In early 2002 shortly after the tragedy of 911, the author of this site was guided to Egypt for some reason absolutely unknown to him at the time. What transpired was a meeting with a German Reiki master who proceeded to give him his first intense full body chakra and kundalini healing. Some unseen force was guiding events in those next 2 weeks as the author tried to leave the Sinai area to continue travelling the rest of the country but a higher plan or force seemed to work against his every wish and so he settled and waited intuitivly for some kind of syncronistic event. The lady (whose name was Hadra) through meditation, was told that herself and the author were about to have a meeting with the ancient sky gods, and amazingly that very same night began a 48 hour long meteor storm like nothing that could be imagined by a city dweller. Through another meditation she was told that the author in a past-life was an ancient Egyptian scribe and would write a book of awakening with the help of a timeless entity named Dr Mu, whose name comes from the great ancient sunken civilization of Lemuria that was devastated before 13,000BC.Over 5 years, all types of information were recorded and in 2007 the work was completed. And this is Dr Mu's message.
(In the many parts of the book which follow, you will notice within the text many words or phrases in brackets.These are for your own research, to be typed into a search engine on the internet as singulars or in combinations.The words in bold are either to show myself shouting, or a conversation between two characters, or just a clever phrase that i thought i might highlight). [1,617 words]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (3) Paid And Published (Songs) Something amazing just happened [87 words] [Adventure] Published And Paid (Poetry) A new discovery online which opened up a world of possibilities [87 words] [Finance] The Aurora Frequency Part 1 (Short Stories) Introduction 26,000 years ago within the lost paradise of Hyperborea behind the Arctic ice at the centre of the earth plane. A master teacher made a secret pact with his greatest student known as ... [211 words] [Spiritual]
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