That's My Life by Cedric McClester No it ain’t pretty/ Yeah it’s damn right gritty/ But that’s my life/ And I don’t apologize/ I wo... [205 words] She's So Pretty by Fred Hardy Song about nothing. [231 words] California by Fred Hardy - [306 words] Angie's Song by Fred Hardy Trying to put it back together after tragedy and hope are gone. [350 words] Your Leaving by Fred Hardy - [198 words] How Good It Use To Be by Fred Hardy - [268 words] Lost Paradise (Song) by Fred Hardy -something a little different about the burden of life here in the twenty first century, i... [308 words] Until We Meet Again by Stork An optimistic look at a long distance relationship [268 words] Lifeline (A Call Away) by Stork I wrote this when someone close ot me was going through a tough time, it tells you to ke... [148 words] Memories Of Our Future by Stork An honest reflection on loss. [132 words] More Violence In Iraq by Cedric McClester More violence in Iraq/ But soldiers keep being sent back/ Too few do we extract/ And the ... [230 words] Just As Long. by Andrew Detar - [197 words] I Realize by Andrew Detar - [165 words] Why,Why,Why by Andrew Detar - [101 words] Your My Angel, Your My Baby by Andrew Detar - [92 words] Far Away... by Andrew Detar - [144 words] I Haven't Made It To Broadway by Cedric McClester I Haven't Made It To Broadway is about holding on to one's dreams. [212 words] Why Not A Date Certain? by Rapadamus Why not pull the curtain/ And declare a date certain/ For bringing our troops back home... [232 words] (Can't Live) Without You by Rini Compere I wrote it when I was exreamly bored...I want to know if it's any good. [139 words] You're Not Here by Shannon Treucker Its a song I wrote by myself about love how a guy just walked out on this girl and she doesn't ... [165 words] Would It Be? by Crystalrae States I wrote this a few years ago pertaining to a boy that I thought I wanted to be with. [122 words] Why Ring The Alarm? by Rapadamus This is an answer to Beyonce's new release, Ring The Alarm. [303 words] Whose Life Is It? by Cedric McClester Got a question Whose life is it/ Who I love Isn’t your bizness/ I don’t need Your forgiveness... [253 words] When Will You Say? by Melody Starbeck About when a girl likes a boy. She tells the boy she likes him and wonders when he'll tell h... [170 words] Whats Right by Shannon H Stotz - [110 words] Venom In Her Dying Eyes by Jamie Popay Its a song I cameup with a short while ago, I love writing songs and have many more to ... [144 words] Unopened Door by Pricilla Hughes This is about how I feel so trapped inside of my head and just can't find the way out because no ... [123 words] True Or A Lie? by Nicky Rothschild This is a love song about well me really.... cause my boyfriend is actully doing this..... heh a... [510 words] Trippin' Sunshine by Brian C Lebron You can hear this on my "Stillborn Afterbirth"profile on myspace.Feel free to check it out an... [42 words] Too Many Times by Katie D Short A song about someone who has been hurt and proved wrong all her life. [151 words] Thought It Was Love by Nicky Rothschild Why do you say he loves you when he is out flirtin'/ I can see you are hurting/ Yet you ref... [432 words] This Way We Come... by Cedric McClester This way we come/ And this way we’ll go/ Exactly when None of us know/ So live each day As ... [208 words] That’S Just How It Is by Cedric McClester A love song in the Ne-Yo, Omarion, Chris Brown mode. [248 words] Stupid Lik' Girl by Nicky Rothschild How much more can you stand to be like this/ Or do I need to keep your parents guessing on who... [707 words] Stand By Me by Randall Barfield There are 2 songs titled Stand By Me that I know of. The more famous one was recorded by Ben King ... [74 words] Song... by Paige Wakefield Its a song..woo! [204 words] Sluts by Nicky Rothschild Oh there goes one now thinking she's all that/ But my friends and I know that her and her kind are just f... [367 words] She Has Me Open by Cedric McClester She has me open/ I have to admit/ She turns me on/ Because she’s the shit [207 words] Scared To Dance? by Nicky Rothschild Come on guys dance on that dance