] [Writing Resource]
No Better Galahad (Songs) About the best Friend in the world. [115 words] [Spiritual]
Normally A Gentle Man (Short Stories) This story was inspired by a story in the "Chicken Soup" series that I never can forget. [334 words] [Teenage]
Not Enough! (Essays) A short talk about trying to prevent more wife/child abuse. [791 words] [Crime]
Number 6 (Short Stories) The "real" meaning of non-stop? [489 words] [Horror]
O Father Hold Us Tightly (Songs) Tune: "O Little Town of Bethlehem", believe it or not. It's such a beautiful melody that it's a pity that we are concerned with it only in December. Non-Christmas lyrics probably have been penned be... [101 words] [Spiritual]
Oh Milly Said Molly (Poetry) This one came up while writing the kids' stuff 'cept it isn't, is it? [26 words] [Humor]
Old Quake (Poetry) One Halloween he grabbed a knife Then hid behind the door... [119 words] [Humor]
On A Dad's Turning 80 (Non-Fiction) Some want to get there, others couldn't care less. How much is choice? [390 words] [Writing Resource]
On A Limb In The Garden Oak (Poetry) - [17 words] [Motivational]
Once I Thought Hypocrisy (Poetry) I,too, have felt the knife. [50 words] [Mind]
Pablo: A Life Of Crime And Making Money (Children) What is smart in life? What is dumb? [629 words] [Biography]
Pissed--Or, We Did It To Ourselves(Yes, Read Fucked) (Non-Fiction) Periodical rant. [492 words] [Writing Resource]
Plantain (Short Stories) - [627 words] [Horror]
Please Send Me Blessings (Poetry) - [48 words] [Teenage]
Poet--Photographer--Writer Interview (Non-Fiction) Read about Joseph Randell Sherman, Iowa-born poet and photographer par excellence. For additional info, access to writings, etc., 'google' this writer. [1,999 words] [Biography]
Policing-Immigration Lines (Essays) This is a bit about patriotism but not fanaticism. [1,193 words] [Motivational]
Poor Daddy (Short Stories) Carl saw the freshly-dug hole and broke into tears... [438 words] [Literary Fiction]
Precious Lord, Take My Hand (Songs) This is another one of my favorite gospel songs. So, I am arrogant here in trying to pen a second or extra verse(I know of only one.). M. Jackson sings only one on a DVD I have of her. Anyway, if a... [50 words] [Spiritual]
President Branch 1954 (Plays) Pure innocence, of course, prevailed at that time, did it not? [313 words] [Comedy]
Quite Harmless You See (Short Stories) Then Peter had the oddest feeling. He’d never been afraid of the dark before. To him, danger was posed by humans, not by animals; least of all simple and innocent forest animals. [723 words] [Literary Fiction]
Rainy Christmas Eve (Short Stories) "How bad is it?" he managed to ask with great physical and psychological effort... [755 words] [Crime]
Ralph Carmichael: A Great American Musician (Non-Fiction) - [463 words] [Biography]
Randall Barfield Interviews Sage Sweetwater--Colorado Poet-Novelist Of The Sapphic Literary Genre (Non-Fiction) . [4,890 words] [Relationships]
Randall's Humble Analysis Of The Parable Of The Workers In The Vineyard (Non-Fiction) (Using the NIV version of the Bible) [635 words] [Spiritual]
Randy's Advice To Young Writers (Essays) - [807 words] [Motivational]
Realities (Poetry) - [7 words] [Writing Resource]
Reflective Essay On Classroom Discipline (Essays) This essay was written as part of the requirements for a course in elementary education. The teacher's comments are placed in parentheses and denoted as TC. Some of the problems have worked themselv... [2,676 words] [Writing Resource]
Religious Poems For Children (Children) - [691 words] [Spiritual]
Remembering Doug (Non-Fiction) I remember thinking at the time that they were such crybabies! [472 words] [Biography]
Sa'ad (Short Stories) Trying to look at history from another perspective. [295 words] [History]
Schoolgirl (Short Stories) - [937 words] [Crime]
Second Nature (Poetry) It's about a concrete finisher. [128 words] [Biography]
