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I Haven't Got The Heart by Chuk H MacDonald Everybody has at least one truth that is just too painful to face. Mine is that you are... [251 words]
Kasa by Scotty Cleary asasa [1 words]
Khjhjhj by Scotty Cleary ... [1 words]
Help Me Back To The Ground by Amarjit Bhambra Imagine singing this one on top of a mountain. [111 words]
Love On The Other Side by Amarjit Bhambra A song about a woman who died young and her husband is kind of forgotton her and married... [161 words]
Deeper In Life by Steph Kidd Like all my other songs...this one is depressing. [106 words]
All I Need by Desi Williams Depression, wanting love but not finding it, better things to come. Think Evanescence, Linkin Park,... [168 words]
You Helped Me Through by Breanna N Porrett A sad song...about a girl who finally finds out about herself. [134 words]
What's Real?! by Josh Anderson What's real in this world are the fallen, people who have something not quite right, from the hom... [512 words]
We're Only by Matteo Hodak This is about a sixteen year old lad who has the fancy for the girl who he is going out with, but al... [248 words]
Wasting Away by Marissa Gelardo When you read these lyrics, think of the bands: Linkin Park, Disturbed, Flaw or AFI. Hope you enjo... [89 words]
U Came Crashing Down by Steph Kidd Its a rock song...like all my other songs...uh... think of goo goo dolls/john mayer/simple... [135 words]
The Way You Make Me Feel by Matteo Hodak Well, this song I suppose is a about a lad who meets a girl and hes to shy to make a m... [251 words]
The Warrior Of Love And Passion by Amarjit Bhambra - [139 words]
The Long Goodbye by Matteo Hodak This song is about a guy who has tried everything possible to be the best boyfriend but his gi... [246 words]
The Long And Winding Journey by Matteo Hodak Well this about a guy who has gone through his ups and downs with his girlfriend a... [230 words]
Surreal Awakening by Desi Williams My first song on here, but definitely not my first song. Think Travis, Simple Plan. Please ... [86 words]
Shoebox Of Memories by Steph Kidd I wrote this about a month ago...i just never showed it to anybody...i found it in my noteb... [124 words]
Reality Hits Hard by Steph Kidd Its like...goo goo dolls/john mayer/avril lavigne...one of my friends...megan l...wrote a poe... [109 words]
Never Thought by Breanna N Porrett Its a fast energetic song thats kind of sad but its got a really cool vibe to it. [110 words]
My Demon by Marissa Gelardo When you read this...think of the bands Dimmu Borgir, Disturbed, or Linkin Park. [88 words]
Like Sugar And Cream by Amarjit Bhambra A little love song. [96 words]
Like A New Disease by Josh Anderson Rock / Rap. Rock singer in normal write, emcee in '[ ]' square brackets. This is for all the... [392 words]
Kristis Song by Brett M Swainston Song 4 my gf my greatest inspiration. [149 words]
It's Not My Imagination (I Did Belong To You) by Dri The words of another song. [162 words]
If You Wanna Dance by Breanna N Porrett Fast,energetic, makes you wanna get up and dance. [80 words]
I Miss You By The Day by Kutibah Chihabi - [157 words]
Honey by Rosales - [203 words]
Forever In Your Heart by Matteo Hodak This song is about a lad who is afraid to know if his girlfriend will know how much he lo... [196 words]
Epiphany by Brian C Lebron This one has got a real nice tapping style that coincides with the rythym as your strumming the chords... [90 words]
Don't Leave Me On My Own by Marissa Gelardo It's a love song! [146 words]
Done With Me by Steph Kidd Rock...kinda like...taking back sunday and goo goo dolls mixed...just give me some reviews on it. ... [123 words]
Dinner by Josh Anderson - [780 words]
