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Short Stories

Toy Soldier Blues by Richard Evans coming of age [929 words]
Hero Forever by Sf Rick Ferro's heart bleeds every day at his past. It haunts him even to this day.... [1,488 words]
Jewish Mother by Randall Barfield Trying to make Him and those near Him more alive, more real, and hopefully, with more exposure. [396 words]
A Purple Jacket by Randall Barfield - [494 words]
The Perfect Execution by Dexter Smith An overly depicted telling of a recent possible outcome in the life of a 22 year old. [395 words]
The Lamplighter by Chris Michael Taylor A literary, social commentary of man’s infinite solitude seen through the eyes of a troubled ol... [2,249 words]
The Day The Evil Of The Band Died by Kayla L Jordan Just something I wrote out of pure rage when certain sections of the band wer... [267 words]
Once A Star Always A Star by Matt Lenox Fame will find you no matter what [1,076 words]
My Best Day by William L Sokolowski A comedic tragedy about a man finding love again. [1,982 words]
Money In The Back by Abel Articulate A young man finds himself taking place in a robbery that seems unsuited for his own view of h... [2,573 words]
I'm From Mars by Randall Barfield Historical fiction. [513 words]
Funny Like by Randall Barfield - [610 words]
Delivered! by Chris Michael Taylor Before the clock sewn over his chest reads 00:00 and the automatic rifles surrounding him unleash we... [5,457 words]
Caught by Jack Hunter Caught is driven from the start with suspence and graphic gore. Amongst a group of friends , One secret ... [8,799 words]
Blood Of Tears by Christcross Can you stop darkness or can it stop you. [78 words]
Blood Of Tears (Part 2) by Christcross A sequal from the first part. [71 words]
Awake And Bake Finn Again by Michael Potter A comic story of a day in the life of an older man. [4,425 words]
The Puzzle by Zombie Eyes I am not changing as much as different versions of the same story. [2,080 words]
The Janke Show by Jack Masters Jack Masters Janke struggles with fantastic, sometimes brilliant thoughts overshadowed by problems and failur... [3,908 words]
Sa'ad by Randall Barfield Trying to look at history from another perspective. [295 words]
Mrs:Gooddoer by Nicolette Walters it is about a 12-year-old girl. you'll read the rest [126 words]
Legendary Love by Joshua Meihaus The story of a man who loved so much, he was willing to die behind steel bars. [856 words]
It Ws Only A Name by Sooz Murder Mystery [2,440 words]
Hope Springs by Df Mart A disappointed senior manages to look ahead. [276 words]
God Is Dead by Jamar Graham A short story musing on the last day of God. [1,227 words]
Enterprise by Sooz Flash challenge piece working on the inspiration word of 'Innovation' [343 words]
Couples Therapy by Bryn Lee Lovitt A husband and wife meet a peculiar therapist. [2,123 words]
Chef Henri And The Lemon-Meringue Pie by M Schied A retelling of the fairy tale, Rumplestiltskin, set in the modern culinar... [1,717 words]
Ace Of Spades by Joshua Meihaus Imagine if a single playing card could change your life, and tear apart your family. [1,566 words]
A Time To Live by Sooz Challenge piece. It had to be drama and it had to contain an affair at work. This isn't drama an... [1,504 words]
Paloma Pena by Sunny Sigh! so many girls, so little time. [385 words]
What Kind Of An Idiot Commits A Robbery In Broad Day Light? by Matt Lenox Find out what kind of an idiot commits a robbery in... [92 words]
Virginia Planter by Shelley J Alongi Thomas Jefferson is asked to write in the service of his country. I found this on a disc with ... [3,016 words]
The Most Common Obsession by Jeffrey Lee Williams An obsession that has even haunted me. [1,709 words]
The Good Samaritan by Jeffrey Lee Williams A good deed.... [1,547 words]
State Of Mind by Joshua Purdom A boy tells the story of how he ended up in hell. [865 words]
Sinners by David Doc Byron A collection of sinful stories [4,540 words]
Project Code5-Rogers Park Quadrant by Paul B Kramer THEY'RE HERE! [213 words]
Not Enough Hours In A Day by Peter Halpin For those people who say there's never time to do something - there is! Don't sit aro... [715 words]
Moonlight by David Doc Byron A collection of vampire tales [7,859 words]
Late For Dance... by Sarah Robertson - [340 words]
Invincible Rum by Anna Adamin - Raasveldt About an inspiring friendship between the 2 women living in Australia. One was holocaust surviv... [1,102 words]
Intelligence Gained, Innocence Lost by Graham Reynolds Intelligence Gained, Innocence Lost [609 words]
Figures by Sooz Observational [549 words]
Deserted by Sarah M Wylie This story is about a girl who lives her life on a deserted island and continually has to deal with a ... [673 words]
Dead Still by Jamie Reynolds A take on Stephen King's 'On Writing' exercise. [3,531 words]
Camelot’S Troubadours by Michael Potter Utopia meets Euphoria, Political healing in an alternate universe. The Beatles play at JF... [1,513 words]
Broken Various Authors by David Doc Byron a collection of short fiction and poetry [2,749 words]
Arena by Robert Levin A man finds a way out of his midlife crisis. [1,495 words]
Always And Forever by Kaitlyn Goodwine I wrote a vinette about personal expiernences, and things I love in life. [500 words]
Alessandro's Unexpected Traverse by Michael Potter A mountain climbing accident results in a modern Gulliver's Travels. [11,857 words]
A Wiseman Once Told Me by Kevin J Merfeld A creative and philosophical story of the development of self-consciousness, and the hum... [6,089 words]