See A Rose (Poetry) - [35 words] [Motivational]
She Walked In Beauty (Poetry) - [32 words] [Movies]
Shit (Poetry) This poem is built around a word that is offensive to some, harmless to others. [187 words] [Writing Resource]
Should You Go To College? (Non-Fiction) Decisions confront us at every step in life. [503 words] [Teenage]
Some Caring Country Road (Poetry) Superstars leave indelible impressions on all of us, however, different strokes for different folks, of course. Anyway, I'll always be starstruck and enjoy trying to create tributes for those I love(... [193 words] [Nature]
Something Irresistible (Short Stories) Ten fingers? Who me? [231 words] [Humor]
Somewhere Near The Maricopas: Elizabeth Lucas-Taylor Interview (Non-Fiction) Elizabeth Lucas-Taylor, Arizona writer, poet, seeker, and dreamer, interview by Randall Barfield [4,700 words] [Mind]
Spare The Rod (Poetry) There's nothing funny about killing one's parents, I know, but it's only fiction. Right? Did Agatha Christie ever kill anyone despite a life dedicated to murder fiction? [109 words] [Humor]
Stand By Me (Songs) There are 2 songs titled Stand By Me that I know of. The more famous one was recorded by Ben King and John Lennon. The other, less famous but no less beautiful, was recorded by Elvis Presley (and wh... [74 words] [Spiritual]
Take Her Pompoms (Poetry) What's a mom worth in May? [25 words] [Relationships]
Ten Baby Jesus Poems (Children) The noise of the cock's crow woke them up A brand new day came bursting forth... [272 words] [Spiritual]
Ten More Baby Jesus Poems (And The Last Of Them) (Children) (Wind and rain roared outside The walls of the stable shook...) [237 words] [Biography]
Ten--Hour Weddings (Essays) About South American weddings. [510 words] [Humor]
Terence And Abelardo--Set Four (Plays) - [1,652 words] [Relationships]
Terence And Abelardo--Set One (Plays) This is planned as a series of vignettes, each with its own title. Terence is from an English-speaking country but lives and works in a Spanish-speaking one. Abelardo is Spanish-speaking orginally a... [971 words] [Relationships]
Terence And Abelardo--Set Three (Plays) - [1,549 words]
Terence And Abelardo--Set Two (Plays) Each set contains 4 shorts. [1,274 words] [Relationships]
That Little Spark (Poetry) - [22 words] [Motivational]
The 2nd Church Sign (Non-Fiction) Thou shalt go and spread... [677 words] [Spiritual]
The Best Christmas (Poetry) The best Christmas means different things to each one of us. [99 words] [Spiritual]
The Big It (Poetry) - [24 words] [Relationships]
The Breakfast Nook (Short Stories) . [246 words] [Spiritual]
The Candy In The Woods (Children) - [467 words] [Adventure]
The Chocolate Bunny Of Stone Mountain (Children) "Somebody has been bad," Susan says, "and..." [522 words] [Popular Fiction]
The Cold March Air (Poetry) - [15 words] [Erotic]
The Color Of My Actions (Poetry) Sometimes we think too much about color and not enough at important things. [73 words] [Motivational]
The Comfort (Poetry) No one can bring him back. No one can forget him either. [250 words] [Biography]
The Cry Baby (Short Stories) - [615 words] [Teenage]
The Death Of My Mom (Essays) A short reflection on a lack of tears for my mom. [565 words]
The Donkey Farm (Children) None of the donkeys wore a watch, of course, so they couldn't be dead sure... [365 words] [Fable]
The Double Cure: A Closer Look (Non-Fiction) - [1,118 words] [Spiritual]
The Evil Of The Visa System (Essays) Looking, looking for that Utopia. As always. [479 words] [History]
The France You Never Got To See (Poetry) How many people wanted to see France and never got a chance to? [67 words] [Motivational]
The Godless Home(Life) (Non-Fiction) Basically, this is written from experience. [661 words] [Self-Help]
The Goodbye (Short Stories) My 2nd attempt at a 'western'. It won a cherry at abctales.com (shoebox) [752 words] [Romance]