Bring You Down by Brian C Lebron Sometimes distance can test relationships in ways that if survived can only make us stronger in ... [89 words]
Autumn Breeze by Jeremy Ray Dunlap A nocturnal haunting tale of unrequieted love. [139 words]
A Million And One Tries by Melissa A Trahan I am a 12 year old from Canada. I wrote this about 3 months ago. I do it to piano music... [204 words]
It's Hard To Move A Mountain by Brion' O Neil This is Life... [328 words]
Unplug Me by Josh Anderson More lyrics. When u read it, think of Linkin Park / Evanescence / KoRn / Seether. Hope it is an enjoy... [393 words]
The Darkness (Song) by Josh Anderson Yet another song. When u read it, think of Linkin Park / Evanescence / KoRn / Ramstein / Se... [422 words]
Smudge by Josh Anderson Lyrics. Think Cold Play, Evanescence, Avril Lavigne, Limp Bizkit (Like Behind Blue Eyes), Rammstein (slo... [201 words]
Pushing Away by Josh Anderson Yet another song. When u read it, think of Linkin Park / Evanescence / KoRn / Seether. Hope it is ... [1,041 words]
Puppet Smile by Josh Anderson Yet another song. When u read it, think of Linkin Park / Evanescence / KoRn / Seether. Hope it is ... [407 words]
No Compile by Josh Anderson Yet another song. When u read it, think of Linkin Park's rap and r&b style songs / the prodigy / ben... [612 words]
Just One More Kiss by Dri The words of a song. [130 words]
I Blame Myself by Josh Anderson Yet another song. When u read it, think of Linkin Park / Evanescence / KoRn / Seether. Hope it i... [557 words]
Hide And Go Freak by Josh Anderson Lyrics. Think Korn, Nine Inch Nails, SlipKnot, Stone Sour, Limp Bizkit. (Course Language, as ... [347 words]
Hard To Love by Josh Anderson Lyrics for song. Read for yourself. Hope it is a pleasurable read. [360 words]
Habits Are Hard To Break by Nash About the girlfriend that I couldn't make happy, and that almost led me to doing some ... [204 words]
Get Away From Me by Josh Anderson Yet another song. When u read it, think of Linkin Park / Evanescence / KoRn / Seether. Especia... [319 words]
Escape Esc by Josh Anderson Another song. When u read it, think of Linkin Park / Evanescence / KoRn / Seether. Hope it is an enj... [258 words]
Cupid by Josh Anderson Lyrics. Think Seether, Korn, Nine Inch Nails, Maybe even Nickel Back or Creed. [454 words]
Caught In The Moment by Josh Anderson Love / Relationship song, The song is supposed to be vocal and acoustic, in a very mellow ... [270 words]
Because I Cry by Josh Anderson Lyrics. Think Korn, Nine Inch Nails, SlipKnot, Stone Sour, Limp Bizkit. This one means a lot to m... [476 words]
A Fine Line
The Pact Ii by Jim E Bell Poem / song about love loss [190 words]
Our Wish For Us by Jim E Bell song poem about love pain and wanting [209 words]
Our Trip by Jim E Bell Poem / Song [96 words]
Looking For Water (In Joshua Tree) by Don Everett Pearce Impressions of a desert town in a sort of talking-blues form. To hear this ... [160 words]
Forever (Author: James Fitzgerald) by James C Fitzgerald - [109 words]
Be This Way by Jannah Akira - [109 words]
Backseat by Don Everett Pearce Late-night soliloquy from the back of a cab. A Manhattan lullaby. To hear this song: www.doneverettpe... [195 words]
The Pillow by Donna Leigh Dennison Lonely nights of being a trucker's wife. [114 words]
Tell Me Why My Heart Hurts by Donna Leigh Dennison Just another hurting song....please people, before you critique me too bad, please h... [116 words]
My Heart Can Never Mend by Donna Leigh Dennison This is just about the hard feelings of hurting and believing the other side cannot und... [152 words]
Baby Please Don't Go by Donna Leigh Dennison A girl leaving.....tired of being hurt...holding her head up high like a woman should....a... [171 words]