floor/ Come on girls get them begging for some more/ Move tho... [271 words] Precious Lord, Take My Hand by Randall Barfield This is another one of my favorite gospel songs. So, I am arrogant here in trying ... [50 words] Out Of Thin Air by Cedric McClester This song was inspired by a realistic dream. [202 words] Our Legacy by Enzo - [499 words] Only A Dare by Nicky Rothschild It was just a dare/ But we were not being fair/ We asked her to do something she didn't feel comfor... [396 words] One Fight I Cant Break Up by Steph Kidd of my friends dad's is gone to iraq and so I wrote a song kinda about that I ... [232 words] No More Lies by Cedric McClester I don’t wanna hear no more lies/ No rationales or alibis/ No conjured up reasons why/ One more sol... [272 words] Ninja by Wanderer Bass A short silly song about two ninjas. [49 words] My Skateboard In Your Face by Chad Naquin The best song in the world. the greatest lyrics ever. [21 words] Mother India Our Root Man by Amarjit Bhambra I Love reading on how other Silks like myself have settled in England and other parts... [168 words] Monique by Jonathon Brannon This is a song I wrote today for my girlfriend..She means the world to me....Tell me what you think.. [153 words] Midnight Flight by Enzo - [99 words] Mckenzie by Steph Kidd Well the name really has nothing to do with the song... but yea lol. [195 words] Mark Of The Beast by Cedric McClester When war rages on And will not cease That’s the mark of the beast/ When people call for But c... [268 words] Lonely Won't Let Go by Crystalrae States - [193 words] Lift Me Up Oh Lord On High by Jenniffer Jones Religious Song. [96 words] Lieng All Along by Alia Harold - [291 words] Leave Your Mark by Matthew Mark Gill Love No matter what we go through love shines through! [126 words] Jingle Balls by Chad Naquin A song with lyrics and music. [2 words] It Ain’T Enough For Us To Be Appalled by Cedric McClester It ain’t enough for us To be appalled/ Because the government Stumbled a... [177 words] I'm Seeing The Brightest Stars by Enzo - [210 words] I'm Searching For A Rainbow by Jenniffer Jones Religious Song. [148 words] I Miss Your Lips by Cedric McClester I Miss Your Lips is a forlorn love song. I miss your lips/ I miss your smile/ I miss talking t... [316 words] I Don’T Wanna Live Without... by Cedric McClester I don’t wanna live without The passion we once shared/ When it was so obvious Tha... [187 words] I Dont Know You Anymore by Shannon H Stotz Its about two friends that have been getting into fights and the one girl just wants to... [151 words] I Am True by Shaneka Bragg This song is basicly about a couples way of trying to show each other that there feelings are true an... [139 words] Hello Beautiful by Enzo - [120 words] Heartshock by Enzo As title is. [122 words] Heartfelt by Crystalrae States - [137 words] Heads Start Turnin by Cedric McClester You are everything/ That you’re suppose to be/ A superstar is what you are/ And It’s plain t... [205 words] Glad To Call You Mine by Nicky Rothschild It is mainly a love song of my realatonship. ^-^; I hope you like it. [474 words] Fly On by Crystalrae States I wrote this out of frustration with my parental units [188 words] Find Myself by Randall Barfield Tune: Largo from Dvorak's "New World Symphony". [57 words] Find It by Matthew Braciszewski This song was written because I waited to long for the girl of my dreams. Now, she's slipped away! [325 words] Feeling Me by Alia Harold - [192 words] Fake Kiss by Jeni S Thomson This was written a few days after the guy I was in love with asked my friend out. I was torn apart an... [188 words] Extrodinary by Jessica Barth Writin about a month ago, (about me and a guy) [284 words] Everything To Me by Nicky Rothschild ....Something that happened earlier today. I hope you like it though and please give me some f... [598 words] Each Day I Died by Ian Stephens A story of a boy who wants to continue a realtionship with a girl but they arent aloud to see e... [134 words] Drift by Crystalrae States - [208 words] Don’T Explain by Cedric McClester Mr. President don’t explain/ I beg you to refrain/ You’re so