Famous 6 Chitrali Ghatak
This track revolves around 4 friends who live in a boarding school .They were Neha, Riya ,Rahul and Varun . As normal kids they were happy with their everyday lives .Then one day when Neha was roaming around the campus she saw that behind their building there were hundreds of slums where people were living a life of misery. Their children too couldn’t go to school. After watching all this Neha went and told her friends about it .They too were moved by their circumstances. Then they all decided that they ought to do something in order to improve the lives of those people. But they were also concerned that they alone cannot bring the change. They’ll also need help of others like someone who is an adult, with this thought in mind all 4 of them set out to look for someone and include them in their team. But no one from their school was willing to help them. Soon two little kids named Anu and Abhi came forward to help those poor people. They were orphans who lived in the nearest orphanage. Then Varun told them that he knew the commissioner of that area and he along with his wife might help them. Then they went to their house and were very excited to hear that the commissioner and his wife agreed to help them. But they told them that very soon they were leaving for a vacation so, they would be able to help them only after returning back. The children had decided they would never take the help of their parents or teachers because they knew that the elders would scold them. As we know children don’t have patience, so they started helping the poor on their own by providing them food and clothes. But very soon the MLA and Politicians of that area came to know of this and they became angry over this as taking bribe from these people through corrupt ways was their daily earning. When the children came to know of this, they became upset and resolved to take revenge from the politicians by showing them the right way. So, to escape from the eyes of these weary people the children started to help them at night, very quietly they used to come out of their boarding and consult the secretary of the orphanage home to seek ways to help the poor people. He told them that a no. of times, many good people had tried to change the society but failed to do so because of the corrupt politicians. So, the children resolved to make their own ways to bring the change. Then after a few days the commissioner and his wife returned from their vacation and started helping the children .One day while the children were coming out from there boarding, the security caught them red-handed. But luckily the commissioner and the security were friends, so he let them go and also managed their absence in the boarding. Then the children’s summer vacations approached and they had to go home. But they were worried, what would happen to their plans during the holidays. The commissioner assured them that during their holidays he would take care of the situation along with Anu and Abhi who were living there. After listening this, the four of them were very happy and they returned home peacefully. After a few quite days, the children received a call from the commissioner that all the slums in that area have been burned down and people were forced to leave that place. The children were shocked to hear this and some way or the other pleaded with their parents to grant permission to return to the boarding. After getting the permission all four of them went back to the boarding. They were just thrilled to see the situation there and sensed very well who had done all this. They were none other than the ‘Netas’.
But the children didn’t lose hope and urged the people to trust them. Still the problem persisted because to do anything they needed money, now the question was who will give money to the children? Then, while inspecting the area Rahul came across a poster which was about a beauty contest of girls aged 13 years and above. He went and told the others about it. Then along with the commissioner all of them decided that Neha can take part in the contest as she was 14. At
first she was not willing to contest but after thinking about it and mostly about the Rs. 50,000/-
She would get if she won, she decided to participate. The wife of the commissioner agreed to teach her how to present oneself in the contest. After practicing for a few days the day of the contest arrived. Neha was very nervous before the contest began. But as the contest started she soon regained her senses and everyone was surprised with the way she walked the ramp. After the competition was over, the results were announced and as one could guess it Neha won the contest and she got Rs. 50,000/- in cash and a trophy. All of them including the commissioner then decided that they would donate the money to the below poverty line people. But then suddenly Riya remembered that the contest will be aired live on television and Neha’s parents too would watch it and ask them about the money. What excuse would they give them then? Neha then said that she would ask the media persons not to disclose about the money then her parents would not ask for it. Everyone liked the idea and the things went smoothly in a proper order.
In the meantime, the commissioner had a sent a letter to the prime minister disclosing the determination of the six children. The PM had praised it and he asked the children to be nominated for the National Bravery Award.
During the ceremony, all six of them gave wonderful speeches and won accolades for their hard work and dedication to the people of the country.
When their parents and teachers came to know of this they too were filled with pride and gratitude. Not only this, they also got the corrupted politicians arrested and urged the government to provide shelter, health and sanitation facilities and set up ration shops.
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