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A Fine Line
[60 words]
Brian C Lebron
[March 2007]
21 Guns' (Poetry) I remember as a child my father sharing with my brother and I stories about when he served for his country in the Korean War.Expressed with such graphical detail and conviction that I could never forg... [23 words]
A Deeper Blue (Songs) - [109 words]
A Different Place (Songs) - [66 words]
A Reflection Of Tomorrow (Poetry) - [63 words]
A Sunday Drive (Poetry) - [85 words]
All (Songs) Just a tune I recently wrote. [53 words]
All The Things.... (Songs) This isn't quite finished.But let me know what you think anyhow. [65 words]
Apparitions (Poetry) - [15 words]
Awake (Poetry) - [55 words]
Babylon (Poetry) - [70 words]
Blood & Wine (Poetry) This poem was inspired by Jim Morrison, his writings have been a big influence in my style of writing for quite some time. [58 words]
Born Again (Poetry) This was inspired by a poem on this website.This actually has 35 words not 13 [13 words]
Breathe To Speak (Songs) made some new changes let me know what you think. [158 words]
Bring You Down (Songs) Sometimes distance can test relationships in ways that if survived can only make us stronger in the long run. [89 words]
By My Side (Songs) - [123 words]
Discovering Tomorrow (Poetry) - [50 words]
Dispelling The Magic (Poetry) I think most of you will enjoy reading this one.It's something I just came up with.Let me know what you think. [34 words] [Mystical]
Epiphany (Songs) This one has got a real nice tapping style that coincides with the rythym as your strumming the chords.Feels real good reminds me of Godsmack or Alice in Chains. [90 words]
Fences (Poetry) This poem is about the day I escaped out the front yard when I was three. [70 words]
Four Walls (Songs) - [93 words]
Freak Show (Poetry) - [66 words]
Heresy (Poetry) This is a remake of another poem I wrote titled "Sacred Magic" let me know what you think. [93 words]
I (Songs) This is a little something I wrote lastnight strumming along with my acoustic.About my sobriety. [61 words]
Like A Bird (Poetry) - [77 words]
Like Raven Wings' (Songs) - [134 words]
Make Me Laugh (Poetry) This poem was influenced by a movie I watched a year or two ago.Check it out and let me know what you think. [38 words]
Must Be Something (Songs) Written for my fiance.Check it out and letme know what you think. [114 words]
My Eternal... (Poetry) This is something I wrote this morning.Let me know what you think. [40 words]
Nothing Safe (Songs) If everyone you trusted in failed you tomorrow how would it effect the outcome of the rest of your life? [68 words]
On Winter's Deathbed (Poetry) - [14 words]
Only One (Songs) - [60 words]
Paper Moon (Poetry) - [42 words]
Pay No Mine (Songs) This one reminds me somewhat of a style like Jack Johnson.It's got a catchy rythymn to it.Give it a read and let me know what you think. [150 words]
Sacred Magic (Poetry) - [41 words]
September (Poetry) - [21 words]
Take My Hand (Songs) This is a song I wrote for my fiance. [72 words]
The Canyon,The Hawk And The Dreamcatcher (Poetry) - [65 words]
The Innocence Of Youth (Poetry) The beginning of this poem has reference to a Native American myth,mixed with a style inspired by William Blake and a true event that happened to a childhood friend. [71 words]
The Lotus (Poetry) Haiku. [6 words]
The Memory Of Dreams (Poetry) - [50 words]
The Passing (Poetry) - [73 words]
The Poet's Muse (Poetry) I wrote this back a couple of years ago.Check it out and let me know what you think. [40 words]
The Premise Of Morning (Poetry) This poem is dedicated in the memory of Layne Staley. [49 words]
The Silence (Poetry) - [27 words]
The Wake Of My Desire (Poetry) - [58 words]
This Love (Songs) - [61 words]
Trippin' Sunshine (Songs) You can hear this on my "Stillborn Afterbirth"profile on myspace.Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think. [42 words]
Waking Twilight (Poetry) Not so sure about the title.let me know what you think. [50 words]
Words' To Say (Poetry) - [16 words]
...In Hell (Songs) I wrote this for my daughter.Hope you like it. [59 words]
...With My Bones (Songs) This song was influenced by The Doors.But to hear it on my 2nd CD would be a real treat. [19 words]
A Fine Line
Brian C Lebron

tomorrow,you will find
that i walk a fine line
between both worlds'
that i could never learn
       too let go
of what it was
calling you back,retracing
every step
i walked for miles
too understand
to discover what i can
from Barstow to Kingman
to renew my broken faith in
discarding the thought
of what once was
for a skyline of a gold sun
between both worlds
that i could never learn
       too let go



"this gave me goose bumps...beautiful!" -- km.
"Thanx,km for the good review,much appreciated." -- Brian L.


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© 2005 Brian C Lebron
January 2005

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