Dick and Jane/ That your answers cau... [179 words] Desperate by Nicky Rothschild My life is so boring/ As my mom just goes out whoring. [215 words] Consequences (Rarely Come To Mind) by Rapadamus In the heat of the moment guys rare consider the ramifications and potential... [208 words] Brush Of Ya Shoulda( Mixtape Remix) by Ip' It is a song. [1 words] Brush Of Da Haterz( Jay Z Mix) by Big Evolence Benevolence Rap song. [404 words] Because Of You by Cedric McClester Because Of You is a spiritual song. [155 words] Battling You For You by Enzo - [158 words] Ain’T Jus You by Cedric McClester Sometimes we think that we are the only ones going through whatever we're going through. It ain’t... [224 words] A Bit by Nicky Rothschild There are things I must do there are things I must say. There are things people tell me to do like pray/ ... [268 words] Rollercoaster by Ryuichi Minamino A simple song. [119 words] I'm In Love (With You) by Ryuichi Minamino A little sorta maybe love song. [150 words] Never Again-Never Again by Rapadamus Never again Refers to who/ Is it just for The chosen few [172 words] Eight Second Ride by R S Leergaard A little advice on how to live. [208 words] (Intro) From The N.C. by Alia Harold - [50 words] Writings by Jostlin N Krause - [101 words] Wired And Fused by Tom Bomb - [142 words] Why'd It Have To Happen by Ryuichi Minamino A sad song, about accidents and pain. [125 words] Why, A Couple Of Questions by Alia Harold - [264 words] Who Are You Foolin? by Cedric McClester This song addresses the strong denials that public figures are apt to give before making an... [163 words] Where's This All Heading? by Rapadamus Brothers and sisters I’m talkin to you/ Do on to others As you would have them do/ Yo... [169 words] Where Did Katie’S Baby Go? by Cedric McClester Where Did Katie's Baby Go? is a parody on the spawn of TomKat, ie Tom Cruise and Kat... [133 words] What’S Wrong? by Rapadamus What’s wrong with that brother - man/ 50 mil and where’d he land/ Somewhere in the Motherland/ An... [280 words] What's All The Fuss by Rapadamus This song was inspired by Cee Lo Green, formerly of Atlanta's Dungeon Family, now known as ... [222 words] Us Being Together by Cedric McClester Us being together. Makes them uptight/ For them it’s just a matter Of black and white... [233 words] Unit 221 by Soldiers From The South Sol flo from our brand new album. [187 words] Trying Everything by Matthew Mark Gill Angel Girl get's all she ever dreams! [179 words] Too Much To Handle by Sammy Harris This song I dunno I wrote it in like 5mins haha but as always I wrote it but I cnt think of ... [157 words] Time Will Tell by Ryuichi Minamino - [515 words] Till I Die There It Goes by Carr A song I wrote. Please tell me what you think. [94 words] The Oceans Tide by Matthew Mark Gill Surf Dedicated to everyone at storymania and all that read my poems.. [97 words] The Mascara Song by Logan Greyy It is an amazing song my friends and I wrote about these girls who are our rivals who we beat ... [21 words] Termites Of Democracy by Russell Berwick I wrote this song because I couldn't help but notice how people would show more respect ... [125 words] Star by Cedric McClester You were a star Before they discovered/ You have a light That can’t be smothered/ Try though they may To h... [179 words] Sparkling by Ryuichi Minamino A hyper little song, its to parents to remind them when they were young. [153 words] Someone And Me by Amber Amanda Daigneault Rivard This is just a song we thought of and we didn't know if it was any good so we thought we would g... [62 words] Situations Change, Not People (Revised) by Matt R Kellaher Partly mirrors events in a relationship of mine in which an ex came bac... [305 words] Retreat (We Gotta Beat This Summer Heat) by Rapadamus The title speaks for its self. [202 words] Respect by Auto My First Rap Song. [270 words] Remember by Isador Kaeven This song is about the lives of the author and her boyfriend..and how they'll always remember what's t... [105 words] Please Dont Hate Me by Ryan Morales Just let me know what you think...please. [202 words] My Version Of Oh Little