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an extension on my character Tenakahan
[1,671 words]
Chloe L Batey


I love reading my old stuff. It shows me how bad I really was. So I culled a little, getting rid of the truly terrible stuff, and leaving some of the semi-terrible stuff for laughs.

I've been published in a poetry book (The Nightingale). Oher then that I have no real 'accomplishment' when it comes to writing. I attempt to be honest in my work, drawing very rarely from my experience (I have a drama free and relatively boring life) and instead drawing on imagination and my family and friends.

I write better when I'm in a depressed mood. So that's why at the moment I rarely write. that and it doesn't matter if I write or not.
[November 2010]
A Boy And A Girl (Poetry) This poem is about a young boy and a young girl, this poem is in both of their perspective and the a 3rd person's perspective right at the end.. [141 words]
Alcoholic (Poetry) Pretty straight forward. [59 words]
Bad, But So Good (Songs) About a young girl and the wrong guy [186 words]
Beauty Of Death (Poetry) Really old. written four years ago. Really short. Opinions welcome. [12 words]
Black Stallion (Poetry) Really old. written four years ago. Really short. Opinions welcome. [19 words]
Dale (Poetry) My cousin Dale has just died, I'm writing this so I can take a load of my chest... [302 words]
Fallen Angel (Poetry) About someone very special (This poem is not personally directed at me). Please read and review, I mean you AUNTY KATE!!!! [123 words]
Fix You (Poetry) Written quickly, for all those who have been hurt by love. Hey GB. love you :) [109 words]
God & The Devil (Poetry) Really old. written four years ago. Really short. Opinions welcome. [12 words]
Good & Bad (Poetry) Really old. written four years ago. Really short. Opinions welcome. [13 words]
Happier Being Me (Poetry) About wanting to be somebody else [29 words]
How Funny It Is To Lose Someone. (Poetry) Haven't added anything in a while but here's my newest. About losing somebody you love and never thought you could live without... Dedicated to my two Cousins: Dale Lightfoot (17/09/83- 08/01/06) and... [127 words]
I Am Alone (Poetry) About being alone [92 words]
I Am Me (Or This Is Me...) (Poetry) With was basically a signal to my friends that not everything was "ok", or as it should of been which just goes to show how much people can change... (i never showed them the poem though.. hmm...) [84 words]
I Don't Think You Know How Much You Hurt Me (Poetry) Went through a stage where my father and I came to blows on every little thing. this is what came out of that stage. [100 words]
Jade (Chapter One) (Novels) A story I'm working on. no set time or place. I really need feedback though, cos I'm not entirely sure what's working and what isn't. [3,851 words]
Jade (Chapter Three) (Novels) As with the previous chapters, would really love some feedback. these are only drafts so there will be spelling/gramatical errors. I have tried to keep those at a minimum. Please review and critique. ... [4,178 words]
Jade (Chapter Two) (Novels) Chapter two of my story. Need feed back, so please tell me what's good and what isn't. Thanks. [2,164 words]
Jesus Christ (Poetry) About our lord and saviour Jesus Christ, Please review. [88 words] [History]
Love, Lola (Poetry) Dedicated to my cousin KMB, you're little girl is watching over you. To all those in need of reassurance, to all those in need of hope, this is for you. Kel I love you. [131 words] [Spiritual]
Love!! Sickening Stuff!! (Poetry) The bad side of love... [96 words]
Matt (Poetry) Another cousin died today (27th October) and I wrote this... [167 words]
Memories By Chloe L Batey (Poetry) Spur of the moment poem. Just playing around with the rhythm of it, hence the odd breaks in the stanza. [35 words]
My Imagination (Poetry) About a mother yelling at her daughter, and the daughter drifting off into her imagination so she can escape her mother's ear bashing. [255 words]