The Gravity (Poetry) Former Beatles member George Harrison died in November, 2001. This poem was conceived and written near the musician's death. [81 words] [Psychology]
The Hands (Poetry) - [12 words] [Horror]
The Head Of State's Eyes (Poetry) - [42 words] [History]
The Hour (Poetry) - [10 words] [Spiritual]
The House On No Street (Poetry) Move over, Stephen King! [53 words] [Horror]
The Human Condition(By The Pessimist) (Poetry) - [19 words] [History]
The Jubilee Surprise (Plays) Perhaps daydreaming. (This was written first in 2002, of course.) Today, July 2005, I look back at the word daydreaming and think: Wasn't I ever! Of course, we now know the monarch is trying to break... [514 words] [History]
The Little House In The Woods (Children) Children can enjoy these new little poems. We were in a "wooded" area on vacation recently and the idea came to me to jot these down. [313 words] [Literary Fiction]
The Lyrics For That Macho-Man, He-Man, Tough-Guy Shit (Poetry) . [278 words] [Literary Fiction]
The Moon In That Movie With Cher (Short Stories) - [901 words]
The New House (Short Stories) - [404 words] [Horror]
The New House Near Campus (Short Stories) - [422 words] [Horror]
The People I Prefer (Poetry) - [47 words]
The Power (Short Stories) "I have to get home. I have to get home..." [1,137 words] [Drama]
The Road (Non-Fiction) But he felt happiness. At last. After such... [576 words] [Motivational]
The Rose Tree (Poetry) A poem about the passing of life and nostalgia. [291 words]
The Scent Of Provincial Orchids (Short Stories) - [940 words] [Literary Fiction]
The Turn Of Your Old Key (Poetry) - [55 words] [Romance]
The Very Best Poems (Poetry) - [36 words] [Motivational]
There Is A Love That Is Matchless (Songs) These lyrics have music (by Guess Who) if anyone is interested. [91 words] [Motivational]
There Will Be No Losers (Poetry) - [146 words] [Motivational]
They Started A War (Poetry) -"One is left with the horrible feeling now that war settles nothing; that to win a war is as disastrous as to lose one." Agatha Christie (1977) [70 words] [Spiritual]
Thin Air (Short Stories) ...you'd think it impossible that one man could terrorize an entire nation but,of course,... [874 words] [Crime]
Third Interview With President Branch (Plays) Here go the Pres. and Barabas(Barb) again. Give me a rating 1 to 10 on it. I say 8.0 (If you don't love yourself, who else is gonna?) I also wanna say that I am not a hater of the president. After... [536 words] [Comedy]
This Thirst (Poetry) - [29 words] [Psychology]
Thomas Andrew (Children) He and Mr. Tindley didn't go away. Their music and words didn't either... [388 words] [Biography]
Thorn And Rose (Poetry) - [66 words] [Teenage]
Those Images (Poetry) - [30 words] [Relationships]
Three Poem Collection (Poetry) No particular description. The reader will judge. Titles are: Poem for Cathy; Ingots; and The Saltless Sea. [252 words] [Relationships]
Three Poem Collection No. 2 (Poetry) These poems are supposed to be "lite". Titles are: bug off; Fat Farm Arrival; and Bleak Anniversary. [66 words] [Humor]
Three-Song Collection (Songs) Two are supposed to be spiritual and one a ballad. The author's music is available for evaluation. Sometimes the strong part of a song is its music, at others the lyrics. [410 words] [Spiritual]
Tight Jeans 1 (Short Stories) - [264 words] [Romance]
Tight Jeans 2 (Short Stories) - [246 words] [Romance]
Tight Jeans 3 (Short Stories) ... but she was no rose... That's a joke... [228 words] [Romance]
Tight Jeans (4) (Novels) - [187 words] [Romance]
Tiny Poem (Poetry) - [10 words] [Romance]
To An Old Widower (Poetry) - [109 words] [Literary Fiction]
Treeeees (Children) - [69 words] [Nature]
Tropical Baby (Songs) Nothing like sand and palm trees occasionally. [125 words] [Romance]
Trying To Cross (Poetry) . [42 words] [Humor]
Turning To Him (Essays) No description. [354 words] [Motivational]