Town Of Bethlehem by Matthew Mark Gill Christmas Thanks to Phillip Brooks origianl Creator of the song. great job Bra.... [108 words] Money Isn’T Everything by Cedric McClester Money isn’t everything/ I never said it was/ But I confess As you might have guessed/ I... [154 words] Merry Christmas My Dear by Ryuichi Minamino I holiday tune. [143 words] Life Falls Apart by Aleisha Barr It's ok. [197 words] Letting All The Good Things Go by Steph Kidd This one's about how u wanna be with somebody so bad but u kno u dont need to be... [186 words] Lets Get This Party Started by Angel Babes Its about angel babes starting their new music career. [101 words] Let This Go by Sammy Harris I wrote this straight on to the computer this is abut a certain someone x. [222 words] Left On The Shelf by Tamsin Butler First attempt at a very bad song which was sparked by my mum's comment. [193 words] Jus Cos We Had Sex by Rapadamus This song is inspired by the situation many male celebrities find themselve in. [207 words] Jed's Beautiful by Brie And Brittney This song was written for a young couple by the name of Quenten and Jed Bush. They are gay toge... [200 words] It Was Done In God’S Name by Cedric McClester Many Christians don't make the distinction between God and Jesus. If they in fact are... [292 words] If I Had Know by Ryuichi Minamino - [186 words] I Remember (How It Was) by Ryuichi Minamino Its a song thats not based on rhyming, its a song about feeling, so maybe its not the b... [209 words] I Pity The Fool by Cedric McClester I pity the ones Who’ve lost all hope/ Who can’t find a way To manage or cope/ I pity those Lost... [169 words] I Had It All by Cedric McClester I had it all But really had nothing/ You came along And now I have something/ Worth treasuring The... [207 words] I Cry Everytime by Ryuichi Minamino - [230 words] How Would You Feel? by Rapadamus If it were someone you loved Buried in the rubble/ From a guided missile strike Launched to... [166 words] How Do You Say by Jess Somebody It's all about how you feel - and some other guy is there, except he's just a friend and the guy... [246 words] How Did It Come To This? by Jess Somebody A song most girls could probably relate to - about heartbreak, first love, and the hur... [323 words] Hidden In The Attic by Cedric McClester Hidden In The Attic was inspired by one of the London bombers. [218 words] Help by Ryuichi Minamino A song me and my friend Shuichi Sparkley wrote last year. [233 words] Go to page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 [70 ] 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84
Till I Die
This song took me ages but I still don't like I think it is the worst I have ever wrote! after I wrote this I realissed all my songs titles have really depressing names! [164 words]
Sammy Harris
- [August 2006]
Let This Go (Songs) I wrote this straight on to the computer this is abut a certain someone x. [222 words] Too Much To Handle (Songs) This song I dunno I wrote it in like 5mins haha but as always I wrote it but I cnt think of a tune to go with it on the guitar lol x. [157 words]
Till I Die Sammy Harris
all my life i've been waiting
Waitin for the perfect guy
when i turned around boy
you caught my eye
you were stood there
single and lonely
little did i know
you were my one and only
all i did was think about you
hoping that soon we would be true
all day long i pictured you
i pictured you with me
ive found you and im so glad
ive found the thing i never had
i never thought id find Mr right
i found you now please hold me tight
forever i'll love you
forever till i die
after wuite some time boy
yeah you went kinda cold
some nights id sit
wishing i had you to hold
but you'd always come
come to the rescue
because you knew i loved you
all i did was think about you
hoping that soon we would be true
all day long i pictured you
i pictured you with me
ive found you and im so glad
ive found the thing i never had
i never thought id find Mr right
i found you now please hold me tight
forever i'll love you
forever till i die
till i die
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© 2006 Sammy Harris
August 2006