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Dreams Of A Blacken Heart
- [538 words]
Latina Torrence
- [February 2009]
Diary Of Lily The Sleeping Princess (Novels) - [9,259 words] [Adventure] Hang Me (Poetry) - [66 words] [Mind] Imitate (Poetry) - [185 words] [Mind] In The Mind Of A Soldier (Poetry) - [263 words] [Mind] Mother Fear And Father Death (Poetry) - [305 words] Release Me From My Masters (Poetry) - [195 words] So Afraid (Poetry) - [85 words] [Relationships] The Locker Room Secret (Short Stories) - [1,006 words] [Erotic]
Dreams Of A Blacken Heart Latina Torrence
It was innocent.... a virgin with pain. Never put thou self infront of another. Determine to please was be coming a second nature.He wrap it around his finger. Tying the knit tight. Dangle a knife making the determination to please was growing stronger. She thought of the disappointment cutting the string the pluge pirceing it. The fear of anything making such a secene turning the determination to please is a fading. Twisting it to the wanting of victory. Taking the dangling knife plungeing it into him. Watching his life wither. As she watch him die it grow black. Filling it self with lack of life distroying every part of her that was human. The cycle repeats with every man who tries to tame such a thing. Ending up dying internally. As she walks and lost wonder. Bump into a man. She ready to destroy him. Winding her arm perparing to claw through his heart.Stoping her in her tracks.Grabing her wrist pulling her hand down.Her hand began to warm from wrist down. She tried to pull away staring at the grin on his face. He began to move up his hand warming up each place. She trying to pull away. Reaching her shoulder heading for her chest.He stopped directly above her left breast.Put his left hand on her back.Applying pressure. She began to struggle with breathing.A warming sensation was covering over her body to her head and feet.Left with a one dark spot.He withdrewing his hand following it with a stream of what to be black paint.Pulling her body toward him as it was demanding to return the fear and pain.Pulled the last bit out as it withdrawn in his hand.He let out a growl there was the pain in the process of purifying.There she stood steadly breathing.Pulling back her shirt revealing her freashly renew skin she stared at the hand print. Watched it as it sunken and fade away.Staring at her savor with no desire to hurt him.As he moved toward her ,she backed away.He had something more powerful then anything.Wanting to run away yet something else burned.The same feeling she got from her first.He came closer.She wanted to turn in run.It was impossiable for her feel what they call love.Her feet stood it's ground but her no longer blacken heart raced.There was one more part he has yet to warm.He was going to finish the job.Leaving no empty space.Press his lips on to hers.Let out a pleasureable moan. he spasing feeling of the pleasure spreading. Slowly lifting she warps her arms around him.Making their heart beat joining as one. Letting out a cold shudder. She must have left the window open again. Cracking open her eyes staring over next to her. Looking at a guy. it was getting about that time. he left her mark and it was time to go. Throwing on her cloths Leaving not even a note. She been leading him up for months and now she will disappear, Knowing he will be crushed.Once again she was in walking lost in wonder waiting to find another victim. Unless she will bump into a man who can case out the fear of pain of trusting another soul.That craves of be coming one with another heart.
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© 2009 Latina Torrence
February 2009