Two Great North Americans (Non-Fiction) -This is a short piece about a work of love and persistence. When these two elements are present, results are inevitable and these results have been outstanding. LEGACY ... [653 words] [Motivational]
Uncle Reggie's Study Room (Short Stories) - [268 words] [Literary Fiction]
Under The Sun (Essays) What happens in real life is that we humans are vicious one to the other... [839 words] [Relationships]
Unemployment: Cum Laude And The Greatest Terrorist (Essays) 2-cents' worth about employment? [563 words] [Writing Resource]
Unlucky Strike (Poetry) - [41 words] [Humor]
Urban Frat. (Short Stories) - [216 words] [Teenage]
Walter Disney: Changing The World And Making People Laugh (Children) Hard work? Genius? Combo? Combo! [579 words] [Biography]
Warm Night (Short Stories) - [303 words] [Horror]
Wee Thanks Giving 2005 (Poetry) Once a year isn't too often, is it? [169 words] [Motivational]
Wesley Beaver Commemorative Poems (Children) - [772 words] [Fable]
What Did Jose Say? (Poetry) - [149 words] [Comedy]
What Would He Think? (Essays) An attempt to look at ourselves constructively. [559 words]
Where's Our Tommy Lee? (Poetry) - [52 words] [Comedy]
Why Is He Calling? Or (Pass Me Not) (Non-Fiction) She's dead (Frances Jane or Fanny) but she isn't. Right? [706 words] [Spiritual]
Wide Flowers (Poetry) - [189 words] [Teenage]
Wine Of A Different House And Colour (Poetry) - [74 words] [Literary Fiction]
Workers In The Vineyard (Non-Fiction) . [635 words] [Spiritual]
World Cubanization--Afghanization (Essays) A brief essay about some things we cannot change in this world and the dreariness of a totally-poor world structure. [775 words]
X Great Reasons For Not Being Rich Or Famous (Non-Fiction) Any suggestions for No. 15? [284 words] [Self-Help]
You Can Keep Your Fking Jesus-God (Non-Fiction) . [480 words] [Spiritual]
Your Red, Red Heart (Poetry) ...You might with flair and a bit of art... [73 words] [Motivational]
Zinnias And Tea (Poetry) A poem for Miss Helen Keller, 1880-1968. NOTE: Fifty-percent of the income from the sale of this poem will be turned over to the Carter Center. [95 words]
Hospital Room
Randall Barfield

This is another sad story based on a true incident, so, if you don't feel like getting your spirits down, read it some other time--that is, if you want to read it some day. I will tell you that when some of our friends and acquaintances first heard about the incident, some laughed a bit as if it were just another joke. I was anything but amused, to say the least, and let them know it. The Lord knows there are some sad people in this world who will laugh at anything. I'll never forget when Kennedy was assassinated and some of those people around me--known and unknown by me-- laughed as if the leader of the country were nothing special. But back to the story. My heart truly went out to my neighbor, Clara, and her family. Fortunately, Clara's kids are grown now, getting married and having kids of their own. At least she was spared the trying lot of becoming a young widow. I was alone and it was a week night. I don't remember the day, but it's not important, I suppose. Clara has been a neighbor of mine for years and we have often helped each other out not to mention frequently lending recipes to each other, celebrating good news with both families or just reminiscing a bit over a cup of that fabulous coffee we have here in this part of the world. As I said, I was alone when I heard some sort of commotion next door. Well, usually, there can be quite a bit of commotion over at Clara's what with her grown kids, their husbands and wives and the grandchildren... But this time the commotion seemed out of the ordinary. Plus, I just had this feeling. Of course, I went over and knocked. I
would see for myself. Maria, one of Clara's daughters, answered the door. In tears. Her face was swollen and she had one of her young kids on her hip.