Old Lady (Poetry) Just what the name states. [49 words]
Page Of My Soul (Poetry) Really old. written four years ago. Really short. Opinions welcome. [21 words]
Perfect Female (Poetry) This poem is about a guy complimenting on a girl he thinks is perfect. is the lady you? [109 words]
Prologue (Novels) A story I'm working on. I don't have a title yet. And I don't even know If I'll finish the thing or not but here's the prologue. If you comment thankyou. [564 words]
Samuel (Poetry) Again this isn't a poem (really). I had to do it for English. the activity was called 'Extending Sentences' Please review. [186 words]
Something's Out There (Poetry) A bit dark and depressing, worth a read in my opinion. [73 words]
Song You'll Never Hear (Songs) - [245 words]
Stained Glass Window (Songs) Different views on life. email me if you have music ideas. will be interested in hearing them. [347 words]
Tenakahan (Poetry) This isn't really poetry... but I had to do it for English (my English teacher -Mr. Watkins- told me to go back and do it again about 5 times... He now tells me it's one of the best he's ever read :D)... [368 words]
The Answer To All Prayers (Poetry) Really old. written four years ago. Really short. Opinions welcome. [33 words]
The Game- By Clb (Poetry) Really old. written four years ago. Really short. Opinions welcome. [17 words]
The Nightingale (Poetry) I wrote this after i read the story by Oscar Wilde Please review this and my other two written peices I know its short but hey... [100 words]
The Rose Garden (Poetry) An old lady remembers... [274 words]
The Stalker (Poetry) About a stalker... Please review this and my other peices. [71 words]
The Truth- By Clb (Poetry) Really old. written four years ago. Really short. Opinions welcome. [29 words]
The War (Poetry) Really old. written four years ago. Really short. Opinions welcome. [18 words]
The Web (Poetry) It's a cross between lyrics and poetry, about being tangled in life and it's problems. it's basically about how sometimes being lonely and poor can be better. It's an obscure peace, and basically a "l... [172 words]
These Tears Of Blood (Poetry) I started to think of the idea after I got in trouble one night, but there was a block... then one day at school, it just came to me, and I think it is one of my best!! [49 words]
This Is Me... (Poetry) I wrote it as a sort of hint to my friends (I never showed them though) I was just out growing them and I had changed from what I usd to be... [83 words]
Touched By The Devil (Poetry) Pretty straight forward. Please review. [79 words]
Truth? Lies? (Poetry) Really old. written four years ago. Really short. Opinions welcome. [10 words]
Try (Songs) - [167 words]
Untitled 1 (Poetry) I went through a stage where I was depressed constantly and this was one of the peices that came out of it... Please comment [53 words]
War And Peace (Poetry) Dedicated to my Ucle: Daniel bennett. [250 words]
Wild Horses (Poetry) A really old one, written about four years ago. really short. opinions welcome. [10 words]
You Beautiful Stranger (Songs) Just about people [193 words]
(As Long As I Keep Walking) Walking The Road (Songs) A song about the hardships of life, and walking right through it. if anyone has an idea for the music PLEASE email me on chloebatey@optusnet.com.au. Thanks [186 words]
'why Me?' And 'bruised' And 'for The First Time' (Poetry) I wrote these because i had a few friends who were cutters, i wrote this to put it down and make the load a little lighter on my shoulders, in case your wandering most of them have stopped [280 words]

"hey that's pretty good girly! too bad it's just a short story! Continue writing. peace out dear" -- Jake.
"hey, Jake! Thanks a heap. I'm currently working on extending it... just finding the inspiration. thanks for reviewing" -- Chloe.


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© 2008 Chloe L Batey
March 2008

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