"What on earth?" I couldn't help but ask aloud. I looked quickly around to see who was in the living room, as much as possible anyway. But there were only family present. No strangers, police or any people of that sort.
"It's daddy," Maria mumbled between sobs. We both tried to hug somewhat clumsily.
"William?" I cried. "What on earth has happened to him? Don't tell me..."
"Come in," Maria cried. "Mom's still here. She'll have to tell you.
William, the husband and father, of course, had been in the hospital a few weeks now because he'd had open heart surgery. But we'd all been to visit him time and again and had always found him in the best of spirits and improving with the speed of lightning. Not only that, but the doctors had assured us time after time...and they were well-known doctors in the city. Not only that, the hospital was one of the best. But as I was saying, the doctors had assured us of the total success of the operation. New plumbing, they'd laughed.
Of course I went in, following Maria. There was my dear Clara on the new green sofa she and I had found not more than two months ago. William had reluctantly agreed for her to buy it, but that was William, of course. He was an accountant who did fairly well in our environment. Any purchase that was made was always preceded by William's reluctant agreement. Clara would always tell him she didn't know exactly how much was in his sacred bank account but that when his time came up for the other world, not a cent would be accompanying him. "Centavo", I guess I should be saying for here that's what we have. He'd answered no, a centavo wouldn't be accompanying him but it would stay here and accompany her. Would she not still have needs, etc.?
"Clara, what in blazes? Don't tell me...it didn't work! His heart. I'm so sorry, dear. Truly."
"No, not his heart. He was killed. Two men."
She could hardly talk, the poor thing. Besides some of the family having already been there when the phone call came and on my arrival, other members began arriving one or two at a time. The apartment would be filling up in a short time.
"Killed?" I repeated in shock as if such a notion were dumped on us for the first time by some aliens from outer space. "What do you mean? Who...?"
"She can't talk," Maria's husband, Carlos, said as he took my arm. "Here, let's go into another room. I'll explain it to you."
What Carlos explained to me in another room was one of the biggest shocks of my life. We all know in this city and country that we live in a dangerous place and that no one, not even a general or a police commissioner, is ever truly safe, even right under the nose of the police headquarters, but this was too much to bear. It wasn't fair, I felt, to Clara and her family. What transpired in the hospital is the following (and it's a true story-- take my word for it): William's last name is Diaz. Diaz in Spanish-speaking countries is much like Smith in the English-speaking countries. So, you can imagine what's coming. The revered hospital happened to have two William Diazes simultaneously for a few days. The other William Diaz, as we now know, had connections with a mafia of some sort(no offense intended to Italians, whom we all love just as much as anyone else, not to mention their food, wine, etc.) and was, to put it short, "wanted" by them. When they learned he was a patient in this hospital, they sent two hitmen dressed in disguise into the hospital to "eliminate" William. The other William, of course. But the hitmen(sicarios we call them here) had no idea that two William Diazes were patients in the hospital. And so...
I'm just glad none of us went to the hospital and had to see the room with blood all over the place, etc. Crime scene, they call it. We remember William in our minds for the wonderful and friendly person that he was and that's that. Clara, bless her, has still not gotten over Williams' death and I feel certain it will not be anytime soon. We all do as much as we can to help her yet our attempts, I fear, are so feeble. I sometimes doubt I'd have survived the shock in her place. One's heart can only take so much. Here in our large, unruly city, we all are subject to "heart tests" on a daily basis. Would you believe it?



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© 2006 Randall Barfield
October 2006

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